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Ho„ andwhen da the B ishops o f the CPSA in ten d to implement the statem ent which

they cade in A p r il 1977 „ hen they f i r s t observed

th a t i s d eve lop in g on our b o rd ers and

th a t " in the armed s tr u g g le

co u ld e a s i l y spread in t e r n a l ly a g r ie v o u s

s itu a t io n a r is e s f o r a l l who are concern ed about th

d ec la red that "we can o n ly prom ise w ith

le use o f v io le n c e " , and then

G od 's h e lp to g iv e le a d e r s h ip in an

on goin g C h r is t ia n exam ination o f t h is t r a g ic s i t u a t i o n " and "we in ten d to

p u b lish r e f l e c t i o n s from tim e to tim e as in c e n t iv e s to C h w * fin c e n t iv e s to C h r is t ia n p ra y e r , thought

a n d c o m m i t m e n t " ? ( SE E K , J u n e 1 9 7 7 , p a g e 2 )

^ w / l K v ^ V'r? ^

L v i j l a «l ^ f . ^R u b r i c

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-jbi . (too tt^crw CKS Jx>lLo'-iS

(4fy^Tlt^i4rni£^iMa*^ti^u^.miJL±^^hy £tnann T). -Jw m a jrV

( ’) W - Has the C.P.S.A- laid any evidence before the Schlebusch Commission

on Constitutional Reform in the R.S.A. as some of the Afrikaans

Churches have done?

<?)*«• If not, is there any possibility of this being done, in the form

of resolutions of previous Provincial Synods, for example?

"Tikc. c« . a)e<r€-eC £V-5 -^crtttsLcS

^ ^ Q uuA ^ **2

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ftov<2*l A r ^ ^ t x ^ r W A-b>i4«’<vs^ SZ afrJU z* E - K .

t t o s d ^ o a ^ j z /


Whereas It is desirable that there be a common framework within which the pastoral discipline of the Church be exercised;

And Whereas The disciplinary directions appearing in the Rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer are not always easy to discern;

And Whereas It is desirable to link post-baptismal discipline with pre-baptismal discipline;

And Whereas The principles underlying pastoral discipline should be known to the members of the Church;

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 40 be amended by the deletion of

the entire paragraph “ When the Bishop.... shall be final” andthe substitution of the following;—(1) No person other than an infant or young child shall be

baptized, save in the case of emergency, until he has received such form of instruction in the principles of the Christian faith as has been approved by the Bishop ofthe Diocese.

(2) When adults are to be baptized, it shall be the duty of the Incumbent to notify the Bishop of their names before the baptism takes place, in cases where this is possible, and in any case not later than fourteen days after the baptism.

(3) When adults are baptized, it shall be the duty of the Priest to present them to the Bishop for Confirmation as soon as conveniently may be.

(4) When infants or young children are baptized, it shall be the duty of the Priest to ensure that the parents or

guardians receive such instruction in the Christian faith as will enable them to renew their own commitment to Christ and to promote the nurture and- growth in the fellowship of the Church o f the child or children in their care.

(5) Those who seek the Sacrament of Confirmation shall be prepared in terms of Canon 23, Section 3(f), according to forms approved by the Bishop of the Diocese.

(6) Whenever a Priest shall suspend a Communicant, he shall within fourteen days at the latest notify the Archdeacon or the Bishop of the Diocese of the reasons for his action, provided that the Priest shall first admonish the Communicant both privately and in the presence of other Communicants in order to move hime to penitence, amendment of life; and where necessary, restitution. Only when the Communicant fails to heed such admonition and to amend his ways may the Priest implement any sentence of suspension.

(7) When the Archdeacon receives such notice of suspension, he shall enquire into the circumstances of the case, and if he is satisfied that the Priest has acted in accordance with the will of God as disclosed in Christ, the evidence of Holy Scripture and the Canons of this Church, he shall confirm the sentence and notify the Bishop accordingly.

(8) When the Bishop receives notice of the suspension of a Communicant directly from the Priest, he shall investigate the case either personally or through the Archdeacon, and if he is satisfied that the Priest has acted in accordance with the principles mentioned in Section 7 of this Canon, he shall confirm the sentence accordingly.


( ) Where the Archdeacon or the Bishop is satisfied, after due examination had, that the Priest has not acted in accordance with the principles mentioned in Section 7 of this Canon, the Communicant shall be restored to Communion forthwith. Any decision of the Archdeacon setting aside the suspension of a Communicant shall be confirmed by the Bishop before it takes effect The Bishop may at any time refer the matter to his Diocesan 1 rtbunal whose decision shall be final.

(10) A communicant who has been suspended from Communion shall be considered to be under Church censure, and in terms of Canon 26, Section 1, shall not be entitled to participate in Vestry meetings.

(11) The appointment of a Churchwarden, Chapelwarden, Parish Councillor or Sidesman who has been suspended from Communion shall cease from the time of the confirmation of his suspension by the Archdeacon or the

Bishop, as the case may be, in terms of Sections 7 and 8 of this Canon. A Churchwarden, Chapelwarden, Parish Councillor or Sidesman so suspended shall be eligible for re-election in terms of Canons 26,27 and 28 when he has been restored to Communion.

(12) The restoration to Communion of a suspended Communicant shall be at the discretion of the Bishop on the recommendation of the Incumbent and Archdeacon, provided that in cases where the Incumbent declines to make such a recommendation, the Parish Council shall be entitled to ask the Archdeacon to act accordingly.

(13) The following actions shall be deemed to be offences rendering the Communicant liable to suspension from Communion, unless the Priest believes that there is true penitence and desire for amendment:—

jdolatry. Participation in forms of life and worship incompatible with Christianity, Acceptance of membership of a heretical or schismatical body;Murder, Rape, Violence, Hatred of fellow human beings, Fostering of racial prejudice, Support of unjust discrimination, Fraud, Embezzlement, Drunkenness;Adultery, Fornication, Sexual Depravity; Conduct giving just cause for scandal and offence; Open contravention of the Canons of the Church.


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The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 33 be amended

(1) By the insertion of the words “(being confirmed)” after the words “ Holy Communion” in Section 8 line 3.

(2) By the deletion of Section 8(b) and the substitution of the following:—“(b) they have received a dispensation from exclusion

from Holy Communion; or(c) they have had their marriage blessed in Church in

accordance with Section 9 below; or(d) they have received permission from the Bishop who

shall determine the conditions under which such admission may be granted; or”

(3) By renumbering Section 8(c) consequentially 8(e).(4) By the deletion of the whole of Section 9 and the

substitution of the following:“9. Persons with a former spouse or spouses still living

who divorce and re-marry by civil rites may have their marriage blessed in Church if the Bishop gives permission after being satisfied that their case meets the provisions set out in Section 4 or 5 above. The form for such blessing shall be that which is set forth by the Synod of Bishops for this special purpose.”


m e a s u r e To “a m e n d c a n o n U ^The Principles

Whereas It is desirable to bring together in Section 8 the provisions contained in both Sections 8 and 9(a) for the re- admission to Communion of divorced persons who remarry having a spouse of a previous marriage still living and of those married to thern, and to make Section 9 deal solely with provisions for the blessing of a marriage by civil ntes of divorced persons with a former spouse still living;

And Whereas Section 9(b) allows for the blessing of such a marriage on the simple condition that the partners of the marriage have been re-admitted to Communion;

And Whereas It is desirable that the conditions for the blessing of a marriage by civil rites of divorced persons with a former spouse still living be brought into line with the conditions laid down in Sections 4 and 5 on which the BishoD may grant a licence to marry to persons whose marriage has been annulled or dissolved by secular authority during the lifetime of the partner to that marriage; S

And Whereas It is desirable that the Church’s normalshall'anT 'tof Confirmation before admission to Communion shall apply to divorced persons having a spouse of a previous marriage still living and of those married to them admitted to Communion in terms of Section 8: uea t0

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Whereas Both theology and reason require that an African customary union may be acknowledged by the Church as a potentially valid, if irregular from the Church’s point of view lorm of marital contract, capable of baptism into Christ;

And Whereas It behoves the Church to establish the conditions of such recognition:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: A new Section 11 be added to Canon 33

with consequent renumbering of existing Sections 11-13 as follows: —‘ II. The marriage of persons who have entered into a

customary union may be blessed (according to the form provided in the Prayer Book or such other form as shall be authorised by the Synod of Bishops) on the following conditions:—



That neither partner is bound by another marriage contract, civil or customary.

That their marriage fulfils all the conditions umoned by CUStom fora recognised and permanent

(c) That the requirements of Section 4 and 5 above where applicable, have been fulfilled.

(d) I hpa! ‘ hetW°P erso"s Publicly acknowledge beforeprecedm^fhil‘°r ^ th<£ aCCept the Aff"™ation preceding this Canon as binding on their union.

(e) That any other regulation issued by the BishoD in such a case has been observed.” P

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Whereas It is desirable to permit ministersof other churches engaged in the search for the realisation of the unity of the

Church to participate more fully in acts of worship with the Church of this Province on ecumenical occasions, and especially to preside at the celebration of the Eucharist;

And Whereas Canon 32, Section 2, allows such ministers only to unite with ministers of the Church of this Province in a shared ministry:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 32, Section 2, be amended by the

addition at the end thereof of the following sentence:—“On Ecumenical occasions specially recognised by the Bishop as expressing both the unity of the Christian Church and the desire to promote the further realisation of its unity, the priest in charge of any parish, chaplaincy or other unit of pastoral care may with the Bishop’s consent invite a minister who is not appointed to minister in this Church to officiate in the Administration of the Sacraments or in the conduct of Divine Service in such ways and according to such forms of service as the Bishop may determine.”


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U ^ ^ t v / ^ cm^ c*(v ^ "0< c ^ ia / # t t\/1C* -CaaJ-asfce<s<_ fo tvMZ KA-tvfiyuS J <*$ ^ 4 U rv »s :That th is Synod

(l) Notes

(a) that some people cannot render any form of combatant military service with a good conscience*!

(b) that some people cannot render any form of military service with a good conscience.

(c) that in April 1977 the Synod of Bishops of the CPSA supported a statement of the South African Catholic Bishops Conference which urged the State "to make provision for alternative forms of non­military service as is done in other parts of the world".

(d) that the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa, and the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa have all urged the State to provide conscien­tious objectors with nonmilitary forms of national service.

(e) that in May 1979 the Synod of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Durban requested the South African Catholic Bishops Conference to establish a Committee on Military Service.

(2) RequestsI—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- -

(a) the Minister of Defence to create a committee (or some other appropriate procedure) that will enable the Department of De­fence and the churches to discuss specific proposals and pro­blems which are raised

(i) by the request for noncombatant forms of military service that a conscientious noncombatant can render with a good conscience and

(ii) by the request for nonmilitary forms of national service that a conscientious nonmilitarist can render with a good conscience.

(b) the Synod of Bishops of the CPSA to co-operate with any Commits tee on Military Service which may be established by the South African Catholic Bishops Conference.


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The Principles

Whereas The Order of Ethiopia (hereinafter referred to as “The Order” ) in terms of the resolution introductory to the Compact of 1900 accepted and embraced the doctrine, sacraments and discipline of Christ as they are contained in Holy Scriptures according as the Church of England has set forth the same in its standards of faith and doctrine;

And Whereas In terms of the aforesaid Compact, the Order of Ethiopia is an integral part of the Church of the Province of South Africa, but has retained within the Church its own corporate character;

And Whereas It is much to be desired, both by the Church and the Order that the creative and fruitful relationship between the Church and the Order be fostered to further the missionary and evangelistic vocation of the Order;

And Whereas In terms of the aforesaid Compact, there was envisaged, the possibility of a bishop for the Order, who would exercise Episcopal Functions in each Diocese only as an assistant of the Bishop thereof, and at his request; and the Order has long desired that it might be granted its bishop, who would take his place among the bishops of the Church, thus making it clear that the Order is an integral part of the Church of the Province;

And Whereas It is desirable therefore(i) that a bishop be provided for the Order, and(ii) that the Compact of 1900 be repealed and replaced by a

Canon, defining the Order as an integral part of the Church of the Province of South Africa.

The ProposalsBe it enacted that; A new Canon 12A be inserted as


The Bishop of the Order1. (a) There shall be a bishop of the Order, who is and

shall be recognised as a bishop of the Church of the Province of South Africa.

(b) He shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of Canon 3 in so far as they may be applicable, and for this purpose only, “ Diocesan Synod” shall be deemed to include the Conference of the Order, a “ Diocese” to include the Order, a “ Diocesan Bishop” to include the Bishop of the Order, and a “ Pastoral Charge” to include any congregation duly established by the Order wherever it may be situated.




4 7

( d )




( h )


(c) The confirmation, consecration, collation and resignation of a Bishop of the Order, shall be governed, mural is mutandis, by Canons 6,7 and 13.

2. The Bishop of the Order shall:(a) Possess the canonical right of veto upon all

resolutions of the Conference and the Chapter of the Order, subject, mutatis mutandis, to Canon 8.

(b) Reside in such place as he may determine, provided that a congregation of the Order has been established there, subject in all other respects to Canon 10.

(c) Obtain the Oath of Canonical Obedience to the Bishop of the Diocese and the declarations, in respect of the clergy of the Order, as provided in Canon 15 Section 2.Be the Provincial of the Order.Be entitled to attend, speak and vote in Episcopal and Provincial Synods, and to attend and speak at Provincial Standing Committee, save that he shall not be entitled to vote on financial matters.Be licensed by the Metropolitan to exercise episcopal oversight of the members of the Order. The diocesan bishop in whose diocese congregations of the Order are established shall commission him, as the diocesan bishop may determine, to exercise pastoral care over members of the Order.Have the right to be present and to speak (but not to vote) at synods of any diocese in which he has been commissioned.Be able to exercise his episcopal ministry, upon invitation, within the Church generally.

The Order and the Synods and Standing Committee of theChurch

The Order of Ethiopia is an integral part of the Church of the Province of South Africa. It shall be represented at Provincial Synod by the Bishop of the Order and by two priests and two laymen elected in such manner and according to such rules as the Conference of the Order may determine.

4. The Order shall be represented at Provincial Standing Committee by the Bishop of the Order, and by one priest and one layman duly elected at the Conference of the Order by their respective orders.

5. The further provisions of Canons 1 and 42 shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the representatives of the Order at Provincial Synod and Provincial Standing Committee. For the purposes of these Canons only, the Conference of the Order shall be deemed to be a ‘diocesan synod’ and the sum of all the congregations of the Order, shall be deemed to be a ‘diocese’.

6. Priests of the Order licensed in a diocese shall be summoned to the Diocesan Synod. The Order shall be represented at the Synod of any diocese where congregations of the Order have been established by such a number of lay representatives as that diocese shall determine.

7. Members of the Order summoned and elected to Provincial and Diocesan Synods and Provincial Standing Committee, shall have no vote on financial matters.

The Order and the Church8. The Metropolitan shall have full power and authority to

visit officially any congregation of the Order in terms of Canon 2 Section 1(e).

9. Every diocese in which the Order has an established congregation, shall be represented at the Chapter of the Order, as the Conference may determine from time to time. The Synod of Bishops shall be entitled to such representation on the Chapter of the Order as the Synod deems fit. These representatives shall have no vote on financial matters.

10. The Conference of the Order shall frame and from time to time amend the Constitution of the Order, so that it shall conform in all respects, to the provision of these Canons. Amendments to the Constitution of the Order, shall not be in force until they have been confirmed by Episcopal Synod.

11. The decisions of the Chapter and the Conference shall be subject to review by Provincial Synod.

12. The Provincial shall nominate to the Diocesan Bishop any clergyman whom he wishes to serve in that diocese. After the Diocesan Bishop has licensed him, the Provincial or his deputy may institute him to the cure of souls.

13. The Provincial shall:(a) Subject to the Canons and Constitutions ordain

candidates to holy orders, either personally or through letters dimissory.

(b) License lay ministers of the Order in terms of Canon 19.

(c) Consult with the diocesan bishop in respect of matters of discipline over persons and ,matters which effect the Church and the Order.

(d) Exercise discipline over persons and matters which directly affect the life of the Order.

14. The Order shall begin new work in any area only with the consent of the Diocesan Bjshop. All difficulties arising from close proximity of parishes of the Church and missions of the Order shall be determined by the Diocesan Bishop, after consultation with the Provincial of the Order and the rector of the parish.

15. All members of the Order shall be eligible for election to provincial and diocesan offices.

16. The Order and each individual member, shall be bound by the Constitution and Canons.

17. Discipline shall be exercised in the Order as provided for in the Book of Common Prayer, in the Constitution and Canons ol the Church and in the Acts and Resolutions of Provincial and Diocesan Synods.

18. Membership of the Order is open to all members of the Church.

19. All Churches of the Order, shall be open to all people without respect of persons.

20. I hose who move from a mission of the Order to a parish of the Church or vice versa shall be provided with necessary letters of recommendation.

21. If a member of the Order relinquishes his membership thereof, and wishes to join a parish, he shall be given letters of recommendation from the Provincial or his deputy. No member of the Church may be received into the Order without letters of recommendation from the

___Diocesan Bishop or his deputy.


22. The Provincial shall have an advisory voice in the determination of the terms of the Trusts upon which properties of the Order are conveyed to the Trustees. All immovable property of the Order shall be vested in a Board of Trustees appointed by the Conference according to such rules as the Conference shall decide. The Trustees, after consultation with the Metropolitan, the Provincial and the Chapter of the Order, respectively, shall, after being directed and appointed by the said Chapter in writing, have full power and authority to sell such property and to pass transfer thereof; to acquire such property be purchase,! donation or exchange; to borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in suchmanner and on such terms as the said Trustees shall deem fit, and in particular by way of mortage, upon all or any of the property vested in them, both present and future, or to enter into agreements of lease upon property, deeds of servitude or deeds of donation; and to do all such other acts and things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects “herein set forth.

23. All matters not provided for herein, shall be determined by the Synod of Bishops.

- -





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S o u t h e r n A f r i c a , < T

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Q u h stiOVlA,' b

K a .s 3 . t~ l-0^C a M .c

(B y Mrs. S. Motland p /j.u_t£3 p-? ®T l”50) In terms of Canon 47(3) definitions Normal Retirement age, of

Canon 1o of the Resignation of Bishops and of Canon 24 of the Tenure of Clergy, does a bishop who has been permitted to

Can°n 13(1) alJto"aticall>' ^ o n * a’clergyman

1) If not, in what circumstances does that bishop become a \ clergyman in retirement1 ?

^<-*-2 c\J^SL^tCo^>

Vjis A S J ^ J L c r v r S :


^LO^t- CffT'^-U-S*:<yys~

tLA-vJOtXfi-S yQ ftjBy Mi-s'i Pratt-Johnson y^Q u estion J

The followinkg resolutions were passed by Provincial Synod 1973 and are recorded on page 48 of the Acts and Resolutions of Provincial Synod 1973 in Paragraphs 2 and 3.

Paragraph 2 That all Dioceses be asked to take steps to ensure that :-(a) The ministry and status of full-time paid workers, both

men and women, be fully recognized and their work facilitated by clergy and laity alike; and that the salaries, increments, pensions and medical benefits of such workers be placed on a realistic and non-discriminatory basis.

(b) Better use is made of the administrative ability of women in the affairs of the Church.



^ frcjtfc-' tXm, Ext-CtoloW, *s

Jpfttx>L6S :

Paragraph 3 That P rov in cia l Standing Committee be asked to con sider ways and means o f organ izing and co -ord in a tin g tra in ing f o r men and women in a l l ca te g o r ie s o f S erv ice .What steps have been taken to implement these R esolutions, p a r t icu la r ly with regard to the m in istry , status and tra in in g o f women ?

^■ •V^Cvier i<> H / tS s - ^Je^U^-Seru^

i °17 2.

1 U J ?. S. C .. 1 7 4 / a y-Z V'-er’t. «^='

TW a, /L€. Cc'CLa-ctaew \ S

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U ) 3. ‘R ^svW vsw — ifc-

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tATB-tA/vjL'V's/ tvuu (Ax,5^tr-w

I V s ■S . -^U-AA-C-A-W^

/j3y Mrs. S. Duncan"7/ vd&ia S a - !*+

How and when do the Bishops o f the CPSA intend to implement the statement which they made in A p ril 1977 when they f i r s t observed that " in the armed stru gg le that i s developing on our borders and could e a s ily spread'


internally a grievous situation arises for all who are concerned about the use of violence", and then declared that "we can only premise with God's heljb to give leadership in an ongoing Christian examination of this tragic situation" and "we intend to publish reflections from time to time asincentives to Christian prayer, thought and commitment" ? (SEEK, June 1977 page 2) ’

Mr 'fcjL '^yoi^C ^ ^f e cyWi-drLcrw cCS^JfiiAcruiS :

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luBy the Bishop of St. John's :\ In view of the fact that -

(1) The Prayer Book rubric concerning Confirmation and Holy Communion has not been amended and is entrenched in the Constitution of the Church; and

(2) The resolution under Agendum 37 is hortatory only and not mandatory.Which of these, rubric or resolution, has a greater claim on the obedience of the clergy and laity ?

