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ST. PATRICK - The Pilot · Lucas 12, 32-48 Ser y vivir verdaderamente libres, como hijos de Dios....

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Catholic Church ST. PATRICK 282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854 Phone: 978-459-0561 www.stpatricklowell.org [email protected] August 11, 2019

Catholic Church ST. PATRICK 282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854

Phone: 978-459-0561 www.stpatricklowell.org

[email protected]

August 11, 2019

Celebraciones Litúrgicas

Misas Diarias – Capilla 7:30 AM ING. Lunes a Viernes 6:30 PM ESP. Lunes, Miérc. & Vier.


Sábado: 4:00 PM Ing. - Capilla 6:00 PM Esp.l - Iglesia 7:30 PM Neo-Catecúmenal

Domingo: 8:30 AM Esp.- Iglesia 10:00 AM Ing. - Iglesia 10:00 AM Viet. - Capilla 11:30 AM Esp. - Iglesia 11:30 AM Birm.- Capilla

Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento

Martes 8 am -7 pm — Capilla


Bautizos Último domingo de cada mes

Clase para el Bautismo 3er. Jueves del mes 7:00pm -Rectoría

Reconciliación /Confesión) (30) minutos antes de misa del fin

de semana o por citas

Matrimonio Hacer cita con el Sacerdote seis (6)

meses antes de la Boda

Educación de Fe Martes & Jueves 5 a 7 PM

Unción de los Enfermos Llame a la oficina parroquial para cita


Secretaría: Lunes a Viernes 8:00am - 4:00pm

Contabilidad Lunes a Jueves 10:30am - 2:30pm

Liturgical Celebration

Daily Masses – Chapel 7:30 AM ENG. Monday to Friday 6:30 PM SPA Mon., Wed., & Fri.


Saturday: 4:00 PM Eng. - Chapel 6:00 PM Spa. - Church 7:30 PM Neo-Catechumenal

Sunday: 8:30 AM Spa. - Church 10:00 AM Eng. - Church 10:00 AM Viet. - Chapel 11:30 AM Spa. - Church 11:30 AM Burm. - Chapel

Adoration to the Blessed Sacra-ment

Tuesday 8 am -7 pm — Chapel


Baptisms Last Sunday of each month.

Reconciliation Thirty (30) minutes prior to Mass,

or by appointment

Marriage Call 978-459-0561 to schedule your initial interview with a priest six months in advance.

Faith Formation Tuesday & Thursday 5 to 7 PM

Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office to schedule an



Secretary: Monday to Friday 8:00 am. - 4:00 pm.

Accounting Monday to Thursday 10:30 am. - 2:30pm

Cử Hành Phụng Vụ

Thánh Lễ Hằng Ngày Nhà Nguyện

7:30 AM ENG. Thứ Hai – Thứ Sa u 6:30 PM SPA Thứ Hai, Tứ & Sa u

Thánh Lễ

Thứ Bảy: 4:00 PM Eng. - Chapel

6:00 PM Spa. - Church 7:30 PM Neo-Catechumenal

Chúa Nhật: 8:30 AM Spa. - Church

10:00 AM Eng. - Church 10:00 AM Viet. - Chapel 11:30 AM Spa. - Church 11:30 AM Burm. - Chapel

Chầu Thánh Thể

Thứ Ba: 8AM-7PM

Các Bí Tích

Rửa Tội Xin lie n vớ i va n pho ng gia o xứ

Giải Tội Trứớ c hay sau tha nh le

Lễ Cưới Xin lie n vớ i va n pho ng gia o xứ

6 tha ng trứớ c nga y cứớ i

Giáo Dục Đức Tin/Việt Ngữ

Chu a Nha t sau mo i tha nh le

Xức Dầu Go i va n pho ng gia o xứ


Thứ Hai—Thứ Sa u: 8am - 4pm

St. Patrick Catholic Church Lowell, MA

Priests/ Sacerdotes

Fr. Enrique Martinez, Administrator

Fr. William Acevedo, Vicar

Lina Arenas, Admin, Assist. Norma Diaz, Secretary Roberto Martinez, Maintenance

Sheila Guevara, Faith Formation Maria Cuesta, Music Coordinator


19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019

August 12 to 18, 2019 Monday / Lunes

7:30AM For our parishioners 6:30PM En mem. de Eric Muñoz Almonte Pp. Su abuela Tuesday /Martes

7:30AM En mem. of Edward V. Harrington 35 Anniv. Req. Danie J. Harrington Wednesday / Miércoles

