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MISSOURI RIVER BASIN A RTICLES OF A GREEMENT between the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, AFL-CIO and the Signatory Contractors Effective Jan. 1, 2008 through Dec. 31, 2010 Local 83 Kansas City Local 27 St. Louis * *
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International Brotherhood ofBBooiilleerrmmaakkeerrss,, IIrroonn SShhiipp BBuuiillddeerrss,,

BBllaacckkssmmiitthhss,, FFoorrggeerrss && HHeellppeerrss,, AAFFLL--CCIIOO

and theSSiiggnnaattoorryy CCoonnttrraaccttoorrss

Effective Jan. 1, 2008 through Dec. 31, 2010

LLooccaall 8833KKaannssaass CCiittyy

LLooccaall 2277SStt.. LLoouuiiss


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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss ARTICLE 1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT . . . . . .2

ARTICLE 2 RECOGNITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4


ARTICLE 4 TRADE JURISDICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

ARTICLE 5 EXCLUSIVE REFERRAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

ARTICLE 6 HOURS OF WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

ARTICLE 7 OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

ARTICLE 8 SHIFTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15


ARTICLE 10 LODGING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

ARTICLE 11 PAY DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

ARTICLE 12 UNION REPRESENTATION ANDACCESS TO JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

ARTICLE 13 SUPERVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21


ARTICLE 15 FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . .23

ARTICLE 16 WAGE SCALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

ARTICLE 17 NATIONAL PENSION TRUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

ARTICLE 18 APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

ARTICLE 19 MOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

ARTICLE 20 HEALTH & WELFARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

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MMiissssoouurrii RRiivveerr BBaassiinn AArrttiicclleess ooff AAggrreeeemmeenntt

between the

International Brotherhood of BBooiilleerrmmaakkeerrss,, IIrroonn SShhiipp BBuuiillddeerrss,,

BBllaacckkssmmiitthhss,, FFoorrggeerrss,, aanndd HHeellppeerrssAAFFLL--CCIIOO

(Herein referred to as “Union”)

and the

SSiiggnnaattoorryy CCoonnttrraaccttoorrss

(Herein referred to as “Contractor”)

Effective April 15, 1948, and amended effective Nov. 1,1948; Oct. 18, 1949; July 18, 1950; Dec. 18, 1950; July 18,1952; July 19, 1953; July 19, 1954; July 19, 1955; July 19,1956; July 19, 1957; July 19, 1958; July 19, 1959; July 19,1960; July 19, 1962; July 19, 1964; July 19, 1967; July 19,1970; July 19, 1973; July 19, 1976; July 19, 1979; July19,1982; July 19, 1986; July 19, 1989; July 19, 1992; Sept. 1,1995; Sept. 1, 1998; Sept. 1, 2001; Sept. 1, 2004; Jan. 1,2008, to remain in effect until Dec. 31, 2010.

ARTICLE 21 NATIONAL ANNUITY TRUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

ARTICLE 22 SAFETY MEASURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

ARTICLE 23 JOB NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

ARTICLE 24 MAINTENANCE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35


ARTICLE 26 AGREEMENT QUALIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .37

ARTICLE 27 BOND REQUIREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

ARTICLE 28 DURATION OF AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39



APPENDIX C NATIONAL PENSION TRUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54


APPENDIX E VACATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59


SIGNATORY CONTRACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

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ART. 1.2 The parties to this Agreement rec-ognize that stability in wages and workingconditions and competency of workmen areessential to the best interests of the industryand the public, and they agree to strive toeliminate all factors which tend towardunstabilizing these conditions.

ART. 1.3 It is the intent of the Employerand the Union in establishing working rulesherein to carry out the policies and declara-tion of principles announced by the Buildingand Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO. It is understood that the NCA-BCTDwork rules agreement dated June 1, 1973,will apply on all projects where said rulesare enforced uniformly on all crafts in theEmployer‘s employ.

Coffee Consumption. Employees cantake their thermos bottles to their places ofwork, and they will be allowed to drink cof-fee, provided this is done on an individualbasis and not as an organized coffee breakand so long as this privilege is not abused.

ART. 1.4 The use of the masculine or femi-nine gender or titles in this Agreement shallbe construed as including both genders and




WHEREAS, the parties hereto have main-tained a mutually satisfactory bargainingrelationship in the work area covered by col-lective agreements between them whichhave been in effect over a substantial periodof years; and

WHEREAS, the InternationalBrotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron ShipBuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpersand/or subordinate subdivisions thereofembrace within their membership largenumbers of qualified journeymen who haveconstituted in the past, and continue to doso, a majority of the employees employed bythe Employer herein;

NOW, THEREFORE, the undersignedEmployer and Union, in consideration of themutual promises and covenants containedherein, agree as follows:


ART. 1.1 This Agreement shall applyexclusively to field construction work with-in the territory herein referred to as theMissouri River Basin, composed of the fol-lowing states:

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ART. 3.1 As of the effective date of thisAgreement, all employees under the termsof this Agreement must be or become mem-bers of the Union thirty (30) days thereafter;the employees hired after the effective dateof this Agreement shall be or become andremain members of the Union thirty (30)days after their date of employment inaccordance with the provisions of theNational Labor Relations Act. (This clauseshall be effective only in those states permit-ting union security.)

ART. 3.2 The Employer agrees to deductfrom the wages of each employee the cur-rent Union field dues and monthly duesamounts as certified by the Union andauthorized by the employee, and shall for-ward such dues to the designated represen-tative of the Union on or before the 15th dayof the following month.

ART. 3.3 It shall be the responsibility of thelocal union to obtain signatures on theauthorization forms. The forms shall be kepton file in the Union hall. The Union herebyagrees that it will indemnify and hold theEmployer harmless against any and allclaims, demands, and other forms of liabilitythat shall arise out of or by reason of action bythe Employers in compliance with this article.



not as sex limitations unless the Agreementclearly requires a different construction.


The Employer agrees that upon theUnion‘s presentation of appropriate evi-dence of majority status among its employ-ees in the bargaining unit of the Employercovered by this Collective BargainingAgreement, the Union shall be voluntarilyrecognized as the exclusive collective bar-gaining agent under Section 9(a) of theNLRA for all employees within the bargain-ing unit of the Employer on all job sites with-in the jurisdiction of this Agreement. In theevent of such a showing, the Employerexpressly waives any right to condition vol-untary recognition on the Union‘s certifica-tion by the NLRB following an NLRB elec-tion, unless a representation petition hasbeen filed by a petitioner other than theEmployer prior to the Employer‘s voluntary9(a) recognition. The Employer expresslywaives the right to seek an NLRB electionduring the term of this contract, or any rightto abrogate or repudiate this contract duringits effective term.

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ART. 4.4 In recognition of the work jurisdic-tional claims, it is understood that the assign-ment of work and the settlement of jurisdic-tional disputes with other building tradesorganizations, shall be handled in accordancewith the procedure established by theImpartial Jurisdictional Disputes Board orany successor agency of the Building andConstruction Trades Department.

ART. 4.5 There shall be no work stoppagebecause of jurisdictional disputes.

ART. 4.6 When requested by theConstruction Division office (headquarters),the Employer shall supply a signed letter onthe company‘s letterhead stationery, listingequipment installed by the boilermaker,either by assignment or agreement with othercrafts, with copies to the International VicePresident and local lodge business manager.

ART. 4.7 Job Site Subcontracting. NoEmployer shall subcontract or assign any ofthe field construction work historically andtraditionally performed by boilermakerswhich is to be performed at job site by anyContractor, subcontractor, or other personsor party who does not have or refuses toenter into a job compliance understandingwhich will comply with the conditions ofemployment including, without limitation,those relating to Union security, rates of pay,assignment of work, working conditions,




ART. 4.1 This Agreement, except as other-wise provided for herein, covers the work-ing rules and conditions of employment forall journeymen boilermakers, apprentices,probationary boilermakers, and construc-tion boilermaker journeymen traineesemployed in the boilermaker trade by a sig-natory Employer, including but not limitedto: boilermaking, welding, acetylene burn-ing, riveting, chipping, caulking, rigging, fit-ting-up, grinding, reaming, impact machineoperating, unloading and handling of boil-ermaker material and equipment, and suchother work that comes under the trade juris-diction of the boilermakers.

ART. 4.2 When manual assistance isrequired for gamma-ray, x-ray, or other non-destructive testing by technicians in theexamination of boilermaker work, boiler-makers will be assigned to perform the man-ual work that is not directly related to thetechnician‘s examination. The number ofboilermakers required shall be determinedby the Employer.

ART. 4.3 Journeymen boilermakers may berequired to perform any work coming with-in the scope of this Agreement.

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qualified field construction boilermakers,boilermaker apprentices, and other applica-ble classifications in this Agreement. Onlyreferral applicants possessing a currentMOST drug screen certification or a timelychain of custody receipt indicating that aMOST drug screen certification may beissued shall be considered available forreferral and employment. In requesting theUnion to furnish such applicants, theEmployer shall notify the Union either inwriting or by telephone, stating the location,starting time, approximate duration of thejob, the type of work to be performed, andthe number of workmen required.

ART. 5.3 In the event the Union is unableto fill the requisition for applicants withinforty-eight (48) hours (Saturdays,Sundays, and holidays excepted), theEmployer may employ applicants fromany other available source.

