Kindergarten practicum

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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel InicialInstitución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 17Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Comida Clase Nº: 1Fecha: 13/05/2015Hora: 1º hora: 13.30 – 14.00hs – 2º hora: 14.20 – 14.50hs – 3º hora: 15:10 – 15.40hsDuración de la clase: ‘90Fecha de primera entrega: 4/05/2015

Teaching points: fruits: apple, orange, banana, strawberry, grape

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…-Identify and name some fruits-Develop their listening skills by listening to a song and a story-Improve their counting skills-To deepen their understanding of commands/ Instructions while developing different activities

Language focus:


Listen!AppleBananaRed – Green – Orange-PurpleBear – Rabbit – Elephant – Fox - Monkey

Following commands and instructions

Let’s make a semi-circle. What’s the weather like today?Line-up

Today /d/Three /θ/

NEW GrapeStrawberry

Identifying different fruits

How many ……. Can you

Strawberry /ˈstrɔːbərɪ/

Orange see?Fall/Fell offIt looks so delicious!

Delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach which fosters communication and participation of students. It is organized through the Presentation –Practice- Production procedure.

Materials and resources: name tags, fruit flashcards, speakers, “magic box”, real fruits, brochette sticks, trays, cd, story boards, plastic bags, number ruler, worksheets.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will be working with an adapted version of a story game named “The Fruit Party”. The original website for students to continue working at home will be notified to the parents. Students will be reinforcing and enhancing their learning process.

Seating arrangement: In order to maintain visual contact with the group, they will be sitting in a semi-circle on the floor. When listening to the song, they will be moving around the class in order to perform some actions. Finally, they will be sitting around table for them to concentrate and complete their written activity.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children may get too excited during the song game or anxious during the ‘tasting fruit’ activity. In order to calm them down, I will sing a nursery rhyme for them to relax or wait their turn. Some students may not want to participate in the activities. I will not expose them and wait until they feel confident enough to do it.

Classroom management strategies: Students will play in different groups so as to keep the group organized. I will foster individual as well as group answers and participation so as not to expose the shier learners.

Potential problems students may have with the language: They may not understand the song game, instructions or some questions. I will guide them with body language, gestures, and modeling answers if necessary.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different fruits by asking them to point/stand at the corresponding

flashcard. . I will also check that they can reproduce the name of each fruit correctly.

1st Period:

Welcoming and Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work, establish empathy.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit on the floor please”.

Once they are all in, I will stand next to where they are sitting and say: “Hello everybody, my name is Clari. Let’s stand up and hold our hands so we can make a great and big semi-circle. That’s great! Now, let’s say hello to each other. Are you ready to sing the “Hello Song?” Together we all sing the “Hello Song”

“Hello, hello, we say hello to you! (We wave our hands)We sing a song, we sing a song, (We pretend we sing with a microphone)Hello, hello!” (We wave our hands)


I will follow: “That was great! Now, let’s sit on the floor” Then I will say: “Hello K5, how are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you and you Miss Clari?” I will answer: “Very well, thank you children”

Then I will exclaim: “Oh! Children, look!” while I point at the window. I will sing the weather chant “Look through the window, what can you see? What’s the weather like today? EA: “Today is a sunny day!” I will draw a sun on the blackboard.

Warm-up: (10’)Purpose: To introduce the topic and the teaching points while getting to know each other.

I will look for my ‘magic box’ and shake it. It will make noise because it is full of name tags (fruits made up in construction paper with the students’ name written on it) and five flashcards of the fruits. I will shake it once again, I will take a peep into the box and close it very quickly as if I am afraid of what is inside. I will ask: “Should I open it?” I will move my hands apart from each other when asking the question as pretending I’m opening the box. EA: “Yes!!”

As they are 17 students, there are: 3 apple tags, 3 orange tags, 3 grape tags, 4 strawberry tags, and 4 banana tags. Then I will open the box and take out all the name tags with the shape of an apple. I will say: “Apples!” When saying it some students might elicit the correct word in English or in L1. Nevertheless, I will say it out loud: “Apples! And look!

They have names on it” I will read them out loud: “María, Stéfano and Manuela” (I will put my hand on my forehead as pretending I’m looking for them). I will hand them out their name tags. Once I have finished with the apple name tags, I will then take out the banana shapes tag and I will repeat the sequence. I will follow with the orange shapes, then the strawberry, and finally with the grape shape tags.