7:30AM For unborn babies

6:30PM En mem. Maria Gabriela Piedrahita Tangarife

Pp. Celmira e hijo

En mem. de Raul Alvarez Pp. Familia

Thursday / Jueves The Assumpiton of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Obligation day


Friday / Viernes

7:30AM For those who suffer from

6:30PM En mem. Virgilio Florez Pp. Familia En mem. Raul Alvarez Pp. Familia En mem. de Aracelis DeLeon Pp. Su madre

Saturday / Sabado

4:00PM English

6:00PM En mem. Luis & Libardo Rave Pp. Maria Rave En mem. de Rosalia Arbelaes, Julio Cesar & Roberto Villa Pp. Gabriel Villa Por la Salud de las Hnas. Rave-Moreno

Sunday / Domingo

8:30AM En mem. de Maria Jose, Rosa, Francisca Pedro, Manuel, Juanito & Sacarias. Int. Especial Atic & Valeria Pp. familia Por la salud de Wilberto Burgos Pp. Familia

10:00AM In mem. Nicholas & Margaret Bubanas Req. Catherine Blydenburg

10:00AM For.

11:30AM En mem. de Jose Gilberto Pino & las almas del Purgatorio Pp. Fam. En mem. Gabriela Piedrahita Pp. Liliam Tangarife & hermanos En mem. Rosalia Arbelaez, Julio Cesar & Roberto Villa Pp. Gabriel Villa

St. Patrick Parish Stewardship Collections Weekend of

August 4, 2019 $2,984.00

Thank You for Your Continuous Financial Support. May God Reward Your Generosity!

Scripture for the week of August 11, 2019

11 SUN Wis 18:6-9/Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12/ Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40

12 Mon Dt 10:12-22/Mt 17:22-27 13 Tue Dt 31:1-8/Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 14 Wed Dt 34:1-12/Mt 18:15-20 15 Thu Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/1 Cor

15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28. Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56

16 Fri Jos 24:1-13/Mt 19:3-12 17 Sat Jos 24:14-29/Mt 19:13-15 18 SUN Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Heb 12:1-4/Lk 12:49-53

Aviso : Si usted necesita algún récord sacramental, fa-

vor de solicitarlo con 2 días de anticipación.

Notice: If you need a sacramental record, please re-

quest it 2 days in advance.

Please :call the parish office for your future Mass intentions

Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para sus futuras in-tenciones de misas.

Save the Date

St. Patrick’s Night

with the Lowell Spinners!

August 25 At 5:00PM Lelacheur Park


Fanáticos del Baseball

Separa la fecha: 25 de agosto a las 5:00 p.m. Parque Lelacheur (450 Aiken St., Lowell, MA)


19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Our Scout troop camped often and the leaders would put our young skills to the test. They would create situations that required us to act—someone was injured, we were lost or we had to find things that were edible in the woods. It helped us develop our abilities to deal with a cri-sis and, in theory and in practice, made the mot-to of the Scouts real: “Be prepared”! Jesus does not want his followers to live in fear, but rather to live in vigilance and preparation. At any moment, faith can be challenged and temp-tation can be found. Persecution would be com-monplace and many will struggle to preach the Gospel. The only preparation is the practice of prayer and of virtue, keeping our spiritual skills sharp and ourselves open to the grace of God. But we need not fear. It is not something we do alone. We do it as His Body, His Church. The Lord is always with us. Every day presents opportunities to practice faith, to give witness to our beliefs by our words and deeds. Our daily conversations, our kindness to others, the good example we set and our will-ingness to be mindful of God, help sharpen our spiritual skills and support others who struggle with temptation. Opportunities for grace out-number opportunities for sin. We just have to be prepared!

James Gaffney, / St. George Publishing [email protected]

The raffle winners are /Los ganadores de la Rifa son:

1st. TV Samsung QLED 65” Ticket # 285 Bairon D. Velez

2nd. Apple MacBook Air 13” Ticket # 2850

Fabio Cardenas

3rd. Apple iPad Air Ticket # 494

Doris Fischl

Total ticket sales 22,225.00

Purchase of prizes 3,700.00

Tickets cost 600.00

Earnings 17,925.00

Let us Pray For the Sick

Kathy Gannon, Larry Beger, Pam Zufelt, John Scaman, Guillermina Pe-ña, Lisa , Bordean, Trish Melaneo, Di-ane Hamel, James Dulley, Edward Renardo, Bar-bara Galano Prayer: Almighty and eternal God, you are the everlasting health of those who believe in you. Hear us for your sick servant ____________ for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health, they may give thanks to you in your church. Through Christ our Lord. Our Father… Hail Mary…. Glory Be