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r1. Terms of Reference:

The terms of reference of the Commission are contained in the following resolution of Provincial Synod, 1976:THAT THIS SYNOD, gratefully acknowledging the contribution of both past and present Metropolitan to the work and witness of the church, nevertheless recognises the growing significance of the office of Metropolitan within the Church of the Province and the church in Southern Africa, and the unifying and representative nature of this ministry;Therefore respectfully requests the Metropolitan to appoint a commission to report back to both the Synod of Bishops and to Provincial Synod, with the following terms of reference:i. to investigate various forms of metropolitical or

archi-episcopal government in the church today and the needs of the Church of the Province in the future, to consider the role of the Metropolitan within the Church in Southern Africa today, and in particular to consider whether the office of Metropolitan should be separated from the office of Bishop of Cape Town, and if so, to suggest ways and means of doing so, and to consider the present geographical spearation between the Metropolitan, the Provincial Executive Officer and the Departments of the Church;

ii. to prepare any necessary amendments to the Constitution or Canons which might be necessary to effect any recommended change, for debate at Provincial Synod at its next session.”In addition. Provincial Standing Committee, 1977, requested that the Commission should pay attention to the role and function of the Provincial Executive Officer.

2. Membership:

The membership of the Commission was:The Rt. Reverend P.W.R. Russell, Bishop of Natal(Chairman)The Rt. Reverend B.L.N. Mkhabela, Bishop ofSwaziland.The Rt. Reverend T.J. Bavin, Bishop of Johannesburg.The Rt. Reverend G.A. Swartz, Bishop-Suffragan ofCape Town.The Very Reverend G.W.E.C. Ashby.

The Venerable G.V. Bashe.The Venerable J.M. Mashikinya. The Revd. Canon L. Maja.Mr. D.H. Burkinshaw.

Meetings:The Commission met at:Rosettenville, Johannesburg - 119th/:20th July, 197 - St. Thomas’, Durban - 23rd/25th January 1978.St. James’, Durban - 2nd/3rd October, 1978

Forms of Archi-Episcopal Government.

In conformity with the request that it should investigate various forms of Metropolitan or Archi-episcopal Government in the Church today” , the Commission records the following:—(a) Other Provinces:

Letters had been sent to 23 Archbishops and Metropolitans of the Anglican Communion, from whom 18 replies had been received as under:Africa, Central: Africa, West: America (The Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.). America Provinces: Australia: Australia Provinces (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia): Canada (1 he Anglican Church in Canada): Canada Provinces (British Columbia, Province of Canada, Province of Canada, Province of Ontario, Province ot Ruperts Land): Melanesia: New Zealand: Wales: Province of York.

(b) C.P.S.A.:Memoranda were received from the /Wchbishop, Provincial Officers, the proposer of the 19/b Resolution (The Revd. R.C.R. Briggs) and others.Comments on two draft Reports circulated by the Commission were received from a number ot Bishops, Diocesan bodies, and individuals.

Future of the C.P.S.A.In considering the future needs of the C P.SA. the Commission saw that these would arise from the Church being obedient to its call to be the Body of Christ in Southern Africa. This would involve the setting forth ot the Gospel, the effecting of reconciliation in the name o

Christ, and the building up of the Body of Christ. In this the Church is to exercise a shared ministry of Bishops, Priests and Laity, with leadership from the Bishops as those selected by the Holy Spirit, and elected by the Church, to lead.The Commission believes that the Church should be flexible in the ordering of its life because of the uncertainty of the times. Though the Commission believes its proposals to be necessary for the Church at this stage of its history, the Province should be aware that further changes may be necessary as political and other developments demand.Whatever shape these take it is abundantly clear that the Church’s expression of a common unity in Christ is of paramount importance. Accordingly the Commission does not, for example, recommend the division of the Province, at this juncture, but believes that an alteration in the method of election of the Archbishop must be achieved which will both express this unity and also deal with some of the unhappiness which seems to prevail about the apparent non-participath.* of the Province in such an election.

The Commission believes that the Archbishop is called tofulfill his role as primus-inter-pares of the Bishops of theProvince in the following ways:—As having spiritual leadership in:—(a) Being the focus of unity in the C.P.S.A. in its

ministry ot the Gospel, its Evangelism and Mission, and in its care for the people of God.

(b) Being the spokesman for the C.P.S.A., proclaiming God’s word to the Church and to the world. In doing this, the Archbishop speaks with the authority of the Church, vested in the College of Bishops, and expressed through him.

(c) Ensuring pastoral oversight on behalf of the Bishops of the Province in providing for the needs of members of the C.P.S.A. living outside the range of normal episcopal administration.As possessing Canonical authority in exercising certain Canonical functions (Canon 2. Section 1, Paras (a) to(e)).It is to be recognised that each Archbishop will be endowed with differing gifts for the service of the people of God.

T h e R o le o f the A r c h b is h o p :

7. The Archbishop, Provincial Synod, Provincial Standing Committee and Provincial Officers.Provincial Synod is summoned by the Archbishop and is the decision-making body of the Church of the Province of South Africa. Provincial Officers are appointed from time to time with responsibility for certain aspects of the Mission of the Church. They are appointed by the Archbishop, after consultation with the Provincial Standing Committee, and are supervised by their Boards which are chaired by Episcopal Chairmen.Although it is neither desirable nor practicable that either the Archbishop or Provincial Standing Committee should exercise close supervision over their work, the Directors of the Departments are subject to the legislation of Provincial Synod, to the supervision of Provincial Standing Committee and to the pastoral oversight of the Archbishop on behalf of the College of Bishops.The Commission does not believe the relationship described above demands geographical propinquity.To assist the Archbishop in the carrying out of his tasks and to forward the Mission of the Church the Commission recommends the sharing of work between the Provincial Executive Officer and an Administrative Secretary in the following way:i. Provincial Executive Officer:

Arrangements (documentation etc.) in preparation for and execution of decisions of Provincial Synod and Provincial Standing Committee.Report to each meeting of Provincial Synod and Provincial Standing Committee on such matters as he feels needs their attention, with the consent of the Archbishop.Regular consultation with the Archbishop and the Provincial Secretary-Treasurer.Co-ordination of the work of the Departments of the C.P.S.A.Liaison between the Departments of the C.P.S.A. Liaison with Government departments.Liaison with the S.A.C.A., and other Churches. Contact for overseas visitors.

(At some future time there might be a need for re­alignment of the duties of the Provincial Executive Officer and the Provincial Secretary-Treasurer.)

Arrangements (documentation etc.) in preparation for. and execution of decision of:a. Episcopal Synod.b. Canon 2.. Section l . ( b ) t o (e).Documentation and arrangements for Election and Consecration of Bishops.Correspondence: —a. In connection with the setting up of

Committees, Commissions etc. appointed by Episcopal Synod. P.S.C. or Provincial Synod, where the Archbishop is asked to undertake this responsibility.

b. Within the Province - Dioceses. Theological Colleges, Provincial Departments, etc.

c. With the world-wide Church requests for information, general correspondence etc.

Administration of Province-wide pastoral letter appeals etc. when in the name of the Archbishop.Preparation of Press statements.Preparation of documents needed for leading of delegations to the authorities.

The Commission suggest that:(a) He need not necessarily be a person in Holy Orders.(b) The appointment be in the sole discretion of the

Archbishop.(c) The payment for this officer would be by Province,

but this would be subject to negotiation with the Diocese of Cape Town.

(d) The implementation of the recommendations concerning the appointment of an Administrative Secretary to the Archbishop should take place only with the willing consent of the Archbishop.

8. The Location of the Archbishop:Having considered the models provided by the churches overseas in which the office of Metropolitan is separated from that of being Diocesan Bishop, the Commission believes that the Archbishop should continue to be the Diocesan Bishop and should remain in Cape Town. Because of its view of the relationship betweenjheArchbishop and the Provincial Officers, the Commission does not see any particular need to change his location. The Commission gains the impression that the real unhappiness in relation to the statutory position of the Archbishop within the life of the C.P.S.A. does not hinge so much upon his residence in Cape Town as in the manner in which he is elected. Moreover there are traditional and historical links which should not be disregarded.With one exception the Commission believes that the Diocese of Cape Town should be encouraged to consider a division of the Diocese resulting in a smaller Archdiocese, which might not require a Suffragan and which would be as representative as possible of the peoples of Southern Africa (at any rate as found in the Western Cape). It is believed that this will enable the Archbishop most effectively to combine normal Diocesan duties with his Provincial responsibilities.The Commission noted with appreciation that the Diocese of Cape Town has in fact appointed a Commission to investigate a possible division of the Diocese.

T h e A d m in is tra tiv e S ecre ta ry to the A r c h b is h o p :

The Commission has indicated above that it believes that a change in the method of electing the Archbishop is the most effective way of ensuring that the incumbent of that office, whilst being Bishop of the Diocese of Cape Townwhole y representative as P ^ ib le of the Province as a

™ feah,Sl 1 ' S f ° f CapC T» ™ d' dd ' s <° divide or not and on the assumption that it will not create anArchdiocese with less than 10 priests, the following electoral process is suggested: ®

? a n T i ^ f * tC Assembly procedures as in Canons that™-4 present) shall be followed except

At the meeting of the Advisory Committee two members from each House (in order of election and excluding members from the Diocese of Cape Town — see 10 below) shall represent the Province.

»• At the Elective Assembly the 21 Provincial Members (also in order of election and excluding Cape Town Diocese members) shall have the right to speak and shall vote a s a third House.

T h e E le ct io n o f th e A r c h b is h o p :


When the President, in terms of Canon 4 section 4 has communicated to the Synod of Bishops the names of those who have been nominated for election, the Bishops in Synod may, in addition to communicating their views to the Elective Assembly, make nominations.Voting shall take place simultaneously in all three Houses (Clergy of the Diocese of Cape rown constituting one House, Laity of the Diocese a second House, and the Provincial House)6111311 t0®et*ler instituting a third

v- No person shall be deemed to be elected unless he shall have received not less than two-thirds of the votes of each of the three Houses indicated above.

10. The Provincial Members of the Advisory Committee:As Canon 3, section 5 stands, it is clear that the 21 members elected could include some from the Diocese of Cape Town. Moreover not all elected members may be available at any one time. Therefore the Commission proposes that the Canon be amended to make provision lor the election of seven alternates in each House. This wi l ensure that when the Provincial members of the Advisory Committee are being used for the election of the Archbishop, there will be full representation in each House. It is to be hoped that in the election of these members and alternates, Provincial Synot would bear infb'the^hurch ^ ^ representation of the membership

+ P H I L I P A/AT71L


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T y e s is f ly ^ 7

A ^ E A T - b O / f 7 / r t E A S u R e T o C f r K O K 2 /

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A<j4wLu»As>j 7

MEASURE. 7b AKiCfifA Cf?/j&Af 2

r The PrinciplesWhereas the role of the Metropolitan in the life of the

Church in the second half of the 20th century is commonly seen to be wider than that set out in the present Canon 2;

And Whereas It is desirable to take canonical cognizance of this:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that:(J) Canon 2, Section 1, be amended by the deletion of the

first two lines and the substitution of the following:The Metropolitan is called to fulfil his role as primus

inter pares of the Bishops of the Province in the following ways:(a) As the focus of unity in the Church of the Province

of South Africa in its ministry of the Gospel, its Evangelism and Mission and in its care for the people of God.

(b) As spokesman for the Church of the Province, proclaiming God’s word to the Church and to the world. In doing this, he speaks with the authority of the Church, which is vested in the Bishops and expressed through him.

(c) As ensuring pastoral oversight on behalf of the Bishops of the Province in providing for the needs of members of the Church of the Province living outside the range o f normal episcopal administration.

His functions and powers are : —(2) Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) in Canon 2, Section 1,

be consequentially renumbered (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h). J

\sL. MoV-jfcv He^XSu^e, UU, 'UZ^suloA.p — 7s^ B f^ s l& ^ b is iv ^ s it

squest-Tilmvomaiitf&y: .^ rp o j^amois^tr§£±ng.,

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Synod, sends i t s a f fe c t io n a t e g re e tin g s to i t s form er P re s id en t, The R t. Rev. Robert Selby T a y lor and prays f o r G od 's b le s s in g upon him in h is new work as B ishop o t the D iocese o f C entral Zambia.

o u ^ L C 4 * e iE S >

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That th is Synod sends i t s g re e t in g and assurances o f p rayer t o :

r^he- R^v.Jeremiah Rgubane and the Rev. Joseph B e ll on the o cca s io n o f " th e o r d in a t io n to the o f f i c e o f B ishop in the Church o f England in South A fr ic a , on Sunday, 2nd December in Pinetow n. ___

y i o ^ a L ^ ' ^ C -i^-C-<5>VN«ctco*-' . K "ku/€^

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This Synod, co n sc io u s o f h is hard work and enthusiasm f o r the a rch iv es o f the C .P .S .A , exp resses g r a te fu l thanks and sendsl r c h i v i s t reetln gS t0 ^ C eC il hr° od on h is retirem en t as P r o v in c ia l

av~+- Cfuzei

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67«y>* J

The PrinciplesWhereas It is desirable that in the election of the Archbishop

ot Cape Town, there should be greater representation o f the other Dioceses of the Church of the Province:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that:

( 1)


[■ — 1 — ................. ( 2 )



— —



( 6)

(7 )

In Canon 3 a new Section 4 be inserted as follows:4. In the election of an Archbishop provisions of

Canon 4 shall apply and shall, where relevant, supercede those of this Canon.

Canon 3, Sections 5 to 22 be consequentially renumbered 6 to 23 and all references to these Sections in the Canons to be renumbered accordingly.The first two lines of Canon 3 new Section 6 (old 5) be amended to read as follows:

At each ordinary session of the Provincial Synod ten Diocesan Bishops, fourteen Priests, and fourteen Laymen being

(Remainder of paragraph remains unchanged)In Canon 4 a new Section 4 be inserted as follows:—4. At the meeting of the Advisory Committee two

members from each House (in terms of Canon 3, Section 6) shall represent the Province. However, at the Elective Assembly, seven Diocesan Bishops, seven Priests, seven Laymen, as elected in terms of Canon 3, Section 6, shall attend and constitute a third House. They shall have the right to speak and to vote.

Canon 4 old Section 4 be consequentially renumbered Section 5.In Canon 4 new Section 5 (old 4) after the first sentence a new sentence be inserted as follows: —

The Synod of Bishops may make additional nominations.

In Canon 4 a new Section 6 be inserted as follows:—


6. No person shall be deemed to be elected unless he shall have received not less than two-thirds of the number of votes of each of the three Houses (the Bishops and Clergy of the Diocese of Cape Town together, the House o.f Laity of the Diocese of Cape Town, the Provincial members in terms of Section 4) voting at the same time.

(8) Canon 3 old Sections 5, 6 and 7 be consequentially renumbered 7, 8 and 9.

(9) In Canon 3, Section 9 (old 7) line 2 delete “ fourteen” and substitute “three” .

(10) Model Rules for the Election of a Bishop be amended by the addition of the following new Sections:The Election of an Archbishop

(a) For “ M etropolitan” read “ Dean o f the Province” throughout.

(b) After Section 2, the Dean of the Province summons the Bishops of the Province to meet in Synod at the same time and place as the Assembly.

(c) In Section 14(d) the ballots are to be marked “ Clergy” or “ Laity” or “ Province” .

(d) After Section 17 — At any time the Assembly may send a deputation of its members, not exceeding 5, to consult with the Synod of Bishops.

(e) After Section 19(b) — The President communicates to the Synod of Bishops the names of those who have been nominated. The Synod of Bishops may communicate its views to the Assembly through him and/or may propose further names.

(f) After Section 21(d) The same procedure is followed as after Section 19(b).

(g) After Section 21(0 — When election has taken place the President of the Assembly immediately communicates its decision to the Synod of Bishops, which may accept or refuse that decision.(Note: The Report o f the Commission on the Role of the Metropolitan is printed as Agendum 41 in this hook.)

26. In the case o f the election o f an Archbishop

tYl— p ~ o £\j— —j p— O

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MEASURE TO AMEND CANON 9The Principles tOft C £

Whereas It is desirable that the position of a Bishop- Suffragan in the Province be more clearly defined, giving him the rights proper to the office and at the same time avoiding confusion with the particular responsibilities and authority of the diocesan bishop.

The Proposals**Be it enacted that: Section>c5fCanon 9 be deleteji-effuJ the

following substituted:A Bishop-Suf£p«gan shall have a seajktnthe Provincial Synod ancj^tfall be a member olTiKCHouse of Bishops in such Syrfod; where he shallIbe'entitled as such to vote botlvTn Synod and in the^House of Bishops.




Be it enacted that the following three paragraphs be added after the second line of Canon 9,7 .A Bishop-SuffraL jp shall have a seat in the Provincial Synod and shall

be a member of the House of Bishops-, in such Synod, where he shall be entitled as such to vote both in Synod and in the House of Bishops.

A Bishop-Suffragan shall have the right toh&wffTimoned to, to speak and to vote at the meglwtgs'Slthe Synod oi Bishops.A Bishop-Sul]j>gfftfshaTl have the rightJi>b^surnmoned to andtp^Teak but not to vote>Wfie meetings of the Provincial Standing CommiiKrt^

A B ishop-S u ffragan s h a ll have the r ig h t to be summoned t o , to speak and v o te at the m eetings o f the Synod o f B ish op s.

A Bishop-Suffragan shall have the right to be summoned to and to speak ,but not to vote at the meetings of the Provincial Standing Committee."andThat in the folio wing Canons the words "Diocesan Bishop" ( or, as the case may be, "Diocesan Bishops") be substituted for "Bishop (or "Bishops of the Province".

1, 4; 1 ,12} 2,Id; 2 ,10}

line 1 line 3 line 4 line 4

3 ,1 2 ; l in e 2

Canon 3, 22, line 8 (iCanon 5, 1, lines 1 ,C anon 4, 3b, II 5Canon 6, 6, II 2Canon 6, 7, II 5Canon 7,1, It 5,Canon 7, 5, II 1 1C anon 8, 3, II 14Canon; 9 , 12c If> 7C anon 9, 14, It 3C anon 10, 1 , If 5Canon 10, 2, It 4C anon 10, 4 , II 6

( b r in g in g a deacon to P r o v in c ia l Synod)( c h o ic e o f a P r o v in c ia l R e g is tr a r )( to hear charges a g a in st a B ish op ) ( .M e t r o p o l i t a n 's o f f i c i a l v i s i t a t i o n o f a

d io c e s e )( D e lega tion by assem bly o f c h o ic e o f b ish o p )



\ JT JT —— '-''Ov-*'— IO » C W V /( withdrawal of bishop-suffragan's

commission)( revocation of bishop-suffragan's

commision )( residence of bishops)( absence of metropolitan from the

province)( declaration of vacancy of a see)

(page 36)(page 39)page 40 )

(page 40)(page ,44)

(page 47)

(page 49)(page 51)( " )(page 52)(page 53)(page 54)(page 55)

(page 58)

(page 58)(page 60)

(page 60)( 1 )

o o

72.T t /E S ^ A y

Canon 12, anon 1 3, anon 1 3,

1,1 ,


line 3 (bishop of unsound, mind )5,6((resignation of diocesan bishop)

" 2,6,(compulsory resignation of diocesanC anon 17, 3, I I 4 ( granting a

a deacon beC anon 20, 1, f t 1 (ostablishneC anon 20, 2. I f 1 ( r. \C anon 24, 3, l* 5,6.■ ( appeal i;.poC anon 34, 1, I I 2, (court f o r 1C anon 34, 2, I t 3 provincialC anon 34, 3, I I 3 (the s an:or0 anon 34, 5, ?l 6 Vdiocesan tr■Canon 36, 1 II 3 (presentment

0 anon 36, 3, II 5 ( board c f p:Canon 36, 4, II 5 ( s o r t i n g o f ,

0 anon 37, 4, (I 7,8 ( appeal c.ga:0 g.no n 38, lg; I I1 6,7 (litu rg ica l (I an 0 n 38, 3, II 4,5, (major penal'- anon 41, 0 4- ? <1 2 ( Provincial0 an on 49, 1,


in12,13 (Proposed aJ.-

todel Buies 17and

l i ne 3 (delegation <i t i i n t the words "Pidces" .n Bishops" b<

b anon 8, 3, lin es 15 ,16 (appeal <

■ the canonical age) of new dioceses, etc)

" )pon refusal of institution)

1-Q trial of a bishop) tribunal)bishop in judicial matters)


(page 62)(page 63)

(page 63)

(page 69)(page 72)( " )(page 77)(page 94)(page 94)(page 94)(page 94)

reliminary Inquiry) (page 100)an accusation) (page 100)

3.1nst bishop's veto in trials)(page 102) deviation allowed by bishop) (page 104)

penalties, consent of bishops) Trusts Beard) erations in Canons)

(page L05) (page 110) (page I69)

of choice of bishop) (page 228)

substituted for "Synod of Bishops" in:

•’"or, 35; 15, line 8 and

That in Canon 42, 1, after line .18 bo the right to be summoned to and to

\ - «. --- -- — - W W J(review of judicial sentences)

(page 55) (page 99)

of the Provincial Standing Committee1p e c k ,

idded "A bishop-suffragan shall have but not to vote, at the meetings


V Vi. " Y u . ^ ^ ^J ' '

\»j u ^ i % -V S » T'-cJ

^ Ve, A c3r ( r>

c _ M T $ L \ * - = ' o

V ^ * 1 20 w * . , - ----------AV Vfcjn ^ f yi*. t V v.

