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Managing Director J. Hernan

Senior EditorWang Na

EditorsRegina Gonçalves, Joe Escobedo, Mansi Sethi, Zhao Jing, Gerald Anthony

Copy EditorMichael Alexander Cormack

DesignersLi Weizhi, Li Kechao Sales & AdvertisingZhang Danni, Joana Freitas

PhotographerWang Yifang

DistributionZhao Wengang, Zhang Xu

Advertising AgencyInterMediaChina

Publishing DateDecember 2009

Tianjin Plus is a FREE lifestyle supplement of Business Tianjin Magazine.

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ISSN 2076-3743

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

My name is Lawrence Wong and I am from Hong Kong.

I would like to congratulate Tianjin Plus team for the good job! I have followed all Tianjin Plus issues and I noticed the improvements that have been made since t h e b e g i n n i n g, s u c h a s the new sections and the design. In November’s issue I really liked the interview with Delia Hannah from the musical Cats.

I also visited the Tianma Entertainment City Bowling Alley and I have to say that your review was very accurate.

For this reasons I hope you keep growing the way you have been until now.

Best Regards,Lawrence Wong

News in Brief 08


It’s tough fixing your shoesMid-Winter and Christmas

Editor’s Choice 20

CONTENTS Tianjin Plus 2009.12

Monthly Calendar 06

Art & Culture 12

Interview with Italian Pianist Moreno DonalelMoreno Donalel at the Tianjin Concert HallTEDA Contemporary Museum

Expat Club 15

A Safety Guide for Parents of Small ChildrenA Season of Difficulties for ExpatTrivia Quiz

RestaurantReviews: Trattoria Italiana, Friends, BaiyiBebela’s Kitchen, La Seine Tianjin

NightlifeReviews: Purple Bar Beach Party

Health & BeautyReviews: AY Hair Salon, Forest Massage Salon

HomeInterview: Susan Sun, GM of E-smart

EducationInterview: Scott FinnamoreHead Principal of Tianjin International School


China Travel 64

Useful Info 81

Recreation 68Featured Attraction: JinWan PlazaTianjin Attractions Music, TV, Movie

Chinese Lesson 79

Transportation 83

Tianjin MunicipalBinhai New AreaTianjin CityShang Gu Business CenterWu Da Dao

Social Occasions

Flights, Train, Light rail, Subway, Taxi, Bus



Listings 31

Global Travel 66

Auto SpaceChevrolet Lova

ShopHighway Musical Shop





Temple of Heaven



Gingerbread House X’mas Goodies

Indulge in our home-made traditional X’mas goodies like log cake, fruit cake, cookies, fantastic chocolate creations and other X’mas tidbits or order our wonderfully designed X’mas hampers to give away to family or friends. Christmas Eve Party tickets are being sold here and grab your seat for a night of great food and entertainment. Date: 29 Nov, 2009 – 24 Dec, 2009Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:30

Sheraton Hotel TianjinZi Jin Shan Lu, Hexi District,

Tel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext. 1861

Book One Night for a One-Stop Shopping Spree

Worried about Christmas or New Year gifts? Don’t be! Our resort offers a Balance package that throws in gift vouchers worth CNY400, breakfast for two, a 20% discount in various outlets and late check-out. Book Balance package and stay with us during this promotion period to get another gift voucher worth CNY100. The gift vouchers can be used on all the Christmas and Chinese New Year goodies available in the Pastry Shop and the Retail Shop. You can also use the vouchers to

relax and indulge in a post-holiday spa massage. Room rates start from CNY988+15% service charge.

Valid from 1 Dec, 2009 to 28 Feb, 2010Hyatt regency Jing Jin City resort and Spa

8 Zhujiang Lu, Zhouliang Zhuang, Baodi DistrictTel: +86 22 5921 1234

Drive your Christmas Grand Prize Home!

The Dazzling Violet Christmas, 24th December 2009Christmas Eve Gala Dinner with Live Performance, Attractive Lucky Draw Prizes - be Lucky and Drive Home the Grand Prize!

Price from RMB1,388 per person, Buffet with unlimited Sparkling Wine, Beer, Juices and Soft Drinks

Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu,

Tongguan Dao Entrance of The Exchange, Heping DistrictFestive Reservation: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3514

Tianjin Plus 09Tianjin Plus 08

It’s tough fIxIng your shoesFrustrations of a foreigner

I c a l l i t t h e “ i t ’s to u g h f i x i n g your shoes” phenomenon. The

things and situations you take for granted back home, like fixing your shoes down the corner or going to the store and buy nails to hang a painting, are just hard to accomplish in China.

No matter how big your passion for China is, there comes a day when you get stuck in your own q u o t i d i a n . I s o m e t i m e s f i n d myself writing down a list with all the tasks I have during month: grocer ies, buy elec tr ic ity and water, etc. But if for some reason I need to do things as simple as buying a small griller, I stumble into my own linguistic limitations.

Is it always a foreigners’ problem not to be understood? How many of us haven’t been through the frustrating situation as getting i n a t a x i , t e l l i n g t h e a d d r e s s a n d h av i n g t o r e p e a t i t t w o, three, four t imes, as many as n e ce s s a r y to m a k e o u r s e l ve s

properly understood? And worst case scenario, having to bother friends to tell the taxi driver the address? It isn’t just our problem. In this particular case, Chinese condescension towards foreigners is huge. The simple fact that you’re not Korean or Japanese will make them immediately assume that you can’t articulate something as simple as Tong’an Dao, and then comes their annoying ting bu dong! Well my friend, we actually can! I’m in China and I can speak Chinese, even if it's not perfect.

W h a t a b o u t h o s p i t a l s ? N o w this puts you in a frankly tough position at times. You’re not just in for some shoes or coffee. No matter how efficient the system is, and I do admit it is, when you go to a hospital you know for a fact that something unusual will happen. When you f irst arr ive there are several counters. You choose one and you have to say what problem you have. Oh, if only we could! So you have to point

to your body and manage. As you can imagine, and I’m convinced I don’t need to be explicit, there are cer tain i l lnesses that you would like to keep private and pointing at them just won’t do it. Instead, they might turn into public-all-eyes-on-me matters. Initial embarrassments overcome, they choose a medical speciality, you pay, and off you go to finally see the doc tor. You go inside their small office. What you don’t know is that you’ll see the doctor and three or four other patients at the same time will too! And of course you’re the foreigner, so you instantly become an attraction. Doctors smoke inside the offices, and technicians smoke outside examination rooms. Come on, we all have to kill some time every now and then!

But in Tianjin, one of the craziest aspects still is traffic. Meaning no offense, but I always thought Naples was the world city for traffic chaos. As far as I’ve seen, Tianjin beats anything. During rush hour, left, right and straight ahead all become one, the survival of the fastest! And the honking g o e s o n e n d l e s s l y. Ad a p t i n g Descartes, a friend once said that in Tianjin “I honk, therefore I am”.

B u t t h e n a g a i n , s o m e o f u s really love the Middle Kingdom. Aggravations aside, the familiar e n v i r o n m e n t w i l l h e l p y o u through the first months in town and if you’re in for a few years worry not. There’s always a way to manage, to make life easier and to be less homesick.

I leave you all with my personal advice, don’t take ting bu dong for an answer and find someone to fix your shoes!


Tianjin Plus 11Tianjin Plus 10

What was the world like before the holiday of Christmas? It

is hard to imagine, but there once was a t ime without i t . B efore Christmas, the middle of winter was still a time to celebrate throughout the world. The winter solstice (the shortest day and longest night of the year) created various festivals and traditions. One such festival was the commemoration of Saturnalia in Rome. Saturnalia was a holiday in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture. During this festival, (which began before the winter solstice and continued for a full month) social order was reversed, as slaves would become masters to reflect the reversal of night and day.

The symbols of mid-winter often reflect a flipping of opposites as demonstrated in ancient festivals. Common symbols are light and dark, birth and death, sunrise and sunset,

use these two signs in our Christmas tree decorating family rituals.

Although dates vary historically, Christmas is believed to have begun in 98 A.D. Less than 300 years later in 350 A.D., Julius I (a Roman Bishop) choose D ecember 25th as the observance day of Christmas. It is a holiday that celebrates the birth of the Son of God, Jesus. Christmas is a time for gift giving and receiving for all. The gifts create a time of joy, warmth, and surprise during the holiday season (a time from the third week in November until after the New Year’s holiday is celebrated) for not just individuals, but companies and organizations. This year in Tianjin, there will be a Christmas Ball on December 5 to raise money for selected charities and show Christmas spirit.

Christmas spirit is a time of peace, love, and goodwil l to a l l . I t i s conveyed through Christmas items such as the Chr istmas wreath, mistletoe, and carols. The Christmas wreath is a circular ring made up of evergreen or evergreen like materials that is hung in various places, such as front doors, to signify a welcoming of guests. The mistletoe is a berry-producing plant that is believed to br ing peace and fr iendship. Tradit ionally, i f you are caught standing underneath this plant with another person, you should kiss. Finally, during the season you may find homes filled with Christmas carols such as Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and Santa Clause is coming to town.

migration and return, and winter and summer. These symbols and the timeline of various historical events led to one of the more popular modern-day mid-winter traditions of Christmas.

To fo r m C h r i s t m a s , n u m e r o u s traditions were taken from ancient European fest ivals . One of the greatest traditions was the practice of gift giving. Saint Nicholas of Myra (known as Saint Nicholas), a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop famous for his gifts to the poor has been a symbol of generosity for centuries in Europe. Over the years his behaviors would personify into St. Nick or Santa Claus. The modern day physical appearance of Santa would not come until later, around the 13th century. The Germanic god, Odin was believed to have a long beard, pointed hat, and a spear that is now Santa’s cane. During the native

Germanic holiday of Yule (a holiday for a fertile upcoming harvest and a peaceful season), he would lead a great hunting party through the sky on an eight-legged horse called Sleipnir that could leap far distances, similar to the contemporary Santa’s reindeer tale. Children, in order to appease Sleipnir, would place their boots filled with carrots, straw, or sugar, near the chimney for him to eat. Odin would then reward these children for their kindness by replacing Sleipnir's food with gifts or candy.

An additional symbol that can be taken from European history comes f rom psychological reasoning. Europeans created festivals in mid-winter to give matters to look for ward to during the endless, cold winter months. The festivals often included evergreen trees and spectacles of bright light. Today we

Carols can also be found inside various churches during mid-winter. Silent Night, O’ Holy Night, and Away in a Manger are just three of the many. Other religious symbols of Christmas include the nativity scene with Jesus and his parents (Mary and Joseph) together in a manger, and the Star of Bethlehem that led three shepherds (known as the three wise men) to the place of Jesus’ birth. As one of the major Christian holidays Chr istmas celebrat ions can be attended at almost anytime during Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. As the holiday continues to grow in popularity, traditions from all over the world vary.

I n C h i n a , y o u m a y f i n d p a p e r lanterns hanging from trees and hear whispers of Santa Claus known as sheng dan lao ren (Old Man Christmas). In Australia, families my have Christmas picnics on the beach since temperatures may be near 38 degrees Celsius. In Japan, Hoteiosho comes around seeing if children have been naughty or nice. In Mexico, the main Christmas celebration is Las Posadas where a family divides themselves into two groups of pilgrims and innkeepers. The pilgrims travel from house to house asking for shelter and are refused at each until they finally reach the house where an alter and nativity scene have been set up. In France, nearly every home displays a crèche or nativity scene. In Chile, the Christmas Eve meal often includes azuela de ave (a chicken soup filled with potatoes, onions and corn on the cob) and pan

de pasqua (a Christmas bread filled with candied fruit). Not to forget our African nations, in Ghana a Christmas m e a l m ay i n c l u d e r i ce, m e at s , porridge, okra soup or stew and fufu (a yam paste).

As we count down the days toward the new year, may we all appreciate the symbols and traditions of our pasts. May the mid-winter festivals of our future bring us the words of an old Irish blessing:

“For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.”

Happy Holidays.

Interview with Italian pianist Moreno Donadel

Moreno Donadel is one of the most talented and recognized contemporary Italian musicians.

Versatile in his style, he can mesmerize with a secular classical piece or a charming bossa tune.Tianjin Plus met with Donadel and was surprised by the humble man, knowledgeable teacher, and brilliant musician.

Is this your first time performing in Tianjin? I was in Tianjin around the year 2000. It was a long time ago just to visit. This is my first time performing here.

You have been living in Beijing for the past few years. What made you change from Italy to China? At the beginning it was Kungfu, more than ten years ago. As a child I used to practice Chinese martial arts.

Tianjin Plus 12

I was in the national team in Italy and I won a few competitions national and worldwide. So I decided that if I really wanted to understand martial arts, it was crucial to come to China. I planned to come and stay two or three months. Then I found out that there’s a lot to learn. There are concepts and thoughts that should be learnt here. So I stayed one more month, and one more after that, and so on. Then I started to work, to play around, to have friends and I discovered that China is very exciting. You never know what’s going to happen next. I fell in love with country and decided to stay.

In Italy you had your jazz trio and then in China you repeated the experience with American and Asian musicians. How strongly has this change of

these things to my students. I learn from teaching as well and I still study.

Tonight you’ll be per forming classical pieces by B e e t h ove n a n d C h o p i n . B u t yo u h ave n’t limited yourself to classical music. You have jazz influences, Brazilian, Latin, etc. Did this lead you to create and compose in your own eclectic style? Indeed. Jazz music helped me to play better

c l a s s i c a l m u s i c a n d classical music helped me to play better jazz. Jazz allows me to understand m o r e b e c a u s e m a n y c l a s s i c a l m u s i c i a n s l i m i t t h e m s e l v e s t o r e a d t h e c h o r d b u t harmonically they don’t really comprehend what is going on. When you play jazz you understand the meaning of ever y chord, every scale, the re lat ionship bet ween the notes. When I play classical it comes easy for me to understand the harmony of it. When you’re a jazz musician you’re a sort of a composer, you know what a composer knows. Classical music makes you improve everyday. You have to continuously work on your technique, your sound, your tone and you can also use this in jazz.

To n i g h t y o u ’ l l a l s o d a z z l e t h e c r o w d w i t h y o u r o w n i m p r o v i s a t i o n . H o w i m p o r t a n t f o r t h e q u a l i t y o f y o u r p e r fo r m a n ce i t i s t o

improvise? I’m used to improvising since I was a kid. I thought it was something natural, and that everyone could do it. As a musician you’re supposed to create. Later on I found out that it isn’t common at all. So I started to use it in most of my performances. I let around f ive people f rom the audience to come to the stage and choose one note. Then I compose a classical, jazz or baroque piece. Finally, I have a composition that will never be heard again: Something I created with the audience.

setting and musicians reflected on the music you make? I try to learn everyday from everyone. In Italy I used to play frequently with Brazilian, north-American and Cuban musicians. I understood that everybody has something to teach, new ideas and perspectives that a person can “steal” as a musician. A clever musician has to be able to steal, so I always try to be a free player and dedicated to several genres. I started playing classical music, I then learnt jazz, and made soundtracks for movies a n d d o c u m e n t a r i e s . I think a musician should never have limitations or categorizations and just create what goes in the heart, the feeling. I also believe that playing with different musicians from different nationalities will always transmit new ideas that can be poured into different creations.

What do you prefer the most, solo or collective? I l i k e b o t h . I l i k e s o l o a n d I l i k e to p l ay w i t h other people in a band or an orchestra. I love the i nte ra c t i o n w i t h o t h e r m u s i c i a n s . I t d e m a n d s you to be reac t ive and to concentrate on what other people are doing so that you’re able to catch it, give you new concepts and have the capability of transmitting something useful as well.

Is it somehow significant f o r t h e m u s i c y o u compose to be a piano teacher at the Beijing C o n t e m p o r a r y M u s i c A c a d e m y ? D o e s i t influence your life as a musician? Yes, of course. When you teach, students sometimes ask questions that you never encountered before. Questions I never asked myself because sometimes I can do something naturally, and not because I was trained to reach a certain level. I need to know a whole range of different things so that I can explain them properly. When I started to teach, it was somehow as if I was learning all over again. I had to study and practice by myself because I knew that afterwards I would have to teach


The Eclectic Musician

Tianjin Plus 13

Safe Gift GuideA Safety Guide for Parents of Small Children

The holidays are here and as parents we often want to buy gifts for our loved ones, especially our children. We love to see

their smiling faces, but as a parent there are concerns both before and after purchasing those holiday surprises. Here are a few tips to ensure that your child will be happy and you as a parent can rest assure you have made a safe purchase.

1- If you are buying a gift for your child or someone else’s, be sure that the gift is appropriate for the age of the recipient. The age label on gifts is usually placed after a substantial amount of money has been done in research and development. If your child is outside of the age range there is usually a good reason behind not purchasing the gift. The purchase is not completely out of the question, but should be considered carefully.

2- Don’t be afraid to inspect the gift before purchasing. Look for the shape, size, and material type. Sharp corners can be dangerous for children and younger children can easily swallow small, detachable parts. In looking at material of the gift make sure it is sturdy and put together well enough to withhold the wear and tear of children.

3- Pay attention to attached parts. With larger items there are often attached areas that can be disconnected with quick sudden force such as biting, pulling, or throwing. Look for parts to be stitched or screwed together as opposed to glued.

4- If buying for an infant, toddler, or younger ages carefully think about electricity. Electricity comes with many dangers and hazards. Even a battery can become lethal if mishandled. If you are unable to supervise your child at all times while playing with the electric gift, it is probably better you wait until they are older to purchase it.

5- If unsure about a gift, check consumer product recall list. By typing in, “Consumer Product Recalls” in any search engine you can get a number of helpful websites with a list of recalled products and explanations.

As a parent there will always be safety concerns for your child, but with a few well-spent minutes away from the purchase counter you can feel more at ease about your present.

The Italian musician Moreno Donadel gave a piano recital in Tianjin, at the recently reopened Tianjin

Concert Hall. Donadel interpreted classical pieces by great European composers, Liszt, Beethoven and Chopin and enchanted the audience with his savour faire.The piano recital took the crowd to a different setting from beginning to end. Donadel decided to sit on his piano and amusingly explain, in his proficient Chinese, Franz Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz No. 1. Evidently this should be anything but an easy task, although the artist could have fooled the audience. A storyteller at work, he showed us how great musicians involve their audience. Sympathetically drawn to the story of Mephisto and the object of his sigh, the first part of the concert

alternated between deeply romantic moments with tunes of absolute intensity.

During the second half, one of his most capable abilities was to transform a room with capacity for 650 people in a very intimate performance.

Bizet’s Carmen was one of the most brilliant moments of the night. The tragic Opéra-Comique was finely hushed and secretly “sung”.

To finish beautifully, Donadel once called five of his listeners to come to the stage and pick a note. He then improvised superbly with his audience’s selection.

Donadel’s daintiness was shown in every single note. His facial muscles were dominated by the changing of his hand’s touch. The “Renaissance Man” showed in one performance only in Tianjin the distinction between a good and an outstanding musician.

Tianjin Plus 14

TEDA Contemporary Art Museum 泰达当代艺术博物馆Ideas Brought Alive

For art lovers this place may prove to be of great interest. Opened last year as part of the In-Zone Art Hotel, this museum has a variety of artistic concepts throughout the interior. The museum is the first contemporary art

museum to be built in TEDA. It will definitely give you a taste of contemporary art in China and explain the way it has evolved. Spread across two big halls, the first hall displays the beautiful modern art paintings of China’s most distinguished artists. The art displays precise work and detailed contrast to demonstrate how far modern art has come. While almost all the art is done with the magic of paint brushes, some other pieces use surplus material to show its creativity. Moving towards the second hall you can see some of the works and pictures depicting the evolution and the adaptation of Chinese contemporary art from its very beginning. Most of the paintings are bought from the Century Women and Yuan Ming Yuan Art Village. The museum makes an effort to change the displayed art work regularsly and then to show art lovers the beauty of Chinese modern art. If you are fond of any of the paintings purchase arrangements can be made with the museum.