Renewal of CORI Forms

One of the requirements of service to the parish is to re-new your CORI form every year. It is a requirement form the Archdiocese and helps to make sure that the people who offer their service have not conflicted with the law especially about minors. We ask all Catechists, Ministers of the Word (Lectors), Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Hospitality, and Choir members, all those who are in contact with Altar Servers, or anyone offering their service, please renew or do (if you are new) your CORI. This year Sheila Polanco is going to be in charge of all CORI requirements. Please contact her

Oremos por los Enfermos

Oración: Señor Jesucristo, que para redi-mir a los hombres y sanar a los enfer-mos quisiste asumir nuestra condición humana, mira con piedad a : Paula Rodriguez, Santa Sanchez , Rubén Herrera, Lucy M., Geraldine N. , Carmen Martínez, Jose Rivera, Maria Cruz, Evelia Ramírez, Alfonso Valencia, Doris Yolanda, , Juana Cruz, Altagracia Mena, Natividad Falcon, Ana Ocasio, Maria Rivera, Alicia Morales, Jose Morales, Maria Ta-vares, Jorge Figueroa, familia Perez-Garcia.

_______, que están enfermos y necesita ser curados en el cuerpo y en el espíritu. Reconfórtalo con tu poder para que levante su ánimo y pueda superar todos sus males; y, ya que has querido asociarlo a tu Pasión re-dentora, haz que confíen en la eficacia del dolor para la salvación del mundo. Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Padre Nuestro… Dios te salve Maria…Gloria…

La vigilancia del hombre sabio

Lucas 12, 32-48 Ser y vivir verdaderamente libres, como hijos de Dios. En este Evangelio puedo descubrir un tema importante para mi vida como cristiano. Un tema que tal vez hoy no me detengo mucho a considerar, pues el mundo se ha ido encargando de dejarlo de lado. Es el tema de la vida eterna. Como cristiano auténtico me llamas a creer en la vida eterna no como una fábula, un mito, un cuento para niños buenos. La vida eterna, la vida después de esta peregrinación por esta tierra, es verdadera, es real. No todo termina con esta vida. ¡Tú me llamas a una vida feliz por toda la eternidad!

Es desde esta perspectiva que puedo entender tu consejo de no acumular tesoros en este mundo donde todo pasa, sino almacenar para el arca del cielo. Es leyendo este pasaje, con esta visión, que puedo com-prender tu recomendación a estar preparado y en vela para cuando me llames.

Dame la gracia, Señor, de recordar que me has hecho para ser feliz y serlo para siempre. Clava en mi mente y en mi corazón la realidad de que después de esta vida puedo encontrarme contigo y verte, tocarte, abrazarte, conocerte tal y como eres. Haz que anhele ardientemente este encuentro contigo. Porque sólo si lo deseo ardientemente, podré trabajar con esfuerzo por alcanzar eso que deseo.

La mejor forma para prepararme para el encuentro contigo es la fidelidad. “Al que mucho se le dio, mucho se le exigirá.” Dame la gracia de serte fiel siempre. Podría preguntarme en esta oración, ¿Cómo está mi fidelidad a Ti? ¿Soy fiel a los compromisos que he adquirido con los demás? ¿Qué es la fidelidad para mí?, y para Ti, Señor, ¿qué significa ser fiel?

Día tras día experimento tu fidelidad y generosidad. Ayúdame a responderte como mereces ya que como dice la frase popular: amor con amor se paga.

Petición: Señor Jesús, dame el ánimo para man-tenerme siempre vigilante y comprometido en hacer tu santísima voluntad.

Fuente: http://es.catholic.net/


Faith Formation—Every Sunday

Mass at 10:00am

Sunday School Program Sept. 14 at 10am —

Parent’s meeting upper church

Sept. 14 at 10am - Conference for Children –Chapel



Llego el tiempo para todos los colaboradores de nuestra Parroquia llenar el CORI. Todos los que trabajen en algún ministerio (Coordinador de grupo, Lector, Ministro de Comunión, Catequista, Ujier, Coro, Folk Festival, visita a los enfermos… etc. ) están requridos por la Arquidiócesis de Boston a llenar el CORI. Sheila Polanco esta encargada del CORI,

Agradecemos su colaboración.