J 4

S l3v£ V~ ^ i r w *■»-. ' h - \ \ tovj,,1

1 3t o £ ^ a /



Whereas Article XXI of the Constitution requires all persons to be admitted to office in the Church of this Province to sign a declaration, according to a form prescribed by Provincial Synod, of submission to the Laws of the Church of this Province relating to this office,

And Whereas It is desirable that the declaration to be made by those to be admitted to the office of Churchwardens, Chapelwardens and Parish Councillors in terms of Canon 29, Section 4, should state more clearly the responsibdities attaching to such office in the Church:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 29 Section 4 be amended by the

deletion ol the words “ 1 declare — . in this place in lines 2-6 and the substitution of the following:

“ I declare that, in God’s grace,- I will seek to the best of my ability faithfully to execute the office of Churchwarden Alternate Churchwarden Chapelwarden, Parish Councillor within the Parish ot...- 1 will seek to be conscientious in the work of

adminitration and stewardship for the building up of our unity in Christ and for the furtherance of God's Kingdom in this place.

- 1 will seek to witness, as a representative of the Church against all that mars our unity and causes division, exploitation and taeat discrimination in our society.

-1 will seek to uphold by word and deed the teachings ol the Church of the Province of South Africa expressed through our Synods as grounded in the Holy Scriptures.

May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen me for this work.”

After the words "May the Holv Spirit guide and strengthen me for this work", at the end, add the following new paragraph :

At the discretion of the Archdeacon, the above declaration may be made in the following alternative form :Archdeacon: '- ill you seek to the best of your ability to execute---- --- - the office of Churchwarden/Alternate Churchwarden/

Chapelwarden/Parish Councillor within the Parish of ... ?

Response: I will.Archdeacon: "ill you seek to be conscientious in the work of

administration and stewardship for the building up of our unity in Christ and for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom in this place ?

Response: I will.Archdeacon: Will you seek to witness, as a representative of the---------- church against all that mars our unity and causes

division, exploitation and discrimination in our society ?

Response: I will.Archdeacon: '"ill you seek to uphold by word and deed the--------- - teachingS Gf the Church of the Province of South

Africa expressed through our Synods as grounded in the Holy Scriptures ?

Response: I will. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen me for this work.

-rv e y > A y

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Whereas In these days the Order of Deacons in the Church is in many instances comprised of older men, experienced in judgement, some of whom have already served the councils of the Church as lay people;

And Whereas It is desirable that they take an equal part with Priests in the Synods and Elective Assemblies of the Church:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that:(1) Canon I be amended

(a) By the deletion of the word “ Priests” in Section 3 line 8 and the substitution of the word “ Holy” .

(b) By the deletion of Section 4 and the consequential renumbering of Sections 5 to 12.

(2) Canon 3 be amended(a) By the deletion of the word “ priests" in lines 1 and V 2 of Section 4(d) and the substitution ot the word

“clergymen” ;By the deletion of Section 4(e); and(b)

(c) By the deletion of the word “ priests” in Section 9(a)(i) and the substitution ot the word “clergymen” ._______________

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Whereas It is desirable that the Diocesan Bishop should exercise a positive rather than a negative role in the election of a Bishop-Suffragan:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 9 Section 5 be amended as

follows: —(1) Insert the following paragraphs between the first and the

second, which are to be numbered (a) and (d) respectively(b) The mandate to summon the Assembly shall be sent

to the Bishop of the Diocese, who shall then fulfil all duties assigned to the Dean in terms of Canon 3, Sections 7, 8, 9, 21.

(c) The Bishop of the Diocese shall determine which of the names submitted in terms of Canon 3, Section 9 are to be brought to the notice of the Advisory Committee, and he may add names of his own choice.

(2) In the second paragraph delete the last sentence “ Nonominations.... Bishops of the Diocese” and add a newparagraph as follows -(e) If no election has been made after the fifth or the

sixth ballot, as the case may be, any member of the Elective Assembly may in the interval of the adjournment in terms of Section 16(c) submit to the Bishop ol the Diocese names of persons to fill the vacancy, which have not previously been submitted, and the Bishop of the Diocese shall determine which of such names are to be brought to the Elective Assembly for its consideration in terms of Section 16(d).

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The PrinciplesWhereas It is desirable that some of the Church’s invested

capital funds should be available for building and development work within the Church:

And Whereas Provincial and Diocesan Trustees are at present not permitted to invest funds in this way:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that:

(1) New Sections be added to Canon 41 as follows:8(c) Pursuant to Clause 9 of Schedule A, the Provincial

Trusts Board is also empowered to invest up to one tenth of total investment capital in the Provincial Loan Development Fund.

11(c) Pursuant to Clause 9 of Schedule A, Diocesan Trustees are also empowered to invest in Section 8(c) o f this Canon.

(2) A new Canon 48A be added as follows:


S eK.P^ ' fnciaL Loan Development Fund is fnlerestfS huHrff pUrp?*e ^granting loans at low the Church b d g and development work within

Donations to the Fund may be received from anvandrCDiord “ "t may be received from Provincial o "d ■ Dl°cesan Trustees in terms of Canon 41 Sections 8(c) and 11(c). 1

S 6 S L ° f lntf,reuSt l° be paid on morHes invested in the Fund shall be determined each year by the Provincial Standing Committee. y

LhfhPUp dshaH be administered under the direction o f the Provincial Trusts Board by a board o f fourhv^h^P of vvh? n? 1 ^ °sha11 be nominated annually by the Provincial Trusts Board and two shall beCommittee.nUa" by 'he Provincial °s2 Si^

<«■* J cJ~ \>— p ^ *T N—

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That this SynodAware fo the deaths of several detained people; and also aware of the profoundly distressing allegations of torture of people detained by the Security Police; and knowing that some members of our Church are employed by the Security Police and that this employment implies a definite loyalty and com­mitment to upholding the present structures of discrimination (Apartheid) together with the abhorrent detention laws:Believing that these structures and laws are directly contrary to Gospel values (for which reason we as a Church in our Synods and through statements by Bishops have condemned them again and again over the years as being offensive to the teaching o f our Church); andthat we should seek consistency in our witness to these convic­tions about the teaching of the Gospel;Therefore declares that it is inappropriate and undesirable that a member of the Security Police should hold any office in the Church of the Province of South Africa; and that such members require pastoral counsel and need help in under­standing the profound contradiction between the nature of their work and their Christian commitment as expressed in membership of the Anglican Church.

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That this Synod recommends to the Provincial Trustees that they make money available at a nominal rate to the Dioceses for the purpose of providing subsidised housing for retired clergy and retired church workers.

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------------------------------------------------------- n _ ^ \ —REPORT OF THE PROVINCIAL TRUSTS’ BOARD 0 I

I. MEMBERSHIPThe Board as constituted in terms of Canon 41 Section ? consists of the following: ’ ’

(a) 5 c /l rc{’ bish°P of Cape Town (Chairman)Commlstries) ,h' Pr° V'n“ (" theirThe Archdeacon of the CapeThe Provincial Registrar

Ven. G. Sylvester

B. Corder

Two laymembers elected by Synod Representative of the Provincial Pensions Board

G. HendricksH. White A. Stretton

(b) The Bishops of the Province are represented at the timeof drawing up Commissaries:-

this report by the following

Cape Town - P. HenwoodBloemfontein - G. MosesDamaraland - Rev. D. BrunoGeorge - W. LaneGrahamstown - V+^TuckeyJohannesburg Kimberley &

- J. Coaker

Kuruman - N. MatlalaLebombo - M. BissettLesotho - Rt. Rev. D. TutuNatal - L. KochNiassa - G. PitjePort Elizabeth - N. MattersonPretoria - F. KossuthSt. Helena - G. CoxSt. John’s - J. GarveySwaziland - B. MnguniZululand - Canon R. Kraft

The office of the Provincial Secretary and Treasurerwas moved to Johannesburg in 1978, and the member­ship of the Board has almost entirely changed since the last Provincial Synod.

(d) Changes in the constitution and chairmanship of the Board have been proposed and to give effect to these the Bishop of Johannesburg will introduce amendments to Canon 41 at Provincial Synod. (Agenda 25 and 26).

(e) The Board, conscious of its responsibilities, seeks to maintain close consultation and co-operation with the Bishops of the Province. As a result of informal discus­sions the Bishops propose to hold a joint meeting with the Commissaries each year, to review progress and determine policy.

2. MEETINGSFive meetings of the Board were held in Cape J own and six meetings have been held in Johannesburg since July 1978.

3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTSThe Reports in terms of Canon 41, Section 10(b) and (c) will be tabled together with the audited annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1978. These reflect the funds entrusted to the Board, amounting toR 1,253,996,00 and Investments, at cost, consisting of:-

RGovernment and Municipal Stock 114067Debentures and Loan Stock 605 086Mortgage Bonds 157 550Loans 68 297Prime Bank Paper 5 000Equities : Listed 257 084

Unlisted 6917R1 214001

I979eSt 31 Per annum f°rThe policy of the Board is to main

i i 3! ? has maintained the rate for the distribntiion ofyears 1977. 1978 and

o maintain Reserves at their of these Reserves enables the f return than would otherwise

(i) racially discriminatory nmntiV c-

Knowledge of and confidence in fte t o f t i S i ^ Z

been taken by many of the companies in which the Board has invested, and believe that those companies appreciate the need for enlightened employment practices.The Board will continue to watch the position and will take appropriate action as circumstances require.

6. COMMISSION REGARDING USE OF CHURCH FUNDSThe Board has had useful discussions with members of the Archbishop’s Commission which is examining the princi­ples and theology governing the use of the Church’s capital funds.In terms of the Constitution and Canons, the Board is obliged to invest its funds on “good and sufficient security” in order to obtain the maximum financial return. In view of this it is generally unable to invest capital entrusted to it in new Church projects, especially in developing areas.It believes that the appointment of the Commission is an important step and hopes that its report will clarify many of the misunderstandings which exist in this area.

7. PENSION FUNDSOf the funds controlled by the Board, Pension Funds account for 88% and there are stringent legal requirements regarding the investment of these funds. However, there are provisions concerning the investment of Church pension funds, and these are being examined by and dis­cussed with the investment advisers.

8. DIOCESAN BOARDS OF TRUSTEESSince the Board of Provincial Trustees is ultimately accountable to Provincial Synod for all assets belonging to the Church, the Board feels it needs to have some knowledge of the actions of the individual Diocesan Boards of Trustees.. Accordingly, the Board has requested from such Boards, annual assurance that:- (i) the investment advisers have been approved by it;

(ii) the Diocese’s investment in equities has not exceeded the percentage holding stipulated by the Board.In addition the Board has requested that each Diocese table before it the audited annual financial statements of the Diocesan Trust Board, together with schedules listing the total investment portfolio and the names of the investment adviser.

9. CONCLUSIONThe Board would like to take this opportunity of recording at Provincial Synod its gratitude to Mr. Gerald Abernethy, Provincial Secretary until 1978, and to those Cape Town based Commissaries who served so faithfully before the


move to Johannesburg, it also records its appreciation of the services of the investment advisers. dppreciatl0n ot




^ O r . ^

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" MEASURE To X m END CANON 41The Principles

Whereas Some have inclined to the view that “ business values” take priority in matters to do with capital and property, even in decisions of the Church;

And Whereas The Church’s mission is hindered when it does not set a clear enough example of stewardship and responsibility:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 41 be amended

(1) in Section 1 by the insertion of the word “ stewardship” before the word “ management” in line 3

(2) in Section 8(b)(ii) by the insertion of the words “are consistent with the Lordship of Christ and" before the words “ have been approved”

(3) in Section 10(a) by the insertion of the words “an account of its

stewardship and in particular" after the word “ special” ; and

(b) by the insertion of the words “ including criteria and priorities that have motivated the main decisions” after the words “ Report of Proceedings” in line 3; and

(c) by the addition of a new sub-section (d) as follows-

“(d) Recommendations for the period up to the following ordinary Session of Provincial Synod.”

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62 REPORT OF THE PROVINCIAL PENSIONS BOARD(In terms of Canons 45 Section 21,46 Section 29 and 47 Section21)

1. The Provincial Pensions Board is responsible for adminis­tering the three Pension Funds of the Church of the Province of South Africa. These funds are:-1.1. Provincial Clergy Pension Fund — Canon 451.2. Provincial Fund for the Widows and

Orphans of the Clergy — Canon 461.3. Provincial Pension Fund — Canon 47

2.1. The Board comprises the Archbishop of Cape Town, who is ex officio Chairman, together with three clergymen and four laymen elected by Provincial Synod.The following are the present elected members of the Board:—

Canon F.J. Newth Rt. Rev. E. Sobukwe Rt. Rev. F. Amoore Mr. T. Mercer Mr. A.N.J. Stretton Mr. E.W. Perks Chief D. Ndamase

The first two mentioned are not available for re-election to the Board.

2.2. Annual reports and financial statements have been published and distributed as usual. The sixty fourth annual report, being that for the year ended December 31, 1979 forms an annex to this report.

3. Before the Synod is a measure to repeal Canon 45, 46 and 47 and replace them with a new Consolidated Canon 45. While the rights and benefits of existing and future pen­sioners will not be prejudiced by this move, administrative and statutory procedures will be greatly facilitated. This new Consolidated Canon was also expressly requested by PSC at its November 1977 Meeting.

4.1. Attached to this report are the Actuary’s report and recom­

mendations on the disposal of surplus earned in the Provincial Clergy Pension Fund and the Provincial Fund for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy. In addition an interim report on the Provincial Pension Fund is also attached.

4.2. While the Board is happy with the increases which have been proposed and now implemented in the Widows Fund, it has not adopted the full recommendations in the other two Funds.

4.3. The Board feels that as a principle it is important to relate pensions paid to current pensionable emoluments in the Diocese in which a pensioner served — in so far as this is financially possible. For this reason, the flat % increases proposed by the Actuary in the Provincial Clergy Pension Fund have not been implemented.

4.4. In so far as the Provincial Pension Fund recommendations . are concerned, the Board feels that while increases in

pensions can be anticipated, it would be premature to act before a full valuation has been made.

5. During the period since the last Synod, the Board has dealt with several problems; amongst these have been:-



RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND:The Church of England Pensions Board terminated tne old reciprocal agreement on April 5, 1978 The procedure whereby pension rights are freely transfe­rable between the two Funds now no longer pertains since British legislation prohibits such an arrangement A new agreement has been concluded whereby rights in either fund are frozen, but that limitations with regard to age of entry are waived.However should a USPG missionary wish to return to

ngland, the Church of England Pensions Board is prepared to accept a cash transfer of that clergyman’s interest in the Provincial Pension Fund. This proce­dure can only be implemented when the clergyman emigrates to England and is subject to Exchange Control permission being obtained. Unfortunately the Church of England is prevented by law from doing likewise and does not wish to extend this concession to include all clergy.It is small comfort to know that the question of reciprocity throughout the Anglican communion is being investigated as a result of ACC4INADEQUATE BENEFITS:The pensions secured by the Fund have been subject to

criticism on account of their inadequacy. It may be useful to recall that when the reconstituted fund with the present scale of benefits was brought forward in 1965 cognisance was taken of the fact that a clergy­man’s real income was made up of his stipend and various non-monetary benefits deemed to be worth at the time about half his stipend. If therefore his pension were equal to his retiring stipend he would suffer a drop of one third of real income - such a provision is commonly found in commercial pension arrange­ments. In those days inflation was not a factor which had to be taken seriously, nor was its increase to pre­sent day levels forseen. The position to-day for many clergy is that their stipends have not increased by any­thing approaching the rate of inflation whereas the non-monetary benefits they enjoy can be reckoned in terms of current values. The result is that their sti­pends, taken as a proportion of their total real income, are now very much less than two thirds and therefore their pensions, still linked to retiring stipends, are likewise less than two thirds of real pre-retirement income.That is the position with which many clergy are faced and we must acknowledge that the situation exists, if we are to suggest ways whereby it may be ameliorated. But first we must emphasis that as pensions are linked to stipends, then if those pensions are inadequate the stipends themselves must be inade­quate. This leads us to the obvious cause of so many of our financial problems - our stipend scales have not increased by anything approaching the rates of infaltion and clergy who have no other monetary income than their stipends, have grown poorer. Some parishes have sought to help their rectors in various ways such as generous Easter offerings or by granting parish allowances in various forms. These gestures have certainly helped the recipients materially during their active incumbencies but of course such augmentation to stipend is non-pensionable in terms of the rules of the Pension Fund and by themselves they do not affect the pensions.In what directions then can the pensioners be helped? First and foremost every endeovour should be made to increase the stipend scales. If this were done in a widespread manner, the burden of stipend equali­sation which falls on the “ Wealthy” Dioceses would be mitigated and they would be better able to raise their own scales as well as helping their poorer neighbours.

Secondly, as it is apparent that the biggest difficulty facing the retiring clergy is the finding of accommo­dation, many parishes have given priority to the provision of suitable accommodation in their own areas, not necessarily for the benefit of their own incumbents but for the clergy and their widows generally. Thirdly, those clergy who accept augment­ation to their stipends from their parishes should consider applying part of that augmentation to the provision of additional pension- There is no difficulty about doing this as all the life insurance companies in the country issue what are called Retirement Annuity contracts whereby members of pension schemes may make provision to augment their pensions on their own account on favourable terms.Another suggestion has been madetto the effect that the contributions to the pension fund be substantially increased so that the pension benefits can be materially raised. We cannot agree with this proposal since it carries an inference that the basic conception of the pension fund in relating pensions to stipends and equating them after forty or more years’ stipendiary service is wrong. We think that the relationship is reasonable and that the rules of the fund are soundly based on established principles. Our view is supported by the emergence of a scale of contributions which reflect an acceptable percentage of stipends, both from the clergy and the Diocese. We cannot support a proposal which seeks to alter the fundamental basis of the pension fund whilst failing to note that the real cause of low pensions is that the stipends are low.Summarising the foregoing, we accept that in some circumstances the pensions are inadequate but we cannot agree that such acceptance applies universally in all Dioceses. We advocate that continuous efforts should be made to raise and keep stipend scales at amounts which will enable the worst ravages of inflation to be faced. We support the efforts that are being made at parochial level to provide retirement

- accommodation and we encourage those clergy who are seriously perturbed at the prospect of retirement on inadequate pensions to explore the possibility of securing augmentation on the lines we have suggested.

6. THE PROVINCIAL CLERGY PENSION FUND:6.1. The Fund has decreased since the last report to

Synod as follows:-

December 31, 1978 - R266412December 31, 1975 - ________ 268 570

Decreased since last Synod R2 1586.2. By its nature, this is a dying fund. The only

members of the fund are 39 clergymen whose membership is in suspense. These clergymen constitute those who are no longer actively engaged in the Province, and who have past service to their credit. This service will either be transferred out of the Fund when they take up work in another Province with which we have a reciprocal agreement, or if they resume work in this Province, they will be obliged to join the new Pension Fund and their interest in this Fund will be transferred to the Provincial Pension Fund.On the other hand certain Clergymen who are in suspense will qualify for a reduced pension at age 70 based on their former service. Any pension due would be calculated by the Actuary.