No. 39, Huanghai Lu, TEDA 开发区黄海路39号 Tue -Sun 10:00-16:00 +86 22 5988 8888 / 5982 9590

20 CNY per person

Moreno Donadel at the Tianjin Concert Hall The Magnificence of a European Sound

Tianjin Plus 15

Where is My Holiday Joy?A Season of Difficulties for Expats Living Abroad

Tianjin Plus 17

It began as a simple conversation b e t we e n f r i e n d s d u r i n g t h e holiday season. I was the quiet,

reflective individual and he was the outgoing, go with the flow type. Over the years I had watched Tim (name changed) advance in his profession and thrive in this new culture of Tianjin, China. I always admired him.

One day I received a phone call asking to come over. Since that day, the glimmer in Tim’s eyes was no longer there, his desire to be around friends no longer existed, and his frame was becoming heavier by the week. Tim was dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.).

S.A.D. is a disorder that causes d r a s t i c m o o d c h a n g e s d u r i n g s e a s o n s o f l e s s d a y l i g h t a n d colder weather. Statist ics var y according to geographic location, but increase with higher latitudes and in expatriates and woman. Expatriates have a stronger chance of developing S.A.D. due to isolation from typical social environments and a strong contrast from common cultural patterns (especially during the holiday season). Women are likely to be more vulnerable due to care giving responsibilities that tend to lead toward isolation with small children and little or no peer interaction. S.A.D is difficult to diagnose, but commonly exhibits characteristics similar to depression.

Symptoms may include an escalating appetite, cravings for carbohydrates, longer sleeping periods, fatigue, w e i g h t g a i n ( f r o m i n c r e a s e d appetite and carbohydrate intake), and stronger desires of isolation. A simple diagnostic tool is to monitor when drastic mood changes occur for longer than a two or three weeks period. If a feeling of low mood seems to only come around during seasons with shorter days and there is no past history of depression, you may be dealing with S.A.D. and not just a natural body biorhythm. Once I discovered what Tim was dealing with, I conveyed there were several treatments available.

Treatments include photo-therapy, psychotherapy, anti-depressant medications, more social interaction, and stress management techniques. A l t h o u g h n o t c o m p l e t e l y understood, it is believed that when sunlight enters the retina of the eye, it begins a chemical reaction that helps release anti-depressants into the body. From this school of thought photo-therapy was developed. The idea behind photo-therapy is to increase an individual’s exposure of full-spectrum light. You can purchase a light therapy box (not very common in China), or have more frequent walks during the daytime to accomplish this simple form of therapy. A second option, psychotherapy deals with a change in cognitive and physical processes

to combat low moods. A psychiatrist may prescribe a third option, anti-depressant medications that may include Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Sarafem, and Effexor to help during your S.A.D period. A fourth option is to increase your social interaction. Try to not hibernate in your home for the winter months, but socialize at a level slightly higher than your natural expectations. This will vary according to individuals. A fifth option is to practice stress management techniques such as exercise.

If you exhibit some or all of these symptoms, don’t be discouraged. It may not mean you are experiencing S.A.D. It is natural for our bodies to ‘slow down’ in colder months to conserve energy and retain calories to increase body fat for the purpose of warmth.

Tim conquered S.A.D after a few weeks of implementing various solutions and found his holiday joy. Before spring of that year Tim was his old self again. If you find yourself different during the current winter months, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you have questions about S.A.D. or would like to talk to a professional about S.A.D or other concerns please write a letter to Tianjin Plus Magazine where your letter will be forwarded to our staff health professional.

Tianjin Plus 16

Dinner, at home or outside?Preferably at home. I have good wines and good ingredients.

What’s your favourite restaurant?Bawarchi Indian Restaurant in Tanggu.

Favourite dish and drink.I like the Palaak Paneer and I usually drink beer in Tianjin. Not too much to choose from.

Anything resembling real Italian food in Tianjin?Yes, at my house (laughs)! Venezia in the Italian Area is very good and I heard about the Trattoria Italiana.

Where do you go to start and to end your weekend nights?Usually at Babaz followed by Stiong, and that’s it.

Where do you do your shopping?In Italy (laughs).

Trivia Quiz

Francesco Masoni31 from Italy and a Plant Manager.

Do you practice any sports in Tianjin?Basketball, football and I usually go to the gym.

Car or taxi?Car. Always.

What do you do on a Sunday afternoon?Play football with a steady group of friends.

Favourite place to hang with friends.I have to say Babaz.

Where to go on a date?I would go to my house. I cook well and I have the best wine! Venezia also.

What is worst and better about Tianjin?The negative aspects are the close-minded mentality, the fact that it ’s too business-oriented, the poor western nightlife, and a lot of untruthful people.

The positive aspects are the multi-cultural and familiar environment, and only a few truthful people.

Tianjin Plus 18 Tianjin Plus 19


Food cooked in front of you whets the appetite like no other, and Bai-Yi gets your juices flowing like Pavlov’s dogs. As a

teppanyaki restaurant, you sit in a horseshoe shaped setting around a large hotplate, choose dishes from the extensive menu and watch as the chef prepares it for you. The menu is primarily meat and fish based, with popular dishes being steaks and large prawns; oysters, shark, and tongue for the adventurous. Green beans, mushrooms, and rice dishes, amongst others, are available for vegetarian dishes.

Bai-Yi’s décor is a sensuous mix of red and black, with each hotplate able to accommodate around sixteen people. You will probably have to share chef-time with another group, which makes your meal slow to get started, but once it does, it comes steadily. Bai-Yi’s ordering system can be a little unreliable – you may order a dish that doesn’t come, or you may get a share of a dish ordered by another group. However, for RMB 150 you can order as much food or drink as you want, so you can always order more. The drinks’ range extends to beer, wine, sake, and soft drinks. Well worth a visit!

Baiyi Teppanyaki 百一铁板烧

No. 2-1-6, King Buyer Shopping Mall, no. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDA 开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场2-1-6号

10:00 - 22:00 +86 22 6629 5488

Babela’s Kitchen 巴贝拉意式休闲餐厅

Babela’s Kitchen offers a good t h r e e - w a y c o m p r o m i s e

between price, location and quality. Situated in the very epicentre of T ianj in’s pr ime shopping area , with Isetan across the road and the Howhy and Milenio shopping centres adjacent, Babela’s offers a respite in an area where only KFC and McDonalds dare to tread. The food is superior to either of the traditional fast-food chow-downs, wi th a menu of fer ing a var ied range of p izzas, pastas, soups, salads, and puddings. The food is not exceptional but per fectly good for the price – paying around 10RMB for a salmon salad or 18RMB for a prawn and pasta dish is no

bad deal, especially in comparison with fast-food prices – and the portions are of a good size. Drinks are primarily bubble teas, milkshakes, (the Dorios one is extraordinarily thick!) and juices. Wines and beers are also available.

The look of the restaurant is rather modernist, with matt black tables and white light fittings. Young fashionables or older people looking for something convenient and inexpensive generally frequent this location. The service is prompt, with the waiters taking orders on electronic keypads, ensuring correct delivery. Babela’s makes a welcome change, offering Western food at very affordable prices.

1-2F, Howhy Department Store, no. 199, Nanjing Lu, Heping District. 和平区南京路199号号外时尚馆1-2层

10:00 – 22:00 +86 22 2782 6470

Tianjin Plus 21Tianjin Plus 20

A Red and Black Delight

A Three-Way Advantage

Newly opened Trattoria Italiana located in the ever trendy Italian district is going to give other Italian restaurants

in the area a run for their money. The restaurant boosts a gorgeous 3 storey building and a chef hailing from rich culinary streets of Italy. The dim lighting and sinisterly dark wood furniture resembles a restaurant from a Hollywood mafia movie so much that you’ll be expecting Fat Tony to greet you at the back door. The management describes their restaurant as having a homely feel and if your last name is Corleone, you’ll feel like you’re at home.

The salami pizza with its perfectly symmetrical layout should be placed on the walls of a museum if not already entirely inhaled by your salivating mouth.

Similar to other restaurants in the area, Trattoria Italiana charges a premium price on their dishes. However, one cannot place a price tag on providing your sensations a rollercoaster of enjoyment, unless you’re the type of person saving up for that knockoff Gucci bag.

No. 443, Tianjin Istyle Town, Shengli Lu, Hebei District 河北区胜利路意大利风情街443号

19:00 - 22:00 +86 22 2446 0505

Friends Restaurant and Bar 朋友西餐吧 Moving on Up!

Mo v i n g f r o m i t s p r e v i o u s location on the ground floor

to the second storey, the old La Seine has been renamed 'Friends' and returns with a brand new facelift and stylish environment.

New additions include a romantic piano performance every Monday through Saturday from 7-9pm, an open kitchen area to watch Friends’ specialty cakes being made, and a patio area equipped with rocking chairs overlooking the Olympic Stadium.

Friends still arguably serves up the best gelato and sandwiches in town. However, they’ve revamped their menu creating new dishes including the Thai Style Stir Fried Shrimp Spaghetti (38 RMB) and the Black Pepper Steak (42 RMB). Staying fresh and innovative, Friends updates their menu every two weeks keeping the most popular items.

Group events can take advantage of Friends’ special group menu and corporate discount for bulk orders. Also, frequent visitors will enjoy the Friends’ Card, which offers a 200 RMB discount per every 1000 RMB spent.

Similar to the popular American TV series, Friends restaurant couldn’t have a more fitting name. Even if you don’t have any friends yourself, after you eat at Friends, you’ll no doubt become a friend of the restaurant.

7-9, 2F, bldg. B, Magnetic Plaza, Lingbin Lu, Nankai District 南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场B区2楼7-9

10:00 – 24:00 +86 22 2385 5018


The Godfather's Choice

Trattoria Italiana 意大利人餐厅

Following the success of their previous expat-jammed event, Radisson’s Purple Bar returned to glory with its

beach style party on November 6th. The bar brought the beach party necessities including sand, smooth tunes, and girls baring plenty of skin. The only thing missing was The Beach Boys, bonfires, and frat boys doing keg stands. Instead of the conventional sensitive acoustic guitar player playing sappy love songs, the Purple Bar substituted a hipster Swiss DJ equipped with professional headphones and a vicious iTunes play list.

Although most of the attendees didn’t quite follow the beach attire dress code, the staff of the Purple Bar were fully represented in shorts, sunglasses, and mid-riff shirts. Despite the lack of sun, the Purple Bar kept the crowd warm with plenty of drink discounts to keep the veins warm. Whoever said, a beach par ty couldn’t be pulled off in sublevel temperatures never attended Purple Bar’s scorching hot Beach Party. Yours truly will be looking forward to the Purple Bar’s next shindig which is definitely expected to melt away the winter blues.


Iconceived and created by the French chef Yvan Collet, La Seine is faithful to the name. Much

more than just another western restaurant in town, La Seine offers a lifestyle, joie de vivre et manger.

When someone decides to have dinner at La Seine, they know beforehand that the menu for a perfect evening has been set. It is your little, private Parisian moment. The melancholic voice of Edith Piaf will invite you to stroll and savour the elegant rues de Paris.

Divided into two floors, the cosy rooms will be a warm setting for your delight. The walls are richly painted in red, embracing black and white photos and paintings resembling the traditional city of lights, and at times the flamboyant times of La Belle Époque.

In shades of red and beige, the chinaware is the image of sophistication. Every single piece of linen is finely embroidered, the lamps are custom made and the black and red furnishings are relaxing wonders. The staff is surprisingly well-trained. One of the striking points at La Seine is the respect

and understanding for the art of waitressing, much enjoyed in southern Europe. The music isn’t loud to the point of discomfort nor low to the point you can’t notice it. French sounds are the exquisite touch in this piece of European haven.

The food is the image of French cuisine. Delicate and rich flavours combined with an extraordinary capacity to create beauty in a dish by Chef Collet, are beyond mouth-watering. Grilled Tuna with Basil and Sesame on Eggplant Fondue with Cilantro Dressing, Pumpkin Cream Soup with Thyme, Stewed Rabbit wit Mustard Sauce or the real Crème Brule are just a few teasing names on this daily-changing a la carte. It's an experience that provides orgasms to the palate accompanied with a wide variety of the best wines in the world.

Romantic and at times nostalgic, this is a new and lasting sensation in Tianjin.

No. 50, Ziyou Lu, Hebei District


+86 22 2446 0388

Sometimes it is hard to find a massage salon in Tianjin that

pleases the western taste and at the same time isn’t too expensive. In Forest Massage Salon you can finally have a great massage at a reasonable price. This comfortable Asian style is a combination of the relaxed and easy going Chinese culture and the simplicity of the Japanese decoration.

Th i s p l a ce, we l l k n ow n by t h e Japanese expats, is now revealed to everybody. The rooms are divided by wooden walls that will grant you the privacy you need, along with the low lights that create a natural quiet ambience.

Unlikely some other massage salons, where sometimes you leave feeling worse than when you arrived, in the

Forest Massage Salon, all the staff have graduated from the Tianjin Chinese Medical University and, if you decide to make them a visit, you will realize the great quality of their service.

In order to avoid unnecessary wait, they recommend you to book a visit. The prices go from 40 RMB for Cupping Acupuncture to 120 RMB for a Body Oil Massage. The staff can’t speak English but they have all the massage and therapies names in English what makes it easy to choose.

Do you feel uncomfortable going to a Chinese hair salon, because you never know what the final result would be?

Then let me introduce you to Andy You. He has more than nine years experience working with foreigners and will give you good advice about the look that fits you best according to the latest trends, while always keeping your requirements in mind.

And once you are in the hands of a good professional, why not follow the trend for this winter and change your hair color to a delicious chocolate brown with the best western brands of hair products?

AY Hair Salon is a small, cosy, western-style venue. It was specially created to cater foreign taste and is a place where you can find good quality products and services.

Besides quality, Andy also pays attention to hygiene in his working place, so he cleans and sterilizes all the instruments used with the client.

Because this is a small place, we recommend you book a visit, in order to avoid unnecessary waiting.

The prices are around 68RMB for a woman’s haircut and 48 RMB for man’s haircut. These prices are a little bit higher than the usual Chinese hairdressers, but when you see the final result you surely will not regret it.

Forest Massage Salon 福瑞斯特保健中心

5A01, Building 18, Magnetic Plaza, Nankai District 南开区奥城商业广场18-5A01 +86 22 2374 1333

AY Hair Salon

Room 04-303, Bldg.A, SOHO Gonshe Century City, Heiniu Cheng Dao, Hexi District


10:00 - 24:00 +86 22 8829 8330

Tianjin Plus 25



Housing 114Documents, Procedures, and Tips for Buying or Renting Property in Tianjin

Renting a Property

• Necessary Documents- Passport with valid visa• Procedure-

1. Locate preferred properties (can use an agent or recommendations)

2. Contact landlord for meeting

3. Negotiate terms of lease with landlord.

4. Show passport with valid visa.

5. Pay security deposit (approx. 3 months rent) and sign the lease agreement. One copy should be given to each party. The agreement should be in Chinese for legal purposes.

6. The landlord will handle registration procedures.

7. Continue to pay your rent monthly.

8. Upon moving out, contact your landlord 1 month in advance.

9. When prepared to leave, the landlord will inspect the apartment for damages. If damages exist, the amount will be deducted from your initial security deposit. If no damages, the full security

deposit will be returned.

10. Return keys.

Buying a Property

• Necessary Documents- Passport with valid working (z) visa, proof of employment letter from company•Procedure-

1. Locate preferred properties (can use an agent or recommendations)

2. Contact sales center for meeting

3. Negotiate terms of purchasing agreement with sales center.

4. Show passport with valid working (z) visa.

5. All parties will sign the housing agreement.

6. Pay down payment or entire purchase agreement amount.

- If paying for the entire housing costs, make payment in cash or place complete cost in bank deposit book.

- If planning to finance home will need to pay generally 30% as a down payment and the rest will be financed through your selected financial institute. Each housing center will have a preferred lender that they can connect you with.

7. Contracts, ownership certificates, and keys will be handed to the buyer.

8. Start your homes interior decorating process.

* Tips for Purchasing/ Renting a Home in Tianjin:

1. Be flexible. For expatriates who are more flexible, they tend to have an easier life. Also expatriates come to Tianjin with certain expectations that do not exist here. You should try to learn to accept what exists here.

2. Choose a correct agent and landlord. The agent and landlord may be working together for their own benefit. Do not only rely on advertisements, for they can be misleading. Ask the locals who are the reliable agents who in turn can tell you who are the reliable landlords.

*Housing Tips from Susan Sun Director and General Manager of E-SMART Relocation Consultants Co., Ltd.

No Place Like HomeInterview with Susan Sun, Director and General Manager of E-SMART Relocation Consultants Co., Ltd.

Please introduce your company to our readers.E-Smart Relocation Consultants Co. Ltd. started in 1996. It was the very first company in this region to provide professional housing services for expatriates. As of now it is still the leading company in the industry.

How has the housing market changed in Tianjin?Around 10 years ago there were more people willing to buy property compared to today. Nowadays our clients are usually individuals hired and working in multi-national companies. Today ver y few of these clients would like to invest in housing.

W h a t i s t h e c u r r e n t h o u s i n g market like in Tianjin?The expat community here in Tianjin can be divided into 3 groups. The first group can be called ‘Western.’ Among the Western category the top three are German, French, and Spanish. Outside of these, there are countries from all corners of the world, but they are grouped together because English is used as a common language. The second group is Japanese and third, Korean. Koreans are the largest group occupying half of the Tianjin expatriate community. The main reasons are because of the lower cost of living and the close distance between Tianjin and Korea. Koreans also have the highest amount of investment among the foreign expatriate group. However after the crisis, some of them have returned home.

J a p a n e s e a n d We s t e r n e r s a r e our major clients since most of these individuals rent property in Tianjin. Roughly 1% have bought property here. Generally speaking it is because of two reasons. The first reason is because their spouse is Chinese so it is easy to use the spouse’s name and follow the same procedure as locals do. The second

reason is because they are really interested in property investments. Outside of these two kinds of people, there are few that invest here.

What can you tell us about renting and buying properties in Tianjin?To buy is complicated. To sell is even more complicated. To rent a n a p a r t m e n t i s m u c h e a s i e r. Foreigners may apply for mortgages if necessary. The policy however is that a foreigner is limited to buying one home to prevent foreign ‘hot’ money from inflating the market. After working in Tianjin for more than one year you are eligible to buy one home for yourself. The process is the same for commercial properties.

The process for used homes is slightly different. This is because there is already an established mortgage and owner of the property. The seller must go through the procedure of clearing the mortgage first, and then the buyer can sign the contract. It is recommended that all individuals find a realtor and/or lawyer for this process. This process is quite complicated and even difficult for local people.

H o w d o y o u d e a l w i t h t h e language barrier if you are looking to rent or purchase a house?That is part of our service value. You will need a realtor that is familiar with local procedures and can speak English well.

Where can expatriates look to find available homes?If they are aware of the location where they would like to go, they can just find that location’s sales office. If they do not know they can contact a service provider like us. We will first inquire if they would like a commercial or residential property and the investment amount. We can then help them make a decision. Our strong point is in residential property. From this I would like to recommend to your readers some tips on how to select a home here in Tianjin (See Housing 114 Article in Tianjin Plus January Issue, 2010).

Tianjin Plus 26 Tianjin Plus 27

15 Binshui Road, Zi Jin Hua Yuan, Tower 2,19BHexi District 河西区宾水道15号紫金花园2座19B08:00–17:00+86 22 2836 0997


Tianjin Plus 28 Tianjin Plus 29

Flying With the EaglesInterview with Dr. Scott Finnamore, Head Principal of Tianjin International School

What brought you to Tianjin and the Tianjin International School (TIS)? My childhood was in the home o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l e d u c a t o r s . M y p a r e n t s b o t h w o r k e d i n international schools, so the idea of belonging to an international school was not unusual. I always envisioned myself moving back overseas after living in the States for some period of time. During my s t ay t h e re, I m e t my w i fe who also had the same dream of living overseas and working in an international school.