ART. 5.4 Non-Discriminatory Referral.The Union and Employer agree that referralof all classifications of construction boiler-makers shall be on the following basis:

ART. 5.4.1 Competent and qualified regis-trants shall be referred from the out-of-worklists in a non-discriminatory manner. Thisshall be done immediately and in accor-dance with the requirements of theEmployer‘s job.



and other matters covered by thisAgreement or a field construction agree-ment in effect in the area where the work iserected which has been approved by theInternational Brotherhood.

In the event clarification is needed of thisarticle, it shall be referred to the chairmen ofthe negotiating committees.

ART. 4.8 Maintenance of Standards. TheUnion agrees that if it grants privileges,terms, or condition of employment moreadvantageous than those contained in thisAgreement to other Employers on any proj-ect agreement, then the Employers signato-ry to this Agreement may, upon writtennotice to the Union, take advantage of suchbetter privileges, terms, or conditions ofemployment on that project.


ART. 5.1 All Missouri River Basin lodgesshall have joint Referral Rules, which areand shall remain in compliance with theNational Joint Rules and Standards govern-ing operation of exclusive referral plans.

ART. 5.2 The Employer shall, under theterms of this Agreement, request the Unionto furnish all competent, drug screened, and

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tion of boilermaker classifications under theterms of this Agreement (i.e., journeyman,apprentice, and other applicable classifica-tions), except that the choice may not exceedone apprentice and one other subjourney-man classification or two apprentices.Additional employees required for the jobwill be obtained in accordance with theReferral Rules.

ART. 5.5.1 Transfer of Employees. TheEmployer may transfer boilermakeremployees on his payroll working under theterms of this Agreement from one job toanother job being worked under the termsof this Agreement within the jurisdiction ofthe same local lodge, provided that thenumber transferred shall not exceed a totalof six (6), consisting of a foreman and five (5)additional boilermaker employees from anyone classification or combination of classifi-cations under the terms of this Agreement(i.e., journeyman, apprentice, or other appli-cable classifications), and provided that thenumber transferred shall include not morethan one apprentice and one other subjour-neyman classification, or two apprentices.The Employer desiring to utilize this trans-fer provision shall promptly notify the busi-ness manager of the local lodge having juris-diction giving the name, classification, andSocial Security number of each employee tobe transferred. The steward shall be selectedby the business manager from the lodge‘s



ART. 5.4.2 Selection of applicants for refer-ral shall be on a non-discriminatory basisand shall not be based upon, nor in any wayaffected by, Union membership, by-laws,rules, regulations, constitutional provisions,or any other aspect or obligation of Unionmembership, policies, or requirements.

ART. 5.4.3 The Employer retains the rightto reject any job applicant referred by theUnion. In the event the Employer does rejectthe job applicant, his position on the out-of-work list shall not be affected.

ART. 5.4.4 The Union and the Employershall post, in places where notices to allemployees and applicants for employmentare customarily posted, all provisions relat-ing to the functioning of these rules andstandards.

ART. 5.5 Selectivity. The first two employ-ees on a job shall be the foreman, selected bythe Employer, and the steward, selected bythe business manager, regardless of theirpositions on the out-of-work list. For a jobunder the terms of this Agreement, theEmployer may select a maximum of five (5)additional boilermaker employees by namefrom among the top fifty percent of regis-trants on the appropriate out-of-work list ofthe local lodge having jurisdiction. Thesefive (5) additional boilermaker employeesmay be selected from any one or combina-

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Eight (8) hours per day shall constitute aday‘s work and forty (40) hours per week,Monday through Friday, shall constitute aweek‘s work. The regular starting time shallbe eight (8:00) o‘clock a.m. The above maybe changed by mutual consent of theauthorized representatives of the locallodge having jurisdiction, or theInternational and the job superintendent.

When circumstances warrant, theEmployer and the business manager mayagree to change the regular workweek tofour (4) ten-hour shifts at the regular straighttime rate of pay. It being understood that allother pertinent sections of the Agreementmust be adjusted accordingly.


ART. 7.1 All time worked before and afterthe established workday of eight (8) hours,Monday through Friday, and all timeworked on Saturday, shall be paid at therate of time and one-half (1-1/2) except incases where such work is part of an employ-ee‘s regular Friday shift.

All time worked on Sunday shall be paid



out-of-work list, or he may elect to transferthe steward from a job, which the sameEmployer is working under the terms of thisAgreement. After the foreman and the stew-ard have been selected, the Employer maytransfer the remaining employees not toexceed five (5). Additional employees for thejob will be obtained in accordance with theReferral Rules.

ART. 5.5.2 The Employer may utilize theprovisions for selectivity and/or transfer-ability, but he shall not be allowed to exceedthe six (6) employee limit for any one job.

ART. 5.5.3 A transferred employee will beallowed to be transferred back to the job hewas transferred from, provided the job hewas transferred to has been completed.

ART. 5.5.4 Modification as to the selectivi-ty and transfer of men beyond the limita-tions set forth in this article, may be made bymutual consent of the parties.

ART. 5.5.5 The Employer shall determinethe competency of all employees. TheEmployer shall determine the number ofmen required on a project and shall selectany employee or employees working underthe terms of this Agreement to be laid offregardless of membership or non-member-ship in the Union.

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be allowed thirty (30) minutes to eat lunchwithout loss of pay and if work is to contin-ue an additional four (4) hours, they shall beallowed an additional thirty (30) minutes toeat without loss of pay if work is to continuebeyond this period.

ART. 7.4 Overtime is not to be demandedof the Employer by any workman coveredby this Agreement as a condition foremployment on a job.

ART. 7.5 The Employer agrees the stewardwill be notified whenever overtime is to beworked beyond the established hoursincluding Saturdays and Sundays.


The Employer may establish shift work onthe following basis:

ART. 8.1 The regular starting time of thefirst or day shift shall be 8:00 a.m.; the regularstarting time of the second shift shall be 4:30p.m.; and the regular starting time of the thirdshift shall be 12:30 a.m. The foregoing startingtimes may be changed when mutuallyagreed to between the Employer and theauthorized representative of the lodge havingjurisdiction of the job, or the International.



for at the rate of double (2) time, except incases where such work is part of an employ-ee‘s regular Saturday shift. All time workedon the following holidays; New Year‘s Day,Decoration Day, Independence Day, LaborDay, Veteran‘s Day, Thanksgiving Day, andChristmas Day shall be paid for at the rate ofdouble (2) time, except in cases where suchwork is part of an employee‘s regular previ-ous day‘s shift. No work shall be performedon Labor Day except for the preservation oflife or property. When a holiday falls onSunday, the day observed will be Monday;when a holiday falls on Saturday, the dayobserved will be Friday. In no case shall theovertime rate exceed double the straighttime hourly rate of pay.

If the Employer or any of his subcontrac-tors pay any other crafts on the same jobdouble (2) time, then the boilermaker shallreceive double (2) time while employed atthe same time.

ART. 7.2 Employees assigned to workduring their lunch period shall receive over-time and be allowed to consume their lunchon the Employer‘s time after completingsuch necessary or emergency work duringlunch period.

ART. 7.3 Employees required to workovertime in excess of two (2) hours past theregular quitting time of their shift shall then

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ty-four (24) hour period for straight time.Beginning of the twenty-four (24) hour peri-od for such purpose shall be the regularstarting time of the shift upon which theemployee is regularly employed. The over-time rate will be paid to employees continu-ously employed beyond their regular shiftuntil they receive an eight (8) hour break.


ART. 9.1 Any employee starting to work orcalled to work after starting time, Mondaythrough Sunday, shall receive at the applica-ble rate not less than four (4) hours pay andif such employee is required to continue onthe second period of the shift, he shallreceive not less than a full day‘s pay.

ART. 9.2 Should an employee be requiredby the Employer to report for work and notgiven work he shall receive two (2) hourspay at the applicable rate.

ART. 9.3 On an employee’s initial date ofhire should an employee be required toreport for work and not hired for reasonsbeyond the Employer’s control, the employ-ee shall receive four (4) hours pay at theapplicable rate. In order to qualify, theemployee’s permanent home or the Unionhall with jurisdiction, whichever is closer,



ART. 8.2 Where two (2) or three (3) shiftsare worked, the first or day shift shall beestablished on an eight (8) hour basis; thesecond shift shall be established on a sevenand one-half (7-1/2) hour basis. The thirdshift shall be established on a seven (7) hourbasis. The pay for the second and/or thirdshift for full time shall be equivalent of eight(8) times the employee‘s regular hourly rate.

The shift rate differential for the secondshift will be twenty-five ($0.25) cents perhour worked. The shift rate differential forthe third shift will be fifty ($0.50) cents perhour worked.

ART. 8.3 When a job is to run for less thanfive (5) consecutive work days it will be con-sidered a short or irregular shift work joband the second and/or third shift shall bepaid for at the overtime rate, or an arrange-ment can be worked out between theEmployer and the authorized representativeof the International or the local lodge havingjurisdiction where two shifts can be worked.

ART. 8.4 Any employee called to work atany time other than his regular shift shall bepaid at the overtime rate for all such timeworked within any one twenty-four (24)hour period.