BÀI ĐỌC 1: Kn 18:6-9

Lời Chúa trong sách Khôn ngoan. La y Chu a, đe m vứớ t qua đa đứớ c ba o trứớ c cho cha o ng chu ng con, đe khi bie t cha c lớ i hứ a mì nh tin la lớ i hứ a na o ca c nga i the m can đa m. Da n Chu a đa tro ng đớ i đe m a y nhứ đe m cứ u thoa t ngứớ i chì nh trứ c va tie u die t ke đi ch thu . Qua va y, Chu a du ng hì nh pha t gia ng xuo ng đo i phứớng đe la m cho chu ng con đứớ c ra ng rớ va ke u go i chu ng con đe n vớ i Nga i. Con la nh cha u tha nh cu a nhứ ng ngứớ i lứớng thie n a m tha m da ng le te trong nha . Ho đo ng ta m nha t trì ve lua t sau đa y cu a Thie n Chu a, la trong da n tha nh, co phu c cu ng hứớ ng, co hoa cu ng chia. Va ngay tứ ba y giớ , ho đa xứớ ng le n nhứ ng ba i ca do cha o ng truye n la i.

Đó là Lời Chúa.

Co ng đoa n: Tạ ơn Chúa.

ĐÁP CA: Tv 32:1 và 12, 18-19, 20 và 22

Đáp: Phu c thay da n to c ma Chu a cho n la m da n rie ng.

Phu c thay da n nứớ c đứớ c Chu a cho n la m cớ nghie p.

BÀI ĐỌC 2: Dt 11:1-2, 8-19

Lời Chúa trong thư của thánh Phao-lô tông đồ gửi tín hữu Do-Thái.

Thứa anh em, đứ c tin la ba o đa m cho nhứ ng đie u ta hy vo ng, la ba ng chứ ng cho nhứ ng đie u ta kho ng tha y. Nhớ đứ c tin a y, ca c tie n nha n đa đứớ c Thie n Chu a chứ ng gia m.

Nhớ đứ c tin, o ng A p-ra-ham đa va ng nghe tie ng Chu a go i ma ra đi đe n mo t nới o ng se đứớ c la nh nha n la m gia nghie p. Ô ng đa ra đi ma kho ng bie t mì nh đi đa u. Nhớ đứ c tin, o ng đa tớ i cứ ngu ta i Đa t Hứ a nhứ ta i mo t nới đa t kha ch, o ng so ng trong le u cu ng nhứ o ng I-xa-a c va o ng Gia-co p la nhứ ng ngứớ i đo ng thứ a ke cu ng mo t lớ i hứ a, vì o ng tro ng đớ i mo t tha nh co ne n mo ng do chì nh Thie n Chu a ve ma u va xa y dứ ng. Nhớ đứ c tin, ca ba Xa-ra vo n hie m muo n, cu ng đa co the thu thai va sinh con no i do ng va o lu c tuo i đa cao, vì ba tin ra ng Đa ng đa hứ a la Đa ng trung tì n. Bớ i va y, do mo t ngứớ i duy nha t, mo t ngứớ i ke nhứ che t ro i ma đa sinh ra mo t do ng do i nhie u nhứ sao trớ i ca t bie n, kho ng ta i na o đe m đứớ c. Ta t ca ca c nga i đa che t, lu c va n co n tin nhứ va y, ma c du chứa đứớ c hứớ ng ca c đie u Thie n Chu a hứ a; nhứng tứ xa ca c nga i đa tha y va đo n cha o ca c đie u a y, cu ng xứng mì nh la ngoa i kie u, la lứ kha ch tre n ma t đa t. Nhứ ng ngứớ i no i nhứ va y cho tha y la ho đang đi tì m mo t que hứớng. Va ne u qua tha t ho co n nhớ tớ i que hứớng mì nh đa bo ra đi, thì ho va n co cớ ho i trớ ve . Nhứng thứ c ra ca c nga i mong ứớ c mo t que hứớng to t đe p hớn, đo la que hứớng tre n trớ i. Bớ i va y, Thie n Chu a đa kho ng ho the n đe cho ca c nga i go i mì nh la Thie n Chu a cu a ca c nga i, vì Ngứớ i đa chua n bi mo t tha nh cho ca c nga i.

Nhớ đứ c tin, khi bi thứ tha ch, o ng A p-ra-ham đa hie n te I-xa-a c; du đa nha n đứớ c lớ i hứ a, o ng va n hie n te ngứớ i con mo t. Ve ngứớ i con na y, Thie n Chu a đa pha n ba o: Chì nh do I-xa-a c ma se co mo t do ng do i mang te n ngứới. Qua tha t, o ng A p-ra-ham nghì ra ng Thie n Chu a co quye n na ng cho ngứớ i che t tro i da y. Ro t cuo c, o ng đa nha n la i ngứớ i con a y nhứ la mo t bie u tứớ ng.