What aspect of being a principle do you enjoy the most? What is one of the challenges?I think one of the most challenging aspects of being a principal of an international school is working with families of diverse backgrounds from all over the world. Each family brings expectations from their own cultural backgrounds, their own ways of raising children, their own ways of solving problems, and their own ambitions for the future. We (families and TIS) have to learn how to understand and interact with one another.

S o m e o f t h e p o s i t i ve s wo u l d b e t r u e o f b e i n g a p r i n c i p a l a t a ny s c h o o l . Yo u h ave t h e ability within a limited sphere of influence to make changes that can really make a difference in students’ lives. As a principal, you also have the opportunity to help staff develop professionally and socially and impact their lives.

What educational philosophies are practiced at TIS?W e w o u l d l i k e t o s e e f o u r fundamental values developed in the lives of our students. We want

our students to be nurtured. We wish to provide an environment that is safe, healthy, and fosters growth in all aspects of the student’s l i fe - - academica l ly, soc ia l ly, physically, spiritually, and morally.

Another concept is balance. We want them to experience a wide range of activities and try different areas of the educational process such as art, music, physical activities, and service, in addition to academics. Well-roundedness enriches the student’s life and informs interactions with other people.

The third concept is preparation. We want our students to go to excellent universities, but we also want them to be prepared to go into academical ly competit ive environments with the skills that they wil l need for l i fe. “高分低能/ Gao fen di neng (high score low ability),” is a Chinese saying that summarizes well what we are seeking to avoid.

T h e l a s t c o n c e p t i s p e o p l e o f integrity. We want our students to consistently be people of integrity regardless of where they are or whom they are with.

What changes have you seen in the Tianjin community during your time here?The area near Shi Dai Ao Cheng along Bin Shui Xi Dao is just a microcosm of what is happening in Tianjin. In the past, that area use to be a small two-lane road between trash disposal zones, lakes, and various other things. To see it as it is today with the Olympic Stadium and its surroundings is just amazing. Concerning aspects of infrastructure as well as services and opportunities available to the international community, Tianjin has just exploded.

1 Meiyuan Road, Huayuan

Industrial Area, Nankai District


Mon – Fri: 08:00 – 17: 00

+86 22 8371 0400


The Ultimate Electric Vibes at Highway Musical

Every guitar player is a bit of a loner inside, and most of the time their only faithful companion is their guitar.

If you want to find your dream guitar and gear in any style, visit Highway Musical. Soft rock aficionados or heavier tone enthusiasts will drool in anticipation looking at the available collection. Picture yourself strumming a vintage Gibson or Fender, a Japanese EPS guitar, or cranking out the sounds of amazing Hi-Watt amps, and rejoice. Anyone is welcome to share opinions and chat about the greatest instruments or bands of all time. The Rolling Stones, Sepultura, Children of Bodom, The Who, Lacuna Coil, you name it and they know it!

Ibanez AR5000RELimited Vintage Edition38,500RMB

HiWatt Hi-Gain 100Hand-built in UK20,000RMB

ESP Eclipse 1 CustomFor aggressive and powerful sounds12,800RMB

Guitar’s prices start at 7,000RMB

Highway Musical Co., Ltd. New World of Friendship Building, No. 65-10, Binjiang Dao, Heping District 海巍乐器有限公司和平区滨江道65-10号友谊新天地

10:00 - 18:00 Closed on Mondays

+86 22 2721 6267

If looking for stylish car options below the 100,000 yuan threshold, the Chevrolet Lova is one of your better choices. Built with General Motors quality and a price tag of around 74,000 yuan, you can buy an import that

can last years on the road. Available in red, blue, white, green, and orange, the seducing shape of this 3.9 x 1.7 x 1.5 meter car will rev a few engines. One of Chevrolet’s finest five-passenger sedans, the interior includes cloth seating, a 360-degree air conditioning ventilation unit, and a driver level touch screen control deck. The 0.16-meter wide control deck allows the driver to switch between radio, DVD, TV, MP3, and GPS navigation. For safety, the Lova comes packaged with front and side airbags for protection of all individuals. If apprehensive

about space, the rear f l ip-and-fold seats are collapsible to compliment the spacious trunk. The heart of the Lova however is its engine. The Twin-Tec 1.6L l-4 Engine with Variable Valve Timing ( VVT ) is perfect for the city streets. Choose between a 5-speed manual or automatic transmission both with overdrive features. The fuel efficient, 45-litre tank of the Lova will give you 43 kilometers per litre in the city and 54 kilometer per litre on the highway. During the stop and go in the city, you will experience the ABS front disc and back drum braking system. After sales, you are protected with a three year, roughly 58,000 kilometer warranty and have access to a nation-wide 1-800 service hotline to connect you with your nearest repair center.

Chevrolet Lova Style with Affordability

Tianjin Plus 30


BengonsTong’an Xinli, no. 20, Tong’an Dao Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 9666宾果士和平区同安道20号同安新里

Cold Stone Creamery-1F, The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 1576 酷聖石冰淇淋和平区南京路189号津汇广场负1层

Gang Gang Delicatessen1F, Somerset Olympic TowerNo. 126, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 5716和平区成都道126号奥林匹克大厦1层

Kissling BakeryNo. 33, Zhejiang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 0330起士林食品公司和平区浙江路33号

Kiss’n Bake-1F, The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 1616凯丝恩贝和平区南京路189号津汇广场负1层

Mighty DeliNo. 8, Huanhu Zhong Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2352 6766美琪食品河西区环湖中道8号

Paris Baguette-1F, Robbinz Department StoreNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2716 8258巴黎贝甜和平区南京路128号乐宾百货负1层

Sun Sweet1F, bldg. 6, Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2321 9299圣思威特和平区解放北路津湾广场6区1层

Cuiheng VillageYouyi Lu Branch1-2F, Science & Technology BuildingNo. 23, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2813 1601翠亨邨友谊路店:河西区友谊路23号科技咨询大厦1-2层Weidi Dao Branch2F, block C, Huasheng PlazaNo. 146, Weidi Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8823 8986围堤道店:河西区围堤道146号华盛广场C座2层

Mong Kok Café2F, bldg. 6, Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2321 9298旺角茶餐厅和平区解放北路津湾广场6区2层

Yue Wei XianNo. 283-285, Hebei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 8888粤唯鲜和平区河北路283-285号

Yue Xian Ge RestaurantShuiyinglan BuildingPingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 8999奥鲜阁酒楼河西区平山道水映兰底商

Zhonghua DunpinNo. 19, Shuishang Bei Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2352 9898中华燉品南开区水上北路19号

Zhuang Ji 7F, Robbinz Department StoreNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2716 8228莊记和平区南京路128号乐宾百货7层

Aishang 2046 Sijia CaiNo. 43, Hubei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 7566爱上2046私家菜和平区湖北路43号

China Station2F, Radisson Plaza Hotel TianjinNo. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888中国站河东区新开路66号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店2层

Chinese Restaurant3F, Holiday Inn Tianjin RiversidePhoenix Shopping MallHaihe Dong Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2627 8888 ext. 2211中餐厅河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场海河假日酒店3层

Chun Yun Tian1F, Binhu BuildingHuanhu Zhong Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 5066楚云天河西区环湖中路滨湖大厦1层

Fortune Restaurant2F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2355富淳中餐厅空港物流加工区中心大道55号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店2层

Fountain LoungeHyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & SpaNo. 8, Zhujiang Da DaoZhouliang Zhuang, Baodi District Tel: +86 22 5921 1234碧泉茶园宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号京津新城凯悦酒店

Guandi Tianjin HuiNo. 28, Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 8666官邸天津会和平区重庆道28号

Gui Yuan RestaurantNo. 103, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 7530桂圆餐厅和平区成都道103号

Jiangnan Xiao ChuNo. 151, the junction of Guilin Lu and Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 5656江南小厨和平区重庆道与桂林路交口151号

Kong Yi Ji RestaurantArea A, bldg. 7, Culture TownAncient Cultural Street, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2735 8333孔乙己酒店南开区古文化街文化小城7号楼A座

Mouth Restaurant1F, bldg. 1, Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5836 8081青年餐厅和平区解放北路津湾广场1区1层

RegimenNo. 51, bldg. E, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 6767颐和南开区天塔道上谷商业街E座51号

San Yuan De Ren JuNo. 229, Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 8008三源德仁居和平区重庆道229号

Su Zhe RestaurantNo. 107, the junction of Pukou Dao and Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2328 0055苏浙酒楼河西区马场道与浦口道交口

Tao Li Chinese Restaurant 6F, Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3561桃李中餐厅和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店6层

Tianjin Wei 1928No. 5, Nanmen Wai Dajie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2728 1928天津卫1928和平区南门外大街5号

Bakeries & Desserts




Tianjin Plus 32


Xiang Dun Ba Fang RestaurantThe junction of Yichang Dao and Kunming Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8352 3978香炖八方酒楼和平区昆明路与宜昌道交口

Ye Cun XiangNo. 79, Munan Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2311 0249野邨乡和平区睦南道79号

Bai Jiao YuanChangjiang Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2742 1177百饺园南开区长江道

Ding Tai Fung No. 18, the junction of Zijin Shan Lu and Binshui Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2813 8138 鼎泰丰河西区宾水道与紫金山路交口18号

Go BelieveShandong Lu BranchNo. 77, Shandong Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2730 2540狗不理山东路店: 和平区山东路77号Shipin Jie BranchShipin Jie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2727 1116食品街店:和平区食品街Shuishang Bei Lu BranchJinlong ApartmentsNo. 16, Shuishang Bei Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2337 1999水上北路店:南开区水上北路16号津龙公寓

C'est la Vie French Restaurant3F, bldg. D, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 9808三乐味法国餐厅南开区天塔道上谷商业街D座3层

La SeineNo. 50, Tianjin Istyle TownZiyou Dao, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2446 0388赛纳河法国餐厅河北区自由道意大利风情街50号

Saigon CourtNo. 173, the junction of Xikang Lu and Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictCoffee Time 14:00 - 17:00Tel: +86 22 2335 9173贡苑法式越南餐厅和平区成都道与西康路交口173号

B.J. Top-class Hongkong BFT 52F, Center PlazaNo. 118, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5829 9698香港避风塘酒楼和平区解放北路118号信达广场52层

Hai Di Lao Hotpot3F, Renren LeNo. 78, Xihu Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8568 5886海底捞火锅南开区西湖道78号人人乐3层

Huo Tian Da You HotpotNo. 99, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 4107火天大有火锅和平区成都道99号

Mo Cuo Men Niu Du WangNo. 191, Hongqi Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2366 1699摸错门牛肚王南开区红旗路191号

Xiao Fei YangThe junction of Xianyang Lu and Jieyuan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2769 6688小肥羊南开区芥园西道与咸阳路交口

Yue Wei Xian Hotpot Restaurant No. 8, Tiyuan Bei Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2395 2000粤唯鲜火锅城河西区体院北道8号

Alibaba Indian Restaurant & Bar2F, Sports Hotel No. 90, Weijin Nan Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2391 6368阿里巴巴印度餐厅酒吧南开区卫津南路90号体育宾馆2层

Bawarchi Indian RestaurantNo. 69, bldg. B, Shang GuTianta Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 2786芭瓦琪印度餐厅南开区天塔路上谷商业街B座69号

B.J. Top Class52-53F, Hisense PlazaNo. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5829 9698云顶百家和平区解放北路188号海信广场52-53层

Babela’s Kitchen2F, How Why Department StoreNo. 199, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2782 6470巴贝拉意式休闲餐厅和平区南京路199号号外时尚官2层

BuitoniNo. 86, Minzu Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2445 1592堡康利河北区民族路86号

Gino RestaurantNo. 231, Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2352 6530季诺意式休闲餐厅河西区马场道231号

Glass HouseHyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & SpaNo. 8, Zhejiang Da DaoZhouliang Zhuang, Baodi District Tel: +86 22 5921 1234水晶厨房宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号京津新城凯悦酒店

Trattoria ItalianaNo. 443, Tianjin Istyle TownShengli Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2446 0505意大利人餐厅河北区胜利路意大利风情街443号

Venezia ClubNo. 48, Tianjin Istyle TownZiyou Dao, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 8761 3413威尼斯酒吧河北区自由道意大利风情街48号

Benkay Japanese Dining 5F, Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3558弁慶日本料理餐厅和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店5层

Bo Di ChengNo. 194, Dagu Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2332 6802博蒂诚和平区大沽北路194号

Chitose5F, Ningfa GroupNo. 21, Shuishang Dong LuNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2392 0287千登世南开区水上东路21号宁发集团5层

Hanli Shui DaoA-27, Longshui Yuan, Lanshui HolidayNo. 1, Youyi Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8838 8899韩丽水道日本料理 河西区友谊南路1号蓝水假期龙水园A-27

Kasumi1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2322霞日式料理空港物流加工区中心大道55号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店1层

Hong Kong







Tianjin Plus 33


Kushi Grill2F, Radisson Plaza Hotel TianjinNo. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888串烧河东区新开路66号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店2层

Meshiya Hashiba7F, Isetan, Modern TownNo. 108, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2718 8385桥场饭屋 和平区南京路108号现代城伊势丹7层

MichikusaNo. 6, Hunan Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2712 5057美千草和平区湖南路6号

MuromachiNo. 146, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 1570室町和平区解放北路146号

SeitaroQixiangtai Lu Branch(Next to Kaisa Palace)1F, no. 46, Qixiang Tai Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 5588清太郎日本料理气象台路店:和平区气象台路46号1层(凯撒皇宫旁)Zijin Shan Lu BranchSheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2335 0909紫金山路店:河西区紫金山路喜来登大酒店

Shinken1F, Jun Yue HotelNo. 16, Guizhou Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2783 9995真剑日本料理和平区贵州路16号君悦酒店1层

Wei Cai7F, Robbinz Department StoreNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2716 8251味彩和平区南京路128号乐宾百货7层

Yuzu7F, Center PlazaNo. 118, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2313 5777柚子和平区解放北路118号信达广场7层

Zhen You Mei5F, Hisense PlazaNo. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2319 8686真由美日本料理和平区解放北路118号海信广场5层


Han Jin Cheng4F, Huahu Department StoreNo. 151, Xinhua Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2731 6928韩津城和平区新华路151号华都商厦4层

Han Luo Yuan1F, Golden Crown BuildingNo. 20, Nanjing Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2302 9888韩罗苑河西区南京路20号金皇大厦1层

MIGA Korean RestaurantNo. 42, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2742 7742味佳韩国料理南开区鞍山西道42号

SorabolNo. 873, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2833 5588萨拉伯尔河西区大沽南路873号

The Gimbob(Next to E-Mart)Magnetic Plaza, Binshui Xi DaoNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8549 0888南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场(易买得旁)

YEZA Korean RestaurantNo. 47, bldg. C, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2341 1738椰家韩餐厅南开区天塔道上谷商业街C座47号

Hong Qi ShunNo. 668, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2832 8038鸿起顺河西区大沽南路668号

Hui Fang LouNo. 74, Dali Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2311 6066会芳楼和平区大理道74号

Galilee Pizza HouseHuayuan Jiuhua Li BazaarHuayuan Jie, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2373 1366加利利披萨店南开区华苑街华苑久华里市场

Gold Pizza1F, Caifu BuildingWeijin Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2304 5765黄金比萨南开区卫津路财富大厦1层

JPT Pizza3F, Huaju Department StoreNo. 72-74, Xikang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8385 0182家必得比萨店和平区西康路72-74号华钜百货3层

Papa John’s Pizza-1F, The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 1616棒约翰比萨和平区南京路189号津汇广场负1层

Pizza BoxFukang Garden, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2367 1318比萨香西餐厅南开区富康花园

Pizza HillBldg. B, Magnetic PlazaLingbin Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5025天津嘉喜来比萨餐饮南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场B区

Pizza Hut-1F, Robbinz Department StoreNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2716 8268‎必胜客和平区南京路128号乐宾百货负1层

Pizza SevenNo. 146, Weidi Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 4772美闻比萨河西区围堤道146号

Jin BaiwanNo. 42, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 1000金百万河西区友谊路42号

Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant The junction of Siping Xi Dao and Lasa Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2781 8383全聚德烤鸭店和平区拉萨道与四平西道交口

Tianjin Roast Duck Restaurant Guangdong Lu BranchNo. 139, Guangdong Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2324 9603天津烤鸭店广东路店:河西区广东路139号Liaoning Lu BranchNo. 146, Liaoning Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 2730 3335辽宁路店:和平区辽宁路146号

Zheng YangchunNo. 418, Hongqi Nan Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2367 6989正阳春鸭子楼南开区红旗南路418号



Roast Duck

Tianjin Plus 34


KoreanPeng Tian GeNo. 8, Hongqi Nan Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2395 6666鹏天阁南开区红旗南路8号

Qi Nian WanNo. 26, Shuishang Bei Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2359 1999祈年湾海鲜阁南开区水上北路26号

117 Garden VillaNo. 117, the junction of Dali Dao and Kunming Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 1117117花园别墅和平区昆明路与大理道交口117号

Gun Shi Shanghai RestaurantNo. 4, Changde Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2311 1188滚石上海餐厅和平区常德道4号

Shanghai TimeShuishang Dong Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 2341上海年代南开区水上东路

Tang Xuan Restaurant3-4F, Tianlong Yanyi PlazaNo. 78, Jianshe Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2325 6000唐轩酒楼和平区建设路78号天龙演艺广场3-4层

Bayu RenjiaNo. 33, Yichang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 1818巴渝人家和平区宜昌道33号

Chuan Ren Bai Wei7F, Robbinz Department StoreNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2716 8238川人百味和平区南京路128号乐宾百货7层

South BeautyNo. 1, the junction of Youyi Bei Lu and Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2325 9327俏江南河西区马场道与友谊北路交口1号

Zi Sha Hu RestaurantNo. 199, the junction of Yingkou Dao and Xinhua Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 0435紫砂壶酒楼和平区新华路与营口道199号



TeppanyakiAngel Gulf TeppanyakiJin Wan Branch1-2F, bldg. 6, Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2321 9058天使湾法式铁板烧津湾店:和平区解放北路津湾广场6区1-2层The Exchange Branch-1F, The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 1088津汇店:和平区南京路189号津汇广场负1层

Baiyi TeppanyakiThe junction of Xiao Zhujiang Dao and Youyi Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 5588百一铁板烧河西区友谊南路与小珠江道交口

Hong Hua TeppanyakiNo. 3-5, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 1777红花铁板烧南开区天塔道上谷商业街3-5号

TAIRYU TeppanyakiBldg. C, 12A, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 1718大渔铁板烧南开区天塔道上谷商业街C座12A

Banana LeafTian Di Hui Restaurant PlazaNo. 89, the junction of Qinghe Dajie and Nanmen Wai Dajie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2727 5999蕉叶国餐厅和平区大门外大街与清和大街交口89号天地烩美食街

Golden Elephant Thai RestaurantNo. 78, the junction of Yong’an Dao and Guangdong Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2328 7801金象苑泰国餐厅河西区广东路与永安道交口78号

YY Beer House(Behind International Building)No. 3, Aomen Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 9634粤园泰餐厅和平区澳门路3号(国际大厦后侧)

Efes7F, OLE Shopping MallBinjiang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2718 3458埃菲斯西餐厅和平区滨江道欧乐时尚广场7层

Broadies TavernNo. 16, Bar Street, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8837 0933部落地西餐酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街16号

Hank's Sports Bar & GrillNo. 56, 1F, bldg. B, Shang Gu Tianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 7997汉克斯运动酒吧南开区天塔道上谷商业街B座1层56号

T.G.I. Friday’sNo. 7-2, Fukang Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2300 5555星期五餐厅南开区复康路7-2号