ART. 8.5 No employee shall be required towork more than eight (8) hours in any twen-

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If the Employer or any of his subcontrac-tors pay lodging expense to any other crafton the same job or project, then the boiler-maker shall receive lodging expense at therate of $35.00* per day worked whileemployed at the same time, provided thatthe job site or project is located more than 50miles radius from the local union office hav-ing jurisdiction or the employee‘s perma-nent residence (whichever is closer).

* Effective 1/01/09 — $38.00 per day* Effective 1/01/10 — $40.00 per day

In addition, this article or other articles ofthis Agreement may be modified by mutualagreement between the business managerand the Employer. Any such agreementshall be only for a particular job or project.

All such agreements will be reduced towritten form, signed by both parties and inthe hands of the chairman of the Unioncommittee, when practical to do so, beforethe commencement of any work at the jobor project.



must be more than seventy five (75 ) milesfrom the job site.

ART. 9.4 The foregoing requirements shallnot be applicable where the employee is laidoff by reason of bad weather, breakdown ofmachinery, or any other cause beyond thedirect control of Employer, in which eventhe shall be paid at the applicable rate, (1) notless than two hours pay, (2) for the time actu-ally worked, or (3) the time required toremain on the job, whichever is greater.Where the employee quits or lays off, pay-ment will be made for actual time worked.In order to qualify for the pay provided forin this article, the employee must remain onthe job, available for work, during the peri-od of time for which he receives pay unlessreleased sooner by the Employer‘s principalsupervisor. The Employer shall determinewhen weather conditions on the job are suchthat the men shall or shall not work. Theforegoing provisions shall not apply whenthe employee has been properly notified theprevious day not to report for work.Employees not reporting for work becauseof inclement weather will not be discrimi-nated against.

ART. 9.5 Any boilermaker who is requiredto take a welding test shall be paid for thetime required to take the test. The results ofsuch test shall be included on the employ-ee‘s notice of termination.

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work and further provided such Union repre-sentatives comply with reasonable Employerand customer rules and regulations.

ART. 12.2 A steward shall be a workingjourneyman appointed by the businessmanager of the local union who shall, inaddition to his work as a journeyman, bepermitted to perform during working hourssuch of his Union duties as cannot be per-formed at other times. The Union agrees thatsuch duties shall be performed as expedi-tiously as possible and the Employer agreesto allow the steward a reasonable amount oftime for the performance of such duties.Stewards shall receive the regular journey-man’s rate of pay.

ART. 12.3 It is understood and agreed thatthe steward’s duties shall not include anymatters relating to referral, hiring, or layingoff of employees.


ART. 13.1 The selection and number offoremen and general foremen shall beentirely the responsibility of the Employer.It is understood that in the selection of fore-men the Employer will give first considera-tion to the qualified men available in thelocal area without persuading any employ-




ART. 11.1 Men shall be paid weekly on adesignated day, during working hours andin no case shall more than three (3) days beheld back in any one payroll period, exceptby mutual consent of the local businessmanager and the job superintendent.

ART. 11.2 Employees who are laid off ordischarged from the service of the Employershall receive their wages and personal prop-erty immediately thereafter.

ART. 11.3 If special circumstances exist, bymutual agreement between the businessmanager and the Employer, checks shall bemailed no later than the next regular work-day. If payment is not postmarked the nextregular workday, the employee shall receivefour (4) hours pay for each twenty-four (24)hour period preceding the postmark.


ART. 12.1 Authorized business representa-tives of the local union shall at all times haveaccess to jobs where Contractors signatory tothis Agreement are working, provided theydo not unnecessarily interfere with theemployees or cause them to neglect their

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There shall be no contract, bonus, bit ortask work; nor shall there be any limit on orcurtailment of production.


ART. 15.1 The Employer shall have fullright to direct the progress of the work andto exercise all function and control includ-ing, but not limited to, the selection of thekind of materials, supplies, or equipmentused in the prosecution of the work, thedetermination of the competency and quali-fications of his employees, and the right todischarge any employee for any just andsufficient cause, provided, however, that noemployee shall be discriminated against.

ART. 15.2 Whenever possible and wherecircumstances do not prevent the Employerdoing so, the Employer will use items man-ufactured in the U.S.A.



ees to leave one Employer for another. TheEmployer shall have the right to send gen-eral foremen into any local territory wherework is being performed.

ART. 13.2 All foremen shall be practicalmechanics of the trade.

ART. 13.3 There shall be a foreman onevery job.

ART. 13.4 Where ten (10) or less men areemployed on a job, one (1) shall be a fore-man who shall work with the tools ifrequired by the Employer. Where eleven (11)or more men are employed on a job, one (1)shall be a foreman who shall not work withthe tools but act in a supervisory capacity.

ART. 13.5 It is agreed that all general fore-men and foremen referred to herein shallaccept instruction from the Employer’s erec-tor or erectors. However, the erector or erec-tors shall not give direct instructions to theother employees covered by the terms of thisAgreement.

ART. 13.6 Foremen shall not apply, in anyrespect, any regulations, rules, by-laws, orthe provisions of the Union constitution onthe Employer‘s job site.

ART. 13.7 The foreman shall be notified atleast one (1) hour before quitting time of lay off.

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The following percentage rates on allnewly indentured apprentices:

Period % of Journeyman Wage1st period 70.0%2nd period 72.5%3rd period 75.0%4th period 77.5%5th period 80.0%6th period 85.0%7th period 90.0%8th period 95.0%*

* Stays at 95% until program completion.

ART. 16.2 Vacation. The Employer agreesto deduct from the employees hourly taxablewage the sum of one dollar and five cents($1.05) per hour for all hours worked. TheEmployer agrees to and shall be bound bythe provisions of Appendix E, Vacation TrustAgreement (the Boilermaker Vacation Trust).

ART. 16.3 All men working on erection,repairing, and dismantling of smokestacks,standpipes, and water towers shall receiveboilermaker journeyman rate.

ART. 16.4 Effective Sept. 1, 2002, upon pres-entation of a signed authorization, theEmployer shall withhold $0.10 per hour paidfor the Boilermakers. The Employer shall sub-mit the collected funds to the BoilermakersLocal 27 Voluntary Education, Political, and




ART. 16.1 Employer shall pay and theemployees covered by the terms of thisAgreement shall accept the following mini-mum wage scales, effective the dates setforth below.


















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covered by this Agreement. The Employeragrees to and shall be bound by the provi-sions of Appendix C attached hereto relatingto the said Pension Trust.

AArrttiiccllee 1188AApppprreennttiicceesshhiipp TTrraaiinniinngg

ART. 18.1 The Employer agrees to andshall be bound by the provisions ofAppendix D attached hereto relating to saidApprenticeship Fund.

ART. 18.2 The Employer shall pay into theGreat Lakes Area Joint Apprenticeship Fund(Local 27) the sum of thirty cents ($0.30); andto the Southeast Area Joint ApprenticeshipFund (Local 83) the sum of forty cents($0.40) per hour for each hour worked forthe Employer by all employees who are cov-ered by this Agreement. By mutual agree-ment between the chairmen of the respec-tive committees, this Article may be openedfor negotiation at any time during the life ofthe Agreement.

ART. 18.3 Employers will contribute up toa total of thirty-five cents ($0.35) per hourworked to establish local training funds foreach local. Employer contributions arebased on a recommendation from the Boardof Trustees of each respective Fund.Committees will be appointed by the Union



Charitable Fund with a listing of eachemployee and identifying Social Securitynumber and the amount remitted for each list-ed employee no later than 15 days after theend of each month in which the deductionaccrued. Obtaining the signed authorizationsshall be the responsibility of the Union. TheUnion shall hold the Employer harmless andagrees to fully defend and indemnify theEmployer in any litigation resulting from thisactivity, which is deemed to be a service to theUnion by the Employer. The signed authori-zation shall remain in force and in effect untilcancelled in writing by the employee.

It was negotiated and agreed that similarlanguage would be adopted for a PACFund for Local 83. When that language isperfected along with an effective date, sig-natory contractors will be notified by sepa-rate cover. This new language will also con-tain the “hold harmless” clause.


The Employer shall pay into theBoilermaker-Blacksmith National PensionTrust, the sum of seven dollars ($7.00) in thejurisdiction of Local 27, and the sum of fivedollars and ninety-five cents ($5.95) in thejurisdiction of Local 83, for each hour paidby the Employer for all employees who are

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mined by his foreman. Any question regard-ing the foreman‘s assignment of an appren-tice shall be resolved by the apprenticeshipcoordinator.

The Employer has the right to request anduse up to thirty percent (30%) of crew asapprentices when available; if not availablea combination of apprentices and construc-tion boilermaker journeyman trainees maybe used to supplement the ratio in accor-dance with Appendix F.

The ratio of apprentices is to be maintainedon the active rolls of the Great Lakes andSoutheast Area apprenticeship programs.


ART. 19.1 The parties to this Agreementwill cooperate to accomplish a drug freeenvironment and a safe work place. TheMOST drug screening program shall bemandatory for all boilermakers once per cal-endar year. It is further agreed by the partiesthat drug screening during employmentand pre-employment, including randomand for-cause, shall be based upon therequirements of the Employer or owner.

The Employer agrees to contribute theapprenticeship contribution rates estab-



and Employers to implement said funds,determine contribution rates, and establishtrust agreements. Once legal trusts are estab-lished, Employers will be bound by saidtrust agreements.

