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Page 1: Wesley UMC Non Profit Organization 1322 W. Broadway Blvd. … · 2019. 7. 12. · September 28 Sharefest-Tipton UMC Worship June 23 117 June 30 138 July 7 103 Church School June 23

Wesley UMC 1322 W. Broadway Blvd.

Sedalia, Missouri, 65301-5302 Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:45


We Wan t To Know

Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid

PERMIT NO 232 Sedalia, MO

RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Leading People to an Active Faith in Christ The Rev. Dennis Harper, Pastor

Telephone Number: 660.826.4502 [email protected] Fax Number: 660.826.7604 [email protected]

Sarah Myers, Youth Ministry Intern wesleyofsedalia.com Vicki Herrick, Office Manager July 14, 2019 Grant Maledy, Choir Director, Anne Tempel, Pianist, Organist, Bell Choir, Wesley Angels Director

John Knox, Custodian


8:30 & 10:45. a.m. — Worship Services 9:30 a.m. — Sunday School

Monday, July 15 Jessica Cox 6:00 p.m. — Show Me Sound

Tuesday, July 16 Ryder Pettis

Wednesday, July 17 Bill Barton 6:00 p.m. – Wesley Faithful Men Practice/Room 206 7:00 p.m. – Chancel Choir Practice/Sanc

Thursday, July 18 Louis Neu 2:00 p.m. — Prayer Shawl/Library 7:00 p.m. — Trustees 7:00 p.m. — Sedalia Photo Club

Friday, July 19 Millicent Hale

Saturday, July 20 Harry Burford

Sunday, July 21 Tom Saulbeamer 8:30 & 10:45. a.m. — Worship Services 9:30 a.m. — Sunday School

Monday, July 22 Laura Fleming 6:00 p.m. — Show Me Sound

Tuesday, July 23 Ellie Young

Wednesday, July 24 Richard Barnier 6:00 p.m. – Wesley Faithful Men Practice/Room 206 7:00 p.m. – Chancel Choir Practice/Sanc

Thursday, July 25 Kim Graves 2:00 p.m. — Prayer Shawl/Library 7:00 p.m. — Alzheimer Group

Friday, July 26 James Esselman

Saturday, July 27 Abram Waddle 7:00 a.m. — Men’s Breakfast

Open Door Volunteers Needed

With the arrival of summer, the workforce at Open Door facilities has shrunk tremendously. They have asked for workers in all areas Monday-Thursday, anytime from 9am-2pm. If interested please contact Amanda Davis at 660-827-1613.

Prayer Concerns: Dean Vannoy, Jan Yokley, Jim Rogers, Jim Lawley, Russell Bellamy, Janet Lingwall, Doris Green, and the family of Diana & Ron Mooney.

Rolling Rampage Storytellers

Page 2: Wesley UMC Non Profit Organization 1322 W. Broadway Blvd. … · 2019. 7. 12. · September 28 Sharefest-Tipton UMC Worship June 23 117 June 30 138 July 7 103 Church School June 23

From the Pastors Desk…. Summer is in full swing. For many of us, Summer is a time to take a trip or spend some extra time with our friends and loved ones. I hope you will find some time of rest and rejuvenation during these gloriously hot days. Jesus did regularly to take time to get a way and refocus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is told of John the Baptist’s death and he withdraws to a deserted place by himself. There are other places throughout the Gospels where Jesus goes off by himself to pray. I realize that our vacations and weekends away, may not be completely like Jesus withdrawing to pray, but time away is not a bad idea. We can use it to refocus and if we are intentional about it, use it as a time to experience the presence of God that is with us. When you are in town, I hope to see you at worship and around the church, but if you are out of town, take some time to appreciate the beauty around you. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your life and enjoy your loved ones and friends. Give God thanks for the joys in your life, and talk to God about your struggles and challenges. Find time to recharge and connect to the grace of God. During your summer sojourn, pray about our work together. Who do you know that would benefit by coming with you to church? Who might we reach out to this fall? What do you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to do? Enjoy the rest of your summer. I hope to see you at church and I look forward to God using all of us to bring Christ’s hope and grace to our community and beyond. In Christ, Dennis

Early August Begin gathering

supplies for Festival of Sharing Kits. This year we will collect for personal hygiene kits.

August 12-16 Meals on Wheels August 23 Church Picnic TBD September 28 Sharefest-Tipton UMC

Faithfulness Affirmed Worship June 23 117 June 30 138 July 7 103 Church School June 23 75 June 30 64 July 7 65 Tithing Commitment June 23 $2,993.25 June 30 $2,563.10 July 7 $4,515.00

Page 3: Wesley UMC Non Profit Organization 1322 W. Broadway Blvd. … · 2019. 7. 12. · September 28 Sharefest-Tipton UMC Worship June 23 117 June 30 138 July 7 103 Church School June 23

Thank you to everyone who made it a success. It was truly a team effort. 38 adults and 6 youth gave of their time to be present and make Rolling River Rampage such a success. I want to especially thank Kris Cox for again using her artistic talent and vision to transform our church and to Natalie Smith for being my co-director, and helping out with all the little details that need to happen with an event like this. 46 kids joined us during the week. Even though this number is a little lower than some years, it was the most consistent group of kids, with 35 kids that attended EVERY SINGLE DAY! Our Bible verse for the week was, “When I pass through the waters, I will be with you” (Isaiah 43:2) and it was a true statement! God was with us all week. If you were not able to join us VBS week, I encourage you to talk with those who were there. Ask them about where they saw God, because each one of us has a story about a child or a moment that was special. Our mission project for the week was raising money to purchase flood buckets to help with clean up following the flooding across our state. We raised $600, which will purchase 8 flood buckets. I have had the privilege to be the VBS director for the last three years and it has been wonderful. Thank you for trusting me with this position. Three years ago I was still finding my place at Wesley, I didn’t know who to call or ask to step up and volunteer. But, all of you helped and supported me in making every year a success. We have welcomed and loved many kids through VBS. I am passing the director baton onto Natalie Smith. She will do a wonderful job, and she would

want me to tell you, to mark your calendars for the last week of June, 2020, for another fantastic VBS! Blessings, Sarah Harper


Dear Wesley UMC, Thank you so much for the graduation wishes. The necklace is beautiful and is something I will cherish forever. Thank you, Alexis Templeton

Dear Friends at Wesley United Methodist Church: I was told by Office Pappert of your generosity when you brought cookies to our headquarters on Monday, June 3, 2019. It did not take long for the delicious cookies to dissappear, we love our sweets. Thank you very much! We very much appreciate your kindness and generosity. While it is always the intent of the members of the Sedalia Police Department to perform our duties to the highest professional level possible, it is very rewarding to the members of our department to know that they are appreciated by those whom we are sworn to protect and serve. Your continued demonstration of kindness and generosity facilitates such sentiment and does not go unnoticed. Again, thank you! Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever we may be of service. Sincerely, Matthew Wirt Chief of Police

Page 4: Wesley UMC Non Profit Organization 1322 W. Broadway Blvd. … · 2019. 7. 12. · September 28 Sharefest-Tipton UMC Worship June 23 117 June 30 138 July 7 103 Church School June 23

Rolling River Rampage Fun June 2019

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