Đó là Lời Chúa. Co ng đoa n: Tạ ơn Chúa.

TUNG HÔ TIN MỪNG: Ha-lê-lui-a. Ha-lê-lui-a.

Anh em ha y canh thứ c va ha y sa n sa ng, vì chì nh giớ phu t anh em kho ng ngớ , thì Con Ngứớ i se đe n. Halêluia.

PHÚC ÂM: Lc 12:32-48

Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Kitô theo thánh Lu-ca.

Mo t ho m, Đứ c Gie -su no i vớ i ca c mo n đe ra ng: "Hớ i đoa n chie n nho be , đứ ng sớ , vì Cha anh em đa vui lo ng ban Nứớ c cu a Ngứớ i cho anh em.

"Ha y ba n ta i sa n cu a mì nh đi ma bo thì . Ha y sa m la y nhứ ng tu i tie n kho ng he cu ra ch, mo t kho ta ng kho ng the hao hu t ớ tre n trớ i, nới ke tro m kho ng be n ma ng, mo i mo t kho ng đu c pha . Vì kho ta ng cu a anh em ớ đa u, thì lo ng anh em ớ đo .

"Anh em ha y tha t lứng cho go n, tha p đe n cho sa n. Ha y la m nhứ nhứ ng ngứớ i đớ i chu đi a n cứớ i ve , đe khi chu vứ a ve tớ i va go cứ a, la mớ ngay. Khi chu ve ma tha y nhứ ng đa y tớ a y đang tì nh thứ c, thì tha t la phu c cho ho . Tha y ba o tha t anh em: chu se tha t lứng, đứa ho va o ba n a n, va đe n be n tứ ng ngứớ i ma phu c vu . Ne u canh hai hoa c canh ba o ng chu mớ i ve , ma co n tha y ho tì nh thứ c nhứ va y, thì tha t la phu c cho ho . Anh em ha y bie t đie u na y: ne u chu nha bie t giớ na o ke tro m đe n, ha n o ng đa kho ng đe no khoe t va ch nha mì nh đa u. Anh em cu ng va y, ha y sa n sa ng, vì chì nh giớ phu t anh em kho ng ngớ , thì Con Ngứớ i se đe n."

Ba y giớ o ng Phe -ro ho i: "La y Chu a, Chu a no i du ngo n na y cho chu ng con hay cho ta t ca mo i ngứớ i?" Chu a đa p: "Va y thì ai la ngứớ i qua n gia trung tì n, kho n ngoan, ma o ng chu se đa t le n coi so c ke a n ngứớ i ớ , đe ca p pha t pha n tho c ga o đu ng giớ đu ng lu c? Khi chu ve ma tha y đa y tớ a y đang la m nhứ va y, thì tha t la phu c cho anh ta. Tha y ba o tha t anh em, o ng se đa t anh ta le n coi so c ta t ca ta i sa n cu a mì nh. Nhứng ne u ngứớ i đa y tớ a y nghì bu ng: ' Chu ta co n la u mớ i ve ', va ba t đa u đa nh đa p to i trai tớ ga i va che che n say sứa, chu cu a te n đa y tớ a y se đe n va o nga y ha n kho ng ngớ , va o giớ ha n kho ng bie t, va o ng se loa i ha n ra, ba t pha i chung so pha n vớ i nhứ ng te n tha t tì n.

"Đa y tớ na o đa bie t y chu ma kho ng chua n bi sa n sa ng, hoa c kho ng la m theo y chu , thì se bi đo n nhie u. Co n ke kho ng bie t y chu ma la m nhứ ng chuye n đa ng pha t, thì se bi đo n ì t. He ai đa đứớ c cho nhie u thì se bi đo i nhie u, va ai đứớ c giao pho nhie u thì se bi đo i ho i nhie u hớn."

Đó là Lời Chúa. CĐ: Lạy Chúa Kitô, ngợi khen Chúa.

Chúa Nhật 19 Thường Niên August 11, 2019

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Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

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68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

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Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E New England Open May 28th to June 1st

June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs!If you bring your printing to a chain store

or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]





Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E New England Open May 28th to June 1st

June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up



[email protected] | 617-779-3777 | www.pilotprinting.net

Banners, Bookmarks, Business Cards, Flyers/Brochures, Greeting Cards, Magnets, Notepads, Posters and much more.

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Patrick, Lowell, MA 4588

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