The committees have determined thatthe supplemental rates will be fifty-fivecents ($0.55)* per hour worked for Local27 and fifteen cents ($0.15) per hourworked for Local 83.

These contributions are to be paid in addi-tion to the area contribution rates, but directlyto the respective local lodge’s SupplementalTraining and Education Fund.

* All contributions above thirty-five cents ($0.35)shall come from the Boilermaker package.

ART. 18.4 One (1) apprentice shall bereferred by the Union and employed by theEmployer for the first six (6) journeymen,and one (1) additional apprentice shall bereferred and employed by the Employer foreach five (5) journeymen thereafter; theseratios to be maintained throughout theduration of the job. An apprentice, depend-ing on his aptitude and length of experience,will not be expected to be as productive as askilled journeyman, but he shall not berestricted as to the tasks he can perform, inaccord with standards of program. His abil-ity to perform a given task shall be deter-

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By mutual agreement between the chair-men of the respective committees, this arti-cle may be opened up for negotiations atany time during the life of the agreement.


The Employer shall pay into theBoilermakers National Health & WelfareFund a sum of six dollars and eighty-twocents ($6.82) per hour paid for all employeescovered by this Agreement. The Union shallbe responsible for any increases in the cost ofHealth & Welfare Plan G and the RetireePlan for the life of this Agreement. TheEmployer agrees to and shall be bound bythe provisions of Appendix A attached here-to relating to the said Welfare Fund.


The Employer shall pay into the NationalAnnuity Trust, the sum of four dollars($4.00) in the jurisdiction of Local 27, and thesum of four dollars and forty-five cents($4.45) in the jurisdiction of Local 83, foreach hour paid by the Employer for allemployees who are covered by thisAgreement.



lished in Article 18 plus twenty-four cents($0.24)* per hour worked to theMobilization, Optimization, Stabilization &Training (MOST) Fund. The Employeragrees to and shall be bound by the TrustAgreement, policies and procedures creat-ing MOST, and all amendments or revisionsto policies and procedures now or hereafterapproved by the Board of Trustees. SaidTrust Agreement, policies, procedures, andamendments or revisions are incorporatedby reference and made a part of thisAgreement as if affixed hereto.

* See Art. 19.2

Contributions fund the following pro-grams administered by MOST:Boilermakers National Reserve Center,Common Arc Welding Program, and theMOST Safety and Training Program, whichincludes drug screening and prescriptionsafety glasses.

ART. 19.2 One cent ($0.01) is a voluntary con-tribution to the National Association ofConstruction Boilermaker Employers that mayor may not be paid at the Employer‘s discretion.

ART. 19.3 Any increases or decreases shallbe implemented on the first day of themonth following notification from MOST tothe Co-Chairmen of the Missouri RiverBasin Articles of Agreement.

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doing, on the day of injury. If subsequenttreatment is required by the company doctor,and the employee is able to continue work-ing on the job, he shall suffer no loss of pay.

ART. 22.3 A physical examination may berequired by a signatory Employer for thesole purpose of determining the physicalcondition of an employee at the start of hisemployment and shall in no event be usedas a basis or reason for disqualifying anyperson from employment. Should suchphysical examination disclose a condition soserious that the safety of the man and/orother employees might be jeopardized byhis employment, the local business managershall be notified at once and any dispositionof such case shall be only by mutual agree-ment between the local business managerand the job supervisor. Any employeerequired to take such physical examinationshall be paid for all time spent in connectiontherewith, at the regular straight time hourlyrate, and shall be reimbursed for all expens-es incurred therewith.

ART. 22.4 If and when the recommenda-tions of the National Committee onRadiation Protection and Measurement areavailable, the Agreement, insofar as this par-ticular subject is concerned, may be openedfor the purpose of discussing such recom-mendations in the interest of protecting thehealth and safety of the employee.



The Employer agrees to and shall bebound by the Trust Agreement creating theBoilermakers National Annuity Trust and allamendments now or hereafter approved bythe Board of Trustees, said Agreement andamendments are incorporated by referenceand made a part of this Agreement as ifaffixed hereto.


ART. 22.1 All work of the Employer shallbe performed under safety conditions whichconform to state and federal regulations.Additionally, it shall also be a requirement ofthe employees to conform to safety regula-tions and measures as provided. A warm,dry place shall be provided for the men tochange clothes and eat lunches exceptingwhere unusual conditions make it impracti-cal, as mutually agreed between the busi-ness manager and the Employer, cold drink-ing water and reasonable sanitary facilitiesshall be made available. Where pre-bidmeetings are held with the customer, the useof the owner facilities shall be requested.

ART. 22.2 Employees required to take timeoff from employment to secure treatmentfrom company doctor due to injuries or sick-ness arising out of and in the course of theiremployment shall receive pay for such time,plus necessary travel expenses incurred in so

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(c) type of job; and,(d) approximate manpower requirements.


The provisions of this Agreement shallapply on all maintenance work excepting asotherwise provided for in the special sup-plementary rules attached hereto coveringmaintenance work.


ART. 25.1 All grievances involving theinterpretation and application of thisAgreement, other than those pertaining tohourly wage rates or jurisdictional disputesthat may arise on a job covered by thisAgreement, shall be handled in the follow-ing manner with the understanding thatthere shall be no suspension of work orstrike or lockout.

ART. 25.2 Any such grievance shall be firstconsidered by representatives of the localunion and the Employer and, if a settlementsatisfactory to the Employer and the localunion cannot be reached within seven (7)calendar days, it will be reduced to writingand submitted to:



ART. 22.5 Welders shall be furnished suit-able replacement of welding gloves whenemployed as a welder for ten (10) workingdays; these gloves to be replaced when wornout on the job and turned in for replacement.Sleeves shall be furnished when necessary forwelders protection. Such sleeves so furnishedshall be checked in and out of Employer‘stool rooms in the same manner as tools.

ART. 22.6 All employees covered by thisAgreement shall be provided adequate pro-tective clothing when working on equip-ment containing acid or other chemicalsinjurious to their health, skin, or clothing.Clothing so issued shall be worn by theemployees involved and shall remain theproperty of the Employer.

ART. 22.7 When power equipment is used,adequate manpower shall be assigned to thetask to assure the safety of the employees.


In order to insure the satisfactory progressof each job, the Employer will furnish thelocal business manager and InternationalHeadquarters with the following job infor-mation as soon as possible and practical:(a) location of job site;(b) approximate starting date and duration;

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the said five (5) calendar days, the other rep-resentative shall have the authority to makesuch request.

ART. 25.6 The expense of the third memberof the arbitration committee shall be bornequally by the Union and the Employer. Allother expenses of the arbitration procedurewill be borne by the party incurring them.

ART. 25.7 Any grievance must be submit-ted in writing to the other party within fif-teen (15) working days of occurrence or itwill be considered closed.


ART. 26.1 It is not the intent of either partyhereto to violate any laws or any rulings orregulations of any governmental authority oragency having jurisdiction of the subject mat-ter of this Agreement, and the parties heretoagree that, in the event any provision of thisAgreement is held to be unlawful or void byany tribunal having the right to so hold, theremainder of the Agreement shall remain infull force and effect, unless the parts so foundto be void are wholly inseparable from theremaining portions of this Agreement.

ART. 26.2 It is further understood that thisAgreement was negotiated with the Union



ART. 25.3 The International representativeof the Union and the Employer involved,and if a settlement satisfactory to theEmployer and Union cannot be reachedwithin seven (7) calendar days;

ART. 25.4 Then the grievance will be sub-mitted in writing within seven (7) calendardays by the Union or by the Employer or byboth to an arbitration committee consistingof a representative of the Union, a represen-tative of the Employer, and a third memberto be chosen by those two (2) jointly. Thedecision of the majority of the arbitrationcommittee shall be final and binding on theparties involved. Such decisions shall bewithin the scope and terms of thisAgreement, but shall not change such scopeand terms, shall be rendered within ten (10)calendar days from the time of reference tothe arbitration committee, and shall specifywhether or not it is retroactive and the effec-tive date thereof.

ART. 25.5 If the two members of the arbi-tration committee fail to select a neutralmember within five (5) calendar days, thetwo members already appointed shall, with-in five (5) calendar days, call upon theFederal Mediation and Conciliation Serviceto make the third selection. In the eventeither Employer or Union representativefails to cooperate in calling upon the FederalMediation and Conciliation Service within

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This Agreement shall become effectiveJanuary 1, 2008 and remain in full force andeffect for a period of three (3) years and fromyear to year thereafter unless either partyshall at least sixty (60) days prior to suchanniversary date notify the other party inwriting of a desire to modify or terminatethis Agreement. The procedure outlined inSection 8 of the Labor ManagementRelations Act will be followed.

The foregoing Agreement was negotiatedby the following committees at meetingsheld in St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo., inDecember 2007:



on an area-wide basis by Employers engagedin the field construction industry in the area.Should this Agreement, by notice given asherein provided, be reopened for furthernegotiations, such negotiations shall be con-ducted on an area-wide basis by theEmployers who have executed thisAgreement and/or Employers signatory tothe National Agreement.


Asurety or cash bond up to $25,000.00 maybe required to insure payment of fringe bene-fits and other deductions as required byArticles 3, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 fromEmployers who have been delinquent in pay-ments or who have not previously employedboilermakers covered under the nationalplans. Said bond shall be maintained in theoffice of the International Vice President.