6.3. PENSIONS PAID:The pensions paid by this fund have been steadily increased over the years. In 1977, as a result of the Actuary’s valuation of the Fund at December 31, 1976, all pensioners were given a 75% increase together with a R600-00 per annum bonus.The average annual pension paid in December 31, of each of the intervening years since the last Provincial synod has been:-



1 733-85 1 908-75


7.1. The fund has increased since the last report to Synod as follows:-

December 31, 1975 December 31, 1978

455 548 508 102

R 525547.2. Since no new associates have been accepted since

the inception of the Provincial Pension Fund, this fund is a dying fund. At December 31, 1978 there was a total of 92 Associates, of whom 56 had reached the age of 65 and had therefore ceased contributing.

7.3. PENSIONS PAID.The pensions paid by the fund have been steadily increased over the years. In 1977, as a result of the actuary’s valuation of the fund at December 31, 1976, all pensioners were given a flat increase ot R 132-00 per annum, this had the effect ol proportionately increasing the pensions of those, who up to December 31, 1976 were receiving less than R200-00 per annum and who formed the majority of pensioners, by a greater amount.The average annual pension paid in December 31, of each of the intervening years since the last Provincial Synod has been:-

R1976 163-631977 327-341978 341-40

PROVINCIAL PENSION FUND:8.1. The fund has increased since the last report to

Synod as follows:-December 31, 1975 5236647December 31, 1978 ____ __7 035 907

TX>E5> / W


R 1 799 260


8.2. The membership of the Fund at December 31, 1978 was as follows:-

Active Clergy Clergy whose membership

is in suspenseBishops over age 65 _______



.3. PENSIONS PAID:The pensions paid by the fund have been steadily increased over the years. In 1977, as a. result of the Actuary’s valuation of the fund at december 31, 1976 all pensioners received an increase in pension at the rate of 4% per completed year on pension, with a maximum increase of 20%.The average annual pension paid in December 31,

^ ______ : ____ ___ r-o c ; t h pI l i e a v e i c i £ , v r ---------------- r , .

of each of the intervening years since the lastProvincial Synod has been:


R1 357-30 1 438-49 1 499-57

within a range of:-1976 50 - 27001977 100 - 27001978 100 - 2940

The pensioners receiving less than R450-00 are widows who elected to receive a pension in lieu ot a lump sum death benefit.

r v z & b n y



8.4. DEATH BENEFITS:At present the Fund pays a death benefit equal to five times the clergyman’s pensionable emoluments at the date of retirement. Of this, four years death cover have been funded, as from January 1, 1978, while the remaining year’s additional cover continues to be paid out of surplus.Benefits paid since the last session of Synod have been as follows:-

YearNo. of

beneficiaries Total Average1976 16 R 116 211 R7 2631977 14 R 113 797 R8 1281978 12 R 119 440 R9953

DIOCESAN RESERVES:In 1977, arising from the Actuary’s valuation of theFund at December 31, 1976 an amount of


R200 000-00 was allocated to Dioceses in propor­tion to their actuarial reserves, in order to stabilise contribution rates. The Board notes that two of the major Dioceses have not as yet used these reserves.

8.6. PENSIONS REVIEW:The Board has decided that pensions be reviewed each year and that the Actuary’s asistance be solicitated in order to do this. Attached to this report is the Actuary’s interim report on the fund at December 31, 1978. This should be read with 4.4.

9. CONCLUSION:The Board would like to take this opportunity of thanking the Actuary, Mr. R.C. Lloyd, for his invaluable advice and assistance over the years.


In terms of Canons 45 Section 21,46 Section 29 and 47 Section 21 the Provincial Pensions Board presents the following Reports of the Actuary on the following three Funds: 1 2 3


1. TERMS OF REFERENCEThis report deals with the actuarial valuation of the Provincial Clergy Pensions Fund (referred to hereafter as the Fund) as at the 31st December, 1978, which has been made for the purposes of the Pension funds Act and for the purpose of considering the possibility of increasing the pensions payable under the Fund.

2. D A T AAll of the necessary data for the valuation was supplied by the Secretary of the Provincial Pensions Board. The data was reconciled as far as was possible with that used for the previous valuation as at the 31st December, 1976.

3. HISTORICAL REVIEWThe Fund was closed to new entrants as from the 1st January, 1976, upon the formation of the Provincial Pension Fund and most of the members who were not yet on pension, nor in suspense, were transferred to the new fund. The few remaining contributors were subsequently transferred to the new fund, so that the membership of the Fund now consists only of clergymen in suspense and pensioners. The membership at the beginning and end of the valuation period was as follows:

1.1.77 31.12.7824 39

Pensioners In suspense


63 51As from the 1st January, 1972, pensions and amounts held at credit for clergymen in suspense were increased by 20% and in addition a further bonus pension of R180 per annum was granted to each pensioner.

9 3

Pensions being paid as at 1st January, 1976, were still, however, very low - averaging R677 per annum. The substantial surplus disclosed at that valuation made it possible to increase pensions and amounts held at credit for clergymen in suspense by 75% and to grant an additional bonus pension of R600 per annum. This increased the average pension to R1 785 per annum.

4. CONSOT1 DATED REVENUE ACCOUNTThe following is a consolidated revenue account for the period since the previous valuation:

Amount of Fund as at 1.1.77 R279977

Pensions paid R 60 673

Expenses 7 570Interest & Dividends 56211 Transfers 1063Sundry Income 668 Net loss on

disposal of investments 1 817

Transfer fromInvestmentReserve 679 Fund as at

31.12.78 266412R337 535 R337 535

The average annual rates of investment return earned by the Fund in the two years were as follows:

Year Investment19771978


ASSET POSITIONA summary of investments is shown in Annexure A hereto. I am informed that the assets are not pledged, hypothecated or encumbered in any way. There is an investment Reserve that, as at the 31st December, 1978, amounted to R13 320. In addition, the market value of the assets exceeded the book value by R36010 at that date.The Fund is, therefore, conservatively stated at the value of R266412 as at the 31st December, 1978.

6. VALUATION BASISThe previous valuation was made on the basis of:

(1) Interest at 6% per annum.(2) Mortality according to the South African 1956-62

ultimate table of mortality.(3) An expense allowance of 10% of pensions.

The present valuation was made on the same basis, except that the expense allowance was increased to 15% of pensions.

7. VALUE OF LIABILITIESThe actuarial liability as at the 31st December, brought out by the above basis is as follows:



Number Pensionsper annum

Pensioners 12 R21783In suspense 39 _________ ;

51 R21783

8. POSITION OF THE FUNDFund as at 31.12.78 R266412Actuarial Liability as at 31.12.78 154595

Ri l l 817The surplus is sufficient to increase pensions and amounts held in credit by 72,33%.The large amount of suplus is due to two factors, namely, the high investment return on the Fund, and the rapid decrease in the number of pensioners. And it should be noted that of the remaining pensioners only one is less than 80 years of age.

9. DISPOSAL OF THE SURPLUSWhen generous increases in pensions were granted after the previous valuation, it was not realised that these would create anomalies relative to pensioners under the new fund. What in fact happened was that some pensioners had their pensions increased to a level in excess of the pensions that would have been paid to new Fund clergymen going on pension at that date, based on the latest levels of pensionable emoluments in their various Dioceses.It will be seen from section 8 above, that pension increases of some 70 per cent could now be granted. Such action would in no way be justified. However, some basis for granting pension increases needs to be developed.It should be recalled that the contributions that have built up the Fund were largelypaid by the Dioceses and thus it cannot be claimed that the members have any automatic right to a major part of the surplus. And this is particularly the case in respect of the major component of the surplus, namely that arising from the death of one - half of the pensioners in only two years.It should also be noted that the reason for establishing the new fund was to provide improved pension benefits and it would be contrary to this motivation if the remaining pensioners under the Fund, through circumstances that they did not bring about, were to be granted pensions that are out of line with those being paid by the new fund.

A minimum level of increase should, 1 feel, be established arising from the investment earnings of the Fund, and adjustments should then be made to increase all pensions up to the level of pensions based on current pensionable emoluments in the various Dioceses. The Provincial Pensions Board should then decide if any further adjustments should be made. The total cost can only be established when the necessary decisions have been made, but the cost can then readily be calculated from the information set out in Annexure B hereto.The minimum levels of increase arising from the investment earnings of the Fund are arrived at as follows. The compounding of the investment returns for the two years (see Section 4) gives rise to an increase of 23%. This is fully applicable to those in suspense, being the interest and dividends earned on their share of the actuarial liability. This will absorb an amount of surplus of R15 906.As regards pensioners, the actuarial liabilities are calculated at 6%, and regard must be had to the investment return in excess of this figure. This then gives rise to an increase in pension of 10%. Such an increase will absorb an amount of surplus of R8 544.Annexure B shows that the cost of adjusting pensions up to the minimum level, after adjustment by the'10% increase, is R 14 183.

Actuarial Liability R 85437

69 158 R 154 595

The total amount of surplus absorbed is therefore:In suspense R 15 90610% of pensions 8 544Adjustment to minimum

pensions 14 183R38 633

The remaining surplus is therefore R73 184, less the cost of any additional adjustments decided upon by the Provincial Pensions Board.





Market BookValue Value

Equities - Listed R92540 R51076R.S.A. stock 29 118 36 270Municipal & other approved stock 71 100 77 390Debentures - Listed 65 443 57 455

- Unlisted 5 000Participation mortgage bonds 33950




Minimum pensionPension Pension based on current Cost of RI0O Adjustment

Name DioceseCurrentPension

increased by 10%


p.a. additional pension

up to minimum

Cost of Adjustment

1. Brown H.K. Cape Town R 1 959-00 R2 154-90 R2 70I R320 R546-10 R 17482. Jones A.P. Cape Town 1 984-00 2 182-40 2 778 338 595-60 20133. Middleton E.R Bloemfontein 2451-00 2 696-10 2 700 376 3.90 154. Sekhoto S. Bloemfontein 1671-00 1 838-10 2092 320 253-90 8125. Johnson J. Grahamsiown 2 168-00 2 384-80 2 775 3% 390-20 15456. Winckley E.O. Natal 1008-00 1 108-80 2070 811 961-20 7 7957. Lebenya G. St. John's 1671-00 1 838-10 1899 418 60-90 2558. Dwane N. O. of E. 1671-00 1 838-10 1008 5359. Motobi C.T Johannesburg 1671-00 1 838-10 1620 193

10. Grinham R. Mashonaland 2187-60 2406-36 1615 4401 1. (iwetu P. Mashonaland 1671-00 1 838-10 874 48612. Mapuma T.N. Mashonaland 1671-00 1 838-10 699 256

R 14 183


1. TERMS AND REFERENCEThis report deals with the actuarial valuation of the Provincial Fund for the Widows and Orphans of the

Clergy (referred to hereafter as the Fund) as at the 31st December, 1978, which has been made for thepurposes of the Pension Funds Act and for the purpose of considering the possibility of increasing the pensions payable under the Fund.

2. DATAAll of the necessary data for the valuation was supplied by the Secretary of the Provincial Pensions Board. The data was reconciled as far as was possible with that used in the previous valuation as at the 31st December, 1976.

3. HISTORICAL REVIEWThe Fund was closed to new entrants as from the 1st January, 1976, upon the formation o f the Provincial Pension Fund. The membership at the beginning and end of the valuation period was as follows:

1.1.77 31.12.1978Widows in receipt ofpensions 117 105Clergy over the age of 65, whose contributions have ceased 55 56Contributing members 41 36

213 197Arising out of the previous valuation as at the 31st December, 1976, it was decided to increase all pensions by an amount of R 132 per annum. An amount of R4 129 of surplus was carried forward unappropriated.

4. CONSOLIDATED REVENUE ACCOUNTThe following is a consolidated revenue account for the period since the previous valuation:Amount of Fund as at 1.1.77 R488 420

Pensions paid R 72 844

Contributions Interest &

1 064 Expenses Net loss on

8 842

Dividends 103 227 disposal of investments 3712

Sundry Income 1 873 Transfer to Investment ReserveFund as at 31.12.78


508 102R 594 584 R594 584

The average annual rates of investment return earned by the Fund in the two years were as follows:

Year InvestmentReturn

1977 10,65%1978 11,22%

5. ASSET POSITIONA summary of investments is shown in Annexure A hereto.I am informed that the assets are not pledged, hypothecated or encumbered in any way. There is an Investment Reserve that, as at the 31st December, 1978, amounted to R25 405. In addition, the market value of the assets exceeded the book value by R53 524 at that date. The Fund is, therefore, conservatively stated at the value of R508 102 as at the 31st December, 1978.

6. VALUATION BASISThe previous valuation was made on the basis of:

(1) Interest of 6% per annum.(2) Mortality according to the South African 1956-62

ultimate table of mortality, with a rating down in age of 6 years in respect of wives and widows.

(3) A mortality contingency loading of 10% of the value of the benefits.

(4) An expense allowance of 20% of contributions plus 7'/2% of pensions.

The valuation was made on the same basis except that the expense allowance of 7J/2% of pensions was increased to 12'A% and the mortality contingency loading was dispensed with. The net effect of the change in basis was a release in reserves of R20 960.

VALUE OF THE LIABILITIESThe actuarial liability as at the 31st December 1978, brought out by the above basis, amounted to R407 815, as cpt mit in Annexure B hereto.

8. POSITION OF THE FUND Amount of Fund as at 31.12.78 Actuarial Liability as at 31.12.78


R508 102 407 815

R 100 287This is sufficient to provide an increase in all pensions of 24,45%.

The surplus earned in the two-year period is as follows:Gross surplus R100287less release in reserves 20960less carry forward 4 129

Surplus earned R 75 198This is sufficient to provide an increase in all pensions of 18,34%.

9. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUSAt the previous valuation the bonus pension granted was the same for each pensioner, in order to provide a degree of equalisation in pensions, for the future it is believed that the correct approach would be to grant bonus pensions on the basis of a percentage of pension.It is proposed that all pensions be increased as from the 1 st January, 1979, by 24 per cent. This would absorb an amount of R98 423 of the surplus, thus leaving an amount of R1 864 to be carried forward. This increase will greatly restore the purchasing power of the pensions that has been eroded by double figure inflation in the past two years.The decision to recommend that the release in reserves, amounting to R20960, should be distributed as a contribution to the bonus pensions, is influenced by:

(1) The needs of the pensioners,(2) The financial strength of the Fund, and(3) The fact that no account has been taken of unrealised

capital profits.






Market BookValue Value

Equities - Listed R 138 407 R 84 327Unlisted 6 750

R.S.A. stock 91 028 99 532Municipal and other approved stock 139848 145091Debentures - Listed 109 420 96 229

Unlisted 5 000Mortgage bonds - Participation 61 000

Direct 7 500



VALUATION AS AT 31.12.1978

Widows in receipt of

Number Pensions p.a. Contributionsp.a.

Value of Pensions

Value of net Contributions


pensionsClergy over the age of 65. whose contributions have

105 R34 783-60 R - R3023I9 R - R3023I9

ceased 56 18015-20 72 348 72 348Contributing members 36 10 105-90 494-80 35427 2 279 33 148

197 R 62 904-70 R494-80 R4I0094 R2 279 R407815


This report deals with the cost of increasing the pensions payable to pensioners as at the 31st December. 1978.

2. DATAThe data relating to pensioners was supplied by the Secretary of the Provincial Pensions Board and was reconciled as far as was possible with the data for the actuarial valuation as at the 31st December, 1976.

3. HISTORICAL REVIEWThe Fund was established on the 1st January. 1967, and th first actuarial valuation thereafter was made as at the 31st

December, 1971. when an amount of R45 202 was allocated to provide increases to pensioners.At the valuation made as at the 31st December, 1976, an amount of R 128 131 was used to increase pensions at the rate of 4 per cent for each complete year on pension, with a maximum increase of 20 per cent.Most of the surplus available at the 31st December, 1976, was used to fund an additional year’s death cover and to provide for the temporary payment of the fifth year’s death cover. An amount of R200 000 was allocated to Dioceses to stabilise contribution rates and a further contribution stabilisation contingency fund amounting to R20 000 was set up. The balance of surplus, namely R2 214 was carried forward unappropriated.During the period from 1st January, 1977, to the 31st December, 1978, the number of pensioners increased from 133 to 142.


CONSOLIDATED REVENUE ACCOUNT r_ _The following is a consolidated revenue account tor tne two-year period:Fund at 1.1.77 R5 853 580 Pensiom^ r 401095

Transfers in 721 ueatn oenems Personal contri- Refund ofbuttons loUJoZ coniriDuiiuiio Diocesan contri- Transfers out 1876i , • „ f J i i 7 1 Ibutions o ' ' ' 11Investment Net loss on dis-i n / 'n m t 1 1 251 864 posal of invest-income 1 1 ments 95 063

contributions 292 expenses 54 510

donations 4191 DiocesanReserveA 7 0 0 0 0 0Accounts zuuuuu

Transfers from Transfer toInvestment StabilisationReserve 95063 Con.,agency ^

Fund as atm 17 78 7035907

R8 064 004 R8 064 004

The average investment return on the Fund for the two years was as follows:

Year Investment

1977 9,81%1978 10,82%


amounted to R40 195. In addition, the market value of the assets exceeded the book value by R873415.

6. POSITION OF THE FUNDIn the absence of a full actuarial valuation, comments onthe position of the Fund must necessarily be made in general terms.Death benefits, although at a higher rate than in the previous valuation period, appear to be reasonably in line with those expected in terms of the valuation mortality basis, while expenses have been R 17 882 less than the amount allowed for in the previous valuation basis, the rreturn on the Fund has been well in excess of the rate of 6 per cent used in the previous valuation basis and a fullactuarial valuation would be estimated to disclose a surplus from this source of some R500000.In view of these comments ana tne very strong asset position, it will be clear that the Fund can well afford to grant increases to the pensioners.

7. INCREASE TO PENSIONERSFrom the point of view of the investment return on theFund in thepast two years, it would be apropriate to grant pension increases of 5 per cent per annum to the pensionersfor each completed year onpension, with a maximum of 10 per cent for those who were already on pension at the

The cost of such increases, on the previous valuation basis,

CostMale pensioners R 119 820Female pensioners 2 693

R122523The female pensioners are those who elected to received pensions, on the death of their husbands, in lieu' of the lump sum death benefit.When the pensions were granted, the amounts of pension

were calculated on the actuarial valuation basis, which involves a rate of interest of 6 per cent per annum. It must be appreciated that higher annuities could have been purchased from an insurance company if such annuities were fixed in amount. The idea underlying the use ot the valuation rate of interest was that it would then be possible to grant bonus pensions, which in the long run would be beneficial to those pensioners who lived long. It is, therefore, essential that bonus pensins be granted to the female pensioners and I would consider 5 per cent per annum as the minimum amount. The Provincial Pensions Board should, however, consider, whether a higher amount of bonus pension should not be granted.As regards the male pensioners, consideration should also be given to whether it would not be preferable to increase pensions to the level that would have applied if the pensions had been based on current pensionable emoluments being paid to active clergymen in the various Dioceses. I do not have the information available to enable the cost of this to be established, but in the Annexure hereto 1 have listed all of the male pensioners, together with their current pensions and the cost of granting an increase of R100 per annum. The Secretary to the Provincial Pensions Board can then, from his records, readily establish the cost of such an approach.It may well be that this total cost will be too high, in which case some percentage of the total adjustment could be adopted. There appears to me to be merit in this approach, as opposed to a flat percentage adjustment.



•t o £ s> a y




Arden E.Bacon G.H.W.Beardall F.L.Calata J.A.Capper E.M.H.Charlton J.D.B.Clack M.H.Coangae J.R.Cooper G.A.P.Forrester R.L.B.Gawe W.S.Gaylard H.M.Guma M.N.Grace S.E.Heath J.G.Hlaula S.Z.Holderness R.H.Howard G.J.Kaka A.N.Knight S.F.H.Kumalo J.Lean E.V.Le Sueur A.B.Likhang J.L.Luswazi E.M.Maund J.A.A.Maputo J.T.Madi S.Magwaza E.Mantshongo R.Maqashalala M.Martyn D.I.L.Masemola M.

Matlapeng G.H. Matlatsa M.S. Matshai S.M. Mbatha P.J. Mfenyana N.M. Mkhize A.Moore A.J. Musengezi M.M. Ndungane J.E.B. Ngewu C.K. Norton H.E. Pugh G.H. Pungwayo A.M. Phutsisi E. Sagonda L. Sekgoma H. Shange A.P. Shapter L.T.G. Sierwald J.W. Sigeca W. Sithole E.M.

AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1978

PENSION COST OFp.a. R100 p.a.


R 1 296-00 R5681 028-40 6171 814-40 7191 257-84 410

744-00 7191 238-40 5922 592-00 6421 299-00 7191 008-00 592

969-00 7191 224-00 5442 154-60 7711 852-50 10031 800-00 7711 273-44 7451 344-00 617

793-68 7711 020-00 667

600-00 7711 101-60 693

738-00 4741 101-60 6172024-40 544

810-00 745991-44 642

1 128-00 7711 463-04 568

854-64 5681 485-00 823

8 6 6 - 8 8 4971 101-60 6931 704-24 667

696-24 693

1 516-32 693900-00 771

1 665-00 7711 392-00 7191 788-00 7451 184-00 9271631-52 240

525-00 797695-52 592910-80 452

1 072-08 5201 707-96 693

933-12 797378-00 771900-00 410583-92 592

1 148-40 7451 497-60 7191 485-00 745

534-00 7711 020-60 745

/ o 3Stainton T.W. 2167-20 568 Synge F.C. 1020-24 592Taylor J.D. 1787-40 745 Thelwall R. de C. 920-40 , 693ThemaZ.H. 1782-00 771 Titus M.A. 597-60 431Welton E.G. 1892-16 667 Wheeldon P.W. 912-00 849White R. 1 758-00 693 Woodfield S.P. 1548-00 300Zulu A H. 1 338-48 642 Barron P.H.F. 2940-00 823Bowers J.L. . 2157-60 592 Brown E.D. 2 332-80 693Chaffey K.A. 2 246-40 719 Clark P. 1914-48 693Findley F.. 2 940-00 823 Green C.B.G. 1879-20 592Gregorowski W.V. 2 700-00 719

Halvorson G.A.H. 2 332-80 667

6Haythomthwaite F.M.M. 1516-32 James M. 2 866-80Langmore E.R. 1 148-40 719 Le Sueur A.G. 1249-92 693Lloyd A.G. 2214-00 745 Ndungane F.F.T. 2099-52 667Nye M. 1800-00 745 Nyovane G.L. 1810-80 452Pinkham C.E. 1406-40 568 Rogers D.C.E. 1 957-80 745Rowland E.J. 1652-40 642 Swartz J.W.M. 1470-00 1 169Taylor R.S. 1944-00 745 Torrance E.O. 1794-24 693van der Byl A.F. 2 332-80 667 Wood C.T. 1548-60 592Pickard S..C. 2 280-00 797 Sharland A.J. 1 386-00 1274Wilkinson W.E. 1548-00 452 Macie J.S. 900-00 390€ Choo D. 640-80 568 Dunn J.S. 1425-60 642Frost J.P. 1 344-00 927 Fenton A.G. 2 550-00 876 •

r Kweyama S.M. 1472-64 719 Mdhladhla G.L. 1689-12 642w NdabaW. 1710-72 642 Pressley S.V. 1989-12 667

Ibr— Shaw V.C.C. 2454-60 719 Hopa E.L.M. 873-60 719Bennett S.E. 2098-44 592 Britton C.E. 2102-76 667Evans W.R.P. 2 336-04 693 Glover C. 2 147-76 497Heath T. 2 520-00 497 Hloahloa J.Q. 1386-00 719

1 ----------Lovely L.W. 2 820-00 771 Madini G.V. 855-00 1212Mguli R.E.M. 1664-88 617

Molefe C.P. 1701-00 719Moloi S.K. 1 641-60 568Monala P.K. 1 884-96 474Mphenyeke G.A.P. 1 284-80 901Newth F.J. 2 620-80 693Nyovane C.H.P. 2115-00 771Palmer N.W.J. 1 953-00 693Sekgaphane Z. 1 795-68 592Stradling C.E. 2 280-96 719Chachimue 388-80 927Michangula E.T. 576-00 719Bhengu H.R.N. 1 263-60 745Ellis R.J.G. 2 545-20 745Geils P.W.A. 2 660-00 745Imman T.G.V. 2731-32 642Lawrence H. 1 932-00 849Mylne A.F. 1 699-20 497Ngcongo P.Z. 1 827-00 745Risdon E.M. 1 948-80 567Dakada S.X. 539-40 592

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The PrinciplesWhereas It is desirable to avoid the situation of survivor take

all in the Provincial Clergy Pension Fund and Provincial Fund for Widows and Orphans of the Clergy;And Whereas The existence of three seperate Pension Funds causes increased administration, secretarial and statutory

And Whereas One merged Pension Fund will preserve existing rights and benefits for members, associates and pensioners of the three Funds:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canons 45,46 and 47 be repealed and the

following new Canon 45 be substituted therefor:




1 he name of the Fund shall be “Church o f the Province of ^°uth ,Afnca:.. Proymcl.aJ Pension Fund” (hereinafterreferred to as “ the Fund” ).The registered office of the Fund shall be at:Khotso House, 42 De Villiers Street, Johannesburg,

3. In this Canon words defined in the Act and not defined below bear the meaning thus assigned to them.“ Act” shall mean the Pension Funds Act 1956 as amended, and the regulations framed thereunder. ’“ Actuary” shall mean the Actuary appointed by the Board and approved by the Registrar as a valuator for the purposes of the Act.Associate shall mean any clergyman who was a

member of the Widows’ Fund and whose dependants would have been entitled to benefits under that Fund.Associated Church” shall mean any Episcopal Church

in Communion with the Church of England.Associated Fund shall mean any pension scheme for

providing pensions for the Clergy of any Associated Church.Auditor shall mean an Auditor registered under the

Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Act 1951.“ Board” shall mean the Provincial Pensions Board appointed in terms of Section 5.The term “child” or “orphan” shall include any legally adopted child. 6 J“ Clergyman” shall mean any Bishop, Priest or Deacon holding office and licensed in any of the several Dioceses of the Church of the Province of South Africa, or o f the Church of the Province of Central Africa.Clergyman in Suspense” shall mean any clergyman who

was formerly a member of the Fund or the Old Fund who relinquished membership on ceasing to be a licensed clergyman, who has not been transferred to another fund in terms of a reciprocal agreement and whose service under the Fund or the Old Fund is retained to his credit until he qualifies for transfer to another fund or again becomes eligible for membership of the Fund.“Commencement Date” shall mean such date as determined by the Board in terms of Section 34.

Dependant” shall mean any person or persons, including an unborn child, who, in the opinion of the Board, is or would have been, had the member not died, wholly or partly dependent on him.“ Diocesan Bishop” shall mean the Bishop of a Diocese and shall not include a Bishop Suffragan.Existing Fund” shall mean the Provincial Pension

Fund.“ Full Member” shall mean a member who is entitled both to Pension Benefits and to Death Benefits as set out in Section 22.“ Marriage Allowance” shall mean the additional allowance payable in accordance with the rules of the Diocese in which a clergyman is licensed, to a married clergyman over and above his basic stipend (but shall exclude any children’s allowance).

Member” shall mean a Clergyman who has been admitted to membership of the Fund, either as a Full Member or as a Part Member, or as an Associate.“ Old Fund” shall mean the Provincial Clergy Pensions Fund.“Old Fund Pensioner” shall mean any Clergyman who is in receipt of a pension under the Old Fund as at the Commencement Date.“ Part Member” shall mean a Member who is Entitled only to Death Benefits as set out in Section 22.“ Pensionable Emoluments” shall mean the annual amount of a Clergyman’s Stipend plus Marriage Allowance (where applicable), save that for a Diocesan Bishop it shall mean the maximum stipend, plus Marriage Allowance (where applicable), that could be paid to any Clergyman (other than a Diocesan Bishop or Bishop-Suffragan) in terms of the highest scale of stipends applicable in the Diocese.“ Pensioner” shall mean any person who is in receipt of a pension under the Fund.“ Province” shall mean the several Dioceses of the Church of the Province of South Africa and the Church of the Province of Central Africa.“ Reciprocal Agreement” shall mean any reciprocal agreement referred to in Section 27 or any reciprocal agreement made in relation to the Old Fund.“ Registrar” shall mean the Registrar of Pension Funds appointed under the Act.

“ Normal Retirement Age” shall mean:(a) In the case of alj Clergymen other than Diocesan

Bishops, sixty-eight years;(b) In the case of Diocesan Bishops,sixty-five years.

“ Service” shall mean those years of service for which the required contribution shall have been paid or such period as may be credited to a Clergyman in terms of any Reciprocal Agreement.“ Stipend” shall mean the income payable to a clergyman in accordance with the scale or scales of stipends and allowances existing in the Diocese in which he is licensed and for which he automatically qualifies by virtue of such licence but shall, unless the contrary is decided by the Board, exclude any special allowance applicable to E)eans, Archdeacons, or other dignitaries and any other allowances for specific purposes payable in addition to thp hasic stioend.“Transfer Value” shall mean any moneys passing or having passed between the Fund (or the Old Fund) and any Associated Fund, in terms of a reciprocal agreement, on the transfer of a clergyman from one Fund to the other. _____________ _____ ____ ____ —

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“ Widows’ Fund” shall mean the Provincial Fund for theBy Widows and Orphansjo the Clergy.

14? The object of the Fund is to provide for pensions for 1 ? Members who have attained normal retirement age or

have become disabled by infirmity from the due discharge of their ministerial or otficial duties, and to make some provision for their dependants upon theirdecease.

5. The Fund shall be administered by a Provincial Pensions Board consisting of the Metropolitan (as Chairman and seven elected members, of whom three shall b Clergymen and four Laymen, who shall be elected by the Provincial Synod at each regular Session, but not of necessity from its members, and in the event of a vacancy occurring between Sessions of Synod, the Board shall have power to fill such vacancy. In the absence ol the Metropolitan the Board shall elect an acting Chairman.

6 The Board shall meet to conduct the business of the Fund when required by the Metropolitan. Four members shall form a quorum. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman for the time being shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote.

7. Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Board shall have

6 power to carry out the objects and purposes of the Fund, in accordance with the provisions of this Canon.

8. The Provincial Trusts’ Board, as constituted in terms of Canon 41, shall be the Trustees of the Fund.The Board is empowered to invest:(a) in stock or fully paid-up shares (including rights to

acquire such shares) in any body corporate, provided that no such investment shall be made unless it shall be approved by the Investment Advisers to the Provincial Trusts’ Board;

(b) in the purchase or development of immovable property and loans on mortgage of immovable property within the Province ot South Africa. Provided that immovable property may be acquired only with the prior consent of the Registrar.

Any advance on first mortgage shall not exceed seventy-five per cent of the value of the immovable property concerned as assessed on the date of the advance.All assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of the Fund shall vest in the Fund.

9. The Provincial Secretary shall be ex officio Secretary of the Board and, as such, principal executive officer of the Fund.#

10 The Board shall cause to be kept such accounts and records as are essential for the proper working of the -Fund.The financial year of the Fu/nd shall end on the thirty-first day of December. ’The accounts of the Fund shall be audited annually and the Auditor shall submit an annual report thereon to the Board and copies shall be sent to each Diocesan Bishop.

11. The Board shall issue an annual report, which shall include the audited accounts, and such report shall be sent to all Members of the Fund and other interestedparties.

12 The Board shall appoint and remunerate an auditor who' shall hold office indefinitely at the Board's discretion.

13. The Fund shall bear all costs of administration.14. The Secretary shall be responsible for the safe custody ot

all securities belonging to or held by the Fund.15. The Board is empowered to authorize such persons as it

may approve from time to time and upon suclUerms andconditions as may be approved by it, to sign documents on behalf of the Fund. Provided that documents to be deposited with the Registrar shall be signed in the manner prescribed by the Act.

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16. (a) The Board shall receive such security as it may deem sufficient from officers of the Fund for the rendering of a true account of all moneys received and paid by them on behalf of the Fund.

(b) Every trustee and officer of the Fund shall be chargeable for such money only as he shall actually have received, although he shall have joined in any receipt for money received by any other trustee or officer, and shall not be answerable for any loss which may arise by reason of any money being deposited in the hands of any Banker or Agent, or from the insufficiency or deficiency of any security upon which the money, or any part thereof, maybe invested, nor for any loss, unless the same shall happen through his own neglect or default.

17. (1) All members of the Existing Fund, the Old Fundand the Widows’ Fund shall be deemed to be members of the Fund provided that no further benefits shall be paid to them other than those which, in the opinion of the Actuary, they would have received had those three Funds continued their separate existence.

(2) The assets and liabilities of the Existing Fund, the Old Fund and of the Widows’ Fund, as set forth in the duly authorised Balance Sheets of those Funds, shall be taken over by the Fund and paid into the Fund as at the Commencement Date. Such payments shall in no way diminish the benefits the members of the Existing Fund, the Old Fund and the dependants of the Associates of the Widows’ Fund would, in the opinion of the Actuary, have obtained had those three Funds continued to exist.

(3) All Clergymen, as defined in Section 3, whov on being licensed, on or after the Commencement Date, in any of the several Dioceses of the Province,(a) shall not have attained the age of 48 years, or(b) if over 48 years of age on being so licensed,

were under that age at the time of being licensed in another Province of the Anglican Communion and who are transferred in terms of a reciprocal agreement,

shall be eligible and shall apply for Full Membership of the Fund, provided that in the case of Clergymen^ho are Clergymen whose contracts of appointment entitle them to membership of the Fund.



(4) Any Clergyman who at the Commencement Date was under suspense in the Existing Fund or the Old Fund or who thereafter comes under suspense, may upon ceasing to be under suspense apply for membership of the Fund and the Board, acting upon the advice of the Actuary, shall in its absolute discretion either admit the Clergyman to membership upon such terms and conditions as it may see fit, or reject the application.

The Board in its discretion, on the application of a Diocesan Bishop, may admit to membership any Clergyman who is a paid Officer of any Society or Institution or Diocesan Organization working in connection with the Church of the Province, or is a member of a Religious Community provided he fulfils the other provisions of this Canon.For the purposes of this Canon the pensionable emoluments of any such Clergyman shall be assessed in accordance with the scale of stipend and marriage allowance which he would have enjoyed had he been licensed as a normal parochial Clergyman in the Diocese in which he is resident.Every Full Member shall cease membership at the end of the month during which he ceases to be licensed in the Province.

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20. (1) (a) Each Full Member shall contribute to thebund in each year five per cent of his Pensionable Emoluments at the rate in force on the 1st January in that year provided however that for the purposes o f this sub­section the Pensionable Emoluments of aDiocesan Bishop shall be a minimum of R2 000 per annum.The Provincial Pensions Board may increase p contnbution to the Fund payable by each bull Member if so requested by Provincial standing Committee.Any increased percentage contribution and tne date of application thereof, shall be determined by the Provincial Pensions Boardin consultation with Provincial Standing Committee and the Actuary.

(b) Each Diocese of the Province shall in each year on its own behalf and account make a basic contribution to the Fund in respect of each Full Member of a sum equal to five per

..................... ...................... . - " 1 ----- ---- -------cent o f such member’ s Pensionable Emoluments at the rate in force on the 1st

#January in that year provided however that for the purposes of this sub-section thePensionable Emoluments of a Diocesan Bishop shall be a minimum of R2 000 per annum.The Provincial Pensions Board may increase the basic contribution to the Fund payable byeac Diocese if so requested by Provincial Standing Committee.Any increased percentage contribution and the date of application thereof, shall bedetermined by the Provincial Pensions Board in consultation with Provincial Standing Committee and the Actuary.

(c) In respect of each Full Member whose Pensionable Emoluments on the 1st Januaryin any year are less than R600 per annum the Common Provincial Fund shall make a basiccontribution in that year to the Fund of a sum equal to ten per cent of the difference between the M em ber’ s PensionableEmoluments on the 1st January in that year and the amount of R600.

# (d) If on the admission of a Member to the Fund the Member’s contribution, the basicDiocesan contribution and the basic Common Provincial Fund contribution together are, in the judgement of the Actuary


insufficient to support the benefits accruing to such Member (after taking into account anytransfer under a Reciprocal Agreement) an additional annual contribution shall be payable by the Diocese. Whenever the Pensionable Emoluments of any Full Member are increased and if the Member’scontribution and the basic Diocesan contribution in respect of such increase together are, in the judgement of the Actuary, insufficient to support the benefits accruing to the Member fdtm such increase an additionalannual contribution shall be payable by the Diocese.Notwithstanding that the Actuary may furnish Tables to be used as a guide to the assessment of additional contributions, all

additional contributions shall be determined by the Actuary who shall be provided with allthe information that he shall deem necessary for this purpose.

(*•} All contributions referred to in sub-sections(a), (b), (c) and (d) above shall cease when the Clergyman dies, ceases to be a Member in terms of Section 19, becomes in receipt of a pension from the Fund, or reaches the normal retirement age, whichever event shall first occur.

(f) All annual contributions referred to in sub­section (a), (b) and (d) above shall be payable by each Diocese to the Board in one sum to be paid on or before the 30th day of June in each year and each Diocese* shall recover by monthly instalments from the Members licensed in the Diocese the contributions required from such Members in terms of sub­section (a) above. All annual contributions referred to in sub-section (c) above shall be paid by the Common Provincial Fund to the Board in one sum to be paid on or before the 30th day of June in each year.

(g) In any case where the annual contribution shall not have been fully paid on or before the 30th day of June, as hereinbefore provided, the amount unpaid shall bear interest at a rate to be determined from time to time by the Board from the 30th day of J une until the date of payment, and the amount of such interest shall be payable by the Diocese or the Common Provincial Fund as the case may be, in addition to the prescribed annual contributions.

(h) In the event of a Member reaching the normal retirement age or being granted a pension at an earlier age, or ceasing to be licensed in a Diocese, a proportionate contribution at the rate of one-twelfth of the annual contribution in respect of such Member for each month from the first day of January to the end of the month during which the event referred to takes place shall be payable, provided, however, that if an increase in pensionable emoluments takes effect from the first day of January in the year in which the Member reaches the normal retirment age, the total

Diocesan contribution (basic and additional) for the year, shall be payable in full.Where a proportionate contribution is payable, and a full year’s contribution has been paid, a refund on a monthly basis shall be made to the Diocese or the Common Provincial Fund as the case may be.

(i) Where a Clergyman becomes eligible for membership on a date other than the first day of January in any year, there shall be payable by the Diocese or the Common Provincial Fund as the case may be, within one month of his being licensed or transferred in terms of a Reciprocal Agreement, or by the 30th day of June if later, a proportionate contribution at the rate of one-twelfth of the annual contribution which would have been payable in respect of the Member had he begun membership on 1st January in that year for each month from and including the month in which he was licensed or transferred in terms of a Reciprocal -Agreement, until the end of the year.

(j) Both for the assessment of contributions andfor the accrual of benefits all changes in the amount of pensionable emoluments shall take effect from the 1 st day of January coincident with or next following the date of the actual change. Where such change arises from a transfer from one Diocese in the Province to another the two Dioceses concerned shall make their own arrangements in regard to any adjustment of contributions in respect of the balance of the year. _____________

(k) If on the transfer of a Clergyman from one Diocese to another Diocese, both within the Province, the Clergyman’s pensionable emoluments be reduced, th6n, as from the 1st day of January coincident with or next following the date of such transfer, Diocesan contributions shall be payable at a rate to be determined by the Actuary, provided however that if contributions at the total rate required immediately prior to the transfer in terms of sub-sections (a), (b) and (d) hereof are continued, the pension and death benefits to which the member is entitled shall continue

to be based upon the amount of pensionable emoluments applicable immediately prior to the transfer.

(a) Every Associate who was contributing to the Widows’ Fund at the Commencement Date shall continue contributions at the same rate during his life, or until the end of the quarter during which he attains the age of sixty-five years.

(b) All contributions shall be payable in advance in equal quarterly instalments on the first day of each quarter and may be paid either direct to the Secretary of the Fund or through the Secretary of the Diocese in which the Associate is licensed.

(a) Should an Associate be two quarters in arrear in respect of his contributions notice thereof shall be sent to the Bishop of the Diocese in which he is licensed.

(b) Should an Associate be four quarters in arrear he shall be declared a defaulter, and shall cease to have any claim on the Fund. Such loss of benefit shall be the only penalty to which an Associate shall be liable under this Canon; provided nevertheless that he shall have the right to be restored to the full benefits of the Fund (unless he shall be three years in arrear) on payment of arrears with interest at eight per cent compounded annually.

(c) Should an Associate die owing not more than three years’ contributions, his widow or orphans shall receive such pension as is hereinafter provided, and the arrears due by such Associate (plus interest at five per cent compounded annually) shall be deducted from the pension due in such instalments as the Board may decide.