Kind LotusNo. 68, the junction of Kunming Lu and Changde Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 8629并蒂莲素食餐厅和平区常德道与昆明路交口68号

Seven Leaves Vegetarian Restaurant2F, Yuanyang BuildingXinkai Lu, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2337 1479七贝叶素餐厅河东区新开路远洋大厦2层

Yuanman Vegetarian RestaurantThe junction of Baoding Dao and Hubei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 7359圆满素食林和平区湖北路与保定道交口

80's Bar(Behind Carrefour)1F, bldg. 5, Fenghe GardenXihu Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2749 245680吧南开区西湖道风荷园5号楼1层(家乐福后侧)

AlibabaWeihua Li Xiaoqu, Tong’an DaoHeping DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 3976阿里巴巴和平区同安道卫华里小区

Barcelona Western Food RestaurantNo. 10, Binyou Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2837 3207巴塞罗那西餐厅河西区宾友道10号







Tianjin Plus 35



Café Venice2F, Holiday Inn Tianjin RiversidePhoenix Shopping MallHaihe Dong Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2627 8888 ext. 2271威尼斯咖啡厅河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场天津海河假日酒店2层

Café@661F, Radisson Plaza Hotel TianjinNo. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888咖啡66河东区新开路66号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店1层

Friends Restaurant and Bar7-9, bldg. B, Magnetic PlazaLingbin Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5018朋友餐厅南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场B区7-9

Gold PubNo. 109, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 139 2081 6219金德西餐体闲吧和平区成都道109号

Gold PubNo. 109, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 139 2081 6219金德西餐体闲吧和平区成都道109号

Greenery CaféTian Di Hui Restaurant Plaza Nanmenwai Dajie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2734 8788绿茵阁西餐厅和平区南大门外大街天地烩美食街

Hamber Bar & RestaurantNo. 22, Kaifeng Dao, Xiaobai Lou (1902 Street), Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2311 2282汉马堡餐吧和平区小白楼开封道22号

Kiessling Western RestaurantNo. 33, Zhejiang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 0330起士林西餐厅和平区浙江路33号

KokopelliNo. 6, Changdu Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2781 7172Kokopelli餐巴和平区昌都路6号

M ClubNo. 5, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 5818 1108茉莉河西区友谊路5号

Mediterranean RestaurantTong Lou, no. 212, Weidi Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 9102地中海边西餐厅河西区围堤道212号佟楼

Monjardin Restaurant & BarNo. 58, Kaifeng Dao, Xiaobai Lou (1902 Street), Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2312 1008蒙哈丁西餐酒吧和平区小白楼开封道58号

Ou Luo Ba RestaurantNo. 36-42, Kaifeng Dao, Xiao Bai Lou (1902 Street), Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 6178欧罗巴西餐厅和平区小白楼开封道36-42号

Pan Shan Grill & Wine2F, Main Building, Sheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext.1820盘山葡萄酒扒房河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店主楼2层

Rollins Subs(Next to KFC) Bldg. B, Magnetic Plaza, Lingbin Lu Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5418罗林士三明治南开区凌宾路奥城商业广场B区(肯德基旁)

Sabrina Family Restaurant-1F, The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 1615萨布里那和平区南京路189号津汇广场负1层

Sa Le Shi Happy RestaurantNo. 251, Baidi Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8789 4797萨乐士欢乐餐厅南开区白堤路251号

Seven Days7F, Robbinz Department Store

No. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 日七和平区南京路128号乐宾百货负7层

Small London RestaurantNo. 73, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2312 8998伦小敦西餐厅和平区成都道73号

Spectrum All-Day Dining7F, Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3570彩西餐厅和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店7层

Tapas Wujiayao BranchNo. 55, Wujiayao Dajie, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2337 1456美滋味吴家窑店:河西区吴家窑大街55号Magnetic Plaza BranchBldg. A3, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5327奥城广场点:南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A3区

Wei Hao Jia1F, Wanda CinemaNo. 168, Heping Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8558 6022味好家牛排馆和平区和平路168号万达影城1层

Wyndsong Restaurant1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2333风之细语西餐厅空港物流加工区中心大道55号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店1层

Tianjin Plus 36


31 CupsNo. 29, Changde Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2666 313131杯咖啡和平区常德道29号

Amor CoffeeNo. 22, Ping’an Dajie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2721 6586爱念咖啡和平区平安大街22号

Banilla CoffeeBook BuildingNo. 362, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 2306 3060百怡咖啡河西区大沽南路362号图书大厦

Canvas CaféYuanyang Xin TiandiNo. 61, Xinkai Lu, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 6089 6520画布咖啡西餐厅河东区新开路61号远洋新天地

Ciao Coffee Bar2F, Hisense PlazaNo. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2319 8366喜可意和平区解放北路188号海信广场2层

Coffee TimeNo. 1, the junction of Shaoxing Dao and Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2813 4857时光咖啡河西区友谊路与绍兴道交口1号

Courtyard CaféThe junction of Hebei Lu and Munan Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 0425庭院咖啡和平区睦南道与河北路交口

Harvest Book & CoffeeRoom 101, gate 3, bldg. 27 Jiuhuali GardenNo. 191, Yingshui Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2373 3461哈维斯特咖啡南开区迎水道191号久华里花园27号楼3门101室

iCaféA4, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5072爱咖啡南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4

Lemon Talk Café and TeaNo. 305, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2741 6883柠檬新语南开区鞍山西道305号

Look Space! Coffee & GalleryNo. 64, Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 1912注意空间咖啡和平区重庆道64号

Memory Modern CoffeeA2-07, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 5838 7678摩豆记忆南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A2-07

Miracle Coffee2F, Fengshui Garden, Xin Haiwan Business PlazaNo. 2-80, Meijiang, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 8838 9285米萝克咖啡河西区梅江2-80号新海湾商业广场风水园2层

SPR Coffee1F, bldg. B, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5329SPR 咖啡南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场B区1层

Starbucks CoffeeBinjiang Dao Branch1F, Hualian BuildingNo. 200, Binjiang Dao, Heping District星巴克咖啡滨江道店:和平区滨江道200号华联商厦1层Heping Lu Branch1F, Parkson Department StoreNo. 162, Heping Lu, Heping District和平路店:和平区和平路162号百盛购物中心1层Nanjing Lu BranchInternational BuildingNo. 75, Nanjing Lu, Heping District南京路店:和平区南京路75号国际大厦

The HereNo. 86, Chifeng Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2712 3939这里咖啡和平区赤峰道86号

The Spot Cafe(Opposite of Tianyu Hotel) Nanfu Fang DajieDiantai Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2783 7764 聚点咖啡馆和平区电台道南浮房大街(天宇大酒店对面)

Time Coordinate CoffeeNo. 6, the junction of Hanghai Dao and Baidi Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8789 2737时间坐标咖啡馆南开区白堤路与航海道交口6号

Trueman CoffeeBldg. C, Zilai GardenShuangfeng Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8741 1811楚门咖啡南开区双峰道紫来花园C座底商

UBC CoffeeDagu Lu Nan BranchNo. 816, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2833 6408上岛咖啡大沽店:河西区大沽南路816号

Pingshan Dao BranchNo. 30, Pingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2301 6583平山道店:河西区平山道30号Qiongzhou Dao BranchNo. 141, the junction of Guangdong Lu and Qiongzhou Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2326 5858琼州道店:河西区琼州道与广东路交口141号

Haiya Teahouse Binjiang Dao BranchNo. 120, Binjiang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2730 8828海雅茶园滨江道店:和平区滨江道120号Jiefang Bei Lu BranchNo. 183, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 8868解放北路店:和平区解放北路183号

Jin Le Tea House2F, New Culture GardenRongye Dajie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2723 2777金乐茶楼和平区荣业大街新文化花园2层

Ming Hua Xin Tea HouseNo. 187, Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 1298茗花馨茶艺馆和平区重庆道187号

Mingyuan TeahouseNo. 42, Changde Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 5080茗源咖啡和平区常德道42号

Rose House1-2F, bldg. 6, Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 137 1882 9532古典玫瑰园和平区解放北路津湾广场6区1-2层

Xinrong Tea HouseNo. 25, Pingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2352 4910鑫荣茶艺馆河西区平山道25号

Yang Lou Tea HouseThe junction of Kunming Lu and Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 7244洋楼茶园和平区重庆道与昆明路交口

Zhengqinghe Zhuyeqing Tea HouseNo. 56, Guangkai Er Ma LuNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2741 9800正清和竹叶青茶庄南开区广开二马路56号

Zheng Xing De Tea HouseNo. 66, Tai’an Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 8058正兴德茶点和平区泰安道66号

Coffee Shops

Tea Houses

Tianjin Plus 37

13 ClubTianjin Istyle TownZiyou Dao, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2445 1517河北区自由道意大利风情街

8 BarNo. 78, Jianshe Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 59888号酒吧和平区建设道78号

Babi ClubNo. 83, Qiongzhou Dao, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 8381 6006芭芘俱乐部河西区琼州道83号

Bull’s ClubNo. 83, Baidi Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8185 3333公牛酒吧南开区白堤路83号

City Music Club No. 64, Limin Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8998 8833喜地音乐酒吧河西区利民道64号

CocoBar Street, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2837 0888瀚金佰Coco酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街

Dazzle Lobby Lounge1F, Holiday Inn Tianjin RiversidePhoenix Shopping MallHaihe Dong Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +87 22 2627 8888 ext. 2266昡吧河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场天津海河假日酒店1层

Euro Bar1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2355欧罗吧天津空港物流加工区中心大道55号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店1层

Fountain Lounge BarHyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & SpaNo. 8, Zhujiang Da DaoZhouliang Zhuang, Baodi District Tel: +86 22 5921 1234碧泉茶园酒吧宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号京津新城凯悦酒店

Hard Rock Club(Next to Narcissus Hotel) Pingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2301 1564硬石音乐主题俱乐部河西区平山道(天水大酒店旁)


Bars & Discos Harry’s BarNo. 25, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 2777哈里酒吧河西区友谊路25号 JV'S Bar1F, Main Building, Sheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext. 1845JV'S 酒吧河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店主楼1层

Le Nest ClubNo. 103, Qiongzhou Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8381 6666乐巢酒吧河西区琼州道103号

Lobby Bar2F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2355大堂吧空港物流加工区中心大道55号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店2层 Mayflower BarThe junction of Zijin Shan Lu and Qixiang Tai Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 5859 9898五月花酒吧河西区气象台路与紫金山路交口

Mizu Bar5F, Hotel NikkoNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3555美津酒吧和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店5层

Nic ClubNo. 143, Munan Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 159 2207 0904泥Club和平区睦南道143号

Pepper3F, bldg. B, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 5238南开区天塔道上谷商业街B座3层

Pines CafeHyatt Regency TianjinNo. 219, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 1234和平区解放北路219号凯悦酒店

Purple Bar2F, Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin No. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888葡吧河东区新开路66号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店2层

Sapphire Minyuan StadiumNo. 83, Chongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 137 5253 9905


Scarlet3F, Bolian BuildingNo. 155, Weijin Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2355 6223乱世佳人和平区卫津路155号博联大厦3层

ScootersBar street, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2837 0575思酷特酒吧河西区友谊路酒吧街

SherryA-21, Xinshui GardenYouyi Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 136 0200 2571雪莉酒吧河西区友谊南路欣水园A-21

SITONG Bar-1F, Somerset Olympic TowerChengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2337 7177昔唐音乐酒吧和平区成都道奥林匹克大厦负1层

Sugar ClubHenghua BuildingXiawafang, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 5831 8888蜜糖酒吧河西区大沽南路下瓦房恒华大厦

Vinchalet Café2F, Diwu Da Dao Plaza, Chengji BuildingNanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 2987万喜来和平区南京路诚基大厦第五大道商业街2层

Zero Club-1F, bldg. C, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 8288零点酒吧南开区天塔道上谷商业街C座负1层

Best KTVNo. 37, Xihu Cun Dajie, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2746 9051贝斯特练歌城南开区西湖村大街37号

Eastern PearlNo. 2, Guizhou Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2781 6666东方之珠KTV和平区贵州路2号

Party Land KTVNo. 168, Baidi Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2300 3591金永KTV南开去白堤路168号


ChlitinaNo. 180, the junction of Shashi Dao and Kunming Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 4106克丽缇娜护肤中心和平区昆明路与沙市道交口180号

JiaJia Xin Yi Yang Sheng GuanRoom 102, bldg. 3, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 6566嘉嘉馨怡养生馆南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场3号楼102室

Natural BeautyNo. 18, Shashi Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 5716自然美和平区沙市道18号

Culture of Beauty2F, Diwu Da Dao Plaza, Chengji BuildingNanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 7473(Closed on Wednesday)美学文化和平区南京路诚基大厦第五大道商业街2层

Degen Beauty Salon-1F, The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 1066德根形象公社和平区南京路189号津汇广场负1层

Feeling Beautiful SalonNo. 2, Shuiyinglan BuildingPingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2337 8098霏雨霖河西区平山道水映兰庭底商2号

Feeling SalonNo. 17, Zhejiang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 6856千沐风和平区浙江路17号

K&J Hair ClubNo. 6, 1F, bldg. A4, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5382K&J发吧南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4区1层6号

Winter Rain StudioNo. 99, the junction of Rong’an Dajie and Rongye Dajie, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2723 5348冬雨造型南开区荣业大街与荣安大街交口99号


Beauty Salons


A Sen Da Mutong Xiyu ZhongxinNo. 22, Pukou Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2313 5080阿森大木桶洗浴中心河西区浦口道22号

Forest Massage SalonRoom 04-303, bldg. A, SOHO Gongshe Century City, Heiniu Cheng Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8829 8330河西区黑牛城道世纪城SOHO工社A座04-303室

Huali Massage CenterNo. 11, Luoyang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2332 2636 花利足疗保健中心和平区洛阳道11号

Dikara Spa4F, Radisson Plaza Hotel TianjinNo. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2457 8888 ext. 3910迪卡拉水疗中心河东区新开路66号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店4层

I Spa6F, Hotel NikkoNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 8888泰美好和平区南京路189号日航酒店6层

Milky SpaRoom 602, door 2, bldg. C Frienship Building, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2827 3456河西区友谊路友谊大厦C座2门602室

Oasis SPA at Sheraton1F, Sheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext. 2227喜来登绿洲河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店1层

Orchid ValleyRoom 103, bldg. 10 Ningfa Yangguang GardenNo. 4, the junction of Bocai Dai and Shiying Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2392 8402兰花峪南开区士英路与博彩道交口4号宁发阳光花园10号楼103室

Tea Tree Spa1F, Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext. 2400茶树水疗中心空港物流加工区中心大道55号天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店1层

Hotel Nikko Tianjin Yoga 6F, Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext.3290天津日航酒店瑜珈 和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店6层

Yunshui Yoga Club2F, bldg. 8, Yangguang ApartmentShuishang Dong Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 2338 1002云水瑜珈会馆南开区水上东路阳光公寓8号楼2层

Aichi International Dental Center4F, Huaju Department StoreNo. 72-74, Xikang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8568 5606爱齿口腔医疗中心和平区西康路72-74号华拒百货4层 Tianjin Dental Hospital No. 75, Dagu Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2711 9191天津口腔医院和平区大沽路75号

Tianjin Chest Hospital No. 70, Xi’an Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2314 7057天津胸科医院和平区西安道70号

Tianjin Children’s HospitalNo. 225, Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 9459儿童病专科医院河西区马场道225号 Tianjin Chinese Traditional Medicine CenterNo. 314, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2743 2236天津中医医学中心南开区鞍山西道314号

Tianjin Eye HospitalNo. 4, Gansu Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2731 3336天津市眼科医院和平区甘肃路4号

Tianjin First Central HospitalNo. 24, Fukang Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2362 6249天津第一中心医院南开区复康路24号

Tianjin Hexi Evercare Medical Special Hospital No. 13, Wujiayao Dajie, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2355 0363天津河西伊美尔医疗美容专科医院河西区吴家窑大街13号



Dental Clinics



Tianjin Plus 38 Tianjin Plus 39

Tianjin HospitalNo. 406, Jiefang Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2830 8891天津医院河西区解放南路406号

Tianjin Huaxi HospitalNo. 25, Heiniu Cheng Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2823 0188天津华夏医院河西区黑牛城道25号

Tianjin International SOS Clinic1F, Sheraton HotelZiji Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2352 0143河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店公寓楼1层

Tianjin International Travel Healthcare CenterNo. 6, Pukou Dao (at the junction with Tai’er Zhuang Lu), Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8332 6942天津国际旅行卫生保健中心河西区浦口道6号 (与台儿庄路交口)

Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and HospitalTiyuan Bei, Huanhu Xi Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 0123肿瘤医院 (天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院)河西区环湖西路体院北

Tianjin Medical University General HospitalNo. 154, Anshan Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 6036 2636天津医科大学总医院和平区鞍山道154号

Tianjin Ren’ai Hospital No. 181, Weiguo Dao, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2457 8955天津仁爱医院河东区卫国181号

Tianjin Wuzhou Gynecology HospitalNo. 67, Zijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 5867 7999天津五洲妇科医院河西区紫金山路67号

Tianjin Yitai Reproductive Specialist Hospital No. 90, Changjiang Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2711 3333天津怡泰生殖专科医院南开区长江道90号


G&G Golf Clinic/ Pro shop/ Club FittingTianjin Sports Center, Binshui Xi Dao Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2392 1936/7 +86138 2059 7784 (Coach)体育中心高尔夫南开区宾水西道体育中心内

Aroma (Tianjin) Golf ClubGreen base, Guangang Senlin Park Dagang DistrictTel: +86 22 6328 5000阿罗马(天津)高尔夫俱乐部大港区官港森林公园绿化基地处

Fortune Lake Golf ClubJinwang Lu, Jinghai ZhenTel: +86 22 6850 5299天津松江团泊湖高尔夫球会静海县津王路

Regal Rivera Golf ClubJingjin New TownNo. 1, Zhujiang Nan Lu, Baodi DistrictTel: +86 22 2966 9266帝景高尔夫俱乐部宝坻区珠江南路1号京津新城

Tianjin International Hot Spring Golf ClubNo. 5, Zhongxin Da Dao Airport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 2489 0391天津国际温泉高尔夫俱乐部空港物流加工区中心大道5号

Tianjin Pearl Beach International Golf Country ClubYingcheng Hu, Hangu DistrictTel: +86 22 6720 1818天津龙海国际高尔夫乡村俱乐部汉沽区营城湖

Yangliuqing Golf ClubYijing Lu, Yangliu Qing Zhen Xiqing DistrictTel: +86 22 2792 2792杨柳青高尔夫俱乐部西青区杨柳青镇一经路立交桥北

Alex Fitness Club(Next to Modern Women Center)3-4F, 8 Miles New Culture PlazaNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8988 8809天贝武老爱健身俱乐部南开区八里台新文化广场3-4层(旁妇女活动中心旁)

GLO Fitness & Health Club6F, Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3290焕 - 健康中心和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店6层

Golf Clinic/Pro Shop

Golf Clubs


International Building Fitness Center3F, International BuildingNo. 75, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 6666国际大厦健身中心和平区南京路75号国际大厦3层

Powerhouse GYMXiaobai Lou BranchBinjiang Gouwu, Xiaobai Lou, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2302 2008宝力豪健身俱乐部小白楼店:河西区小白楼滨江购物Binshui Xi Dao BranchBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2338 2008宾水西道店:南开区宾水西道

Sheraton Hotel Fitness CenterInside Sheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 3388 ext. 2228喜来登健身美容中心河西区紫金山路天津喜来登饭店内

Start Point Fitness Club5F, New World of Friendship BuildingNo. 208, Binjiang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 8222起点健身俱乐部和平区滨江道208号友谊新天地5层

Tina Dancing ClassRoom 805, bldg. B, Caifu BuildingWeijin Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2781 6644舞蹈健身中心南开区卫津路财富大厦B座805室Heiniu Cheng Dao Branch23F, room 1003, door 3, bldg. B03, SOHO Gongshe, Century CityHeiniu Cheng Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8829 8330黑牛城道店:河西区黑牛城道世纪城SOHO工社B03座3门1003室23楼层