The Union may refuse to refer men to andmay withdraw men from any Employerwho has not posted a bond when required,and such referral or withdrawal will notconstitute a violation of this Agreement.

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George Rogers, Union ChairmanInternational Vice President

Scot Albertson, Union SecretaryL-83 Asst. Bus. Mgr.

Mark VandiverAIP, NTD Assistant Director

Clay HerfordInternational Representative

Randy CruseLocal 83 BM-ST

David SneadLocal 27 BM-ST

Larry HorsemanLocal 83 President

Bill NollL-27 Vice President

Tom DyeL-83 Asst. Bus. Mgr.




David Herzog, Employer ChairmanAPComPower Inc.

Tim Locke, Employer SecretaryAMI/Locke Equipment

Don BolgreanMoorhead Machinery & Boiler

Chuck ClancyScheck Industries

Barry FoxBabcock & Wilcox Construction Co., Inc.

Tom GarbinNooter Construction Co.

Pat HickeyKickham Boiler

Doug KentEnerfab Inc.

Matt SchumacherAlberici Constructors

LeRoy StrombergAlberici Constructors

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This Agreement, as negotiated by the fore-going committees, is hereby accepted by theparties signatory hereto this 20th day ofDecember 2004, with the full understandingthat this Agreement is between the Unionand the individual signatory Employer.


By:____/s/____________________________David Herzog, APComPower Inc. Employer Chairman

By:____/s/____________________________Tim Locke, AMI/Locke EquipmentEmployer Secretary


By:____/s/____________________________Newton B. Jones, International President

By:____/s/____________________________George Rogers, IVP/Union Chairman

By:____/s/____________________________Scot Albertson, Local 83/Union Secretary




APP. A.1 In the Agreement to which this isan appendix and in this appendix theBoilermakers National Health & WelfareFund is referred to as “National WelfareFund,” “Welfare Fund,” or “Fund.” TheContractor is referred to as “Employer” andthe Contractors are referred to as“Employers.”

APP. A.2 Employer agrees to be bound bythe Agreement and Declaration of Trustentered into as of October 1, 1954, establish-ing the Boilermakers National Health &Welfare Fund and by any amendments tosaid Trust Agreement.

APP. A.3 Payment of Employer contribu-tions to the National Welfare Fund shall bemade on the dates and in the manner andform prescribed by the Trustees of said Fund.

APP. A.4 Employer shall furnish theTrustees with information such as the namesof employees, classifications, Social Securitynumbers, hours worked, and such otherinformation as may be required or deemednecessary by the Trustees for the proper andefficient administration of the Fund.

APP. A.5 Employer hereby authorizes anddirects the committee in this Agreement

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mittee. Having so acted, the committee maydesignate its then chairman, alone or togeth-er with one or more of its members, or oneor more other members of the committee, tovote or to execute any document on behalfof the committee and/or Employer and/orall or some of the other Employers coveredby this Agreement.



APP. B.1 Definition of Maintenance &Repair. It is agreed between the Union andthe Employer that the provisions of thisappendix is applicable to maintenance,repair, replacement of parts, and renovationwork that is primarily within the recognizedand traditional jurisdiction of the Union andshall be performed in accordance with theterms of this appendix by a signatory partyto either the Missouri River BasinAgreement and/or National Agreement.

APP. B. 2 Definitions. Maintenance shall bework performed for the repair, replacement,renovation, revamp, and upkeep of proper-ty, machinery, and equipment within thelimits of the plant property or other loca-tions related directly thereto.





named as representing the Employers, andas to the future the committee named in thethen current Agreement successor to thisAgreement with the Union, or any localthereof to do each and all of the following inhis (Employer’s) name and behalf, eitherindividually or in conjunction with otherEmployers covered by this Agreement:

APP. A.5.1 Execute the Agreement andDeclaration of Trust establishing theNational Welfare Funds;

APP. A.5.2 Exercise any rights, powers,and authority given or provided by saidTrust Agreement or any amendments there-to, to elect, select, appoint, or to vote for oneor more Employer Trustees and successorEmployer Trustees of the Fund, and toremove or vote for or against the removal ofany Employer Trustee of the Fund;

APP. A.5.3 Exercise any and all other rightsin connection with or relating to theNational Welfare Fund or its TrustAgreement, which are given the Employer,either individually or together with otherEmployers, under said Trust Agreement.

In exercising or in not exercising the pow-ers and authorities herein granted, the com-mittee shall act on and in accord with, butonly on and in accord with, the vote of amajority of the then members of the com-

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APP. B.2.1 The word “repair,” used withinthe terms of this appendix and in accordancewith maintenance, is work required torestore by replacement parts of existing facil-ities to efficient operating conditions.

APP. B.2.2 The word “renovation,” usedwithin the terms of this appendix and inconnection with maintenance, is workrequired to improve and/or restore byreplacement by revamping parts of existingfacilities to efficient operating condition.

APP. B.2.3 The term “existing facilities,”used within the terms of this appendix islimited to a constructed unit already com-pleted and shall not apply to any new unit tobe constructed in the future even though thenew unit is constructed on the same proper-ty or premises.

APP. B.3 Scope of Work. The provisions ofthis appendix covers all work to be per-formed by the Employer for the purpose ofmaintenance, repair, replacement of parts,and renovation work in various plantswherein the Employer works, assigned bythe owner to the Employer, and performedby the employees covered by this appendix.

APP. B.3.1 The provisions of this appendixdo not cover work performed by theEmployer of a new construction nature, inwhich event said work shall be done in



accordance with existing provisions of thisAgreement.

APP. B.3.2 The Union and the Employerunderstand that the owner may choose toperform or directly subcontract or purchaseany part or parts of the work necessary on hisproject with due consideration given toachieving the highest maintenance standardsand harmonious working conditions herein.

APP. B.3.3 All subcontractors to theEmployer who may perform work withinthe boilermaker craft jurisdiction under thisAgreement shall abide by the terms andconditions of this Agreement.

APP. B.4 Shift Starting Time, OvertimePayment, and Equal Treatment. All timeworked before and after the establishedworkday of eight (8) hours, Monday throughFriday, and all time worked on Saturday,shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half(1-1/2), except in cases where such work ispart of an employee’s regular Friday shift.

All time worked on Sunday shall be paidfor at the rate of double (2) time, except incases where such work is part of an employ-ee’s regular Saturday shift. All time workedon the holidays stated in Article 7 shall bepaid for at the rate of double (2) time exceptin cases where such work is part of anemployee’s regular straight time shift.

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If the Employer or any of his subcontrac-tors pay any other crafts on the same jobdouble (2) time, then the boilermakers shallreceive double (2) time while employed atthe same time.

APP. B.4.1 Where two (2) or three (3) shiftsare worked, the first or day shift shall beestablished on an eight (8) hour basis; thesecond shift shall be established on a sevenand one-half (7-1/2) hour basis. The thirdshift shall be established on a seven (7) hourbasis. The pay for the second and/or thirdshift for full time shall be equivalent of eight(8) times the employee’s regular hourly rate.

The shift rate differential for the secondshift will be twenty-five (25) cents perhour worked. The shift rate differential forthe third shift will be fifty (50) cents perhour worked.

The applicable overtime rate will be paid onthe hourly rate of pay plus the shift differential.

APP. B.4.2 By mutual consent of theEmployer and the Union, the starting andquitting times of any shift, including daywork, may be changed for all or any portionof a particular job. For the purpose of thisappendix, the standard workday of eight (8)hours for the job or portion thereof to whichany such change of starting time appliesshall begin with such agreed starting time.

APP. B.4.3 The provisions regarding mini-mum number of days to establish shifts asset forth in Art. 8.3, are waived for workunder this appendix.

APP. B.5 Continuity of Work. There willbe no work stoppages, strikes, or lockoutson maintenance work for any reason.

APP. B.5.1 In the event of a work stoppagedue to a breakdown of negotiations, menwill continue to work on maintenance workcovered by this Agreement. The Employer,in order that continuity of work shall bemaintained, agrees to be bound by all theterms of the new Agreement when negotiat-ed, including wages on a retroactive basis, tothe date of the new contract if such condi-tion is established in the new Agreement.

APP. B.6 Hiring and Transfer of Men. TheEmployer, when performing work underthe provisions of this appendix, agrees tohire men in any territory where work isbeing performed or is to be performed inaccordance with the hiring procedure exist-ing in the territory where the work is beingperformed or is to be performed; however,in the event the local lodge is unable to fillthe request of the Employer for employeeswithin a forty-eight (48) hour period aftersuch request for employees (Saturdays,Sundays, and holidays excepted), theEmployer may employ workmen from any

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source. The Employer shall have the right tomove qualified boilermaker general fore-men from one job assignment to anotherwithin the plant location where they areworking. The Employer shall have the rightto transfer general foremen between plantlocations within local union jurisdiction orinto any local lodge jurisdiction where workis being performed.