Presentation: 15’Purpose: to further expose the learners to the target language.

I will shake the box once again so as to call children’s attention. I will look surprised. I will peep into the box once again and I will start taking out one by one the flashcards. I will take the apple flashcard first. I will see if the children elicit by themselves the name of the fruit; if not I will say out loud once again: “Apple!” and ask them to repeat after me. I will stick it on the blackboard.

Images taken from:

Once all the flashcards are on the blackboard, I will count them “One, two, three, four, five! Five Fruits!” and start singing acapella pointing at each fruit at a time:

Five little fruits song (Five little monkeys rhythm)

Five little fruits, jumping on the bed.Apple fell off and bumped his head. (I will shake my head to one side)

Banana called the doctor and the doctor said: (I will pretend I’m calling someone on the phone)No more fruits jumping on the bed.

Four little fruits, jumping on the bed.Banana fell off and bumped his head.Orange called the doctor and the doctor said:No more fruits jumping on the bed.

Three little fruits, jumping on the bed.Orange fell off and bumped his head.Strawberry called the doctor and the doctor said:No more fruits jumping on the bed.

Two little fruits, jumping on the bed.Strawberry fell off and bumped his head.Grape called the doctor and the doctor said:No more fruits jumping on the bed.

One little fruit, jumping on the bed.Grape fell off and bumped his head.Apple called the doctor and the doctor said:Put those fruits right to bed.

Once I finish singing it once, I will ask the students to stand up so as to sing and dance the song all together again. I will play the music. I will perform actions when singing like jumping, falling to the floor, taking my hand to my ear like calling the doctor on the phone, and moving my finger as saying “no!”. I will say: “Now, let’s stand up and sin the song all together! You must copy and follow my movements okey? Let’s start”

When the song ends we all sit down on the floor and pretend we are all sleeping.

Then, I will stick the flashcards on the floor all around the classroom. I will tell the children to go to their fruit flashcard. I will stand on the apple flashcard and say: “Apples! Stand up here please” I will do the same with the rest of the fruits.

I will follow: “Apples, fall off! Come on! Fall!” (I will gesture the order with my hands) “Bananas, call the doctor!” (I will gesture with my hand like I am holding a phone next to my ear) I will continue with the rest of the groups. “Now, let’s sing the song all together with music once again. Are you ready?” EA: Yes!

I will play the song again. Students will join in the song and perform the actions.

“Great! That was excellent! I am very tired now! (yawn) Let’s line up so we can have a little break!”


2nd Period:


Activity 1: (15’)

I will ask the children to sit down on the floor in a semi-circle. I will take out the first board of the story “The fruit party”. I will show it to them and ask: “What animals can you see?” I will listen to what they say, in English or in L1. I will follow: “Yes, there is a bear, a rabbit, an elephant, a squirrel, a monkey and a fox. What are they doing? They are eating”. I will point with my finger at each animal when saying out loud their names and I will gesture with my mouth as I am eating.

Then I will take out the next board, and read it. I will continue with the rest of the boards.

Adapted from: “Smart Story – The Fruit Party” Application.

Once the story is over, I will display all the boards on the floor in disorder. I will ask one student to pick up the first board and stick it on the blackboard. Then I will ask another student to pick up the second board and stick it on the blackboard. I will continue with the rest of the boards.

I will say: “Okey, now the story is all mixed up! We need to put it in order. Which one is poster number one? What do you think? Is this the beginning of the story? (I will point at one board) EA: “No!” This one? EA: “Yes!”Who would like to come up and show it to me?

Once the story is in order on the blackboard, I will read it once again.

Transition: “Now, look at this last picture”

Activity 2: (15’)

I will ask: “How many grapes can you see? Let’s count all together. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve! Twelve grapes!”

Then I will ask: “How many strawberries can you see?” EA: One!

“How many bananas can you see?” EA: “Three!”

“How many oranges can you see?” EA: “Three!”

“How many apples can you see?” EA: “One!”

I will follow: “Great! Excellent!” I will take out a “numbers ruler” and stick it on board.

I will go counting and pointing together with the children so as to revise numbers.