Tudor Gymnasium Club8F, Center PlazaNo. 118, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5829 8731都铎健身俱乐部和平区解放北路118号信达广场8层

Able Outdoor1F, bldg. A4, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5007全能 户外俱乐部南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4区1层

Y. Q. B. Outdoor Sports ClubNo. 400, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2737 3435坚石游骑兵户外动物俱乐部南开区鞍山西道400号

Outdoor Clubs


Tianjin Plus 40

Map Tianjin Municipality

2009Tel: +86 22 2576 0956





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Map Wu Da Dao 2009Tel: +86 22 2576 0956

Tianjin Plus 48

GLO Fitness & Health Club Swimming Pool6F, Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888 ext. 3290焕 - 健康中心游泳池和平区南京路189号天津日航酒店6层

Indoor Swimming Pool4F, Health Club Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside Phoenix Shopping MallHaihe Dong Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2627 8888 ext. 2318室内游泳池河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场天津海河假日酒店4层

Sheraton Hotel Tianjin Swimming Pool1F, Sheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 3388喜来登酒店游泳池河西区紫金山路天津喜来登大酒店1层

Swimming Pool at Radisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin4F, Radisson Plaza Hotel TianjinNo. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2457 8888河东区新开路66号天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店4层

Tudor Gymnasium Club Swimming Pool8F, Center PlazaNo. 118, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5829 8731都铎健身俱乐部游泳池和平区解放北路118号信达广场8层

Tianjin People’s Stadium Tennis CourtThe junction of Chengdu Dao and Guizhou Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 0979人民体育馆网球场和平区贵州路与成都道交口

Tennis Courts

Swimming Pools


Tianjin Tennis CenterNo. 9, Fukang Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2359 1964天津市网球中心南开区复康路9号

C. L. Ma Furniture(Next to Bar Street) No. 16, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2837 6110可乐马家具河西区友谊路16号(酒吧街旁)

Dick’s Home Decoration Shop1F, bldg. B, Rainbow Furniture CityBehind Zhong Huanxian Rainbow Garden Changjiang Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2763 5886迪克家私专卖店南开区长江道中环线长虹公园对面长虹家具城B区1层

Famous Decoration CityNo. 59, Jintang Lu, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2402 1616名家装饰城河东区津塘路59号

Buynow MallNo. 366, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 5869 7666百脑汇南开区鞍山西道366号

Core MallNo. 259, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2305 9000时代数码广场南开区鞍山西道259号

CybermartNo. 381, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2746 9951赛博数码广场南开区鞍山西道381号

GomeThe junction of Dagu Nan Lu and Jiefang Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 5866 3111


Electrical Appliances


Su NingNo. 88, Zhongshan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 26291502苏宁电器河北区中山路88号

Butler WingNo. 17, Tai’er Zhuang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 138 2118 6363管家婆和平区台儿庄路17号

Sunshine Jiaxin Cleaning Service Co., Ltd.Room 427, bldg. C, Yunlang BuildingNo. 149, Weijin Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2353 5103阳光嘉信保洁服务有限公司和平区卫津路149号云琅大厦C座427室

Tianjin Shuimeilian House Cleaning ServiceNo. 904, bldg. B, Caifu BuildingNo. 43, Weijin Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2781 9805天津睡美莲家政服务和平区卫津路43号财富大厦B座904号

Cheng Wu LaundryNo. 4, Hualong Dao, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2441 7616诚屋洗衣河东区华龙道4号

FornetNo. 58, Xikang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2333 2888福奈特和平区西康路58号

Ilsa LaundryRoom 101, A-2, Cuihu Hot Spring GardenXiaguang Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8575 4846伊尔萨洗衣店南开区霞光道翠湖温泉花园A-2 101室

House Services



TEDA International Club Tianjin No. 7, Fukang Lu, Nankai District Tel: +86 22 5869 5555天津泰达国际会馆 南开区复康路7号

The Westin Tianjin (Opening soon)7F, tower C, The Emperor PlaceNo. 99, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 0670天津君隆威斯汀酒店和平区南京路99号君隆广场C座7层

Tian Bao International HotelNo. 368, Jingmen Da Dao Baoshui District Tel: +86 22 2576 1588天津天保国际酒店保税区京门大道368号

Tianjin Saixiang HotelNo. 8, Meiyuan Lu, Huayuan Industrial Area, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2376 8888天津赛象酒店南开区华苑产业区梅苑路8号

Best Western Byronn Hotel TianjinNo. 90, Xi’er Dao, Airport Industrial ParkTel: +86 22 8486 0000 Global free reservation telephone: 0800 0013 1779天津空港白云酒店空港物流加工区西二道90号

Crystal Palace Hotel TianjinNo. 28, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2835 6666天津水晶宫饭店河西区友谊路28号

Geneva HotelNo. 32, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 2222津利华酒店河西区友谊路32号

Jinbin International HotelNo. 135, Anshan Dao, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8331 1818晋滨国际大酒店和平区鞍山道135号

Jun Yue HotelNo. 16, Guizhou Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2308 8888君悦酒店和平区贵州路16号

Tianyu HotelNo. 19, Diantai Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2360 3388天津天宇大酒店和平区电台道19号

East Asia HotelNo. 41, Hanyang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2783 8888东亚大酒店和平区汉阳道41号


Crowne Plaza Tianjin BinhaiNo. 55, Zhongxin Da DaoAirport Industrial Park Tel: +86 22 5867 8888天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店空港物流加工区中心大道55号

Golden Crown HotelNo. 18, Nanjing Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2303 8866金皇大酒店河西区南京路18号

Golden Ocean HotelNo. 338, Nanjing Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2746 6666金泽大酒店南开区南京路338号

Harbor Centre HotelNo. 240, Zhangzi Zhong Lu Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8331 0888港湾中心酒店和平区张自忠路240号

Holiday Inn Tianjin Riverside Phoenix Shopping MallHaihe Dong Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2627 8888天津海河假日酒店 河北区海河东路凤凰商贸广场

Hotel Nikko TianjinNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8319 8888天津日航酒店和平区南京路189号

Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & SpaNo. 8, Zhujiang Da Dao Zhouliang Zhuang, Baodi DistrictTel: +86 22 5921 1234京津新城凯悦酒店宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号

Radisson Plaza Hotel TianjinNo. 66, Xinkai Lu, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2457 8888天津天诚丽笙世嘉酒店河东区新开路66号

Raffles Tianjin Hotel (Opening soon)Bldg. A, Huamao Business CentreNo. 219, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5836 6888天津莱佛士酒店和平区南京路219号环贸商务中心A座

Renaissance Tianjin HotelNo. 105, Jianshe Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2302 6888天津滨江万丽酒店和平区建设路105号

Sheraton Hotel TianjinZijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 3388天津喜来登大酒店河西区紫金山路

4 Stars

Friendship HotelNo. 94, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 5334友谊宾馆和平区南京路94号

Fulan Te HotelNo. 231, Xinhua Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 83326398富蓝特大酒店 和平区新华路231号

Liulin HotelDagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2812 4848柳林宾馆河西区大沽南路

Ocean Hotel Tianjin1F, Guidu BuildingNo. 89, Yingkou Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2331 4107天津远洋宾馆和平区营口道89号贵都大厦1层

Tianjin First HotelNo. 158, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8824 3372第一饭店和平区解放北路158号

Astor ApartmentNo. 32, Tai’er Zhuang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2303 2888利顺德公寓和平区台儿庄路32号

Crystal Palace Hotel ApartmentNo. 28, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 6666水晶宫饭店公寓河西区友谊路28号

Sheraton ApartmentZijin Shan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 3388喜来登公寓河西区紫金山路

Somerset Olympic TowerNo. 126, Chengdu Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 5888天津盛捷奥林匹克大厦服务公寓和平区成都道126号

Somerset YouyiNo. 35, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2810 7888天津盛捷友谊服务公寓河西区友谊路35号

TEDA International Club TianjinNo. 7, Fukang Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 5869 5555天津泰达国际会馆公寓南开区复康路7号

Tianjin Centre ResidencesNo. 219, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 5868 2888天津中心公寓和平区南京路219号

3 Stars

Tianjin Plus 51

5 Stars

Tianjin Plus 50




China HouseNo. 72, Chifeng Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2314 6666瓷房子博物馆和平区赤峰道72号

Drama MuseumChengxiang Zhon Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2735 6475戏剧博物馆南开区城乡中路

Folklore MuseumNo. 80, Ancient Cultural StreetNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2727 5062民俗博物馆南开区古文化街80号

Memorial Hall to Zhou Enlai and Deng YingchaoShuishang Gonyuan Bei DaoNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2359 2257周恩来邓颖超纪念馆南开区水上公园北道

Natural History MuseumNo. 206, Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 1895自然博物馆河西区马场道206号

Tianjin Art MuseumNo. 12, Chengde Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2312 2767天津艺术博物馆和平区承德道12号

Tianjin MuseumNo. 31, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 5879 3000 (Closed on Monday)天津博物馆河西区友谊路31号

Tianjin Science & Technology MuseumNo. 94, Longchang Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2832 0315 (Closed on Monday)天津科技馆河西区隆昌路94号

Tianjin Urban Planning MuseumThe junction of Bei’an Dao and Bo’ai Dao, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2445 6501 天津市规划展览馆河北区博爱道和北安道交口

Wu Da Dao Historical MuseumMinyuan DalouChongqing Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 2419五大道历史博物馆和平区重庆道民园大楼


Dongrui Art GalleryNo. 25, Zhejiang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 3499冬蕊艺术画廊和平区浙江路25号

Hui Tai Art Centre3F, bldg. E, Art BuildingNo. 6, Tai’er Zhuang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 7759汇泰艺术中心和平区台儿庄路6号院艺术区E座3层

No. 6 Art GalleryNo. 6, Tai’er Zhuang Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2332 2195六号院艺术馆和平区台儿庄路6号

Tianjin Academy of Fine-ArtsNo. 4, Tianwei Lu, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2624 1540天津美院美术馆河北区天纬路4号

Tianjin Art GalleryWenlian BuildingNo. 237, Xinhua Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 4156天津美术展览馆和平区新华路237号文联大楼

Yang Liuqing New Year Pictures WorkshopRoom 102, door 4, bldg. 17, Shiji Xinwan Yangliu Qing ZhenTel: +86 22 2739 4834杨柳青年画作坊杨柳青镇世纪新苑17号楼4门102室

Ju Chuan Billiards TownNo. 16, Diantai Dao, Heping District巨川台球城和平区电台道16号

Pilibao Bowling Center5F, Xin’an Shopping PlazaNo. 138, Dongma Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8734 0958霹雳保保龄中心南开区东马路138号新安购物广场5层

Tianma Entertainment City Bowling Alley10F, Jili BuildingNanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2722 1086天马娱乐城保龄球场和平区南京路吉利大厦10层

Xiaoxian Dao Bowling CenterNo. 18, Huanhu Zhong Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2391 1555消闲岛保龄中心河西区环湖中路18号

Art Galleries



Museums Yangliuqing MuseumNo. 47, Guyi Jie, Yangliu Qing Zhen Xiqing DistrictTel: +86 22 2739 1617 杨柳青博物馆西青区杨柳青镇估衣街47号

Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme ParkBaguatan, Yingchengzhen, Hangu District Tel: +86 22 5991 8888 / 8007滨海航母主题公园汉沽区营城镇八卦滩

The People’s ParkNo. 29, Huizhou Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2324 0371人民公园河西区徽州道29号

Tianjin Amusement ParkLeyuan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2833 4960天津乐园河西区乐园道

Tianjin ZooShuishang Gongyuan Dong LuNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2391 5066天津动物园南开区水上公园东路

Tianjin Botanical GardenQihao Qiao Bei, Waihuan XianXiqing DistrictTel: +86 22 2794 8011热带植物园西青区外环线七号桥北

Tianjin Water ParkNo. 33, Shuishang Gongyuan Bei Lu Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 0095天津水上公园南开区水上公园北路33号

Binhu TheatreNo. 6, Huanhu Zhong Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 2226滨湖剧院河西区环湖中路6号

Imax China Film3F, bldg. 6, Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2321 9060中影国际影城和平区解放北路津湾广场6区3层

Jinyi International Cinema3F, bldg. B, Magnetic PlazaNo. 8, Binshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5088(Every Tuesday half price)金逸国际电影城南开区宾水西道8号奥城商业广场B区3层


Theatres and Cinemas

Tianjin Plus 52

Tianjin Zhongshan Primary SchoolNo. 1, Tiyuan Bei Huanhu Zhong Dao Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 8273天津中山小学河西区体院北环湖中道1号

UniversitiesGerman Language Centre, Tianjin Foreign Studies UniversityBldg. 3, Tianjin Foreign Studies UniversityNo. 177, Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2326 5642天津外国语学院 歌德语言中心 河西区马场道117号天津外国语学院3号楼

Nankai UniversityNo. 94, Weijin Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2350 1583南开大学南开区卫津路94号

Tianjin Medical UniversityNo. 22, Qixiangtai Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2354 2621天津医科大学和平区气象台路22号

Tianjin UniversityNo. 92, Weijin Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2740 7575天津大学南开区卫津路92号

Tianjin University of Finance and EconomicsNo. 25, Zhujiang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2817 1399天津财经大学河西区珠江道25号

Tianjin University of Science and TechnologyNo. 1038, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 6027 3336天津科技大学河西区大沽南路1038号

Tianjin International Exhibition CenterNo. 32, Youyi Lu, Hexi District Tel: +86 22 2801 2988天津国际会展中心河西区友谊路32号

Tianjin Experimental High SchoolNo.1, Pingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 4658天津实验中学河西区平山道1号

Tianjin Xinhua High SchoolNo. 99, Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8165 3068天津新华中学河西区马场道99号

International SchoolsInternational School of TianjinWeishan Lu, Jinnan DistrictTel: +86 22 2859 2001国际学校天津分校津南区津南微山路

King’s English for KidsA4, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 5862 7779皇家少儿英语南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4

Pingu’s English Tianjin Tianta CenterNo. 1-9, bldg. A, Shang GuTianta Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2341 7272南开区天塔道上谷商业街A座1-9号

Tianjin International SchoolNo. 1, Meiyuan Lu, Huayuan Industrial Area, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8371 0900天津国际学校南开区华苑产业区梅苑路1号

Tianjin Rego International SchoolNo. 38, Huandao Xi Lu, Meijiang South Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8816 1180天津瑞金国际学校河西区梅江南环岛西路38号

KindergartensAmy Baby Early Education Centre2-141-1, New Harbor Business CentreMeijiang, Youyi Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2373 0000艾米国际教育河西区友谊南路梅江新海湾商业广场2-141-1

Hopeland International Kindergarten & Day Care CenterNo. 46, Xiaguang Dao, Weijin Nan Lu Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2392 3803华兰国际幼稚园南开区卫津南路霞光道46号

Primary SchoolsTianjin Primary SchoolNo. 977, Dagu Nan LuHexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8832 0569天津小学河西区大沽南路977号



Exhibition Centres

Tianjin Plus 53

Paradise CinemaNo. 35, Tianjin Istyle TownZiyou Dao, Hebei DistrictTel: +86 22 2446 4969天堂电影院河北区自由道意大利风情街35号

Tianjin Concert HallNo. 88, Jianshe Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2332 0068天津音乐厅和平区建设路88号

Tianjin Grand TheatreThe junction of Binshui Dao and Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 6028天津大剧院 河西区友谊路与宾水道交口

Tianjin People’s Art TheatreNo. 43, Pingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2334 1090天津人民艺术剧院河西区平山道43号

Wanda Warner International Cinema2F, Block E, Wanda Business SquareNo. 168, Heping Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2722 6619(Every Wednesday half price)华纳万达影城和平区和平路168号万达商业广场E座2层

Chinese Language Schools

Care International Language TrainingRoom 1402, bldg. 3, Chengji CentreNanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2737 3937凯尔语言培训中心和平区南京路诚基中心3号楼1402室

Tianjin China Cultural InstituteNo. 340, Anshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2741 3545天津中华文化学院南开区鞍山西道340号

TLI Language Institute in TianjinRoom 1808, bldg. B, Sunny SquareShiyijing Lu, Hedong DistrictTel: +86 22 2421 8989中华语文研习所河东区十一经路三联大厦B座1808室

High/Middle SchoolsNankai High SchoolNo. 22, Nankai Sima Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2748 3391南开中学南开区南开四马路22号

No. 1 High SchoolNo. 117, Xi’an Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2339 1126天津第一中学和平区西安道117号


Tianjin LibraryNo. 15, Fukang Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2362 0082天津图书馆南开区复康路15号

Century 21 Real EstateNo. 58, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2836 882121世纪不动产河西区友谊路58号

Sumimoto Real Estate2-2-1901, Chegji Center, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2316 1511住友不动产和平区诚基中心2-2-1901

SuncoNo. 6, Munan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2312 9913顺驰河西区睦南道6号

Tianjin Centaline Property Consultants Co., Ltd.No. 9-128, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 139 2044 9150天津中原物业顾问有限公司南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场9-128号

Tianjin Shengyida Real Estate ConsultantOffice 101, E-7, Rome GardensYong’an Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2324 6098天津圣义达房地产咨询有限公司河西区永安道罗马花园E-7101室

E-Smart Relocation Consultants Co., Ltd.19B, bldg. 2, Zijin GardenNo. 15, Binshui Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2836 0997天津市伊斯玛特房地产服务有限公司河西区宾水道15号紫金花园2座19B

LC Relocation C21No. 68, Yuexiu Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 138 2099 1956河西区越秀路68号

Royal Relocation Consultants20B, bldg. 2, Zijin GardenNo. 15, Binshui Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2813 6943荣联房地产服务有限公司河西区宾水道15号紫金花园2座20B

Tianji ANQI Relocation Co., Ltd.Room 1531, Economic Unite Center PlazaNo. 305, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2746 3863和平区南京路305号经济联合大厦1531室


Vanguard Relocation Business Co., Ltd.1F, Sale and Rental Centre Huasheng PlazaWeidi Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 8823 8855万家房地产经营有限公司河西区围堤道华盛广场租售中心1层

China Youth Travel Agency2F, New Culture GardenRongye Dajie, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2731 6688中国青年旅行社和平区荣业大街新文化花园2层

Classical Holiday Travel Service27F, block B, Triumphal Arch BuildingNo. 66, Nanjing Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2302 1813经典假期旅行社河西区南京路66号凯旋门大厦B座27层

Tianjin China International Travel ServiceNo. 22, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2810 9123天津中国国际旅行社河西区友谊路22号

Tianjin China Travel ServiceNo. 16, Pingshan Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2430 1330天津市中国旅行社河西区平山道16号

Tianjin CITIC International Travel Co., Ltd.No. 2, Zhengzhou Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2316 1795天津中信国际旅行社有限公司和平区郑州道2号

Tianjin Daya Travel ServiceOffice 616, Bainaohui Technology BuildingAnshan Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 5869 7537天津大亚旅行社南开区鞍山西道百脑汇科技大厦616室

Relocation Companies

Travel Agencies

Tianjin KanghuiOffice 1701, Xinhua BuildingXinhua Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2313 3872天津康辉旅行社和平区新华路新华大厦1701室

Ancient Cultural StreetAncient Cultural Street, Nankai District古文化街南开区古文化街

Drum TowerDrum Tower, Nankai District 鼓楼南开区鼓楼

Shenyang Antiques MarketShenyang Dao, Heping District 沈阳道古物市场和平区沈阳道

Hai Guang Si Book CityXindu Building, Hai Guang Si, Weijin Lu Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2777 8505海光寺书城海光寺卫津路新都大厦

Tianjin Book BuildingNo. 362, Dagu Nan Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2306 2335天津图书大厦河西区大沽南路362号

Tianjin Dongbeijiao Xinhua BookstoreNo. 2, the junction of Dongma Lu and Dongbeijiao Bei Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2727 3467天津东北角新华书店南开区东北角北马路与东马路交口2号

