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Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo

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  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1

    Apuntes deApuntes deFisiologia Nasal, SistemaFisiologia Nasal, Sistemaolfativoolfativo

    SeminariosClínica de Asma y

    Alergia Favor leer notas al pie

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  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2

    Anatomy of the NoseThe external nose consists of paire nasal !ones an "pperan lo#er lateral cartila$es. %nternall&, the nasal sept"'

    i(i es the nasal ca(it& into a ri$ht an left si e.

    The lateral nasal #all consists of inferior an 'i let"r!inates an occasionall& a s"perior or s"pre'et"r!inate !one. The openin$ of the sin"ses also is fo"n"n er the 'i le t"r!inates on the lateral nasal #all.

    The lacri'al s&ste' rains into the nasal ca(it& !elo# theanterior inferior aspect of the inferior t"r!inates.

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C3

    )(er(ie# Fisiología NasalTo "n erstan the ph&siolo$& of the nose, its f"nctions '"st !e"n erstoo . The nose ser(es as the onl& 'eans of !rin$in$#ar' h"'i ifie air into the l"n$s. %t is the pri'ar& or$an forfilterin$ o"t particles in inspire air, an it also ser(es to

    pro(i e first*line i''"nolo$ic efense !& !rin$in$ inspire air

    in contact #ith '"co"s*coate 'e'!ranes that containi''"no$lo!"lin + %$+-. %nspire air is !ro"$ht hi$h into thenasal ca(it& to co'e in contact #ith the olfactor& ner(es,there!& pro(i in$ the sense of s'ell, #hich is inti'atel&associate #ith the taste sensation. &sf"nction of an& of theses&ste's can lea to s&'pto's of nasal &sf"nction e$,con$estion, postnasal raina$e, facial press"re, hea aches,sin"s infections-.

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C4

    Nasal Airflow+ir flo#s s"periorl& into the nares, eter'ine !& its positionan the anterior nasal (al(e. The airstrea' then t"rns

    posteriorl& approxi'atel& 90 an flo#s into thenasophar&nx. The airstrea' then t"rns inferiorl& 90 thro"$h

    the phar&nx an lar&nx an flo#s into the trachea to#ar thel"n$s. The anterior nasal (al(e is locate 1.5*2 c' posteriorto the anterior nares an is the narro#est portion of the "pperair#a&. The narro# portion of the "pper air#a& allo#s closecontact !et#een the airstrea' an '"cosal s"rfaces.

    "'i ification occ"rs !& e(aporation of 'oist"re fro' the'"cosal !lan et. +ir is h"'i ifie to 75*80 .

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    “ o m!s di"cil es ver lo #ue esta delante de tuso$os%&' (oet)e

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C+

    ista en osc pica ,fosas nasal erecha. l t"r!inatoesta infla'a o le(e'ente, '"cosa pal i a,el t"r!inato(ien a ponerse en contacto con el septo

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C

    AbnormalNasal Physiology

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C-

    To "n erstan the ph&siolo$& of the nose , its f"nctions '"st !e "n erstoo . The nose ser(es as the onl& 'eans of !rin$in$ #ar' h"'i ifie air into the l"n$s . %t is the pri'ar& or$an for filterin$ o"t particles in inspire air , an italso ser(es to pro(i e first*line i''"nolo$ic efense !&

    !rin$in$ inspire air in contact #ith '"co"s*coate

    'e'!ranes that contain i''"no$lo!"lin + %$+-. %nspire air is !ro"$ht hi$h into the nasal ca(it& to co'e incontact #ith the olfactor& ner(es, there!& pro(i in$ thesense of s'ell , #hich is inti'atel& associate #ith the tastesensation . &sf"nction of an& of these s&ste's can lea tos&'pto's of nasal &sf"nction e$, con$estion, postnasal

    raina$e, facial press"re, hea aches, sin"s infections-.

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C.

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1/

    Tests of

    Nasal Physiology

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    0i liografía medecine

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C11

    Nasal )ysiology Aut)or5 Sanford 6 Arc)er, 678C)ief ditor5 Arlen 7 6eyers, 67, 60A more'''

    9lfactory System Anatomy Aut)or5 Amir:o;s)oor, 678 C)ief ditor5 Arlen 7 6eyers, 67,60A more'''Nasal Aerodynamics Aut)or5 Samuel < in, 678C)ief ditor5 Arlen 7 6eyers, 67, 60A more'''

    Nasal =econstruction Aut)or5 Ali Sa$$adian, 67,FACS8 C)ief ditor5 Arlen 7 6eyers, 67, 60Amore'''


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Aparato 9lfativo Anatomía

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C12

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Anatomía del aparatoolfativo

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C13

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    9lfactory pit)elium9lfactory Nerve and t)e Cri riform late9lfactory 0ul

    9lfactory >ract and Central at)?aysCentral ro$ectionsClinical CorrelationClinical valuation

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C14


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1*

    Olfactory Nerve and the Cribriform Plate

    The s'all, "n'&elinate axons of the olfactor& receptor cellsfor' the fine fi!ers of the first cranial ner(e an tra(el centrall&to#ar the ipsilateral olfactor& !"l! to 'a e contact #ith thesecon *or er ne"rons.Con "ction (elocities are extre'el& slo#, an s"pport is

    pro(i e in !"n les !& a sin$le ch#ann cell. +s pre(io"sl&'entione , the tri$e'inal ner(e cranial ner(e - sen s fi!ers tothe olfactor& epitheli"' to etect ca"stic che'icals, s"ch asa''onia.The cri!rifor' plate of the eth'oi !one, separate at the'i line !& the crista $alli, contains '"ltiple s'all fora'inathro"$h #hich the olfactor& ner(e fi!ers, or fila olfactoria,tra(erse. ract"re of the cri!rifor' plate in tra"'atic settin$s can

    isr"pt these fine fi!ers an lea to olfactor& &sf"nction .