Now, I will take out a photocopy of an activity they will perform at their table-works. I will say: “Look, here I have a drawing with lots of fruits too. How many apples can you see here?” I will count them together with the children (six apples). I will go to the ‘numbers ruler’ and count up to six so as to reach number 6 on the ruler. Then, I will match up the apples with the correct number on the photocopy.

I will then say: “Now, how many oranges can you see?” EA: “five” I will go over the ‘numbers ruler’ and count up to five and point at it for students to see.

I will repeat the sequence with all the fruits. Then I will say: “Now, you will do it! Go and sit down on your chairs”. I will give out the photocopies to each student. There will be cans on the tables with black and colour pencils for students’ to use. Once they are all ready I will say: “You may start!” When they finish they can colour the fruits. I will walk around and monitor their work.

Source: I created this activity.

“We’ve been working a lot! Let’s line up so we can have our last break”


3rd Period. Activity 3 (10’)

I will ask the children to sit on the floor in a semi-circle and say: “Too many fruits make me a bit hungry” (I will tap my tummy) “I feel like eating a delicious apple…or an orange…or may be a banana! Are you hungry?”

I will grab 3 trays which contain fruits previously cut in little squares. One tray with apples, another with oranges and the other with bananas.

I will say: “Look children! I brought some fruits” I will point at the first tray that contains oranges and say: “Are these apples?” EA: “No! Oranges!” I will grab a bit and eat it. “Mmm…delicious orange! Who wants some orange? I will share a bit to the students if they want. If they really like orange and if they are really hungry, the class might get out of control a bit. I will tell them to stay sitting down, be patient and wait while I give a bit to everyone.

I will point at the second tray that contains bananas and say: “Are these apples?” EA: “No! Bananas!” I will grab a bit and eat it. “Mmm…delicious banana! Who wants some banana?

I will point at the third tray that contains apples and say: “Are these apples?” EA: “Yes!” I will grab a bit and eat it. “Mmm…delicious apple! Who wants some apple?

Once I finish I will touch my pockets as looking for something.

Activity 4 (’15)

I will look in every single pocket I have until from one, I will take out a brochette stick and say: “Ha-ha! Found it! Look! A Stick!” I will scratch my head as if I am thinking and say: “I have an idea! Look!”

I will start putting the fruits in the stick so as to make a ‘fruit brochette’. Every time I grab a piece of fruit from the trays I will say out loud the name of the fruit. Once I finish I will say: “I have finished! Look! A fruit brochette!”

Now it is time for students to make their own fruit brochette. I will tell students: “Would you like a fruit brochette?” EA: “Yes!”

“Ok, great! Let’s first go to the bathroom so we can wash our hands. Then you sit down on your chairs. Let’s go”

Once they are all ready, I will first give out the trays. Three trays on each table (five tables). I will tell them not to touch the fruit for a moment. Then I will give out the sticks. I will say: “Once you have your stick you may start”. I won’t wait until everybody is ready because having a brochette stick on their hands for a long time can be a bit dangerous.

While they are making their brochette, I will go around giving out some plastic bags for them to put their brochette inside. Once they have finished I will tell them: “put the fruit brochette inside the plastic bag, leave it on the table and come and sit down in the middle of the classroom”

Closure (5’)

Once they are all sitting down on the floor with me, I will ask: “Did you like preparing a fruit brochette? Well, you are going to take it home and share it with your family. Share your apples, your oranges and bananas”

“Now, English time is over! We must get ready to go home. Let’s say goodbye first:

Goodbye song

Goodbye, goodbye (waving our hands)It’s time to say goodbye, (tap your finger onto your wrist)We are going home, we are going home (rolling your hands down and up again)Goodbye, goodbye! (waving our hands)

Grab your copybooks, school bags and don’t forget your fruit brochettes! Once you are ready, line up!”


I will be sending a note to the students’ parents posting the website from which they can download the original story and play “The fruit Party” games.

Estimada familia:

Hoy estuvimos aprendiendo a clasificar frutas en inglés. Los invitamos a bajarse la siguiente aplicación

para que sus hijos puedan seguir aprendiendo y disfrutando de este material junto a Uds. Miss Clari.

ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel InicialInstitución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 17Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Comida Clase Nº: 2Fecha: 14/05/2015Hora: 13.30 – 14.00hs Duración de la clase: ‘30Fecha de primera entrega: 04/05/2015

Teaching points: tea time: tea – milk – cocoa – toast - cookie

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…-Identify and name some food (tea-time food)-Develop their listening skills by listening to a dialogue-Develop their speaking skills by dramatizing a dialogue-To deepen their understanding of commands/ Instructions while developing different activities

Language focus


Listen!Cookies – Milk – Please – Thank you

Following commands and instructions

Let’s make a semi-circle. What’s the weather like today?Line-up

Today /d/

NEW Tea – cocoa - toast

Identifying food

What is missing?Mmm…it’s delicious!-Tea or cocoa?-Toast or cookies?

Toast/təʊst/Cocoa /ˈkəʊkəʊ/

Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach which fosters communication and participation of students. It is organized through the Presentation –Practice- Production procedure.

Materials and resources: speaker, cd, table cloth, two plastic mugs, a plastic milk jar, plastic toasts on a plastic plate, some plastic cookies on a plastic plate, plastic spoons, a plastic tea-pot, sugar and cocoa in a can.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will be working on a real dialogue/conversation. They will be exposed to real language in a real context so as to enhance their speaking skills in a more meaningful way.

Seating arrangement: Students will be seating in a semi-circle so as to keep eye-contact and control over the group.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children may get noisy and impatient when dramatizing. In order to keep a nice and calm atmosphere I will play a quick ‘Simon Says’ in between dramatizations. Some students may not want to participate in the activities. I will not expose them and wait until they feel confident enough to do it. I can select some judges to observe and ‘check’ the performance so as to make them part of the activity.

Classroom management strategies: Students will play in different groups so as to keep organized and make everybody participate in the activities. By working in groups, individual as well as group answers will be accepted so as not to expose the shier learners.

Potential problems students may have with the language: They may not understand the ‘missing game’, instructions or some questions. I will guide them with body language, gestures, and modeling answers if necessary.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different food by asking them to point or named the corresponding item. I will also check that they can reproduce the name of the food correctly.

Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit on the floor in silence please”.

Once they are all in, I will stand next to where they are sitting and say: “Hello everybody, let’s stand up so we can make a big semi-circle. Now, we are ready to say hello. Are you ready to sing the “Hello Song?” Together we all sing the “Hello Song”

“Hello, hello, we say hello to you! (We wave our hands)We sing a song, we sing a song, (We pretend we sing with a microphone)Hello, hello!” (We wave our hands)

I will follow: “That was great! Now, let’s sit on the floor” Then I will say: “Hello K5, how are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you and you Miss Clari?” I will answer: “Very well, thank you children”

Then I will exclaim: “Oh! Children, look!” while I point at the window. I will sing the weather chant “Look through the window, what can you see? What’s the weather like today? EA: “Today is a cloudy day!” I will draw a cloud on the blackboard.

I will follow: “Today…today…oh! Today I have to go to my granny’s house. I will have tea-time with my granny in the afternoon”.

Warm-up: (5’)Purpose: To introduce the topic and the teaching points.

I will previously set up a table with two plastic mugs, a plastic milk jar, plastic toast on a plastic plate, some plastic cookies on a plastic plate, plastic spoons, a plastic tea-pot, sugar and cocoa in a can. I will cover it so as to hide it from students.

I will ask: “When you get home after school, do you have tea-time? Do you drink tea or cocoa, hot chocolate?” I will gesture with my hands for students to follow. I will continue: “Look! Here we have a tea-time table already settled”

I will uncover the table. I will follow: “Look! There’s milk, toast, cookies, tea, sugar and cocoa” I will point at each item at a time and say out loud its name. I will say: “Repeat after me. It’s milk – it’s toast – they are cookies – it’s tea – it’s sugar– it’s cocoa. I will say “cookies” when pointing at the milk for students to say “No! Milk!” I will do the same with the other items.

Then, I will tell students to look carefully to all the items present on the table and try to remember all of them because we are going to play a memory game.

Presentation: 5’Purpose: to further expose the learners to the target language.

I will ask three students to go out of the classroom for a while. I will take out two items from the table at random and hide them. I will say: “Come in!”. I will invite students to repeat after me.

The three students enter the classroom and will have to guess which items are missing. I will say: “Look at the table, what is missing?” If they cannot guess, I will guide them by saying: “Is the milk missing?” EA: “No!” “Is the toast missing?” EA: “No!” until they find the correct answer: “Are the cookies missing?” EA: “Yes!”