Tonglou Foreign Languages BookstoreNo. 184, Machang Dao, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2335 8058佟楼外文书店河西区马场道184号

8 Miles New Culture PlazaNo. 109, Weijin Nan Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2351 3366八里台新文化广场和平区卫津南路109号

Binjiang Shopping CenterNo. 29, Kaifeng Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2330 6218滨江购物中心和平区开封道29号

Far Eastern Department StoreNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2727 1688远东百货和平区南京路128号

Antiques & Souvenirs


Department Stores & Shopping Malls


Real Estate


Hisense PlazaNo. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2319 8888海信广场和平区解放路188号

How WhyNo. 199, Nanjing Lu, Heing District号外时尚馆和平区南京路199号

International Department StoreNo. 211, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2781 4108国际商场和平区南京路211号

IsetanBlock C, Modern TownNo. 108, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2722 1111伊势丹和平区南京路108号现代城 C区

Jin Wan PlazaJiefang Bei Lu, Heping District津湾广场和平区解放北路

MaigoNo. 211, Binjiang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2711 8861麦购体闲广场和平区滨江道211号

OLE Shopping PlazaNo. 300, Binjiang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2723 0333欧乐时尚广场和平区滨江道300号

Parkson Shopping CentreNo. 162, Heping Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 8558 6688百盛购物广场和平区和平路162号

RobbinzNo. 128, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2718 8080乐宾百货和平区南京路128号

The ExchangeNo. 189, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 8319 1818津汇广场和平区南京路189号

Tianjin Department StoreNo. 172, Heping Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2721 1404天津百货大楼和平区和平路172号

Tianjin Friendship Department StoreNo. 21, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 6086 0000天津友谊商厦河西区友谊路21号

Xin’an Shopping PlazaNo. 138, Dongma Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8734 1858新安购物广场南开区东马路138号

Shenyang Antiques MarketShenyang Dao, Heping District沈阳古物市场和平区沈阳道

Ningfa Li Food MarketShiying Lu, Nankai District宁发菜市场南开区仕英路

Shuguang Li MarketThe junction of Jianshan Lu and Heiniu Cheng Dao, Hexi District曙光里市场河西区黑牛城道与尖山路交口

Xinxing Food MarketTong’an Dao, Heping District新兴菜市场和平区同安道

Yong’an Food MarketYong’an Dao, Hexi District永安菜市场河西区永安道

Baby ShopA4, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai District



Tel: +86 22 2385 5117婴之宝南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4

BuyUs International Inc.Room 819, F-South bldg., High-Tech Info SquareNo. 8, Huatian Dao Huayuan Industrial Park, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2370 7382南开区华苑产业区华天道8号海泰信息广场F南座819室

Fudeng Qipao StoreNo. 110-1, Ancient Cultural StreetNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2725 0912福登旗袍店南开区古文化街110-1号

Highway Musical Co., Ltd.New World of Friendship BuildingNo. 65-10, Binjiang Dao, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2721 6267海巍乐器有限公司和平区滨江道65-10号友谊新天地

Kalosi CoffeeA1, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2338 8891卡洛西咖啡南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A1

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Tianjin Plus 56


Tianjin Fu Shi-Song(Apple Authorised Reseller)A4, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5072天津富士松 (苹果授权经销商)南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A4

Vajra1F, E-Mart, A1-20, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2385 5020吉恒精品南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A1-20易买得1层

Watsons1F, Xin’an Shopping PlazaNo. 138, Dongma Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8734 0922屈臣氏南开区东马路138号新安购物广场1层

CarrefourLongcheng Store No. 138, Dongma Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2726 9696家乐福龙城店:南开区东马路138号 Hai Guang Si Store No. 302, Nanjing Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2721 0850海光寺店:南开区南京路302号

Century MartNo. 60, Guangdong Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2324 1688世纪联华超市河西区广东路60号

Crystal Palace SupermarketNo. 28, Youyi Lu, Hexi DistrictTel: +86 22 2835 6888 水晶宫超市河西区友谊路28号

Le Select No. 24, Kaifeng Dao Xiaobai Lou (1902 Street) Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2311 1778西来克红酒体验吧和平区小白楼开封道24号

Madame He Imported Wine & BeerNo. 291, Namen Wai DajieHeping DistrictTel: +86 22 2697 8079何夫人进口酒水专卖店和平区南门外大街291号

Miel Household GoodsA77, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 137 5202 2380蜜迩家居用品南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A77

Milano Luxury2F, bldg. A, International Department StoreNo. 211, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2782 3302华丽米兰和平区南京路211号国际商场A座2层

Sephora Tianjin Milenio Store1F, Jili BuildingNo. 209, Nanjing Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2721 0571Sephora 丝芙兰天津米莱欧店和平区南京路209号吉利大厦1层

Swarovski1F, Hisense PlazaNo. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2319 8108施华洛世奇水晶轩和平区解放北路188号海信广场1层

Teresa Fine WinesA1-12, Magnetic PlazaBinshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 8833 3237珊珊清品酒屋南开区宾水西道奥城商业广场A1-12


E-Mart SupercenterMagnetic Plaza Store The junction of Lingbin Lu and Binshui Xi Dao, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 5869 1234易买得超市奥城店南开区宾水西道与凌宾路交口

Heping GOURMET Supermarket-1F, Longbin GardenNo. 5, Shuishang Xi Lu, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2394 7926和平超市南开区水上西路5号龙滨园1层 Hisense Supermarket-1F, Hisense PlazaNo. 188, Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping DistrictTel: +86 22 2373 1998海信超市和平区解放北路188号海信广场负1层

Isetan Supermarket-1F, IsetanNo. 108, Nanjing Lu, Heping District Tel: +86 22 2722 1111伊势丹超市和平区南京路108号伊势丹负1层

METRO SupermarketNo. 75, Xiqing Dao, Hongqiao DistrictTel: +86 22 2732 8888麦德隆超市红桥区西青道75号

Wal-MartHedong StoreThe junction of Xinkai Lu and Huachang Dajie, Hedong District Tel: +86 22 2433 2599沃尔玛超市河东店:河东区华昌大街与新开路交口 Heping StoreNo. 66, Fu’an Dajie, Heping District Tel: +86 22 5829 2955和平店:和平区福安大街66号

Clay Figure ZhangNo. 17, Gu Wenhua Jie, Nankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2727 5081泥人张南开区古文化街17号

Wei Kite2F, east wing, Gulou Bei JieNankai DistrictTel: +86 22 2728 0650风筝魏南开区鼓楼北街东侧2层

Yangliu Qing New Year PicturesMingqing Jie, Yangliu Qing ZhenXiqing DistrictTel: +86 22 2739 8205杨柳青年画西青区杨柳青镇明清街

Tianjin Art Stores

Bread CakeNo. 29, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 8576 4910津乐园饼业有限公司开发区第三大街29号

Bread & Sliced11F, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2716 面包房开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店11层

Craft Gourmet1F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 3711万丽美食阁开发区第二大街29号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心1层

FelicityBack street of King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 5517飞利西蒂开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场后街

Maky BakeryNo. 27, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 8462米旗开发区第三大街27号

Salsa Churrasco11F, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2740 巴西烧烤餐厅开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店11层

Seaport Well-known RestaurantNo. 33, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 5981 5988 海港世家大酒楼开发区第二大街33号

Wan Li Chinese Restaurant2F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 6750万丽轩中餐厅开发区第二大街29号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心2层

Warner Chinese Restaurant2F, Warner International Golf ClubNo.1, Nanhai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 6009华纳中餐厅开发区南海路1号华纳高尔夫俱乐部2层





Yujia DazhaimenThe Junction of Hangzhou Dao and Chezhan Bei Lu, Tanggu District Tel: +86 22 2581 8808渔家大宅门塘沽区车站北路与杭州道交口

Zen Chinese RestaurantCitizen PlazaNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388开发区第一大街86号市民广场

Zhou JiTEDA New FieldNo. 12, Nanhai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 1989周记名都开发区南海路12号泰达新天地

Bai Jiao YuanNo. 27, bldg. A, Guoxin BuildingZhangwang Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6202 1188百饺园开发区第二大街展望路国信大厦A座27号

Sawasdee Thai & Indian FoodKing Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 132 0755 9181(English & Thai)Tel: +86 150 2214 0351(English & Indian)萨瓦哩泰国餐厅开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场

GingaNo. 31, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6200 1656银贺日本料理开发区第三大街31号

Ko Ri AnFortune City PlazaNo. 43, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 0408古日本料理开发区第三大街43号财富星座

Kuinoi(Next to KFC) King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6529 8581云井日本料理店开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场(肯德基旁)

Mayfair Hotel Japanese RestaurantMayfair HotelNo. 10, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2528 1000美华酒店日料厅开发区黄海路10号


Indian & Thai


Qingshui Mu(Next to Beautiful China Building) 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2528 1020清水木开发区第一大街(美华大厦旁)

Rengaya(Next to Friendship Store) No. 19, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 4574炼瓦家开发区黄海路19号(友谊名都旁)

Sake’n Sushi Bar11F, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2730 寿司吧开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店11层

SeitaroCentury Village3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6529 9522清太郎日本料理开发区第三大街世纪新村

Taishi–tei Japanese RestaurantPengren YuanNo. 31-3, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6200 1656太子亭开发区第三大街篷仁园31-3号

TokugawaNo. 34, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2528 0807德川日本料理开发区第一大街34号

WangshuiB2, Perfect GardenNo. 18, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 8595望水餐饮 开发区黄海路18号博美园底商B2

Yinghua HouseKing Buyer BranchBldg. C, King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 0992樱花屋泰仟佰汇店:开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场C座Donting Lu BranchNo. 47, Dongting Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 0039洞庭路店:开发区东洞庭路47号

Papa John’sNo. 566, bldg. E Juchuan Jin Hai’an BuildingShanghai Dao, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2530 4862棒约翰塘沽区上海道巨川金海岸E区566号



Tianjin Plus 57


Rong Yue RestaurantBack street of King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 5520荣越餐厅开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场后街

Brasserie RestaurantRenaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 3711万丽西餐厅开发区第二大街29号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心

BuffaloTEDA Football FieldNo. 5, 5th Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 2666水牛石西餐厅开发区第五大街5号泰达足球场

Delights Restaurant & BarThe junction of Huanghai Lu and 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 9874狄拉西餐厅开发区第二大街与黄海路交口

German Lowenbrau Restaurant & Bar2F, Citizen PlazaNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6622 5129菜运宝西餐啤酒吧开发区第一大街86号市民广场2层

Parrot Restaurant & BarNo. 88, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 1663鹦鹉西餐厅酒吧开发区黄海路88号

Western Oriental Restaurant4F, no. 8, King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDA

Pizza HutNo. 453, Juchuan Jin Hai’an BuildingJiefang Lu, Tanggu District Tel: +86 22 2530 0242必胜客塘沽区解放路巨川金海岸商界453号

Dilong Cantonese Flavor RestaurantBinhai Development BuildingNo. 42, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 5222天津帝龙餐饮发展有限公司开发区第二大街42号滨海发展大厦底商

Red HouseNo. 88, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 9438红房子酒店开发区黄海路88号

Baiyi TeppanyakiNo. 2-1-6, King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 5488百一铁板烧开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场2-1-6号

Jin Shi TeppanyakiNo. 11, Nanhai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 9555金狮铁板烧开发区南海路11号

Qiyo TeppanyakiFortune City PlazaNo. 25-26, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 6633清友铁板烧开发区第三大街25-26号财富星座

Yupin Teppanyaki RestaurantRoyal PalaceNo. 10, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8038御品法式铁板烧开发区第二大街10号御景园






Tel: +86 22 6629 5525哇餐厅开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场8号4层

1st Avenue Café11F, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2761第一大道咖啡厅开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店11层

Manabe CoffeeNo. 108, Cuiheng Plaza – West Wing3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 1611真锅咖啡开发区第三大街翠亨广场东部108号

SPR CoffeeNo. 3, Hongda Jie, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 2566SPR 咖啡开发区宏达街3号

Starbucks CoffeeC102, Juchuan Jin Hai’an BuildingNo. 453, Jiefang Lu, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2589 3409星巴克咖啡塘沽区解放路453号巨川金海岸商界C102

UBC CoffeeNo. 39-10, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 9522上岛咖啡开发区第三大街39-10号

Aiwan Ting Tea House1F, Section F, Century Village3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6529 9541爱晚亭茶苑开发区第三大街世纪新村



Sukhothai Yue Spa11, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店11层

Touch Spa2F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6570 9504开发区第二大街29号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心

Yue Spa15F, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店15层

Aichi International Dental CenterCuiheng PlazaNo. 211, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 1079爱齿口腔医疗中心开发区第三大街211号翠亨广场

TEDA HospitalsNo. 65, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6520 2000泰达医院开发区第三大街65号

TEDA International Cardiovascular HospitalNo. 61, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6520 8888泰达国际心血管病医院开发区第三大街61号

Western Hospital1F, Jiafu Garden, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 8676名医会馆开发区第二大街加孚园底商

GomeNo. 94, Shanghai Dao, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2586 3727国美电器塘沽区上海道94号

Su Ning2F, New Ocean Century BuildingNo. 29, Hebei Lu, Tanggu District Tel: +86 22 2586 3477苏宁电器塘沽区河北路29号新洋世纪商厦2层


668 ClubNo. 338, Jiefang Lu, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2588 3316沸点668慢摇塘沽区解放路338号

Babi ClubNo. 39, Cuiheng Plaza3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 1188芭比俱乐部开发区第三大街翠亨广场39号

Dublin Irish PubNo. 137, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 2963督伯林爱尔兰西餐吧开发区第三大街137号

Eden Club4F, King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6638 9999夜殿酒吧开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟百汇商业广场4层

Freedom Bar(Opposite to Friendship Store) Bomei YuanHuanghai Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 158 2228 8975沙尘暴酒吧发区第二大街黄海路博美园底商(友谊名都正对面)

Island Bar & GrillThe junction of 3rd Avenue and Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 9531环岛酒吧开发区黄海路与第三大街交口

Jacky’s Pub2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 9197开发区第二大街

O’Leary Irish Pub1F, Ginza BuildingNo. 35, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 0333欧莱瑞爱尔兰西餐吧开发区第二大街35号银座大厦1楼

Renaissance LoungeRenaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888万丽泰达酒店酒廊开发区第二大街29号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心

Somewhere Else BarNo. 103, Jiafu YuanZhangwang Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDA上尉酒吧开发区第二大街展望路加孚园底商103号

Bars & Discos TEDA Bar1F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888 ext. 6722泰达酒吧开发区第二大街29号万丽泰达酒店及会议中心1层

Tropicana 22 Lounge22F, Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2761 热情22酒廊开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店11层

W&H Pub2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2529 3628韦哈酒吧开发区第二大街

YOYO ClubNo. 98, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 136 7208 8855YOYO 酒吧开发区黄海路98号

Eastern PearlNo. 507, Jiefang Lu, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2586 2222东方之珠KTV塘沽区解放路507号

Natural Beauty1F, Pengren Garden3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 2169自然美开发区第三大街蓬仁园1层

Orchid Massage and Nail SpaBldg. 3, Bomei YuanNo. 18, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 2311兰轩美甲休闲开发区黄海路18号博美园底商3号楼

Timeless Foot Massage2F, King Buyer Shopping MallNo. 32, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 1111康足会所开发区第三大街32号鸿泰仟佰汇商业广场2层

Blu SpaNo.10, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2528 1352Blu Spa 会所开发区黄海路10号


Beauty Salons



Dental Clinics



Tianjin Plus 58 Tianjin Plus 59

Electrical Appliances


CAS Laundry(Behind Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel) Fada Jie, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 6367美国CAS 国际干洗店开发区发达街(万丽酒店后面)

Fornet Taifeng Jia YuanNo. 112, 4th Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 5353福奈特开发区第四大街112号泰丰家园底商

Jie Li Te LaundryS-028, Royal Palace2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6539 1273洁利特洗染中心开发区第二大街御景园底商S-028号

Dosen Residences TEDA Fashion PlazaAoyun Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 5656德圣公馆开发区奥运路泰达时尚广场

Holiday Inn Binhai TianjinNo. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDA Tel: +86 22 6628 3388天津滨海假日酒店开发区第一大街86号

Holiday Inn Express Tianjin BinhaiTEDA Fashion PlazaNo. 11, Aoyun Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 5988 8999天津滨海快捷假日酒店开发区奥运路11号泰达时尚广场

Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Centre



No. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心开发区第二大街29号

TEDA International Hotel & ClubNo. 8, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 6000泰达国际酒店暨会馆开发区第二大街8号

Tianjin Ruiwan HotelNo. 2527, Yihao Lu, Xingang Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2578 0001天津瑞湾酒店塘沽区新港一号路2527号

Baiyun HotelNo. 12, the junction of Fada Jie and Nanhai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 8888白云酒店开发区南海路与发达街交口12号

D. D. CenterNo. 26, Jieda Lu, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 0088大地中心酒店开发区第三大街捷达路26号

Mayfair HotelNo. 10, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2528 1000美华酒店开发区黄海路10号

TEDA Center HotelNo. 16, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2520 6788泰达中心酒店开发区第三大街16号

Tianjin East Harbour HotelNo. 31, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 2529 1111

4 Stars


Tianjin Easy HotelNo. 17, the junction of Nanhai Lu and 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6625 1111天津怡家时尚酒店开发区第三大街与南海路交口17号

Tianjin Elegance HotelBldg. A, Fanglin TEDA Garden3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 5981 1111天津惠中酒店开发区第三大街芳林泰达园A座

Victory HotelNo. 1369, Jintang Gong Lu Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2534 4783胜利宾馆塘沽区津塘公路1369号

Hotel Ibis Tianjin TEDANo. 30, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 5981 5100天津泰达宜必思酒店开发区第三大街30号

Juchua Holiday InnNo. 4, Jiefang Lu, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2589 8866巨川假日酒店塘沽区解放路4号

Today’s International HotelNo. 1661, Xingang Erhao LuTanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2578 9999今天国际酒店塘沽区新港二号路1661号

Zhongtai HotelNo. 588, Heping Lu, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 6527 1788中泰酒店塘沽区和平路588号

5 Stars

Hotels3 Stars

UniversitiesTEDA College of Nankai UniversityNo. 23, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6622 9400南开大学泰达学院开发区第三大街23号

Tianjin Binhai International Convention & Exhibition Center5th Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6530 2888天津滨海国际会展中心开发区第五大街

TEDA LibraryNo. 21, Hongda Jie, TEDATel: +86 22 2520 3122泰达图书馆开发区宏达街21号

Ane Househunting & Consultant Co., Ltd.Fanglin TEDA GardenNo. 3, Hongda Jie, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 2345安逸房地产信息咨询有限公司开发区宏达街3号芳林泰达园

TEDA Contemporary Art MuseumNo. 39, Huanghai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 5982 9590 泰达当代艺术博物馆


International SchoolsTEDA International SchoolNo. 72, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6622 6158 泰达国际学校


Tianjin TEDA Maple Leaf International SchoolNo. 71, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6622 6888天津泰达枫叶国际学校


KindergartensGymboree Play & Music2F, bldg. 1, Golden Street CenterZhongxin Bei Lu, Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 66367699金宝贝


Century Home ServiceBldg. E7, Room A503, Binhai Finance ZoneNo. 20, Guangchang Dong Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6623 9596天津世嘉行地产顾问有限公司开发区广场东路20号滨海金融街E7A区A503室

Joanna Real EstateRoom 104, bldg. E4C Binhai Finance ZoneNo. 20, Guangchang Dong Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3456嘉园置地房地产经纪有限公司(天津分公司)开发区广场东路20号滨海金融街E4C区104室

Tianjin TEDA Henry Rental & Real Estate ServiceBlock E, Fanglin TEDA GardenNo. 3, Honda Jie, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 2233天津开发区亨利商务信息咨询有限公司开发区第三大街宏达街3号芳林泰达园E座底商

Tianjin China International Travel Service (CITS)Room 104, West bldg. No. 39, 3rd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6629 0560 天津中国国际旅行社开发区第三大街39号西区104室

EducationExhibition Centres


Real Estate

Travel Agency

Art Galleries


Tianjin Plus 60 Tianjin Plus 61

A Safe HavenTemple of HeavenChamps Elysees

2F, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention CentreNo. 29, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6621 8888香榭丽舍健身俱乐部开发区第二大街29号天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心2楼

Holiday Inn Binhai Hotel Fitness Center15F, Holiday Inn Binhai Tianjin No. 86, 1st Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6628 3388 ext. 2960天津滨海假日酒店健身中心开发区第一大街86号天津滨海假日酒店15层

Tianjin Freetrek Outdoor Sports ClubNo. 1038, Jintang Gong Lu Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 2582 9366天津自由行户外俱乐部塘沽区津塘公路1038号

Tel: +86 22 6200 3688邑农达超市开发区泰丰路与第四大街交口123-129号

Opus Food & Wine CellarFanglin TEDA GardenThe junction of 3rd Avenue and Nanhai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 5981 5646欧宝酒苑开发区南海路与第三大街交口芳林泰达园

Times Grocery StoreS-018, Royal Palace2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 5981 1208时代杂货商店开发区第二大街景园邸3期高层底墒S-018

Tianjin Warner International Golf ClubNo. 1, Nanhai Lu, TEDATel: +86 22 2532 6009天津华纳高尔夫俱乐部开发区南海路1号


Gangqiang FloristSuite S058, Yujing Yuan2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6439 1266港强花市开发区第二大街御景园坻底商S058

E-Mart SupercenterXiugu Business CenterNo. 1168, Jintang Gong Lu Tanggu DistrictTel: +86 22 5982 1234易买得超市塘沽区津塘公路1168号秀谷商业广场

Jia Shun Supermarket1F, Youyi Mingdu Department StoreNo. 19, Huanghai Lu, 2nd Avenue, TEDATel: +86 22 6620 1930佳顺自选店开发区第二大街黄海路19号友谊名都1层

Natural Farmers MarketNo. 123-129, junction of 4th Avenue and Taifeng Lu, TEDA




Golf Clubs


Outdoor Clubs

Tianjin Plus 62


Tianjin Plus 22

Most visitors to the Temple of Heaven have heard something about it or already know most of the

history behind.