APP. B.6.1 Selectivity. The first twoemployees on a job shall be the foreman,selected by the Employer, and the stew-ard, selected by the business manager,regardless of the positions on the out-of-work list. For a job under the terms ofthis Agreement, the Employer mayselect a maximum of five (5) additionalboilermaker employees by name fromamong the top fifty percent of regis-trants on the appropriate out-of-worklist of the local lodge having jurisdic-tion. These five (5) additional boiler-maker employees may be selected fromany one or combination of boilermakerclassifications under the terms of thisarea’s Articles of Agreement (i.e., jour-neyman, apprentice, or other applicableclassifications), except that the choicemay not exceed one apprentice and oneother sub-journeyman classification, ortwo apprentices. Additional employeesrequired for the job will be obtained inaccordance with the Referral Rules.

APP. B.6.2 Transfer of Employees. TheEmployer may transfer boilermaker employ-ees on his payroll working under the termsof this Agreement from one maintenance jobto another maintenance job being workedunder the terms of this Agreement within thejurisdiction of the same local lodge, providedthat the number transferred shall not exceeda total of six (6) consisting of a foreman andfive (5) additional boilermaker employeesfrom any one classification or combination ofclassifications under the terms of thisAgreement (i.e., journeyman, apprentice, orother applicable classifications), and provid-ed that the number transferred shall includenot more than one apprentice and one othersub-journeyman classification, or twoapprentices. The Employer desiring to utilizethis transfer provision shall promptly notifythe business manager of the local lodge hav-ing jurisdiction, giving the name, classifica-tion, and Social Security number of eachemployee to be transferred. The stewardshall be selected by the business managerfrom the lodge’s out-of-work list, or he mayelect to transfer the steward from anothermaintenance job which the same Employeris working under the terms of thisAgreement. After the foreman and the stew-ard have been selected, the Employer maytransfer the remaining employees not toexceed five (5). Additional employeesrequired for the job will be obtained in accor-dance with the Referral Rules.

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APP. B.6.3 The Employer may utilize theprovisions for selectivity and/or transfer-ability, but he shall not be allowed to exceedthe six (6) employee limit for any one job.

APP. B.6.4 A transferred employee will beallowed to be transferred back to the job hewas transferred from, provided the job hewas transferred to has been completed.

APP. B.6.5 Modifications as to the selectiv-ity and transfer of men beyond the limita-tions set forth in this appendix, may bemade by mutual consent of the parties.

APP. B.6.6 The Employer shall determinethe competency of all employees. TheEmployer shall determine the number ofmen required on a project and shall selectany employee or employees working underthe terms of this Agreement to be laid offregardless of membership or non-member-ship in the Union.

APP. B.7 Transportation, Travel Allowance,and Lodging Expense. Transportation, travelallowance, and lodging expense to and fromthe job shall be paid in accordance with theprovisions set forth in Article 10.

APP. B.8 Mutual Permissive Conditions.Mixed crews of various craftsmen can beused where appropriate to expedite the work.

APP. B.8.1 Boilermakers may be assignedto work under the supervision of customerpersonnel.

APP. B.8.2 Where it is to the mutual bene-fit of both parties to the Agreement, arrange-ments may be made to conform to a projector plant agreement covering several crafts.

APP. B.8.3 Holidays may be changed to con-form to project agreements or plant operation.

APP. B.8.4 The crew size shall be any num-ber of men required to safely perform thework and shall be increased or decreased atthe discretion of the Employer.

APP. B.9 Pre-Job Meetings. Prior to start-ing a maintenance job the Employer shallarrange to meet with the business manageror his designee to establish the proper appli-cation of these rules. If this is impractical, atelephone call from the Employer to thebusiness manager or his designee shall con-stitute a pre-job meeting. In the event anyquestion therewith cannot be settled, theEmployer and business manager or hisdesignee shall arrange to meet with the vicepresident of the area to settle such question.

NOTE: Appendix B shall not apply to any jobwhere App.B.9 has not been fully complied with.

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APP. C.1 In the Agreement to which this isan appendix and in this appendix, theBoilermaker-Blacksmith National PensionTrust is referred to as “National PensionTrust,” “Pension Trust,” or “Trust,” theContractor is referred to as “Employer,” andthe Contractors are referred to as“Employers.”

APP. C.2 Employer agrees to be bound bythe Trust Agreement entered into as of June2, 1960, establishing the Boilermaker-Blacksmith National Pension Trust and byany amendments to said Trust Agreement,and to execute an individual acceptance ofsaid Trust Agreement and amendmentsupon request of the Union.

APP. C.3 Payment of Employer contributionsto the National Pension Trust in the amountspecified in the Agreement to which this is anappendix shall be made on the dates and in themanner and form prescribed by the Trustees ofsaid Trust; provided that no contributions shallbe made prior to the receipt of such Trustees ofa ruling from the Internal Revenue Service tothe effect that the Pension Plan under said Trustqualifies under Section 401(a) of the InternalRevenue Code and that such Trust is taxexempt under Section 501(a) of the Code; afterreceipt of such ruling contributions shall be

payable as of the effective date specified in theAgreement to which this is an appendix.

APP. C.4 Employer shall furnish theTrustees with information such as the namesof employees, classifications, Social Securitynumbers, hours worked, and such otherinformation as may be required or deemednecessary by the Trustees for the proper andefficient administration of the Trust.

APP. C.5 Employer hereby authorizes anddirects the committee named in thisAgreement as representing the Employers,and as to the future, the committee repre-senting Employers named in the then cur-rent Agreement successor to this Agreementwith the Union or any local thereof to doeach and all of the following in his(Employer’s) name and behalf, either indi-vidually or in conjunction with otherEmployers covered by this Agreement:

APP. C.5.1 Execute the Trust Agreementestablishing the National Pension Trust:

APP. C.5.2 Exercise any rights, powers,and authority given or provided by saidTrust Agreement or any amendments there-to, to elect, select, appoint, or to vote for oneor more Employer Trustees and successorEmployer Trustees of the Trust and toremove or vote for or against the removal ofany Employer Trustee of the Trust;

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APP. C.5.3 Exercise any and all other rightsin connection with or relating to theNational Pension Trust or the TrustAgreement, which are given the Employer,either individually or together with otherEmployers, under said Trust Agreement.

In exercising or in not exercising thepower and authorities herein granted, thecommittee shall act on and in accord with,but only on and in accord with, the vote of amajority of the then members of the com-mittee. Having so acted, the committee maydesignate its then chairman, alone or togeth-er with one or more of its members, or oneor more other members of the committee, tovote or to execute any document on behalfof the committee and/or Employer and/orall or some of the other Employers coveredby this Agreement.

APP. C.6 Employer hereby irrevocablydesignates the Employer Trustees appointedpursuant to said Trust Agreement, and theirsuccessors collectively as his (Employer’s)representatives for the purposes set forth insaid Trust Agreement.


APP. D.1 In the Agreement to which this isan appendix and in this appendix, the

Boilermakers Area Apprenticeship Fundsare referred to as “Area ApprenticeshipFunds” and “Funds.” The National JointApprenticeship Board is composed of anequal number of Employer and Union rep-resentatives selected to represent the vari-ous areas established by the TrustAgreement. The “committee” is theEmployers’ or Contractors’ negotiatingcommittee. The Contractor is referred to as“Employer” and the Contractors arereferred to as “Employers.”

APP. D.2 Employer agrees to be bound bythe Agreement and Declaration of Trustsestablishing the Boilermakers AreaApprenticeship Funds and by any amend-ments to said Trust Agreements.

APP. D.3 Payment of Employer contribu-tions to the Boilermakers AreaApprenticeship Funds shall be made on thedates and in the manner and form pre-scribed by the National Joint ApprenticeshipBoard of said Funds.

APP. D.4 Employer hereby authorizes anddirects the committee in this Agreementnamed as representing the Employers and,as to the future, the committee names in thethen current Agreement successor to thisAgreement with the Union or any localthereof, to do each and all of the following inhis (Employer’s) name and on behalf, either

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individually or in conjunction with otherEmployers covered by this Agreement:

APP. D.4.1 Execute the Agreement andDeclaration of Trusts establishing theBoilermakers Area Apprenticeship Funds;

APP. D.4.2 Exercise any rights, powers,and authority given or provided by saidTrust Agreements or any amendmentsthereto to elect, select, appoint, or to vote forone Employer member of the National JointApprenticeship Board and a successorEmployer member of such Board and toremove or vote for or against the removal ofany Employer National Board Memberselected under this Agreement.

APP. D.4.3 Exercise any and all other rights inconnection with or relating to the BoilermakersArea Apprenticeship Funds or its TrustAgreements, which are given the Employer,either individually or together with otherEmployers, under said Trust Agreements.

In exercising or in not exercising the powerand authorities granted, the committee shallact on and in accord with, but only on and inaccord with, the vote of a majority of the thenmembers of the committee. Having so acted,the committee may designate its then chair-man, alone or together with one or more othermembers of the committee, to vote or to exe-cute any document on behalf of the committee

and/or Employer and/or all of some of theother Employers covered by this agreement.


APP. E.1 In the Agreement to which this isan appendix and in this appendix, the fieldconstruction Boilermakers Vacation Trust isreferred to as “Vacation Trust.”

APP. E.2 The Employer agrees to be boundby the Trust Agreement entered into as ofJanuary 1, 1964, establishing the field con-struction Boilermakers Vacation Trust and byany amendments to said Trust Agreementand to execute an individual acceptance ofsaid Trust Agreement and amendments uponrequest of the Union of the Board of Trustees.

APP. E.3 Payment of Employer contribu-tions to the Vacation Trust in the amountspecified in the Agreement to which this isan appendix shall be made on the date andin the manner and form prescribed by theTrustees of said Trust.