(d) Should an Associate die owing more than three years’ contributions, his widow or orphans shall have no claim on the Fund.

When an Associate who is a bachelor marries or when an Associate who is a widower remarries, the contributions made previous to his marriage, together with compound interest at three per cent per annum on such contributions, shall be added

together and taken as a single payment on the day of his marriage, entitling his widow to such aditional pension as shall be determined by the Actuary. Provided that any claim made upon the Fund in respect of a marriage contracted subsequently to the Associate’s first marriage, shall be diminished as far as may be required to enable the appropriate pension to be paid to the children of the previous marriage or marriages in terms of Section 22(1 )E. This provision shall only apply to the first and second marriages of Associates, and the widows of subsequent marriages shall benefit only in respect of the contributions made since the death of the last preceding wife, or the attainment by the youngest child of the age laid down in Section 22(1)F, whichever of these events happens last.




No pension shall be paid to a widow or orphans of an Associate in respect of any marriage contracted after the Associate had reached the age of sixty-five years.(a) When an Associate, who is a bachelor, attains

the age of sixty-five years, there shall be refunded to him one-half of the contributions made by him with compound interest thereon at the rate of three per cent per annum, and he shall thereupon cease to have any interest in the Fund and shall have no further claims thereupon.

(b) When an Associate, who is a bachelor, dies, there shall be refunded to his estate one-half of the contributions made by him with compound interest at the rate of three percent per annum.

(a) When an Associate, who is a widower without children entitled to pension in the event of his death, attains the age of sixty-five years, there shall be refunded to him one-half of the contributions made by him since the first day of the quarter succeeding the death of his last wife with compound interest thereon at the rate of three per cent per annum, and he shall thereupon cease to have any interest in the fund and shall have no further claims thereupon.

(b) When an Associate is a widower without children entitled to pension in the event of his

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death, dies, there shall be refunded to his estate one-quarter of the contributions made by him subsequently to the date specified in the preceding subsection.

(8) Any Associate who resigns or otherwise ceases to be connected with the Province may elect to be dealt with in respect of his membership of the Fund in one of the following modes:—(a) Within six months of his ceasing to be

employed in the Province, and provided that he remains within the Anglican Communion, he may claim to be allowed to continue his contributions at the rate paid by him at the time of his resignation, in which case he will be entitled to the full benefits of an Associate; or

(b) Within six months of his ceasing to be employed in the Province, he may ekim-a •rnfund nf one-half of all contributions mack by himr without interest, and- thetgppon neither he nor hia widow nor orphans1 shall •have any further olaim on the Fund.

21. The Board shall cause such records to be kept as shall enable an actuarial valuation to be made at any time. The Board shall cause the Fund to be valued by the Actuary not less often than once in any period of three years. The /Actuary’s report shall be submitted to the Board and presented by the Board to Provincial Standing Committee. A copy shall also be forwarded to the Registrar.In the light of the Actuary’s report the Board shall recommend to Provincial Standing Committee what action (if any) might be taken in regard to the application of any surplus or the making good of any deficiency.

22. Subject to terms of any reciprocal agreement that may apply to any Member, the benefits payable under the Fund shall be as follows:—(1) Pension Benefits:

(A) Upon reaching the normal retirement age and provided he shall have otherwise complied with the provisions of this Canon, a Full Member shall be entitled to the following annual pension;(i) In the case of Members who had not

attained the age of 28 years on Ordination, or 30 years in the case of

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Diocesan Bishops, a pension equal to the Pensionable Emoluments enjoyedby the (tjember on the 1st January coincident with or immediately beforeretirement; Provided that :(a) In the case of Diocesan Bishops,

the minimum P ensionableEmoluments shall be R2 000 per annum, and

(b) In the case of Members other than Diocesan Bishops, the minimum Pensionable Emoluments shall beR600 per annum.

(ii) In the case of Members who hadattained the age of 28 years on Ordination or 30 in the case of DiocesanBishops, the pension as set out in item (i) of this sub-section, reduced by 1 /40th (in the case of Diocesan Bishops1 / 35th) for each year by which the age on Ordination, taken to the nearestinteger, exceeds 28 or 30 respectively,

(iii) Notwithstanding anything to the

6contrary contained in these Rules, the benefits applicable to any Member shall include the right, with the prior consent and approval o f the Board, to commute such portion of the pension to which heis entitled (but not exceeding one-third (1/3) thereof) as determined by the Actuary, and to be paid a lump sum in respect thereof.

(B) The portion of the pension relative to marriage allowance shall cease on the death of the pensioner’s wife provided however thatthe residual pension shall not be less than the pension based on the minimum Pensionable Emoluments detailed in sub-section (1) paragraph (A)(i) above. The entire pension shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph(C) below, cease on the death of the pensioner.

(C) The pensioner, on retirement, may elect that a portion of his pension may be surrendered,subject lu tlic consent of" the Oo<irdj in order to

9 provide tor his widow, if then living, a pension payable to his-widow from the date of his death, provided that the residual pension payable to the Member shall not be less than the pension payable to the widow. The


amount of pension payable to the widow shall be determined by the Actuary.

(D) Dependants of deceased Associates shall receive such pension as determined by the Actuary provided that it shall not be less than that payable in terms of the Widows’ Fund.

(E) (a) When an Associate dies leaving awidow, but no children, such widow shall be entitled to the full amount of thepension until her remarriage or death when the pension shall cease.

(b) When an Associate dies, leaving a widow and children by such widow, or legally adopted children, the widowshall be entitled to the full amount of the pension until her remarriage or death.In the event of her remarriage or death, the children shall be entitled to the

section F of this Section 22.

(c) When an Associate dies, leaving a widow and also children by a previous marriage, or children legally adopted during a previous marriage, whose age entitles them to pensions from the Fund, such children, if three or more in number shall be entitled to one-half of the pension to which their mother, if she had survived their father, would have been entitled; if two children, to one- third; and if only one child, to one- fourth; and the widow, or her children in case of her remarriage or death, to one-half, two-thirds, or three-fourths respectively, of the pension to which they would have been entitled had there been no such children by a previous marriage, or legally adopted during a previous marriage; but when such children cease to be entitled to pensions, then the widow, or her children in the case of her remarriage or death, shall be entitled to their full pension.

(d) When an Associate, who is a widower, dies, leaving a child or children entitled to pensions, such pensions shall be calculated in the same way as those provided for the children of a widow on remarriage or death in sub-section E(b) of this Section 22.

(F) The pensions of boys shall cease at the age of 18, and of girls on marriage, or at the age of 21, whichever shall occur first.

(G) All applications for pensions shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the certificate of death of an Associate, or by a certificate by the Clergyman officiating at the Associate’s funeral or by a letter from the Diocesan Bishop confirming such death or by such other proof of death as the Board may determine is acceptable. Such certificate, letter or other proof of death shall be retained by the Fund.

(H) Every pension payable under this Canon shall be payable by the Board to the pensioner from the date, on which the Associate died.

(2) Death Benefits:(A) In the event of the death of a Full Member,

who was not in receipt of a pension from the Fund, a capital sum equal to four times his Pensionable Emoluments as at the 1st January coincident with or immediately prior to the date of his death, together with a refund of all contributions by the Member to the Fund with compound interest at the rate of 4% per annum calculated with yearly rests, together with any contributions paid by the Member to the Old Fund with compound interest at the rate of 4% per annum calculated with yearly rests, shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of sub­section (3) hereof, provided however that no amount received by the Fund or the Old Fund in terms of a Reciprocal Agreement, nor any interest thereon, shall be refunded.

(B) In the event of the death of a Full Member, who was in receipt of a pension from the Fund, or the death of a Part Member, a capital sum shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of sub- section (3) hereof.

Such capital sum shall, subject to theprovisions of sub-section (4) (b) o f this Section 22 relating to early retirement, amount to four times the annual pensionable emoluments applicable as at the 1st January coincident with or immediately preceding the date on which the member went on pension provided that such pensionable emoluments shall not include any marriage allowance if the Member’s wife predeceased him.

(C) For the purposes o f this sub-section (2) any capital sum rferred to shall be a minimum of an amount of R2 400 (or R8 000 in the case of a Diocesan Bishop) plus any refund or contributions.

Payment of Death Benefits:(A) In the event of the death o f a Member the

amount payable, as determined in sub-section(2) above, shall be paid to or for the benefit of such one or more dependants and, if more than one, in such shares as the Board shall decide:Provided that:(a) The Board shall have power:

(i) to apply the whole or any part of such death benefit to the purchase of an annuity or annuities, either from the Fund or elsewhere, for any one or more o f the Dependants; or

(ii) to pay the whole or any part of such death benefit to such person or persons, corporate body or institution for the benefit of any one or more of the Dependants as the Board may think fit and, upon such conditions as the Board may impose and the receipt of such person or persons, corporate body or institution shall be a complete discharge to the Board.

(B) If the Board makes any payment to a minor personally, his receipt shall be a complete discharge as aforesaid.

(C) In the event of there being no dependants then the moneys standing to the credit of a

Member in the Fund, shall so far as the Member’s contributions are concerned, be refunded to the Member’s Estate but so far as the contributions of the employers are concerned, these shall be retained by the Fund.Interest as defined in sub-section (2) hereof, shall be payable in addition to the refund of contributions.

General:(a) Every Full Member, upon reaching the

normal retirement age, shall be obliged to commence drawing the pension to which he is entitled in terms of sub-section 22(1) hereof, provided that a Diocesan Bishop may defer his own retirement. A Diocesan Bishop who so defers his retirement shall during and after such deferment be entitled to the death benefits applicable to retirement at the normal retirement age and shall upon retirement draw such increased pension as determined by the Actuary.

(b) The Board, in its discretion, may grant a pension to a Member who has reached an age of not less than 63 years or 60 years in the case of a Diocesan Bishop. In such an event the Actuary shall determine a reduced amount of pension and death benefit so that they are together actuarially equivalent to the benefits such a Member would have received on reaching the normal retiring age.


(c) In the event of a Member under retirement age with not less than 10 years’ service beingpermanently disabled the Board may, subject to the following conditions, grant him a

evidence of not less than two medical practitioners and such other evidence as itshall deem sufficient, that the Member is permanently disabled from the due dischargeui mb ministerial duties, ^ucn pension shall be assessed on the basis set out in sub-section (1) above as modified by reducing the age of 28stated therein by the difference between the normal retirement age and the nearest age at

(d) In the event of a Member under retirement

through failing health duly certified by notless than two medical practitioners, is temporarily disabled or is compelled torelinquish his work or to accept work elsewhere at a stipend of not more than R300 per annum, he may receive an allowance, atthe discretion of the Board, not exceeding R 100 per annum so long as the contributionsin respect of him, in terms of Section 20, are regularly paid by a Diocese. Provided that, in the event of his stipend exceeding R300 per 0 )annum, the allowance shall be reduced by such additional amount. In the event of hisbeing restored to health and becoming able to resume full duty, the allowance shall cease. On reaching r e t i r e m e n t a g e h e <;hall n n a l i f vfor the normal pension due to him in terms of sub-section (1) of this section.

(e) Should a Member cease to be licensed in the Province and should he remain unemployed.absent, deprived or suspended, he shall be entitled at retirement age to such pension as is d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e A c t u a r y p r o v i d e d a l w q y cthat such Member shall have complied with the requirements of this Canon in all otherrespects.Should he so desire a Member, to whom theimmediately preceding paragraph applies, may claim a refund of the total of his own contributions to the F u n d a n d to the O l dFund, together with compound interest at 4% per annum, calculated with yearly rests,provided, however, that no amount received by the Fund or the Old Fund in terms of a IPSthereon, shall be refunded.

apply to a Member who leaves the Province to take up work in another Province with whichthere is a reciprocal agreement as hereinafter provided. In such a case the interests of the

Actuary, shall be transferred in terms of such reciprocal agreement, or be retained in theFund to his benefit if so provided in the said reciprocal agreement.Should a Member, to whom this sub-section applies, not be entitled to a pension at

retirement age, then a registered letter shall be sent by the Secretary of the Fund to the lastknown address of the member concerned and if no reply be received from him within twelveiliuiilli of the dale uf llic lellei, then the contributions of such member shall be retained by the Fund.

(f) Moneys remaining unclaimed for twenty years shall revert to the Fund and there shallthereafter be no further claim against the Fund.

T U y

- "7(g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Canon the benefits applicable to any Member who has had any period or periods in suspense shall be determined by the Actuary.

23. Every application for pension shall be made on a form provided by the Board and shall be forwarded throughthe Diocesan Bishop, together with his report.

24. (a) Every pension granted under this Canon shall bepayable by the Board to the pensioner from the date trom which it has been granted in full and without any deduction, except as provided by law.

( b ) Every pension shall accrue from day to day and shall b e p a y a b l e i n a r r e a r in m o n t h l y o r q u a r t e r l yinstalments* as desired by the pensioner, in such manner as the Board shall appoint.

(c) Every pension shall continue to be payable to the Member until his death or until he shall becomeinsolvent, assign his estate, charge the same or any part thereof, or allow his pension or any part

(d) In the event of a pensioner becoming insolvent or assigning his estate, or in the event of any attemptbeing made to attach any benefit payable under the Fund in execution, or of the pensioner attempting

sto cede or pledge his pension or any part thereof, it shall be lawful for the Board, in its discretion, to pay to such one or more of the Dependants of such pensioner, as the Board nominates an amount equal to the pension which would otherwise havebeen drawn. On the pensioner obtaining his rehabilitation or discharge, the power hereby granted shall cease and he then resumes his right to a pension.

(e) No Member or Dependant shall be entitled to assign, transfer, pledge, hypothecate or cede his

benefits or his rights to benefits in the Fund nor shall such benefits be liable to be attached or be subjected to any form of execution under ajudgement or order of court.

25. Every Member to whom a pension is payable under thisCanon shall, on the commencement thereof, tender his resignation from any benefice, cure or other paid office which has qualified him for membership of the Fund, but he shall be entitled thereafter to accept any paid employment, whether under the Province or not, withoutprejudice to the benefits to which he is entitled in terms of Section 22 hereof.

§ 26. The Board is empowered to take over and absorb any existing Diocesan pension or similar fund on such termsas may be agreed upon by the Diocese and the Board; and such terms may include provisions for granting pensions to applicants from that Diocese at variance with any ofthe provisions herein contained, provided that the Actuary is satisfied that the funds received from suchDiocese are suthcient to cover any additional expense involved.

4/. (a) The Board may enter into reciprocal agreements with the authority controlling and administering any Associated Fund, for the purpose of regulatingthe conditions under which a Clergyman may transfer from the Fund to such Associated Fund, orvice versa, and such reciprocal agreements may, inter alia, provide:(i) for the payment out of or into the Fund of

transfer values,(ii) for giving credit under the Fund to any

Clergyman, by way of benefits, for his period of ministry with any Associated Church, and

(iii) for the retention of benefits by a Clergyman in the Fund upon his transfer from the Fund to such Associated Fund.

(b) Except as specifically provided to the contrary in the applicable reciprocal agreement, any transfer value paid out of the Fund, any credit given for previous ministry and any benefits retained in the Fund, as detailed in sub-section (a) above, shall be assessed by the Actuary on a basis to be determined by him.

(c) No reciprocal agreement shall be entered into without the prior approval of the Actuary.

(d) A Member transferred to an Associated Fund in terms of a reciprocal agreement shall, unless the contrary is specifically provided in the said reciprocal agreement, cease, as from the date of his transfer, to have any right to any benefits under this Canon.

28. (a) The Diocesan Authorities shall send to the Secretary of the Fund each year as at the first day of January a complete list of the Clergy of their respective Dioceses, showing such information as the Board may direct, which shall, inter alia, include the following:(i) Clergymen who are not eligible for

membership of the Fund by reason of age or exempted from membership as members of Religious Communities;

(ii) Clergymen who, since the First day of January in the previous year, have left the Province or who have retired on pension or reached retirement age, or have died, with the respective dates of departure, retirement, reaching retirement age, or death;

(iii) Clergymen who are eligible for membership of the Fund and for whom contributions have been paid previously;

(iv) Clergymen who have become eligible for membership of the Fund since the first day of January in the previous year, with the respective dates of Ordination, or entry as the case may be;

(v) Clergymen who married, or became widowers not entitled to marriage allowance since the first day of January in the previous year, with the respective dates of marriage or becoming widowers;

(vi) Clergymen who have moved from one Diocese of the Province to another;

(vii) Individual stipends and marriage allowances (if any) as at the 1 st January for all Clergymen in respect of whom contributions to the Fund are due.

(b) In addition, Diocesan Authorities shall complete and return to the Secretary of the Fund the form issued by the Fund quarterly, asking for information similar to that referred to in sub­section (a) above.

29. Any dispute which may arise in regard to claims or interpretations under this Canon, shall be decided by the Board. Provided that, if any party to such dispute is dissatisfied with the decision, the Board shall by agreement with such party, refer the dispute to arbitration.

30. The Board shall have power to frame and amend such Bye-Laws as from time to time be found necessary for the carrying out of the provisions of this Canon.

31. Subject to the provisions of the Act, Provincial Synod shall, after having received advice from the Actuary, determine the manner in which and the circumstances under which the Fund shall be terminated or dissolved.

32. Subject to the provisions of the Act, this Canon may beamended or altered, and any provisions therein contained be varied from time to time by Provincial Synod; and any amendments, alterations or variations so made shall be incorporated in the Canon, and may be referred to in the same manner as if they had been originally contained in this C a n o n . ______________

~ r o £ 5 M y

Copies of all amendments or additions to the provisions of this Canon shall be sent to the Secretary for InlandRevenue.The Board is empowered at any time to alter theprovisions of this Canon, so far as the Registrar shall require in terms of the Act, provided that at the next ensuing Session of Provincial Synod, the Board shall report any such alterations and obtain the formal amendment of the Canon by Provincial Synod.

33. Canon 47 is hereby repealed.

determined by the Board after consultation with the Provincial Standing Committee.


TO £s_bAy/ - * /

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f-trrVv B

* Z jSirgh±« -Ma3>ga e4i Ai<ui«--&S ©— hmroveM Agendum 67

That t h is Synod g iv e s thanks to God f o r the l i f e and w itness o f the Revd. Canon Dr, Edgar Harry Brookes, who, at form er s e ss io n s o f Synod graced the House o f L a ity w ith h is w it and wisdom*, and whose i n t e g r i t y , h im i l i t y and u n t ir in g work in the sphere o f education and race r e la t io n s made him a l i g h t to our g e n e ra t io n .

___________________________________________________ _________________________ wf> rd» J .

^ ^ S’

S . r^r» . S», £_*<■'*. **

# — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Agendum 68

That th is Synod r e j o i c e s w ith those who are tanned o r im prisoned f o r t h e i r w itn ess f o r C h r is t , both in South A f r i c a , and e lsew here ,

and sends them our g re e t in g s in the name o f our Lord, in the hope that we too may share the b le s s in g s they e n jo y , and g iv e s thanks that in t h e i r bod ies they make up the s u f f e r in g s o f C h ris t on our b e h a l f .

T o EsAflV

" T u . ^ $ 5 W ^ W | j

Na^j ^ j^ ~ ^ •T'C4' £ U J v * ^ V >


Whereas Canon 41, Section 2 includes the Archdeacon of the Cape in the membership of the Provincial Trusts’ Board;

And Whereas Since the move of the office of the Provincial Secretary and Treasurer from Cape Town to Johannesburg the Board now meets in Johannesburg;

And Whereas It is desirable that the Archdeacon of the Cape should be replaced on the Board by a clergyman who can more reasonably be expected to attend the Board’s meetings:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 41 be amended as follows:

(1) In Section 2 line 2 delete “ the Archdeacon of the Cape” ;(2)__ In Section 2 line 3 after the words “ex officio members _____ o f ’ insert “ one Clerical and ” ;

(3) In Section 2 line 4 after the words “ Members elected by”insert “ their Houses in _______ ____

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C V , o .


Whereas Canon 4! Section 4 provides that in the absence of the Metropolitan his Commissary shall be the Chairman of the Board;

And Whereas I he Metropolitan’s Commissary may not be willing or may not be the most appropriate person for the task:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 41 Section 4 be amended by the

deletion of the words “ (or, in his absence, his Commissary)” in line I and of the words “and his Commissary” in line 3.