It was built in 1420 as a complex of Taoist temples, during the reign of the great emperor, Yong Le. I t is divided into the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, Imperial Vault of Heaven and Circular Mound Altar. It was a place for worship during the Ming and Qing dynast ies . Leaving the Forbidden Ci t y, the Qing emperors would visit the temple on every occasion sacrifices and offerings were to be made. Praising the gods for prosperous crops or good weather became a common practice for the “sons of heaven”.

With the end of imperial China, the temple became a fascinating attraction for all Chinese enthusiasts. Beliefs aside, almost every visitor has their own reason to admire it. Some praise the walks through lively pavilions and never-ending gardens. Others simply feel at ease with the rambling through the temple grounds.

These days, the temple can also be referred to as a park. Somehow it seems that its purely spiritual connotation has been forgotten in history. It's not unusal to find elderly Chinese asking you to engage in one or two steps of what it seems to be called a southern Chinese dance. Dances with fans while listening to traditional Chinese instruments are common experiences at the temple, too. However, it is also common to have the customary commercial harassment. People sell ing all sorts of artefacts will surely “knock on your door”. The way to gracefully escape is to forget about the bothered “bu yao” and go for the content “yijing mai le”. Harassment is over. This might appear unseemly in a spiritual place, but the Temple of Heaven is more than a complex of Taoist temples. It's a place for admiration and contemplation, and each person's experience depends upon how they wish to perceive it.

TICC and China Bus Travel organized another enlightening and amusing trip, this time to the Temple of Heaven.As usual good vibes were a constant, especially facing the beauty and magnitude of the temple. Foreign amazement for China’s accomplishments never seems to cease.

Don’t miss the next trip!

SpainSpain Quick Facts:Official Name: Kingdom of Spain/ Reino de EspañaArea: 504,030 km²Population: 46,661,950 People (2009 figures)Currency: EuroTime Zone: Central European Time (CET)Official Language: SpanishGovernment: Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional MonarchyInternet Country Domain: .esEmbassy in China: Embassy of Spain in Beijing No. 9, San Li Tun Road, Chaoyang District, 100600Tel: +86 10 6532 3629Fax: +86 10 6532 3401E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

This article was contributed by Gary Ford, SpainGuide.com.

If you are coming to Spain for the first time, be warned: this is a country

that fast becomes an addiction. You might intend to come just for a beach holiday, or a tour of the major cities, but before you know it you'll find yourself hooked by something quite different - by the celebration of some local fiestas, perhaps, or the amazing nightlife in Madrid, by the Moorish monuments of Andalucia, by Basque cooking, or the wild landscapes and birds of prey of Estremadura. And by then, of course you will have noticed that there is not just one Spain but many. Indeed, Spaniards often speak of Las Españas (the Spains) and they even talk of the capital in the plural - Los Madriles, the Madrids.

This regionalism is an obsession and perhaps the most significant change to the country. Over recent decades there has been the creation of seventeen autonomías - autonomous regions - with their own governments, budgets and cultural ministries. The old days of a unified nation, governed with a firm hand from Madrid, seem to have gone forever as the separate kingdoms that made up the original Spanish state reassert themselves. The differences are evident wherever you look: in language, culture, artistic traditions, landscapes, skylines, attitudes, and politics.

The cities above all are compellingly individualistic. Barcelona, for many, has the edge due to Gaudí's splendid modernista architecture, the lively promenade of Las Ramblas, par excellence designer nightclubs, and for Barça - the city's football team. Madrid, although not as pretty, claims as many devotees. The city and its people immortalized in the movies of Pedro

Almodóvar, have a vibrancy and style that is revealed in a thousand bars, summer terrazas and not to mention three of the world's finest art museums. Then there's Sevilla, home of Flamenco and all the clichés of southern Spain. Next, Valencia, the vibrant Levantine City with an arts scene and nightlife equal to any European rival, and finally Bilbao, a new entry on Spain's cultural circuit due to Frank Gehry's astonishing Guggenheim museum.

Monuments range just as widely from one region to another, dependent on their history of control and occupation by Romans and Moors, their role in the "Golden Age" of Imperial Renaissance Spain, or their twentieth-century fortunes. Touring Castile and León, you confront the classic Spanish images of vast cathedrals and reconsquista castles. There are literally hundreds of the latter in the northern mountains of Asturias and the Pyrenees. Tiny, almost organic Romanesque Churches dot the hillsides and villages. Andalucía has the great mosques and Moorish Palaces of Granada, Sevilla and Córdoba. Castile has the superbly preserved medieval capital, Toledo and the gorgeous Renaissance University City of Salamanca. The harsh landscape of Estremadura cradles the ornate conquistador towns built with riches from the "New World".

Not that Spain is predominantly about buildings. For most visitors the landscape holds just as much fascination and variety. The evergreen estuaries of Galicia could hardly be more different from the high, arid plains of Castile, or the gulch-like desert landscapes of Almería. Agriculture makes its mark in the patterned hillsides of the wine and

olive-growing regions and rice fields of Levante. Spain is also one of the most mountainous countries in Europe, but there is still vast walking and wildlife in a dozen or more sierras. Especially in the Picos de Europa and Pyrenees. Spain's unique fauna boast protected species like brown bears, Spanish lynx, and Mediterranean monk seals, as well as the more common wild boar, white storks, and various birds of prey.

One of Spain's greatest draws is undeniably its beaches, although with infinitely more variety than you would be led to believe from the sun-and-sand holiday brochures. In particular long tracts of coastline along the Costa del Sol have been developed into many hotel and villa complexes. Do not fear, your pockets will remain delighted even on the big tourist costas. On the Costa Brava, the string of coves between Palamos and Begur are often overlooked, while in the south there are superb windsurfing waters around Tarifa and some decidedly low-key resorts along the Costa de la Luz. In the north, the cooler Atlantic coastline shows off the surfing sands of Cantabria and the unspoiled coves of Galicia's estuaries. Offshore the Balearic Islands have some superb sands and if you're up for it, Ibiza also offers one of the most hedonistic backdrops to beach life in the Mediterranean.

Wherever you are in Spain, you can't help but notice the Spaniards' infectious enthusiasm for life. In the cities there is always something happening - in bars and clubs, on the streets, and especially at fiesta times. Even out of the way places have a surprising range of nightlife and entertainment, not to mention the daily pleasures of a round of tapas.

Tianjin Plus 66 Tianjin Plus 67

Ji n W a n P l a z a s t a n d s f a r b e y o n d a m e r e

classification as a shopping mall. Located in an impressive square especial ly built for this purpose, an assembly of several European-style edifices have been created to boost commerce in the area and to beautify it.

The surroundings couldn’t be more favourable to the plaza. Facing the new and impressive

Tianjin Train Station with the Haihe River between, the visit is a promise for a romantic walk. The connection to one side of the river to the other is made by the magnificent steel structure Jiefang Bridge. This means that before or after you go inside Jin Wan Plaza you’ll get to enjoy an amazing scenery and relaxed w a l k s n e a r t h e r i v e r s i d e , perfectly tucked with season flowers in every garden.

At night the ambience is also ravishing. The lights from the train station and Jin Wan’s buildings reflect all around the area, and the river assumes romantic shades.

Inside, the plaza is airy and the natural light makes it pleasant to stroll around. Although the stores aren’t fully occupied yet, there are trendy coffee shops, elegant restaurants and an upmarket tea house. Newly

inaugurated, Canadian Imax is promising to become one of the biggest attractions inside. For those that haven’t heard of it yet, Imax is a film format that uses the largest screens in the world and an entirely new cinematographic experience. Movies are in the or iginal languages, mainly from the USA, with real popcorn.

That’s all folks! Enjoy your visit!

Jin Wan Plaza When Tianjin Becomes Romantic

Tianjin's Attractions

Former Residence of Liang Qichao 梁启超故居

Idealist of the Chinese bourgeois movement, Liang was one of the greatest scholars and journalists in China. The residence is homage to his memory, with a vast collection of literature, illustrations and photographs.

No. 44-46, Minzu Lu, Hebei District 河北区民族路44-46号

+86 22 2445 0856

Tue-Sun, 09:00 - 17:00


Tianjin Plus 70

Tianjin's Attractions

Temple of Compassion 大悲禅院

Dating from the Qing Dynasty, it is the biggest Buddhist temple in Tianjin and also an important activity center for Buddhism. It became well-known for offering sacrifices to the bones of Xuang Zang, a Tang Dynasty monk.

No. 40, Tianwei Lu, Hebei District 河北区天纬路40号

+86 22 2626 1768

Daily, 09:00 - 16:00


The Observation Wheel Tianjin Eye 天津之眼天摩天轮

The world’s only gigantic Ferris wheel built over a bridge. With a 110-meter diameter, it will lift visitors 120 meters above the ground, offering a spectacular view over the city and its surroundings.

Over The Yongle BridgeHaihe River, Hebei District 河北区海河三岔河口永乐桥

+86 22 2628 8830

Daily, 09:30 - 21:30


Haihe River 海河

Regarded as the “Mother River” of Tianjin, the Haihe covers an area of 300.000 square kilometers. It is appreciated for its natural beauty, and historical importance.

Tianjin Istyle Town意大利风情街

The only well-preserved quarter of Italian architecture outside Italy. A walk in history and culture, presenting truly Mediterranean buildings.

Former Italian Concession Area Hebei District 河北区意大利风情街



Tianjin Train Station天津站

First built in 1888 and recently renewed, this is the terminus station for the state-of-the-art Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail. The area around the train station is particularly preserved and romantic during night time.

No. 1, Xinwei Lu, Hebei District 河北区新纬路1号

+86 22 6053 6053




Tianjin's Attractions

Dagu Bridge 大沽桥

Composed of two arches, one larger than the other, symbolizing the sun and the moon. The design is usually referred to as an “unparalleled combined tie beam arch”.

Dagu Qiao, Haihe River Heping District 和平区海河大沽桥

Tianjin Plus 71

Binjiang Dao 滨江道

Tianjin’s busiest and most prosperous shopping street with the highest concentration of top department stores, both modern and traditional.

Binjiang Dao, Heping District 和平区滨江道



Food Street 食品街

With more than 100 restaurants, it offers an exquisite mixture of several types of cuisine, architecture and culture.

Bldg. D, Shipin Jie, Qinghe Jie Heping District 和平区清河街食品街D座

+86 22 5899 7866


Daily, 24h


Homage to Chinese culture, the house was built with millions of ancient porcelain flakes. The perfect place to appreciate Chinese porcelain bows and marble sculptures.

No. 72, Chifeng DaoHeping District 和平区赤峰道72号

+86 22 2712 3366

Daily, 10:00 - 17:00


China House Museum 瓷房子博物馆

An open-air museum for architecture, housing dozens of well-preserved European-style buildings. One of the city’s most sophisticated and elegant areas and a landmark in Tianjin’s modern history.

Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District 和平区解放北路



Jiefang North Road解放北路

Golden Street (Heping Lu) 金街(和平路)

The intersection of Binjiang Dao and Heping Lu forms the most prosperous trade area in Tianjin.

Heping Lu, Heping District 和平区和平路

+86 22 2339 6209




Tianjin Plus 72

Jing Garden 静园

Former residence of the last Chinese Emperor, Puyi. The Emperor named it Jing Garden, which literally means “quiet” in Chinese, following his intention of revitalizing the Qing Empire.

No. 70, Anshan Dao, Heping District 和平区鞍山道70号

Tue-Sun, 09:30-11:30 14:00 - 16:00


Shenyang Antiques Market 沈阳道古物市场

Near Heping Lu, it stands out in one of the busiest commercial areas of the city. The market is a great opportunity to acquire Chinese antiques or simply admire them.

Shenyang Dao, Heping District 和平区沈阳道

Daily, 09:00 - 18:00


Natural History Museum 自然博物馆

Specializes in collections of fossils, housing more than 380.00 specimens. It also has a permanent marine exhibition and relaxing green gardens.

No. 206, Machang Dao, Hexi District 河西区马场道206号

+86 22 2335 8031


Tue-Sun, 09:00 - 16:30


Xikai Cathedral 西开教堂

Constructed in 1917 by French missionaries, it is today the residence of the Bishop of Tianjin. It is the biggest church in Tianjin, located in the heart of the city.

Dushan Lu, Binjiang DaoHeping District和平区滨江道独山路

Mon-Fri, 05:00 - 16:30 Weekends, 05:00 - 20:00 Weekly Mass Mon-Sat, 06:00 - 07:00 Sun, 06:00 - 07:30, 10:00 - 11:30, 11:30 (EN), 15:00 - 19:00 Free

People’s Park 人民公园

Famous for entertainment for all ages. There’s a playground for children, an aviary, a temple, luxurious gardens and pavilions.

No. 29, Huizhou Dao, Hexi District 河西区徽州道33号

+86 22 2324 0371

Daily, 06:00-22:00


Jin Wan Plaza天津津湾广场

An entire square dedicated to entertainment. Shopping, dining and movies are available in an outstanding setting facing the river, the train station on the other side, also neighboured by the one of Tianjin’s architectural pinnacles Jiefang Qiao.

Jiefang Bei Lu, Heping District和平区解放北路



Tianjin Plus 73

Tianjin Museum 天津博物馆

A vast collection of ancient Chinese fine arts, as well as ancient and modern historical relics.

No. 31, Youyi Lu, Hexi District 河西区友谊路31号

+86 22 5879 3000


Tue-Sun, 09:00 -16:30


Wu Da Dao 五大道

Originally the centre of the British concession, the five streets shaped the area’s development. European architecture abounds.

Machang Dao, Munan Dao, Dali Dao, Chonqing Dao and Chegdu Dao Hexi District 和平区成都道, 重庆道, 大理道, 睦南道, 马场道



Ancient Cultural Street古文化街

Tianjin’s famous shopping street, recreating an ancient Chinese town. Purchase or simply admire China’s cultural treasures: calligraphy, jade, antiques, paper-cutting, clay figures and plenty more.

Ancient Cultural StreetNankai District 南开区古文化街

Daily, 09:00 - 17:00


Clay Figure Zhang 泥人张

Prestigious Tianjin traditional folk art. This 180-year-old plastic art form consists of decorative indoor sculptures made of clay, executed with outstanding realism.

No. 17, Gu Wenhua JieNankai District 南开区古文化街17号

+86 22 2727 5081


Daily, 09:00 - 18:00


Drum Tower 鼓楼

One of Tianjin’s three treasures, characterized by strong architectural and decorative features from the Ming and Qing dynasties. The heart of ancient Tianjin city.

Drum Tower, Nankai District 南开区鼓楼

Daily, 09:00 - 17:00


At 415.2m, this is the second highest tower in Asia and the fourth in the world. The rotating restaurant and the viewing hall on top allow a great bird’s eye view over the city.

No. 1, Weijin Nan Lu, Hexi District 河西区卫津南路1号

+86 22 2334 3557


Nov-Apr, 08:30 - 21:30 May-Oct, 08:30 -22:00

50CNY, 118CNY (meal included)

Tianjin TV Tower 天塔

Tianjin's Attractions Tianjin's Attractions

Tianjin Plus 74

One of the three Mazu Temples in the world, tribute to the Goddess of the Sea. It is also the Folk Custom Museum of Tianjin.

Ancient Cultural StreetNankai District南开区古文化街

Daily, 09:00 - 16:45


Queen of Heaven Temple 天后宫

Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium 奥林匹克中心体育场

Specially constructed for the 2008 Olympic Games, with a seating capacity of 60,000.

Binshui Xi Dao, Nankai District 南开区宾水西道

09:00 -22:00

Water Park 水上公园

Fully renovated, it is divided in 9 islandas and 3 lakes. It is famous for its beauty and lush landscapes. You can find Chinese traditional pavilions, gardens, bridges, pagodas and lakes.

No. 33, Shuishang Gongyuan Bei Lu, Nankai District 南开区水上公园北路33号

+86 22 2335 0095


Daily, 06:00-19-00


Memorial of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao周邓纪念馆

Loved by the people, this memorial hall houses information about the skilled former Prime Minister Zhou and his wife Deng. All that refers to them or was created by them is documented here.

No. 1, Shuishang LuNankai District 南开区水上路1号

+86 22 2352 9243

Daily, 08:30 - 16:00


Music Street 音乐街

Tianjin’s recently built street entirely dedicated to music. Guitars, pianos, saxophones, and much more. Several stores and coffee shops dedicated to this artistic environment. It is also the house of Tianjin Conservatory of Music and Tianjin Music School.

The junction of Shisi Jing Lu and Bawei Lu, Hedong District 河东区八纬路与十四经路交口



Tianjin Museum of Theater 戏剧博物馆

The first museum in China specialized in the performing arts. Nowadays it hosts exhibitions for the History of the Chinese Opera and for the History of the Tianjin Opera.

Nanmen Li Dajie, Nankai District 南开区南门里大街

+86 22 2735 6475

Daily, 09:00 - 16:00


Tianjin Plus 75

Tianjin Great Mosque清真大寺

Originally built in the early stage of the Qing Dynasty and reconstructed over the centuries, the Mosque is a beautiful display of art and architecture within a religious space.

No. 8, in front of the Xiaohuo Xiang Temple, Xibei JiaoHongqiao District 红桥区西北角小伙巷大寺前8号



Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park 滨海航母主题公园

Seven-square-kilometer military theme park featuring tours, role playing, survival training, leisure, activities and film shooting.