I will play the game four times. Students will be leaving the classroom in three groups of three students and one group of four students so they can all play it.

I will say: “Great! Now that we know all the things we need for tea-time let’s get ready to listen to a conversation between me and my granny!”

Development: 10’

Activity 1: Listening to a dialogue and dramatize

I will say: “Open your ears (I will shake my hands next to my ears), are you ready to listen?” EA: “Yes!”

I will play the tea-time audio tape. I will perform the dialogue while listening to it.

It is an original audio tape previously recorded. You can listen to the audio by clicking on:file:///C:/Users/Clari/Documents/FACU/Audio%20Tape%20Dialogue%20Tea-Time.mp3

-Granny: “Hello Clari” (I will wave my hand)-Clari: “Hello Granny”-Granny: “Sit down please. Tea or cocoa?” (I will sit at the table – I will grab both things)-Clari: “Tea please” -Granny: “Milk?” (I will grab the milk bottle)-Clari: “Yes please”-Granny: “Sugar?” (I will grab the sugar)-Clari: “Yes please”-Granny: “Toasts or cookies?” (I will grab both plates)-Clari: “Thank you…Mmm, it’s delicious!” (I will tap my tummy)

I will say: “Mmm…Granny’s cookies are delicious! Who would like to come and sit at my table?”

I will choose two students. We will dramatize the conversation we have just listened to. I will be Granny. First, we will do it with the audio tape, without speaking, just performing

the actions. Then, we will do it without the audio tape. I will guide them through their answers.

“First, we will just act it out ok? No talking. Then, if you want we can say the dialogue out loud! Ready? The rest can helps and join us when talking, so pay attention!”

Then I will do it again with different students. Some students may not want to take part of this activity. I will make sure of choosing only the ones that feel confident enough.

Closure: (5’)

“Now, tea-time and English time is over for today! We must get ready to go to the playground and I must get ready to go to my Granny’s house…but let’s say goodbye first:”

Goodbye song

Goodbye, goodbye (waving our hands)It’s time to say goodbye, (tap your finger onto your wrist)We are going home, we are going home (rolling your hands down and up again)Goodbye, goodbye! (waving our hands)

ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Clara AugustePeríodo de Práctica: Nivel InicialInstitución Educativa: Aberdare CollegeDirección: Av. Francia 1245, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires.Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años – Turno TardeCantidad de alumnos: 17Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Comida Clase Nº: 2Fecha: 15/05/2015Hora: 13.30 – 14.00hs Duración de la clase: ‘30Fecha de primera entrega: 04/05/2015

Teaching points: food: chicken, meat, spaghetti, fish

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…-Identify and name some food items -Develop their speaking skills by expressing their likes/dislikes-deepen their understanding of commands/ Instructions while developing a written activity.

Language focus


Listen!Chicken – Fish - Apple – banana – tea- toast - strawberry

Following commands and instructions

Let’s make a semi-circle. What’s the weather like today?Line-up

Today /d/

NEW Meat – Spaghetti – Like – Don’t like

Identifying food – Sharing likes

I like …..I don’t like…


Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Communicative Approach which fosters communication and participation of students. It is organized through the Presentation –Practice- Production procedure.

Materials and resources: supermarket bags, plastic chicken, plastic meat, plastic fish, plastic spaghetti, work-sheets, food poster, food folders.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, there is no use of ICT in class neither at home. There is no smart tv/computer available in the classroom so as to play an interactive game about going to the supermarket. Moving on to the computer room will cost a lot of time and the lesson lasts only thirty minutes. If it happens to have a computer, I will use and include the following website in the lesson:

Seating arrangement: Students will be seating in a semi-circle so that I can keep eye-contact and control over the group. Then, they will be seating around tables so as to focus and concentrate on the written activity.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children may touch and play with the plastic food. In order to maintain order I will make sure to set the food and bags in a place not reachable for them. E.g: in the middle of the semi-circle.

Classroom management strategies: In this lesson, group answers are expected so as not to expose the shier learners when sharing their likes/dislikes. If I realize they are ‘tired’ of being sitting down, I will play a short action game for them to move around for a while.