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bouJL kce-os* ye.ce^.\pt^aC -^d&ua. L& ua^ cJ L C- AM-*~e &xixE>

$MhS<\ NOTICE frf H^OTloM / nt T F R K 5 ^ R ule 3 d (a .)Q < \ )a ^ ^ )

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£ sC p q a fa M :

jj o foe in troduced under Standing Rule 30 J & L i v 3°*The a d d it ion o f a new s e c t io n under 3> page 210, to be in s e r te d as a new( v i i ) , w ith consequent re-num bering, as fo l low ss

"Canon " s h a l l mean an enactment o f P r o v in c ia l Synod, b in d in g the church, having the nature o f a command, a p r o h ib i t io n o r a d e c la r a t io n o f f a c t s about the Canon which may conta in san ct ion s to d iscou rage d iso b e d ie n ce .

To be in troduced under Standing Rule 30 (<*-) ( i v ) 3 ;To add to Rule 5 (on the fu n c t io n s o f the Advisory Committee), paragraph ( a ) the f o l lo w in g :

"They may a lso advise on which proposed measures ( o r p arts o f measures) may s u i t a b ly appear i f passed as 'R eso lu t ion s" or "R eso lu t ion s o f Permanent F o r c e " , and rep ort a c c o r d in g ly to Synod'.'

R e s o lu t io n o f Permanent F orce .

"That t h is Synod b e l i e v in g that the o f f i c e o f M etropolitan i s held in h ig h esteem in th is P rov in ce , commends him to the regu la r prayers o f o u r p e o p le .

I t fu r th e r b e l ie v e s th a t , among o ther m in is tr ie s - words o f Agendum 7, P roposa l 1 from l in e 3

The M etropolitan i s c a l l e d to f u l f i l l h is r o le as primus in t e r spares o f the Bishops o f the Province in the fo l lo w in g w a y s :-

( a) As the fo cu s o f unity in the Church o f the P rov ince o f South A fr ic a in i t s m in istry o f the G ospel, i t s Evangelism and M ission and in i t s

ca re f o r the p eop le o f God.

( b ) As spokesman f o r the Church o f the P ro v in ce , cp roc la im in g God's word to the Church and to the w orld . Indoing t h i s , he speaks with the a u th o r ity o f the Church which i s vested in the Bishops and expressed through him.

( c ) As ensuring p a s to r a l o v e rs ig h t on b e h a lf o f the Bishops o f the Prov ince in p ro v id in g f o r the needs o f members o f the Church o f the P rov ince l i v i n g o u ts id e the range o f normal e p is co p a l adm in istra tion

^IJnder 30 (&) i i i R equest"jthat the f o l lo w in g be accepted f o r debate as a


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Tte^ C-J '/y\J^O\yOrc^S^i^

hat th is Synod, g r e a t ly a p p re c ia t in g the care o f our c a te r e r s and the q u a l i t y o f t h e ir s e r v i c e ,

( 1 ) Notes the moral embarrassment caused to s e v e ra l members o f Synod by the la rg e qua n t i t i es o f fo o d provided f o r th is sess ion ?

B e lie v e s that p r o v is io n w itn esses more a p p r o p r ia te ly toC hrist in our s itu a t io n ?

(3*3TaH84aests those r e sp o n s ib le f o r fu tu re P r o v in c ia l meetings to plan w ith th is p r in c ip l e in mind.

(3 ) Accepts w ith g ra t itu d e the g ra c io u s o f f e r o f the u n iv e r s ity a u th o r i t ie s

( i ) to reduce our d ie t f o r t h is s e ss io n and to refund the sum o f R600.00

( i i ) fu r th e r , to supply the lunchtime meat and v e g e ta b le s in

unprepared form f o r d i s t r ib u t i o n to o th ers in need at the d i s c r e t i o n o f Synod.

Renumber ( 3 .) as ( 4 )

ftoV£^ k i -b e a ^ S w i OLAA. (X^A. cUJLl* SZc& vuteJ.

~fl\dsb hi*. AactoS be. bu tr

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'T V -v . 9 o -ojc&-»* «S“ Vj j J Y V V O r 'o jt N '--- v v^ A CV . V-AV^V'v. Vtwx-V*.

TU cV*o»r .

That this Synod

(1) extends its congratulations to .'is Grace, the Archbishop, on the award of an Honorary D.D. from Rhodes University

humbly requests him to recluse himself so that it can consider a possible way of demonstrating its joy.

9 \ ^ j ,

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That this Synodagrees that as an act of Thanksgiving it will take a collection at the final Eucharist on Sunday to be used for the poor and needy in the Grahamstown area.

(Vrv — A h"-*— v» ^ T \ ^ —r. V n j P

Y w d f Tx-x. «n~A <x-s#- A- o -^ 'c *-v. cx^ iA •-. ^ J V,_


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9 ''p .^4A T vi P NvrVv t vt f lh f «- o. h 'v 'v T \Jt (?

M h x t . pA<5E ^ H <3

r~lW - \V • 'AWV>- vx^w-r^*^ V T u

> C OAjl/vtjMf' ' l )W-X-V3-W

T U "r\spe>«, «J-» ^.rt T^<. C y .^ O- ft o —s\

o-o JT ^Vl % •

___ C CXo> c - f o J J " 3 / .f *

To enact Canon 12A (Suggested by Committee - that a newchapter 8 be added; that t h is new Canon be concluded as Canon 51)


1•(a ) D elete the words " o f the Church" - second l in e " " " " o f South A f r i c a " - th ird l in e" " " " th e " at end o f second l in e

and in s e r t the w o rd "th is "" " " " o f " in l in e one and in s e r t " f o r "

In t i t l e to read "Bishop f o r the Order"and co n seq u en t ia l amendment o f "Bishop f o r the Order" througho.

1 Z S

2 . ( e ) D elete f i r s t and second l in e and in s e r t "Synod, P ro v in c ia l Synod, and"

2 . ( f ) JJbworded to read" Be con secra ted or c o l l a t e d by the m etrop o litan to e x ce rc is^ e p is c o p a l and p a s to ra l o v e rs ig h t o f the members o f the Order and s h a l l do so in(each d io c e s e in which m issions o f the Order are e s ta b l ish e d interms o f the l i c e n s e issued to him by the D iocesan Bishop"

2 i ( g ) Lash l in e d e le te "commissioned" and in s e r t " l i c e n s e d " .2 . ( h) In se r t the words "w ithin the Church g e n e ra l ly upon in v i t a t io n

by any Diocesan B ishop" a £ ter the word "m in is try " and d e le te a l l e x i s t in g words a f t e r "m in is try "

3. D elete the word "Two" in l in e three and l in e fo u r .Add "interms o f Canon 1 S e c t io n 2 " , at the end o f the paragraph Line fo u r d e le t e "P r ie s ts and laymen" and in s e r t " c l e r i c a l and l a y r e p r e s e n t a t iv e s " .

4• D elete "one p r i e s t and one layman" and in s e r t "one C l e r i c a l andone lay r e p r e s e n t a t iv e " .

5- Line one d e le t e the word " fu r t h e r " .6 . Line one d e le t e " p r i e s t s " in s e r t " c le r g y "7• Add at the end o f paragraph "and s h a l l not be e n t i t l e d to

reimbursement o f t r a v e l l i n g and oth er expenses".G enera l:

1 3 . (a) in s e r t "C o n s t itu t io n andD elete a l l sub-headings .D elete "Canons and C o n s t i tu t io n s " .Canons" in l in e 1.

at the beg inn ingat the beginning o f second se n te n ce . ' l a s t s ix words "and the rect-or o f the P a r ish " .

Lo and 2 1 .

2 0 ..14 .1 3 . ( c ) 21 .19.o 9

In se r t (a ) In s e r t (b ) D e le te the D elete the 20 l i n e 3 . D elete " o f

l e t t e r s " r e " in the word "recommendation" in parag and a lso paragraphs 2 1 , l in e 3 and l in e 5 « the Church" in l i n e two and in s e r t "w ith in a D ioces

Third l i n e d e le t e " o f the Church" and in s e r t "w ith in a D iocese D elete in the th ir d l i n e "Church" and in s e r t "D io c e s e " .D eleteD eleteDeletevested

Diot.the words "the Church" in l in e fo u r and in s e r t the l e t t e r " s " in "p e rs o n s " .the whole and in s e r t "A l l p rop erty o f the Order s h a l l be in the P r o v in c ia l T ru stees . The Trustees o f the Order,

who s h a l l be appointed by the Conference a cco rd in g to such r u l e - as the Conference s h a l l determ ine, s h a l l have the powers o f a D cesan T rust*s 'B oard as prov ided in Canon 41. The P r o v in c ia l , iF not a t r u s t e e , sh a ll have an ad v isory v o i c e in the d e l ib e r a t io n s o f the T r u s te e s " .




9«*xjfera l:

ii":«e=iaiidd:::d:0s:0?a shan oome5 l i n e 6 6 l i n e 4 8 l i n e 2y l i n e \

To read, as f o l l o w s :

Con8 0t i t u t f n d ea° h ln d iv id u a l member, s h a ll be bound by the

Z ’dlllTnTo^T’ e“6pt 30 f“ a3 ther e s p e c t ^ f 1 QuS'pi>f ? Ule 3 ° f the Constitlilti ° n o f the Order in Meetings o f M issions me®t J” gS o f Mission d i s t r i c t s and Monthly be held to and the aPP0intment o f Church O f f i c e r s jokJ.,27; 28; and g " ! 1 * * PUrp0SeS SnV1Saged in C— d4 ,5 ; 22,To read as f o l l o w s :

t h ^ B o o ^ o f C o ^ o bt e M 8 r o is e d « ‘ he Order as provided f o r id

i eo f l ^ a f

o r i l r o 7 ^ l C l t . ir,''iZ e the ‘ ‘ is s io t is o f t *E x is t in g s e c t io n 23 becomes 24.

l/\j££sN U.S-MY

T V * ft -T V iv ('■C'S'-^

"tv Jr T V

V * h**. V V1 m . t /^ S ^ *■<» «j b *

_________Jv*j \v^ T V OjTVo TV ^ (e & o ^ o d f l l

V (Vt*-fc.ic.O

— J

T w ^ \

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t v Jr tV*. \ W r~S[ * V*J y

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C-<J c*^ ,

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Aae<43un 2.5T V " /— ![■ V.<4| . fa* \ \ "* r>^ (ffVkJ ^

1 v p r * f o j < J " t>f PumT L a Vv^V Qru»Vj-J- ^tV-y-^io^ ^ , S_JL .-- -V*> r~r .

I * * . Vfc*_ .^ V . r>y > ■■■ fl* t* c (tK < J ' C. fS-(Vft. v « o

^ AS * \_* J

V j

t\ jr . W -. o v * W

T v

— _____ c O Vu, ^ ^% Cr*/^ gjvcAJisf T-5 J» y T v <-—«_ w * ^ - i

________________________________________ - ________________________________

-im .

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r y «-TKJ

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T w J r T v * x~^ o /* “ v *-v

V w . r r v J ,

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^ ^ V » - r <r—*.9 V w C v t j l

^ - I V .


pce*0>o rt i\V * ^~*>*- I ««—P- n-^ o C*“ " ^ - t


line^”of"canon 9 ^ ^ f°lloWin3 thres paragraphs be a*ted after the second

a^member'of “the^duse^of^Bisha s L" f S y n o d and shall beas each to vets both“ ^ o ^ n Y ^ t h e ^

CoLisatrth7rarSi„sas ^asT^rL ivPt ; ~ to and to— «A Bishop-Suffragan shall have the riqht to be snmmnnpd •not to vote at the pastings of the Provincial l a d i n g S f " ' bUt and

That in the following Canons the words "Diocesan Ri chnn f ™ 4S ’tha1 “ nnoa»?hOPS'') *” ^ "B ish op (orh'Lhop^P ^1. 1,1. 4,1,12.2, 1d, 2 , 1 b , Canon Canon Canon Canon Canon CanontCanon Canqn Canon

line 2 line 1 line 3 line 1 line 47 , 58, 39, 12c9, 14 ,10, 1 *


10,10 ,13,17,

Canon 24 Canon 34 Canon 34 Canon 34 Canon 34 Canon 36 Canon 36 Cano n* 36



2 *4 v1 ■» 3 V

3 V 1 - - 2 .3 *5 ..1 .3 -4 * a «

(Notice of Provincial Synod)(bringing a deacon to Provincial Synod)(choice of a Provincial Registrar)(to hear charges against a Bishop)Metropolitan's official visitation of a diocese= I (Enthronement of a bishop)

' 14(Appeal .against a bishop's veto)‘ l (withdrawal of bishop-suffragan's commission

(revocation of bishop-suffragan's commission)5 (residence of bishops)4 (absence of metropolitan from the Province)6 (declaration of vacancy- of a sefi.)5,6 (resignation of diocesan bishop)

4 (granting a faculty for ordination of a deacon below the canonical age)

5,6 (appeal upon refusal of institution)2 (court for the trial of a bishop)

(provincial tribunal)(the senior bishop in judicial matters)(diocesan tribunal(presentment of charges against a bishop)(board of preliminary inquiry)(serving of an accusation)

■v,t C a»,TVj 0-3, ^Jrv^ ( U t > V i L . V ,)

(page 36 (page 36, (page39 ) (page 40) (page 40) (page 54) (page 55) (page 58) (page 58) (page 60) (page 60) (page 60) (page 63)

(page 69) (page 77) (page 94) (page 94) (page 94) (page 94) (page 100) (page (page Cp.


(page 102) (page 105) (page 110) (page 169)

Canon 38 3 f i i P P bishoP's veto in triais)Canon 41 2 « 2 ’ f Prni P6™ 1^163, consent of bishops)Canon 49 1 . % Provincial T™ 3ts' Board) Jand ,13(Proposed alterations in Canons)

fDr - Bishops" in-ST 3S’ ,5' liba 8 ^ S o K ^ s ]VSh?to"bf la tTshall have

Of the Provincial Standing Committee". ’ vote’ at the meetings


CLA jv r g—V<*~ ~xv>

(^* VV W .

v V j || ^ > —o

(V '-^

-« - y WjI

ef^-CLQ.\3 o

W a o -


- 1 f

J j V , \ L h « ^ «

\ \)■o

^ «*v p .

A ^ E ts /X > on <\

—■*. C-Vy»»»>r v » jj^ " W i * X~*— wS xl x so

~V>— j u w> ^ r> -~ ^ J - ^ o ^ • vA*“ y

Agendum 2. (c)

9First line delete "priests" and insert "priest" and in last line delete "clergymen" and insert "clergyman".

T U ^Lra^ k VjiJ ( — -* ___^ fT^—- «J

\Z-yV, r—Vr»^^ "V ' vr— Y\» < t-- Ln» 9 X1—. (J ~

t**• ^ jC 'r ^ J ,

I* /- ! )

Jr v - i (. A -^ -« j ^ cVjlw > * 0 ' *

^ ' - v - ^ V f V V \ > « n > vj~-—./

v »

\ a

T V * . t A r v e ^ ( V f L t t f v A - * ! W -v * ( \ f . W . v l i ^ V x

r x ^ > ^ J V > ^ 1J ------ ^ = rA , "V » T V v ^

\ ~ V « _ « , f '- J S •,

. .. . - . ..... ■ --

Agendum 12

1(b) delete "all, insert "the"

2(e) line 4 - after Sectien 16(c) - add "of Canon 3"last line add "of Canon 3"



(Printing Committee Should read in all cases Canon X - Sec.)

/ * • /

I V - j * T u

^vr^«^A.t-' *1 Ns* «- c v^-VO

VT V o r J


W «. r» .


*** 'V '- tff

------- C. M l « . V n£ VO

" t w(V

^ r v(T

c MI-Q.V £ O

"\^-*- ^-ArNolsr _ j^r


X + V J ^ r . \H. y i U K y

V * T v O 'f < ^ acW > S

1. Stet

2. Stet

3. To read "10 Bishops of the Province" in place of "10 Diocesan Bishops"

4. Under further debate (to which 7 related) by Synod on the printed Agendum and on an amendment from Sir Rupert Bromley).

5. Stet

6. Stet

7. (See comments above)

8. Stet

9. Stet

10. Stet

^ (~b f ei j V - TU ^A, J ^»-iN -A-l <— <v.J<(lV A <Vvi f*-»» jf ^ 8

V -W ^ .^ r ^ .,1 U W ^ ^ j J o o K j V ^ r - * J

^ v> J ^>>) ^ A a . T . v-4^T Jvl. ^ -^<. <\C-^*

^V*vrx \<~^*0 K * jH v Vm ^*A> »->-» J» T u . ^rO ^Q kiJw ) ^

( V V

___________________________________________________________________________ — C M 4 L i & e

^C^r . ^1 ’( f f / v U ^ j _ n . . . .u J

k sek w E sjb f ly

du^C 2t . o o jj i^.

K eyset- b y fc o ^ kxjx L P-^LavtsC &Coe*u*U-»A -by fc*. £uro{. p . T hSeJlcLtsu*

Tlt^Jz ^tA^SCirC' i£ s4 & j. Ln/io £«rUUv'-c>Ao2, CJ Sjj*tc&cL


S ^ u stA, fcn v , I*utxfc- 0 5 ^ncvmi.cA0(2> ^ ^S^t-tx^C

5 yi*At£- 'LiAi<-t** L a-fc- -2.20

A ^ e n ^ o H % - R e p o r t £>f c o h h i t t e e ; o f s v A /o j)

TLc, Ofv^A -r-tvvcuov ^^ /^^uu^c^eje^- < j^ '^ jj'O ccc£ Gje^crxJ&ML- *ftuL-fc ^ c>u*.ivlkJU ^

bust <*{/rt-eJL~-' fe <s jx^>ir3aJZ ftv<utT 5c-o StalvcAx^ txe-

<JLs fe r^ fr fu a. a , S d jz s Jr Ca^j^ico^v^e-fc, Ccxa^ A jl ^ - S ^ £ j*-dfcx*rts±.

d^ftLa- lkzAd>Cgtu6^> £fj. Cjb l ot siJ (fjiJtC feu /*yjJUiJL k fc*"

Ojpffc*-' L TULCk iw t e c ^ ^ t a ^ w c A'.SSe-vcc^&' j <5 ,

U$1oU+i A*V isJL& jy IS bs2ui~ycy 4J&ZjC*£b-GL. .

* q e , N j > o h 3 1 : t t £ A S u R .E T o A K E K & C r t t f o M

M . S%.c<fXKdLa-Ji_ b y C ^ u r w / £ / f


The PrinciplesWhereas There has been unhappiness and even resistance in

some quarters to the increasing requirements of the Common Provincial Fund without a correspondingly close examination of the mission priorities of the Church as a whole as well as of the respective dioceses;

And Whereas It is desirable to make explicit the Gospel values of caring and sharing which should motivate and guide the use of a common provincial fund:

]L±b ty

The ProposalsBe it enacted that:

(1) Canon 44 be amended(a) in the title so as to make the title read

“PROVINCIAL COMMON MISSION FUND”b) *n S^tion 1 by the deletion of the words “shall

ttw o rbdsS“fn” m hnC ' and the su^titution of th* f c?nng and sharing throughoutJ ' ’ IS? mi?S'?n of the Church shall be established with the abbreviated title ‘Provincial Common Mission Fund’” novinciai

(2) Canon 42 Section 2(0 and Canon 43 Sections 3 and 4 be _______ consequentially amended by the deletion of the words

Common Provincial Fund” wherever they occur and the substitution of the words “Provincial Common M issis

i v n . _________________ # •

ILl f*u Lost

SzcctuiZj lJ) IfU. f\

TLi ttu cj. s t^ ju U , « S frCUslo cyS A rf&r O'tkx f

Unjt Sboso, krir- P/u*tc(* ± ^

-------— ________________________ €$&&£>>-------------------- 1

A ^ e ’M ^ o r r s ; S e l e c t C o w h i - r r e i c

hf\u^ -fcixerusc CLS6[. f c , ^ U v i d u w 8 CTOs, (fa.

/T g rf y\ (y~\A -{_ c it*. -sh- OLy/

------- H u . g ^ 4 ______ CtMj*£ K- S o ft-O O M .

^ - a- SdcrtiAjJs foe- tCunsc ^ SUajuuXa ,J , Suqjit <JZk. r-UACoJ C6riA.V4M,ejr)

l L r f

A ci & A J j > o n 6 4

Hc>\fexL &y A™4*Aju-t>5\AJ ^ ^ S ^ a oCojuJ S ju^txaA s^ — ^ M/\y Btot^LtL&Acujj

That th is Synod in terms o f Canon 44?3maximum percentage on income from p a ro ch ia l and^Dioceses may he c a l l e d upon to c o n tr ib u te to the Common P r o v in c ia l Fund S ha ll be


*+*+* •' ftefisu z.'E . TO A h & K fb Cf\hloto 3 2 ,

tloveA L /Ouu (-><) S4C&u>c(ji&. b fUjL, /•,

h e ft s u i t e TD ft-HCMlb C ffN b N s 3 2 .