Baguatan, YingchengzhenHangu District 汉沽区营城镇八卦滩

+86 22 5991 8888 / 8007


Dec- Feb, 09:00 - 17:00 Mar- Nov, 09:00 - 17:30High season weekends, 09:00 - 18:00May Day & National Day, 09:00 -18: 30

Full price: 110CNY Discount price: 55CNY

Dagu Fort 大沽炮台

Originally built during the Ming Dynasty, it was expanded during the 19th century to protect Beijing. Listed as an important historical site under State protection, it is considered by Tianjin locals as one of the city’s three treasures.

Tanggu District 塘沽区

Daily, 08:00 -17:00


Tanggu Museum


Huanghai Lu, Tanggu District塘沽区黄海路

+86 22 5988 8888

Daily, 10:00-16:00


Tanggu Bund 塘沽外滩

Part of the project to invigorate Haihe River in Tanggu District. Designed by world-class professionals, it offers a modern city life with entertainment, dining and shopping.

The bank opposite Waitan Garden Haihe River, Tanggu District 塘沽海河外滩公园对岸


Guyi Street 估衣街

Originally built during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), the street was remodeled and rebuilt in 2009. The name originally means Ancient Clothing and nowadays houses Tianjin’s most traditional and ancient businesses.

Guyi Jie, Hongqiao District红桥区估衣街



Tianjin's Attractions Tianjin's Attractions


Timbaland has always been known for big-star collaborations, and his upcoming studio album Studio Value II is no exception. The roster features

an abundance of guests, with the biggest surprise being Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger. According to chartattack.com, Kroeger, Drake, Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Chris Daughtry, Brandy, The Fay, and Keri Hilson make guest appearances on Timbaland’s new album. During an interview, Timbaland referred to this album as an album that can be listened to from start to finish every single time because each song is unique and the range of artists is so diverse.

Angela Chang-The 5 Season (第5季) Released: 29th September 2009

50 Cents – Before I Self Destruct Released: 16th November 2009

Rihanna - Rated R Released: 23rd November 2009

Timbaland- Shock Value II Release Date: 7th December 2009

Tianjin Plus 76

After the Super hit “Good Girl Gone Bad” Rihanna has made a comeback this winter with the new album titled, “ Rated R.” The title signals that

Rihanna’s sticking with the edgy image that she’s cut out for herself. Helping Rihanna jack-up the explicit content, guest vocals are provided by Ryan Tedder, Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Pharrell, and Soulja Boy. It seems that there’s no reason why Rihanna shouldn’t remain one of the hottest properties in pop music.

After much anticipation for the release of this acclaimed album, fans are introduced to a different aspect of 50 Cents. The rapper described his

album as more dark and aggressive. With less guest appearances, the album is said to be the next phase of 50 Cent’s music career.

With Angela’s new album, Season 5, she has made the push toward rock music while maintaining classical styles. One featured choral song

“White,” will leave you wanting more. In this album, Angela has also written some of her own lyrics to parade her delightful voice. All ten songs give the vivacious sounds of modern Chinese music.


Get Tuned!


National Geographic Channel


CCTV-9Around China: Mon - Sun (04:30,11:30,18:30)Tech Max: Sat (03:30,09:30,15:30) Biz China: Mon - Sun (02:00, 06:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00, 21:00) Dialogue: Mon - Sun (07:30,13:00,19:30,00:30)Chinese Civilization: Mon - Fri (03:55,09:55,15:55)

2009/12/01 19:00 hrs Mysterious Hanging Coffins Of China2009/12/05 10:00 hrs What the Ancient Knows: The Chinese2009/12/10 02:00 hrs Extreme Engineering 3: Malaysia’s Smart Tunnel2009/12/14 19:00 hrs Born Again Buddhist 2009/12/19 00:00 hrs Extreme Engineering 3: Sakhalin Oil and Ice

2009/12/02 19:00 hrs Seconds from Disaster: Hotel Collapse Singapore2009/12/05 22:00 hrs Driving Dreams: China2009/12/07 20:00 hrs inside: Mumbai Terror Attacks 2009/12/12 21:30 hrs is it Real? Ghosts2009/12/20 20:00 hrs Mega Structures: Ice Hotels2009/12/30 21:00 hrs Mega Fish

Tue – Sat 00:00 hrs International DeskMon – Sat 06:00 hrs The Situation Room Mon – Fri 15:30 hrs World Business NewsMon – Fri 20:00 hrs World News AsiaMon – Sun 22:00 hrs Your World Today

Entertainment couldn’t be better, with channels like HBO, Star movies, and Cinemax hitting your television screen. Get tuned to your favorite Hollywood movies and some of the best series right at your home. HBO (Home Box

office) the big name in 24 hour movie channels brings you some of the best movies and HBO series in China. Watch out for original series such as: The Sopranos, Big Love, The Wire, Rome, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, Oz and much more and HBO films such as: Five Days, As You like It, The Fever and many more!!

Recommended Watch (as per BJT, Beijing time)

Tianjin Plus 77

HBO (Top movies in schedule)2009/12/03 07:00 hrs Shrek, The Third2009/12/04 21:00 hrs The Mummy tomb of the dragon Emperor2009/12/07 21:00 hrs Good Luck Chuck2009/12/09 21:00 hrs No Reservations2009/12/21 18:50 hrs Batman Returns2009/12/25 21:00 hrs Spider wick Chronicles

Zombies are surprisingly useful satirical devices, for shuffling undead cannibals. George Romero mocked consumer brainlessness in Day of the Dead, while Shaun of the Dead sent up everyday

banality. Zombieland takes a slightly different tack, starting after the zombie apocalypse, where isolated paranoid individuals are left to defend themselves in a lawless violent world. Zombieland combines this premise with a gleeful mocking of modern life, and celebrity and pop culture, making it a great (post) modern zombie flick.

Jesse Eisenberg plays Columbus, a nerdish, neurotic everyman stranded in post-apocalyptic America. His deadpan narration as he sets out the rules for survival (well illustrated with bloody zombie deaths) sets the ironic tone for the rest of the film. Meeting Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson reprising his Natural Born Killers role of Southern badass), the two make a typically odd couple, killing zombies and searching for twinkies. But when they meet sisters Wichita (Emma Stone) and the 12 year-old Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), they decide to head on for Hollywood and an amusement park – what else would you do in an empty country?

Deciding to visit “a real A-listers” house in Hollywood, we are treated to one of the best cameos in recent cinema. It’s a perfect spoof of fame and celebrity – with tough-guy Tallahassee reduced to gushing tributes, and Wichita laughing at an especially unfortunate moment - “This guy, he gets me every time!”

In the climatic scene that takes place at the fairground, Columbus overcomes his clown phobia, wins some respect and draws some heart-warming moral lessons to end the film. Zombieland may be short in real horror (there’s none of the tension of Night of the Living Dead), but with its satirical intentions all on the surface, it’s a welcome addition to the zombie canon.

MovieRecreation Chinese Lesson

Tianjin Plus 79

Chinese Lesson

Tianjin Plus 80

Emergency Numbers


800 810 8000

Area Codes

Fire: 119First Aid: 120Police Service: 110Postal Service: 11185

China Area Code: 0086Beijing City Area Code: 10Tianjin City Area Code: 22

Tianjin Plus 81


BusLong-distance Bus Station: +86 22 2727 0168Tianjin to Beijing Airport Shuttle Bus Inquiry: +86 22 2305 0530Tianjin Binhai International Airport Inquiry: +86 22 2490 6363Tianjin North Railway Station Ticket Service: +86 22 2618 1162Tianjin West Railway Station Ticket Service: +86 22 2618 2262Tianjin Railway Station Ticket Service: +86 22 6053 6053Tianjin Light Rail Station Service: +86 22 6570 1111Tianjin Metro Service: +86 22 6028 6777

Airports & Airlines

Beijing Capital International Airport 北京首都国际机场: +86 0 10 6454 1100 http://www.bcia.com.cn/Tianjin Binhai International Airport 天津滨海国际机场: +86 22 2490 6363NationalAir China 中国国际航空: +86 4008 100 999 http://www.airchina.com.cn/Hainan Airlines海南航空: +86 0180 5408 58583 http://www.hnair.com/Okay Airways奥凯航空: +86 0 10 5175 0000 http://www.okair.net/Shandong Airlines山东航空: +86 0531 96777 http://www.shandongair.com/Shanghai Airlines上海航空: +86 800 820 1018 http://www.shanghai-air.com/Shenzhen Airlines深圳航空: +86 95080 http://www.shenzhenair.com/InternationalAir Canada加拿大航空: +86 400 811 2001 http://www.aircanada.cn/Air France法国航空: +86 4008 808 808 http://www.airfrance.com.cn/Air New Zealand新西兰航空: +86 0 10 6587 0000 http://www.airnewzealand.cn/All Nippon Airways全日本空输: +86 800 820 1122 http://www.ana.co.jp/asw/wws/cn/c/Austrian Airlines奧地利航空: +86 0 10 6464 5999 http://www.aua.com/cn/chiBritish Airways英国航空: +86 0 10 800 7440 031 http://www.britishairways.com/travel/home/public/zh_cnCathay Pacific国泰航空: +86 400 888 6628 http://www.cathaypacific.com/Dragonair港龙航空: +86 400 888 6628 http://www.dragonair.com/Emirates阿联酋航空: +86 0 10 5108 8696 http://www.emirates.com/Finnair芬兰航空: +86 0 10 6512 7180 http://www.finnair.com/Japan Airlines日本航空: +86 400 888 0808 http://www.cn.jal.com/en/KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines荷兰皇家航空: +86 400 880 822 http://www.klm.com/Korean Air大韩航空: +86 400 658 8888 http://www.koreanair.com/Lufthansa德国汉莎航空: +86 0 10 6468 8838 http://www.lufthansa.com/Qantas澳洲航空: +86 400 888 0089 http://www.qantas.com.au/Qatar Airways卡塔尔航空: +86 0 10 5923 5100 http://www.qatarairways.com/Scandinavian Airlines北欧航空: +86 0 10 8527 6100 http://www.flysas.com/cn/cnSingapore Airlines新加坡航空: +86 0 10 6505 2233 http://www.singaporeair.com/saa/zh_CN/Swiss Air: +86 0 10 8454 0180 http://www.swiss.com/Thai Airways International泰国国际航空: +86 0 10 8515 0088 http://www.thaiairways.com.cn/United Airlines联合航空: +86 800 810 8282 http://www.cn.united.com/

Time: 117Traffic accident: 122Weather: 12121

800 810 2338 800 820 9868 400 678 9000

RailwayTianjin North Railway Station Ticket Service: +86 22 2618 1162

TaxiTianjin Haihe Taxi Company: +86 22 2635 2844

Chinese Visa Applications

Beijing Exit & Entry Administration of the Public Security BureauNo. 2, Andingmen Dong Dajie, Dongcheng District BeijingTel: +86 0 10 8402 0101北京市公安局出入境管理处

东城区安定门东大街2号Mon - Sat, 08:30-16:30

Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau

Hong Kong

The Commissioner’s Office of China’s Foreign Ministry in the Honk Kong SAR7F, Lower Block, China Resources Building, No. 26, Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong SARTel: +852 3413 2424中华人民共和国外交部驻香港特别行政区特派员公署

香港湾仔区港湾道26号华润大厦低座7层Mon - Fri (except HK public holidays), 09:00-12:00; 14:00-17:00


AustraliaNo. 21, Dongzhimen Wai Dajie Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 5139 4000澳大利亚大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东直门外大街21号http://www.china.embassy.gov.au/

CanadaNo. 19, Dongzhimen Wai Dajie Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 5140 4111加拿大大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东直门外大街19号http://www.canada.org.cn/

ColombiaNo. 34, Guanghua LuChaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 3377哥伦比亚大使馆北京市朝阳区光华路34号

FranceNo. 3, Dongsan Jie, Sanlitun Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 8532 8080法国大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东三街3号http://www.ambafrance-cn.org/

GermanyNo. 17, Dongzhimen Wai Dajie Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 8532 9000德国大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东直门外大街17号http://www.peking.diplo.de/

IrelandNo. 3, Ritan Dong Jie Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 2691爱尔兰大使馆北京市朝阳区日坛东路3号http://www.embassyofireland.cn/

ItalyNo. 2, Dong’er Jie, SanlitunChaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 2187意大利大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2号http://www.iicpechino.esteri.it/

JapanNo. 7, Ritan Lu, Jianguomen Wai Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 2187日本大使馆北京市朝阳区建国门外日坛路7号http://www.cn.emb-japan.go.jp/

New ZealandNo. 1, Ritan Dong’er Jie Jianguomen Wai, Chaoyang District BeijingTel: +86 0 10 8532 7000新西兰大使馆北京市朝阳区建国门外日坛东二街1号http://www.nzembassy.com/

PakistanNo. 1, Dongzhimen Wai Dajie, Sanlitun Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 2504德国大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东直门外大街1号

PhilippinesNo. 23, Xiushui Bei Jie, Jianguomen Wai Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 1872菲律宾大使馆北京市朝阳区建国门外秀水北街23号

RussiaNo. 4, Beizhong Jie, Dongzhimen Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 1381俄罗斯大使馆北京市朝阳区东直门北中街4号http://www.russia.org.cn/chn/

Saudi ArabiaNo. 1, Beixiao Jie, SanlitunChaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 5325沙特阿拉伯大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯北小街1号

South KoreaNo. 20, Dongfang Dong Lu Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 8531 0700韩国大使馆北京市朝阳东方东路20号http://china.koreanembassy.cn/

SpainNo. 9, Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 3629西班牙大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯路9号http://www.embassyofspain.cn/

SwedenNo. 3, Dongzhimen Wai Dajie Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 2504瑞典大使馆北京市朝阳区三里屯东直门外大街3号http://www.swedenabroad.com/

United KingdomNo. 11, Guanghua Lu Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 5192 4000英国大使馆北京市朝阳区光华路11号http://ukinchina.fco.gov.uk/zh

United States of AmericaNo. 55, Anjia Lou Lu Chaoyang District, BeijingTel: +86 0 10 6532 3831美国大使馆北京市朝阳区安家楼路55号http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/

Exit and Entry Administration CenterNo. 19, Shou’an Jie, Hebei District, TianjinTel: +86 22 2445 8825天津市公安局出入境管理局

天津市河北区建国道寿安街19号Mon - Thu, 09:00-11:30; 13:30-17:00 Fri, 09:00-11:30; 13:30-16:00

Transportation International Flights






Hong Kong



Los Angeles




San Francisco








04:50 (+1)




04:20 (+1)



09:00 (+1)






0:10 (+1)





Flight No



























































From Beijing






Hong Kong



Los Angeles




San Francisco









09:25 (+1)

09:30 (+1)


14:20 (+1)

10:30 (+1)



09:50 (+1)

11:50 (+1)









Flight No



























































To Beijing

From TianjinDEST

Hong Kong







Flight No












To TianjinORIGIN

Hong Kong







Flight No












* Flights from Beijing/Tianjin to Seoul, from Seoul to Beijing/Tianjin provided by Korean Air. Schedules are subject to government approval and may be changed without prior notice.

Airline CodeAC








Air Canada

Air France


British Airways

Air China

Cathay Pacific

China Southern

AirlinesAir Asia









Etihad Airways

Ethiopian Airlines

Japan Airlines

Dragon Air

Korean Air

KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines









El Al Airlines

Egypt Airlines

All Nippon Airways

Air New Zealand

Qantas Airways

Qatar Airways








Scandinavian Airlines

Singapore Airlines

Aeroflot Airlines

Thai Airways International

Turkish Airlines

United Airlines

Sri Lanka Airlines

(1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun)

Tianjin Plus 83Tianjin Plus 82

Transportation Domestic Flights
























Zhang Jia Jie



























Flight No











































































From Tianjin

To TianjinORIGIN























Zhang Jia Jie

















01:20 (+1)










Flight No











































































Airline Code3U





Sichuan Airlines

Lucky Air

Okay Airways

Air China

China Southern Airlines (1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun)





Shanghai Airlines

Grand China

Juneyao Airlines

Hainan Airlines





Deer Air

Xiamen Airlines

China Eastern

AirlinesNortheast Airlines





West Air

Shangdong Airlines

Kunpeng Airlines

Shenzhen Airlines

Tianjin Plus 84

Transportation Tianjin Beijing Train

Bullet (C) Train Tianjin - South Beijing

South Beijing - Tianjin



















Depart Arrive Train Depart Arrive Train Depart Arrive

South Beijing - Tanggu




Train Depart ArriveC2272C2274C2276C2278C2280



Tanggu - South BeijingTrain Depart Arrive




South Beijing - WuqingTrain Depart Arrive

Wuqing - South Beijing




Train Depart Arrive

Train Depart Arrive Train Depart Arrive Train Depart ArriveBullet (C) Train

Beijing-Tianjin Bullet (C) Train ticket price: First class: 69CNYSecond class: 58CNY

Beijing-Tanggu Bullet (C) Train ticket price:Luxury class: 118CNYFirst class: 84CNYSecond class: 70CNY

Please call + 86 22 6053 6053 for details.

Tianjin Plus 85

Transportation Light rail, subway, taxi, bus

Tianjin Plus 86

Tianjin - Binhai

06:30 - 06:4506:45 - 07:5407:54 - 11:0011:00 - 15:4515:45 - 18:1518:15 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

06:30 - 07:4007:40 - 10:0510:05 - 15:0515:05 - 16:5516:55 - 18:0018:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

10 - 208 - 131510 - 125 - 810 - 1520

155 - 1010 - 121510 - 131520

Zhong Shan MenFirst: 06:30Last: 21:00

First: 06:30Last: 21:00

Periods of Time Frequency Periods of Time Frequency

Light Rail

Binhai - Tianjin Light Rail



Monday - Friday Saturday - Sunday

Periods of Time Frequency Periods of Time FrequencyMonday - Friday Saturday - Sunday

Dong Hai Lu


BusZhongshan Men Hemu Dao: 06:20 - 21:30Huayuan Xiaoqu: 06:15 - 21:30 1.5CNY No Air - conditioning







































1. Liu Yuan 2. Xi Heng Di 3. Guo Jiu Chang 4. Ben Xi Lu 5. Qin Jian Dao 6. Hong Hu Li

7. Xi Bei Jiao8. Xi Nan Jiao9. Nan Kai Er Wei Lu10. Hai Guang Si11. An Shang Dao

12. Ying Kou Dao 13. Xiao Bai Lou 14. Xia Wa Fang 15. Nan Lou 16. Tu Cheng

17. Chen Tang Zhuang18. Fu Xing Men19. Hua Shan Li20. Cai Jing Da Xue21. Shuang Lin


1. Zhongshan Men Hemu Dao 2. Zhongxin Xi Dao 3. Zhongxin Nan Dao 4. Zhongxin Dong Dao

9. Er Gong 10. Daqiao Dao


Tianjin No. 643

31. Huayuan Xiaoqu

1. Zhong Shan Men 2. Yi Hao Qiao 3. Er Hao Qiao 4. Xin Li Zhen 5. Dong Li6. Xiao Dong Zhuang7. Jun Liang Cheng8. Steel Tube Corporation

9. Hu Jia Yuan 10. Tang Gu 11. TEDA 12. Citizen Plaza13. Convention Center14. Dong Hai Road


5. Zhongshan Men Dong Li6. Guangning Lu7. Zhongshan Men Nan Li8. Zhongshan Men

11. Hedong Tiyuchang 12. Shiwu Jing Lu 13. Shisi Jing Lu

14. Changcheng Gongyu15. Da Guangming Qiao16. Xiao Bai Lou17. Hubei Lu

18. Changsha Lu 19. Binjiang Dao 20. Zong Yiyuan (Main Hospital) 21. Xinxing Lu 22. Qili Tai

23. Bali Tai24. TV tower25. Shuishang Cun26. Memorial of Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao

27. Huibingyuan Hotel 28. Shanxi Hotel 29. Yingshui Dong Li 30. Ligong Daxue