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1+

    Olfactory lb


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1

    Olfactory Tract and Central Pathways

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1-

    % path#a&s flashcar


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Fisiología Nasal

    Tests of Nasal Physiologystos e@!menes incluyen estudios 5

    Flu$o nasalFunci n ciliar9lfato'

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C1.

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    =inomanometria=)inomanometría cuanti"ca el Bu$o a reonasal durante respiraci n nasal e@clusiva'D Nasal resistance measurementEAcoustic r)inometry'

    =)inomanometry and acoustic r)inometry cane used clinically to evaluate nasal patency in a

    num er of situations' it)er test may e usedfor a general evaluation of nasal airBo? and to

    compare premor id conditions ?it) c)angest)at may occur after medical or surgicalt)erapy' Additionally, t)ese tests can comparenasal passages for medical or surgical planning'

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2/

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    9tros e@amenes=adiologic imaging ?it) C> or 6= also canassess t)e crossGsectional area of nasalpassages Dsee t)e e6edicine articleC> Scan, Nasal Cavity E'

    >)e sacc)arin test evaluates ciliaryfunction y measuring t)e time it ta;es fora drop of sacc)arin to e tasted in t)e ac;of t)e t)roat ?)en applied to t)e anteriortip of t)e inferior tur inate'

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C21


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    9tros e@amenes olfatoHniversity of ennsylvania Smell

    denti"cation >est DH S >Ees el test delolfato m!s conocido''>)e H S > is a 4/Gitem scratc)GandGsniItest and is )ig)ly validated y age and se@'=ecent researc) into e@)aled nitric o@idesuggests t)at in t)e future, t)esemeasurements may prove valua le as nonGinvasive o $ective tools for t)e assessmentand management of normal nasalp)ysiology and nasal and sinus disorders ' J3K

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C22

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Anomalías de la "siologíanasal

    Nitric o@ideo# ) concentrations #ere reporte in certainiseases, s"ch as pri'ar& ciliar& &s inesia, c&stic

    fi!rosis, an ac"te an chronic 'axillar& sin"sitis,#hereas hi$h concentrations #ere etecte in"pper air#a& infection, aller$ic rhinitis, an nasal


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C23

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    l septo nasal

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C24

    7esviaci n delSepto

    Fisiología de las desviaciones del SeptoNasalL

    Factor predisponenteL' SinusitisL:er el papel de las alergiasL

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Estructura Osea y


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2*

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2+

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Nervios de la CavidadNasal Septum

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2

    Nervio alatino 6ayor L'' $)s

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2-

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    7istri uci n de la mucosaolfativa

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C2.

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Correlaciones ClMnicas

    Anosmia G A sence of smell sensationyposmia G 7ecreased sensation

    7ysosmia G 7istortion of smell sensationCacosmia G Sensation of a ad or foul smellarosmia G Sensation of smell in t)e

    a sence of appropriate stimulus

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C3/

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Síndromes ClínicasOallmann syndrome Die, )ypogonadism ?it)anosmiaE Foster Oennedy syndrome Die, papilledema,unilateral anosmia, and optic atrop)yusually associated ?it) an olfactory groovemeningiomaE' artial comple@ epilepsy ?it) a mesialtemporal focus includes an aura of foulGsmelling odors Dtermed uncinate "tsE t)atoccur efore seiPure onset, emp)asiPingpresumed origination at t)e uncus'

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C31

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    Sindromes clínicas9lfactory dysfunction isassociated ?it) early

    ar;inson disease and?it) ot)erneurodegenerativedisorders, suc) asAlP)eimer disease and

    untington c)orea' J3KAnassociation also e@ists

    et?een a normalolfactory identi"cationand o sessiveGcompulsive disorder' J4K

    ead trauma leading tofracture of t)e cri riform platemay cause cere rospinal BuidDCSFE r)inorr)ea and apotential for meningitis'

    aranasal sinus endoscopy

    may lead to violation of t)ecri riform plate and potentialinfectious complications'9lfactory structures also can

    e in$ured duringcraniotomies involving t)e

    anterior cranial ase or fromsu arac)noid )emorr)age,?)ic) may disrupt t)e "ne" ers of t)e olfactory nerve'

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C32

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    i#uidos Cere ro spinal=inorrea li#uido claro

    romptly complete evaluation and treatment ofclear r)inorr)ea in t)e patient in ?)om lea;age ofCSF is suspected' nitial testing of Buid for glucosesuggests CSF ut is not con"rmatory' resence of

    eta transferrin is a more sensitive indicator of CSFr)inorr)ea' Computed tomograp)y DC>E scanning?it) cisternograp)y or radionuclide scans can eused to detect t)e site of CSF lea;age from t)eanterior cranial fossa' =epair of lea;s at t)e level

    of t)e cri riform plate may e ac)ieved from t)eintracranial approac), intranasal DendoscopicEapproac), or ot), depending on t)e nature of t)edefect'

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C33


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C34

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    =amas oft!lmica y ma@ilares,:1, :2

    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C3*


    l nerveinnervate

    s theposterior

    nasalcavity to


  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo



    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C3+

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C3

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    29/04/16Tel. 22781169, 88825513 M , 84316459 C3-

  • 8/17/2019 Fisiología Nasal,Sistema Olfativo


    0l 8 888 8

    (racias por la oportunidad

    7esde la Clínica de Asma y Alergia6anagua , Nicaragua' >el 22 -11+.,

    22 /33*., ---2**13