The PrinciplesWhereas the system of Easter and Whitsun Offerings is governed by the eighth Rubric standing at the end of the Order for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Commu­nion and printed on page 251 of the Book of Common Prayer (South Africa), which reads as follows:

And yearly at Easter every Parishioners shall reckon with the Parson, Vicar, or Curate, or his Deputy or Deputies; and pay to them or him all Ecclesiastical Duties, accusto- mably due, then at the time to be paid

And Whereas it is desirable that the Synod of each Diocese in this Province be free to regulate the distribution of these offerings within its jurisdiction

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: Canon 32 be amended by the addition of a new Section 5 as follows:

5. The eighth rubric standing at the end of the Order for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion and printed on page 251 of the Book of Common Prayer (South Africa) is amended to read as follows:“And yearly at Easter every Parishioner shall reckon with the Parson, Vicar, or Curate, or his Deputy or Deputies; and pay to them or him all Ecclesiastical Duties, accusto- mably due, then and at that time to be paid, except where the Synod of a Diocese shall otherwise direct the distribu­tion of such dues.”

1 U ^voviv^CLaJL tJuJbzls ( k a h ftm, ^ * .5 uM^x. vuuls


(He ttoL.

The last paragraph of the principles is in my view ultra vires in that, although the Rubric provides for the distribution of Easter Offerings to the Parson, the measure seeks to delegate the distribution to the Synod of each Diocese within its distribution. A Rubric is equivalent to a Canon of the Church and can only be altered by Provincial Synod, and so the amendment must provide for the dis­tribution absolutely and not enable a Diocese to legislate to alter the Rubric, which is in force throughout the Province. To allow this measure, if passed, would be to have each of seventeen Rubrics possibly having different Rubrics.

w ^ A fa sM y

Hu. ^l^CdLZxJt, tfcaJb ikju tfest' bo^eJfcir

Unjfcj cr^fc^r pa^scn^s T o ccru^b^ia^r H & ,

O^JtJU fc*~ &«• djLsjt>rc*^L u*utJL Cc

Lejz^j > e c e ^ v /€ ^ 6 Jx^x^j ttjt^r .

A 4 E M <6 OAY / • HEAsofZE To A tt& vi* TftEC&ASSUToTlOfJ A-M& C&Mof*S/ a/ RELffTloK) T6 7?/e: tfF W E <5F W e PRc>\siKC£ O f South

^Lovtjt by bu, / / . I S U U a Sulc^ vJ m JL ^ < £ jcZ o £ zh^ C



Whereas In 1870 the Diocese of Cape Town, of Grahamstown, of Maritzburg (embracing the Diocese of Natal), of St. Helena and of the Orange Free State, which originally were comprehended in one Diocese of Cape Town, and were constituted an Ecclesiastical Province, of which Cape Town is the Metropolitical See;

And Whereas It was then resolved that the entire Church comprising the five aforesaid Dioceses should be called the Church of the Province of South Africa and such name was embodied in the constitution of the said Church:

And Whereas Over the past one hundred and nine years the said Church of the Province of South Africa has developed, expanded and been subdivided so that there are now seventeen Dioceses, being the Dioceses of Cape Town, Grahamstown, Maritzburg or Natal, St. Helena, Bloemfontein, Zululand, St. John’s. Pretoria. Lebombo, George, Kimberley & Kuruman, Johannesburg, Damara.land, Lesotho, Swaziland, Port Elizabeth and Niassa, in all extending beyond the area of jurisdiction of the Republic of South Africa, so that the name of the said Church does not correctly reflect the position;

And Whereas In accordance with a resolution of the Special Meeting of Provincial Standing Committee in April 1978 in terms of Canon 49 Section 2, it is desirable to amend the name of the Church of the Province of South Africa by deleting the word “South” and substituting therefor the word “ Southern” .

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: The name “ the Church of the Province of

South Africa” be and it is hereby amended by the deletion therein of the word “SOUTH” wherever it appears in the Constitution and Canons of the said Church, and the substitution therefor of the word “ SOUTHERN”.

lb U3< 5> teu w -c^ . ee& <MJL^ &eooi\cOzJL

tfcjis Iturtz&i*. 4C&i*S kxZs piot

~fluz Vla&idaA*Jb' iAA/flC ifcb' CoU-cu^v-e^Ac^,

G f- SfiW&L H uifc te a - +1 Locus <3U

-UA, t 1 * im S 4 3 (_ b)


H - O&LltjCQ. S£L-e_j(rL-~<£o ^ ifj-

~J~Ljl)C AtJjZXu£umas l M O-Su e fefA lvc*4. "tfct CnAx-ou3 -cfc ,

£#R R r^ 2>

f ) ( j E H J > « H Z< ] J H f c A S U f c E t D A H f & A i J b C / 9 -M O A J

f l o r e t h u . < k r ^ B u r l c u s ^ t c t c o S x c ^ n u ftz a t


Whereas Canon 42 makes no provision for the filling of casual vacancies in diocesan representatives on the Provincial Standing Committee:

The ProposalsBe it enacted that: In Canon 42 Section 1 after the third

paragraph, insert the following new paragraph:“ A casual vacancy in the representatives or alternates of a

Diocese shall be filled by an election at a Diocesan Synod held between Provincial Synods and failing such Diocesan Synod by the Diocesan Council or such other body as is entitled to transact business in the Diocese between sessions of the Synod. The person or persons thus elected shall hold office until the session of Diocesan Synod following the next ordinary session of Provincial Synod and shall be eligible for re-election.”

C w J L (sfi fck.1 E j )

^ H j a d L sin&crUy*- w c t o &J-

sszutnu&S /ISZSoU m JLJL

RZrfVILT ; ht ^

'71«g_ O b e U s r i K K L !e « _ &y S ^ y ^ y o t — fetLb

3.^ fruLaL bojuu^j *.ciAdljAA&Aisk

Sy^jr^, Ho l * t^z-a.5 u^e, 6 o jStxSs&dL


J - o c e X fke^ t t (fcjL. ^Uasuje^

: SleA>e-^>—fc!y trU.St_ixji5S

O-^jourMjZ#^ ^tsv'' t e ^ *Jlz 3 ^ - 5

S ' <»C P* 3 (\ w 4 c r > A'f ch^'S'i 'VodL &>£/ *4.00 f>'£- ,

C a k I F -l^ '- .f ' A-\\ *y~» V>F" I\\(O s>\iC3

S ' /S 7

< r»^N r\ . V\> v x , WlT(VS,

1 “ ^ -o 0 - 1 - r, r V .. r V- J ^ <- fV O X "O — X I f 4 J

K k iM J ^ <fS W - V V*- v . i W * v « uvn " \ v

V/JtSTV. v a c n - ^ i r O J c . ^ - ^ v r

4 < O , ^ « v*J t ^ . w ^ J *-* ^V~». ^*V. < s ,

^ A .^ o .r v A <R-


That this Synod ~ - ~(1) Believing

(a) that obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ commits us to ensuring that others are treated as we would wish to be treated (Mat. 7:12),

(b) That every person ahs the right to be free from oppres­sion and exploitation, and

(c) that, while the Kingdom of God can never be accom­plished by “better laws and structures” , it nevertheless flows from our life in Christ, to work for a human community which increasingly reflects Gospel values;

Therefore(2) (a) Supports the W.C.C. in its desire to be used by God to

eradicate the sins of exploitation and racist attitudes so manifest in our world today;

(b) Confesses our failure to do enough to let God use us to cleanse our society of this sin which grieves the Holy Spirit and causes such pain and suffering;

(c) Supports the goals of the W.C.C.’s Programme to Combate Racism while by no means suspending all critical assessment of particular actions and decisions:

(d) Supports the Special Fund of the Programme to Combat Racism in so far as and where this is an ex­pression of the desire of the W.C.C. to identify with those who are, at great cost to themselves, endeavou­ring to work for goals which are in keeping with the Christian duty to work for a more just social order;

(e) Accepts the good faith of their intention that the money provided, be given for humanitarian purposes.

(3) (a) Recognises (i) that Christians are very divided as to the menas by which the above goals are to be achieved, and (ii) that it is important for all Christians to make a sincere and caring effort to understand those whose point of view differs from their own;

(b) Respects the fact that some Christians believe they are called to be unqualified pacificists;

(c) Recognises the fact that most Christians do not share this conviction, but believe that there are situations in which resort to the use of force is necessary as a choice of the lesser of two evils - for example, stopping Hitler’s genocide. That on these grounds many peace- loving Christians felt called to fight against Hitler.

lAS£Uf£6M y

(d) Recognises that in a similar way many have come to the reluctant conclusion that the situation in this land is now such that it is their legitimate duty to seek the overthrow of the present oppressive racist minority regime in South Africa

(e) Respects the sincerity of those Christians who genui­nely feel driven to this conclusion, and of those who feel drawn to a different conclusion.

(4) Recognises (i) that support given to a particular liberation group (like that given to a political party) does not necessarily imply uncritical acceptance of every policy and every action, and (ii) that support for, or even membership of, such a group is not necessarily inconsis­tent with the Christian calling to give ultimate and un­conditional obedience to God alone.

(5) Calls upon all church members to consider these matterscourageously and honestly before God as they seek to lay their lives before Him for the healing of his world about us. ____________________

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PtSK< tfq A w li A NTSW E 'RIK S^ £ O C S t t o ^ J F K O T foE { f f lS 8 E £ N <JlVEM

& (iq f>t.(mo L ^ f H n &o>S*L £*S tC 'TLeJ^k^d^JZy

Have any women in the C .P .S .A . in tim ated to t h e i r Bishop that they b e l i e v e they have been c a l l e d to serv e God in the p r ie s th o o d o f theChurch?I f so :

(a ) How many women ?(b ) Of what race?( c ) Prom how many D ioceses?

/V n 5 w e o r




l 0 l/Htitjl ' I A CCLAy ,

(c) (o

Slujejrfzcru, l& A rrC Az ■ ^ d j z A ^ L s ^

1 am aware o f the f a c t that there i s a measure in the second Agenda Paper (53) d ea ls w ith seeking o p p o r tu n it ie s w ith D.H.C. to ta lk so as t o e i i e c t a bond o f fe l lo w s h ip and d is c u s s io n - my q y est ion i s :

1 erhaps I am behind tim e) ) How f a r the Church o f the Prov ince has gone to e f f e c t seeking o p p o r tu n it ie s with the Church o f England f o r fe l lo w s h ip and d is c u s s io n ?


/n u w i.11£o_e^vl

^ v < r i v l o r - /^i^O^J LyP^H^ir- i^

X> 1L & ? S f l . A y ^U u , ^ u * . K „, i t « / —

L u - jr ^ V -^ ^ J ■* 7Cu

^Uu^JLOr^h ^ t e c ^ ^ P~<^f 4«- C<^e A / W / - L ft<-J> j~^ ^ f ’l ^ ^

0 4 M a w / y* tJ-A PP A

* $ P L . * i^ f c ^ f .

<5/wj2 4 ^ Z *jvc S atsC C - J ”. < ^ u y < 9 i^ > t-s v k ^

Could, the P res id en t p le a se g iv e the f o l l o w in g in form ation r e la t in g to re mbership ofth i& Synod, and where p o s s ib le g iv e com parative f ig u r e s f o : the P r o v in c ia l Synod o f 1976:

( a ) How many b la ck s?( b ) How many w h ites?( c ) How many women?(d ) How many men?( e ) How many p eop le under the age o f 25?

. ' • * r ’ •.


i ^ L

M l


7 o


144- l5>

k u ^ b o w fYtjfc Pi^&usiAj



R e p o r t o f c o k m i t t e e o p sy/sfQj>

TK^ OU.a^r'^a^s. O j— £>(**. ha(M&& ^^iAx^U rLe er\Jkz4L

ftoV-ut tfci I X u ( S<Z-<-<r+-c(jLoL. ttt- SrtS&^S'^ 8 1

!\uL&tltx jT sC U rO J tk^ A h\£*A^L-tvvau^2» t^^^z^\JUuuUK~ IS i?«t b tj (S j a ^wL

A:" ai'iDA 13

U )

-•(b)1. ( c j ■2 4 'ca) 2~(±>)2 . ( o )2-(e)


«-- ■ KS) 2 . (h )

4 .

5-6 .7-

G en era l:

To enact Canon 12A (Suggested by Committee - that a new chapter Si be added; that th is new Canon be concluded as Canon 51)


D elete the words " o f the Church" - second l in e " " " " o f South A f r i c a " - th ird l in e" " " " th e " at end o f second l in e

and in s e r t the w o rd "th is "" " " " o f " in l i n e one and in s e r t " f o r "

In t i t l e to read "Bishop f o r the Order" and con sequ en tia l amendment o f "Bishop f o r the Order" t h r o u g h ^

D elete i i r s t and second l in e and in s e r t "Synod, P ro v in c ia l Synod, and"

Jlbworded to readBe con secra ted or c o l l a t e d by the m etrop o litan to e x c e r c iS c

e p is c o p a l and p a s to ra l o v e rs ig h t o f the members o f the OrAer and s h a l l do so ineach d io c e s e in which m issions o f the OtiXjzt are e s ta b l ish e d interms o f the l i c e n s e issued to him by the. D iocesan Bishop"Last l in e d e le te "commissioned" and in s e r t " l i c e n s e d " .In se r t the words "w ith in the Church g e n e ra l ly upon in v ita t io n , by any Diocesan B ishop" a f t e r the word "m in is try " and d e le t e a l l e x is t in g words a f t e r "m in is try "D elete the word "Two" in l in e three and l in e f o u r .Add 'interms o f Canon 1 S e c t io n 2 " , at the end o f the paragiaph Line fo u r d e le te "P r ie s ts and laymen" and in s e r t " c l e r i c a l and l a y r e p r e s e n ta t iv e s " .D elete "one p r i e s t and one layman" and in s e r t "one C le r i c a l and one la y r e p r e s e n t a t iv e " .Line one d e le t e the word " fu r t h e r " .Line one d e le t e " p r i e s t s " in s e r t " c l e r g y "Add at the end o f paragraph "and s h a l l not be e n t i t l e d to r e i mbursement o f t r a v e l l i n g and other exp en ses".

D elete a l l sub-headings .1 3 . (a ) Delete "Canons and C o n s t i t u t io n s " , in s e r t "C o n s t itu t io n and

Canons" in l in e 1 .In sert ( a ) at the beginningIn se r t (b ) at the beg inn ing o f second sen ten ce .D e le te the la s t s ix words "and the recbor o f the P a rish " .

1 5 S VtuRSbfli




nc.$ ,

G s o e r a ! :




i| D elete the l e t t e r s " r e " in the word "recommendation" in paR50yr*fci*h 20 l i n e 3 , and a lso paragraphs 2 1 , l i n e 3 and l in e 5 .D elete " o f the Church" in l i n e two and in s e r t "w ith in a Diocese" Third l i n e d e le t e " o f the Church" and in s e r t "w ith in a Diocese.*’ D elete in the th ir d l i n e "Church" and in s e r t "D io c e s e " .D e le te the words "the Church" in l in e fo u r and in s e r t "a Dioce.s«." D elete the l e t t e r " s " in "p e rso n s " .D elete the whole and in s e r t "A l l p rop erty o f the Order s h a l l be v e s te d in the P r o v in c ia l T ru stees . The Trustees o f the Orde* who s h a l l he appointed by the Conference a cco rd in g to such i.ule.s as the Conference s h a l l determ ine, s h a l l have the powers o f «»_ dio­cesan T r u s t 's Board as p rov id ed in Canon 41 • The P rov in c ia l*not a t r u s t e e , s h a l l have an ad v isory v o i c e in the d e l ib e r a t io n s o f the T r u s te e s " .

i n t o " e f f SJa l \ d®°ide the date on which th is Canon s h a l l come in t o e f f e c t and the compact o f 1900 be r e p e a le d " .The word " m is s io n ( s ) " re p la ce " c o n g r e g a t io n s ) "In 1 ( b ) l i n e 8 2(b ) l in e 2

5 l i n e 6 6 l i n e 4 8 l i n e 29 l i n e / 2

To read as f o l l o w s :"The Order and each in d iv id u a l member, s h a ll be bound by the ^on, g t i t u t i o n and Canons, except so fa r as the Provincia lSynod may determine o th erw ise .The p r o v is io n s o f Rule 3 o f the C o n st itu t io n o f the Order in r e s p e c t o f Q uarterly meetings o f Mission d i s t r i c t s and Monthly

e e i n g s o f M issions and the appointment o f Church O f f i c e r s s h a l l 27- oft. ^ o m 11 the purposed envisaged in Canons 14 ,5 ; 22;' 26;To read as f o l l o w s :" D is c ip l in e s h a l l be e x c e r c is e d in the Order as provided f o r in the Book o f Common Prayer, in the C o n st itu t io n and Canons o f the

r o v m c e ( as prov ided in 16 above), the C o n st itu t io n o f the Order- an' in the Acts and R eso lu t ion s o f P ro v in c ia l and Diocesan Synods- in so fa r as they may be a p p l i c a b le " ."The P r o v in c ia l may in v i t e the Archdeacon to v i s i t Missions o f the Order on h is b e h a l f .E x is t in g s e c t io n 23 becomes 24.



C f r K K . ( B p

fitm 6.i~

? </ / . 7 7 .


frqckhuH 3 2L

Thu, CfacUst'MmA'J 'X£^cnstCjC ~~4fc-ad~ ^ e-

<zIa *a&as^^U*a a a aT & A<voC b&4\s*j A*£j£jLtaA. . gj

tije^S Casyitr*' Y -5

(1 6 ) (b ) Last l i n e - d e le te " w i l f u l "

1 7• ~ see amendment in book — f o o t o f page 5 o f the p r in te d m atter.1 7 >(3) (a ) s h a l l not have a tta in ed the age o f 48 ,

(b ) i i f over 48 years o f age on being l i c e n s e d , were under that

age at the time o f b e in g l i c e n s e d in another Prov ince o f the Anglican Commumion and who are t r a n s fe r r e d in terms o f a r e c ip r o c a l agreement,

sh a ll be e l i g i b l e and s h a l l apply f o r p u l l Membership o f the Fund, prov ided that in the case o f Clergymen serv in g in

D ioceses o u ts id e the Republic o f South A f r i c a , Membership o f the fund s h a l l be o b l ig a t o r y f o r a l l clergymen who are c l e r g y ­men whose co n tr a c ts o f ap poin ting e n t i t l e them to membership o f the Fund.

19 . (see amendment in Agenda book)

" however the Board may, in i t s s o le d i s c r e t i o n , and on such c o n d it io n s as i t afgg- from time to time determ ine, allow a clergyman to continue membership o f the Fund w hile absent from the Province# .

2 0 ( 3 ) (d )D e le te a l l words a f t e r " c o n t r ib u t io n s " . In s e r t "The pension

payable to h is widow and /or orphans s h a l l be such amounts( i f any) as the Actuary s h a l l assess in the c ircum stances o f each c a s e " .

2$,'4) Line 4 - D elete "tha&e"In s e r t " fo u r "

2 0 (6 ) (a )L in e 3 f o r "one ^ a l f - ^ ' s u b s t i t u t e " a l l "Line 5 f o r "3 p e rce n t" s u b s t i tu te " fo u r p e rce n t"Line 2 f o r 'lone h a l f o f " s u b s t i tu te " a l l "Line 4 f o r " th re e " s u b s t i tu te " f o u r " .Line 4 Tor "one h a l f o f " s u b s t i tu te " a l l "Line 8 f o r " th re e " s u b s t i t u t e " fo u r »

20 7 (b ) Line 2 . f o r "one quarter o f " s u b s t i tu te " a l l "

6(b )

7 (a )

I t o V f v ^ A Y

8 ( b ) D elete every th in g a f t e r "mav" and s u b s t i tu te

"withdraw from the fund, whereupon he w i l l be e n t i t l e d to arefund o f such amount as the Actuary may in h is s o le d i s c r e t io n determ ine. T h e re a fte r , n ie th e r he nor h is widow o r orphans s h a l l have any fu r th e r c la im on the Fund".

------------- •• ^

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Collection Number: AB1163

Collection Name: Provincial Synod, Minute books, 1870-1999

PUBLISHER: Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive Location: Johannesburg ©2015


Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. This collection forms part of the archive of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa (ACSA), held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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