Potential problems students may have with the language: They may not understand some instructions, comments or questions. I will guide them with body language, gestures, and modeling answers if necessary.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend and identify the different food items by asking them to point/pick up the corresponding food. I will also check that they can reproduce the name of the food item correctly.

Routine: (5’)Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work.

I will greet each student at the door of the classroom by shaking hands and saying “Hello, come in and sit on the floor in silence please”.

Once they are all in, I will stand next to where they are sitting and say: “Hello everybody, let’s stand up so we can make a big semi-circle. Now, we are ready to say hello. Are you ready to sing the “Hello Song?” Together we all sing the “Hello Song”

“Hello, hello, we say hello to you! (We wave our hands)We sing a song, we sing a song, (We pretend we sing with a microphone)Hello, hello!” (We wave our hands)

I will follow: “That was great! Now, let’s sit on the floor” Then I will say: “Hello K5, how are you today?” EA: “Very well, thank you and you Miss Clari?” I will answer: “Very well, thank you children”

Then I will exclaim: “Oh! Children, look!” while I point at the window. I will sing the weather chant “Look through the window, what can you see? What’s the weather like today? EA: “Today is a sunny day!” I will draw a sun on the blackboard.

Transition: “Yes! Today is a sunny day…and also…today is Friday! And on Fridays I go to the supermarket!”

Warm-up: (5’)Purpose: To introduce the topic and the teaching points.

I will say: “Today I went to the supermarket, to Coto…Look!” I will grab two supermarket bags and bring them to the semi-circle. I will take out one by one all the food I bought in the supermarket and set them on the floor next to me.

“I went to the supermarket and bought: some chicken (taking out the chicken), some meat (taking out the meat), some fish and spaghettis (taking out the pasta). I will encourage students to repeat after me every word I say.

Presentation: (‘5)Purpose: to further expose the learners to the target language and share their tastes.

I will ask one student to pass me the chicken: “Can you give me the chicken please? Mmm…I like chicken (tapping my tummy). Do you like chicken?” EA: “Yes/No”.

Then I will ask another student to pass me the meat: “Can you give me the meat please? Mmm…I like meat (tapping my tummy). Do you like meat?” EA: “Yes/No”.

Then I will ask another student to pass me the fish: “Can you give me the fish please? Yacky! I don’t like fish (I will gesture with my finger). Do you like fish?” EA: “Yes/No”

Finally I will ask a last student to pass me the spaghettis: “Can you give me the spaghettis please? Mmm…I like spaghettis (tapping my tummy). Do you like spaghettis?” EA: “Yes/No”

Development (10’)

Activity: LIKE / DON’T LIKE

I will take out a photocopy with images of food and stick it on the blackboard. I will name out loud each item at a time as well as point at it.

I will say: “I like chicken” and I will circle the chicken image. I will follow: “I don’t like fish” I do NOT circle the fish image. “I like spaghettis” and I will circle the spaghettis image. “I like apples” and I will circle the apples image. I will go over all the images drawing a circle around the food I like.

Then I will take out a photocopy with the same images of the poster. I will say: “Now you are going to circle (draw a circle with my hand) all the food YOU LIKE. Are you ready?” EA: “Yes!”.

I will tell the children to sit around their tables. I will give out the photocopies as well as the black and colour pencils cans. “You may start. Remember: CIRCLE THE FOOD YOU LIKE”

Source: I created this activity.

Closure (5’):

Once they have all finished their activity I will ask them to hand in their photocopies so I can put them inside the ‘Food Folder’. As it is the last lesson, I will give them a folder made in construction paper with the two activities they’ve done during these lessons and with some blank sheets of papers for them to take home.

I will tell the children to sit down on the floor in a semi-circle and say: “Come and sit down, I have a surprise for you before we go” Once they are all settled I will take out one folder and say: “This is your ‘Food Folder’. Here are your activities...(I will show the two activities) and here you have blank sheets of paper for you to draw or stick on it of all the food you want!” I will put the folders aside and tell them that at the end of the day their teacher will give the folders out.

“It was great spending some time with you! Now it’s time for me to go…let’s say goodbye to each other:

Goodbye song

Goodbye, goodbye (waving our hands)It’s time to say goodbye, (tap your finger onto your wrist)We are going home, we are going home (rolling your hands down and up again)Goodbye, goodbye! (waving our hands)”

I will shake hands with every student when singing.