APP. E.4 The Employer shall furnish theTrustees with information such as the namesof employees, classifications, Social Securitynumber, hours worked, and such otherinformation as may be required or deemednecessary by the Trustees for the proper andefficient administration of the Trust.

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APP. E.5 The Employer hereby authorizesand directs the committee named in thisAgreement as representing the Employers,and as to the future, the committee repre-senting Employers named in the then cur-rent Agreement successor to this Agreementwith the Union or any local thereof to dosuch and all of the following in his(Employer’s) name and behalf, either indi-vidually or in conjunction with otherEmployers covered by this Agreement.

APP. E.5.1 Execute the Trust Agreementestablishing the field constructionBoilermakers Vacation Trust and anyamendments thereto;

APP. E.5.2 Exercise any rights, power, andauthority given or provided by said TrustAgreement or any amendments thereto, toelect, select, appoint, or to vote for one ormore Employer Trustees and successorEmployer Trustees of the Trust, and toremove or vote for or against the removal ofany Employer Trustees of the Trust;

APP. E.5.3 Exercise any and all other rightsin connection with or relating to the VacationTrust or the Trust Agreement, which are giventhe Employer, either individually or togetherwith other Employers under said Trust.

In exercising or in not exercising the powerand authorities herein granted, the committeeshall act on and in accord with, but only on and

in accord with the vote of a majority of the thenmembers of the committee. Having so acted,the committee may designate its then chair-man, alone or together with one or more of itsmembers of the committee, to vote or to exe-cute any document on behalf of the committeeand/or Employer and/or all or some of theother Employers covered by this Agreement.

APP. E.6 The Employer hereby irrevocablydesignates the Employer Trustees appointedpursuant to said Trust Agreement, and theirsuccessors collectively, as his Employer’srepresentatives for the purposes set forth insaid Trust Agreement.



In order to provide adequate numbers ofboilermaker journeyman trainees readilyavailable, a registration list shall be main-tained and the number of registrants at anyone time shall not exceed a 1-to-12 ratio ofqualified construction boilermakers regis-tered with the referral system.

APP. F.1 Hiring rate for construction boiler-maker journeyman trainees will be as follows:50% of journeyman’s rate for first 2000 hours;60% of journeyman’s rate up to 4,000 hours;70% of journeyman’s rate up to 6,000 hours;80% of journeyman’s rate up to 8,000 hours.

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APP. F.2 Construction boilermaker jour-neyman trainees will be assigned by theEmployers to perform any work which isnormally performed by field constructionboilermakers that falls within the capabilityof the employee.

APP. F.3 Aproper ratio of construction boil-ermaker journeyman trainees to journey-man and apprentices will be referred, whenavailable and in accordance with thisAgreement, to perform all work which theyare capable of safely performing with theproper supervision.

APP. F.4 No Employer who fails or refusesto hire field construction boilermakerapprentices when available in accordancewith the agreed upon ratio of apprentices tojourneymen will be allowed to employ con-struction boilermaker journeyman trainees.An Employer may request up to 30% of thecrew as construction boilermaker journey-man trainees to supplement the require-ment for apprentices if the required numberof apprentices cannot be filled by the Union.The limited ratio of construction boilermak-er journeyman trainees may be adjusted tomeet the needs of a job by agreementbetween the Employer and the businessmanager. Construction boilermaker jour-neyman trainees shall, without exception,be hired exclusively through the Unionreferral procedure.

APP. F.5 Construction boilermaker jour-neyman trainees shall, after completing8,000 hours, become eligible for possibleadvancement to field construction boiler-maker journeymen. Construction boiler-maker journeyman trainees will receive thesame credit hours as apprentices for weld-ing tests, rigging evaluation and tests, andrelated skill experience.

APP. F.6 A construction boilermaker jour-neyman trainee who establishes his qualifi-cations as a certified welder under Coderequirements will be advanced to the fieldconstruction boilermaker journeyman’s rateof pay for the full shift when he is requiredto perform Code welding for any part ofthe shift.

APP. F.7 Construction boilermaker jour-neyman trainees shall be subject to all otherterms and conditions of the Missouri RiverBasin Agreement.

APP. F.8 The parties agree to cooperate inmaking and keeping reasonable and uni-form records on the progress of constructionboilermaker journeyman trainees.Construction boilermaker journeymantrainees will be issued ID cards showing sta-tus. Referral applications will clearly desig-nate construction boilermaker journeymantrainee status and applicable rate of pay dueunder this appendix.

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A & B Welding & Construction Inc 8021 199th Ave NW Elk River MN 55330 763-757-7191

Acme Erectors Inc 7212 Weil Ave St Louis MO 63119 314-647-1923

Alberici Constructors 8800 Page Avenue St Louis MO 63114 314-733-2000

All Temp Inc 4915 Stilwell St Kansas City MO 64120

American Energy MechanicalServices Inc 14500 Parallel Ste D Basehor KS 66007 913-724-3722

AmStar Surface Engineering 14173 NW Freeway # 139 Houston TX 77040 832-212-0963

Andee Boiler & Welding Co 7649 S State St Chicago IL 60619 312-874-9020

Antelope Construction CorpPO Box 922 Price UT 84501 801-474-1933

Apex Insulation 4976 F St Omaha NE 68117 402-733-7650

API Construction Co 2366 Rose Place St Paul MN 55113 612-636-4320

Associated Mechanical Inc P O Box 2448 Shawnee Mission KS 66201 913-782-8500

Atlantic Plant Maintenance Inc 3225 Pasadena Blvd Pasadena TX 77503 713-740-8000

B & D Industrial Construction Inc 9900 E 56th St Raytown MO 64133 816-313-9900

Babcock & Wilcox Const Co Inc 74 Robinson Ave Barberton OH 44203 330-860-6345

SSiiggnnaattoorryy CCoonnttrraaccttoorrss

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Corrigan Co Mech Contrs 3545 Gratiot St St Louis MO 63103 314-771-6200

R M DeBraal & Son Inc 1121 Aspen Rd Kohler WI 53044

Delta Fiberglass Structures 1235 S Pioneer Rd Salt Lake City UT 84104 801-977-0091

Despenas Welding 1074 250th St Sheffield IA 50475 641-892-8053

Egan Mechanical Contractors 7625 Boone Ave N Brooklyn Park MN 55428 612-591-5528

Enerfab Inc 4955 Spring Grove AveCincinnati OH 45232 513-641-0500

Enerfab Inc 4351 Clary Boulevard Kansas City MO 64130 816-923-3100

Energy & Air Systems Inc 806 Hughitt Ave Superior WI 54880 715-392-9115

Foley Company 7501 Front St Kansas City MO 64120 816-241-3335

Four Star Construction Inc 7500 Tower Ave Superior WI 54880

Gagnon Inc 2286 Capp Rd St Paul MN 55144 612-644-4301

George P Reintjes Co Inc 3800 Summit Kansas City MO 64111 816-756-2150

Gibson Hart Co 9701 W 128th St Overland Park KS 66213 913-829-0100

Gillespie & Power Inc 9550 True Dr St Louis MO 63132 314-423-9460

Gross Mechanical Contractors 3622 Greenwood Blvd St Louis MO 63143 314-645-0077

Hayes Mechanical Inc 2160 N Ashland Ave Chicago IL 60614 773-784-0000

Berry Industrial Maintenance 1950 Dodge Rd NE Ste 101-B Cedar Rapids IA 52402 319-395-7452

BHA Group Inc 8800 E 63rd StKansas City MO 64133 816-356-8400

Oscar J Boldt Constr Co PO Box 419 Appleton WI 54912 920-739-6321

J Bradley Construction Co PO Box 50 Bonne Terre MO 63628 573-358-7645

Brockmiller Construction Inc 14 N Middle PO Box 387 Farmington MO 63640 314-756-2516

Brothers MechanicalContractors 1821 N Topping Kansas City MO 64120 816-231-1001

Cherne Contracting Corp PO Box 975 Minneapolis MN 55440 612-944-2650

Christensen Refractory 1245 Laredo Ave Pisgah IA 51564 712-456-2205

Christy Industrial Services 4641 McRee St Louis MO 63110 314-773-7500

CIMCO 2199 Innerbelt Business Ctr Dr St Louis MO 63114 314-731-8181

Combustion Heat and Power 242 Fillmore Ave E St Paul MN 55107 612-298-1106

Construction Design Inc 5621 Kansas Ave Kansas City KS 66106 913-287-0334

Construction Management Inc 108 Jackman St Georgetown MA 01833 978-352-2421

Continental Steel & Conveyor Co 1600 Dora AveKansas City MO 64106 816-471-7200

Core 10 Field Services 1281 Debbie Lane Rogersville MO 65742 417-773-2700

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The Knopke Company 1821 North Topping Kansas City MO 64120 816-231-1001

A W Kuettel & Sons 1225 Port Terminal Dr Duluth MN 55802 218-722-3901

L & W Construction PO Box 16 Lohman MO 65053 573-782-4415

Lakehead Constructors Inc 2916 Hill Ave Superior WI 54880 715-392-5181

Locke Equipment Sales Co 1917 E Spruce Olathe KS 66062 913-782-8500

Logan & Company PO Box 905 Coffeyville KS 67337

Lopez & Associates Inc 7975 Industrial Dr Forest Park IL 60130 708-386-8050

Lundeen Coatings Corp 14548 Manzanita Ave Fontana CA 92334 714-350-2631

M J Mechanical 3830 Washington Ave Ste 126 St Louis MO 63108 314-446-0972

Manh Works 5406 N Lydia Kansas City MO 64118

Maxim Construction Inc 5922 S Broadway St Louis MO 63111 314-481-4111

MC Industrial Inc 3117 Big Bend Blvd St Louis MO 63143 314-646-4100

McDermid's Welding Box 690 Biwabik MN 55708 218-865-6533

Merco Thermotec Inc 7711 N 81st St Milwaukee WI 53223 414-961-3200

Mid - America Pipe Fabrication Box 300 Scammon KS 66773

Midwest Energy Maintenance Co732 N 129th St Omaha NE 68154 402-578-1480

Heartland Energy Maintenance 2815 North 11th St Omaha NE 68110 402-345-3223

Helmkamp Construction Co #1 Helmkamp Dr Wood River IL 62095 618-251-2600

John Hennes Trucking Co 4100 W Lincoln Ave Milwaukee WI 53215 414-672-3470

Hess Engineering Inc PO Box 6 Mequon WI 53092 414-243-9699

IHP Industrial Inc 1701 S 8th St St Joseph MO 64502 816-364-1581

Industrial Power Contractors Inc PO Box 922 Price UT 84501 435-687-2488

Industrial Services Co PO Box 749 Frenchtown MT 59834 406-549-1706

Industrial Welders & Machinists PO Box 16720 Duluth MN 55816 218-628-1011

Insulation Installations 6280 Knox Industrial Dr Ste100 St Louis MO 63139 314-644-5323

Integra 3071 Mercantile Industrial Dr St Charles MO 63301 636-946-3000

Inter - Mountain Threading 1964 E First PO Box 50588 Casper WY 82605 307-234-2058

The Jamar Company 4701 Mike Colalillo Dr Duluth MN 55807 218-628-1027

Jayhawk Millwright & ErectorsCo Inc 811 South Coy Kansas City KS 66105

Carl E Johnson Plbg & Htg Inc PO Box 26 Milaca MN 56353 612-983-2171

Kenny Boiler & Manufacturing 344 E University Ave St Paul MN 55101 612-224-7471

Kickham Boiler & Engineering 625 E Carrie Ave St Louis MO 63147 314-261-4786

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O'Leary Construction PO Box 143 Ranier MN 56668 218-283-9451

P & S Electric Inc 400 Kelly Ln PO Box 493 Louisiana MO 63353 573-754-5077

Patent Construction Systems 1492 Kin Ark Ct St Louis MO 63132 314-997-7520

PBBS Equipment Corporation 3329 Mike Collens Dr Eagan MN 55121 651-686-7227

Pioneer Power Inc 570 Hatch Ave St Paul MM 55117 651-488-5561

Piping & Equipment Co Inc 3505 N Topeka St Wichita KS 67219 316-838-7511

Plibrico Company LLC 2815 North 11th St Omaha NE 68110 402-345-3223

Precision Erecting Inc5503 18th Ave Kenosha WI 53140

Price Erecting Inc 10910 W Lapham St Milwaukee WI 53214 414-778-0300

PSF Industries Inc 65 S Horton St Seattle WA 98134 206-622-1252

R & P Industrial Chimney Co Inc 244 Industry Pkwy Nicholasville KY 40356 859-887-2265

Ragan Mechanical Inc 702 W 76th St Davenport IA 52806 563-326-6224

Rand & Son Construction Co 1428 W 9th St Kansas City MO 64101 816-421-4143

Regis Maintenance Contractors 900 S Campbell Ave Chicago IL 60612 312-733-4100

Ray Riihiluoma Inc 1415 Highway 33 So Cloquet MN 55720

RTW Refractory 3155 Broadway Avenue Evansville IN 47712 812-468-4299


Midwest MechanicalContractors 13800 Wyandotte St Kansas City MO 64145 913-469-2200

Midwest Power Corp 8800 E 63rd St Kansas City MO 64133 800-638-2798

Eddie Moore MechanicalServices 4081 N Thompson Rd Columbia MO 65202 314-474-4895

Moorhead Machinery & Boiler Co3477 University Ave NE Minneapolis MN 55418 612-789-3541

Mossman Consulting Services PO Box 923 Walker MN 56484 218-547-3891

Murphy Brothers Inc 3150 5th Ave East Moline IL 61242

Murphy Co MechanicalContractors 1233 N Price Rd St Louis MO 63132 314-997-6600

National Boiler Works Inc 4556 Industrial Pkwy Cleveland OH 44135 216-377-1700

Neumann Insulation Co 7292 Morris Thomas Rd West Cloquet MN 55720

Neundorfer Inc 4590 Hamann Pkwy Willoughby OH 44094 216-942-8990

New Mech Companies Inc 1633 Eustis St St Paul MN 55108 651-645-0451

Nooter Construction Co 1500 S Second St St Louis MO 63104 314-421-7600

North Country Welding 2396 Jade St Mora MN 55051 320-679-5142

North Point Boiler & Combustion Co 206 E 12th Ave North Kansas City MO 64116 816-842-4175

Northern Industrial Erectors 2500 Glenwood Dr Grand Rapids MN 55744 218-326-8466

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Vidmar Iron Works Inc Box 507 Mountain Iron MN 55768 218-735-8228

Wanzek Construction Inc PO Box 2019 Fargo ND 58107

Western Blow Pipe 5922 S Broadway St Louis MO 63111 314-481-4111

White Construction Inc PO Box 249 Clinton IN 47842 765-832-8526

Williams Plant Services LLC 2076 West Park Place Stone Mountain GA 30087 770-879-4000

Williams Refractory Service Inc 28800 NE Colbern Rd Lee's Summit MO 64086

Wolf Construction Inc 5630 SW Randolph Topeka KS 66609 785-862-2414

Wolin & Associates Inc 1720 Fuller Rd West Des Moines IA 50265 515-243-5191

Wrigley Mechanical Inc Box 1516 Fargo ND 58107 701-235-7381

Young Insulation Group of St Louis1054 Central Industrial Dr St Louis MO 63110 314-776-1400

Zack Power & Industrial Co824 Morganza Rd Canonsburg PA 15317 724-745-6321


Safe Way Mechanical 9021 Little Indian Creek Rd Lonedell MO 63060 636-629-1907

Scheck Industrial Corporation 3731 12th St Carlyle IL 62231 618-594-8190

Senne Company 2001 NW Hwy 24 Topeka KS 66618 785-235-1015

Spartan Constructors LLC PO Box 8651 Spartanburg SC 29305 864-591-2002

F S Sperry Company 1907 Vanderhorn Memphis TN 38134 901-373-9000

Spirtas Wrecking Company 951 Skinker Pkwy St Louis MO 63112 314-862-9800

St Louis Metallizing Co 4123 Sarpy Ave St Louis MO 63110 314-531-5253

Technical Asbestos Control PO Box 3340 Rock Island IL 61204 309-786-2750

Technical Erectors Inc 3130 Excelsior Blvd Minneapolis MN 55416 612-285-6789

Thornburgh Companies 6280 Knox Industrial Dr St Louis MO 63139 314-644-5323

Tidewater Construction Corp PO Box 57 Norfolk VA 23501

Trivis Inc 180 Chandalar Place Dr Pelham AL 35124 205-620-5787

Truck Crane Service Co2875 Highway 55 Eagan MN 55121 651-406-4949

Union Midwest Inc 3254 Highway UU Union MO 63084 314-583-8836

Union Power Constructors Inc 2788 Circleport Dr Erlanger KY 41018 606-283-1230

UPC Services Inc 281 Buttermilk Pike Ft Mitchell KY 41017 859-331-4443

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MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

MINIMUM PAY AND REPORTING TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

MOST (MOBILIZATION, OPTIMIZATION, STABILIZATION & TRAINING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 29

MUTUAL PERMISSIVE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

NON-DISCRIMINATORY REFERRAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 47

PAY DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

PENSION TRUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 54

PIECE WORK, LIMITATION, ANDCURTAILMENT OF PRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

PRE-JOB MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

PREAMBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

RECOGNITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

SAFETY MEASURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

SCOPE OF WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

SELECTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 50

SHIFTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 47

SIGNATORY CONTRACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

SUPERVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 53, 62

TRADE JURISDICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

TRAINEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 29, 61



AGREEMENT QUALIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

ANNUITY TRUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

APPRENTICESHIP FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

BOND REQUIREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

CHECKOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

CONTINUITY OF WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

DEFINITION OF MAINTENANCE & REPAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

DURATION OF AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

EQUAL TREATMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

EXCLUSIVE REFERRAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

HEALTH & WELFARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31, 43

HIRING AND TRANSFER OF MEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

HOURS OF WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

JOB NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

JOB SITE SUBCONTRACTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

LODGING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19, 52

MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 45

Page 41: MISSOURI RIVER BASIN - DOL...7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ART. 4.4 In recognition of the work jurisdic- tional claims,


TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 49, 51

TRANSPORTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

TRAVEL ALLOWANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


UNION SECURITY AND CHECKOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 7

VACATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 59

WAGE SCALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
