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Ingles 3 GUIA FORMATIVA B&P Agosto 2012

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Objetivo General El alumno ser capaz de escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir en ingls de manera espontnea y responsable en situaciones de su vida, mediante las estructuras gramaticales vistas hasta el momento que le permitirn desarrollar una interaccin personal y profesional.

Objetivo Especifico Identificar los tiempos gramaticales mediante actividades que le permita la interaccin personal y con sus compaeros.


Contenido de la Gua Formativa


Introduccin Estructura General de la Asignatura Secuencias Formativas Fuentes de informacin


l CECyTEH es una institucin que est al pendiente de las necesidades acadmicas, econmicas y laborales en nuestro estado y pas, para lo cual tiene la prioridad de formar jvenes competentes, que tengan como objetivo revolucin el mbito al que se integren. Para leer el presente trabajo es necesario situarlo en el marco de la Reforma Integral del Bachillerato, que orienta e impulsa la Subsecretara de Educacin Media Superior, ya que se ha llevado a cabo un proceso de evaluacin de la operacin de los programas de los componentes bsico, propedutico y profesional del Bachillerato Tecnolgico, con el propsito de efectuar los cambios necesarios para mejorar los resultados de la formacin, bajo las directrices que ahora establece la Reforma Integral del Bachillerato. La propuesta educativa que se establece en el Marco Curricular Comn (MCC) se orienta a lograr aprendizajes significativos para los estudiantes, que favorezcan el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. El desarrollo de las competencias conlleva la realizacin de experiencias de aprendizaje que permitan articular conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en contextos especficos, para lograr aprendizajes ms complejos. Adoptar este enfoque de competencias permite precisar conceptos, procesos y formas de relacin que favorecen en los estudiantes la adquisicin de conocimientos, a partir de las significaciones de lo aprendido en la escuela, el mundo y la vida. Por ello, el trabajo realizado est integrado en secuencias formativas. En el proceso de mejora de los programas se han tomado en cuenta las competencias genricas, disciplinares bsicas y extendidas que conforman el MCC. Asimismo, se analizaron los conceptos y procedimientos fundamentales de cada campo de conocimiento a fin de establecer las categoras, conceptos y procesos fundamentales que proponemos para propiciar aprendizajes significativos para los estudiantes del Bachillerato Tecnolgico. Este trabajo en conjunto se pretende alcanzar juntos maestros, alumnos y directivos, un meta compartida una educacin de calidad y profesionalismo que merecen los jvenes que se forman en el en el CECyTEH, el rostro joven de la educacin media superior



Estructura general de la asignatura




Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias genricas



Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios, cdigos y herramientas apropiados. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos

Expresin escrita Identificar Participacin Propositivo Sentido de colaboracin Respeto Escuchar

Competencias disciplinares

1.- Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explcitos e Implcitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se gener y en el que se recibe. 12.- Utiliza las tecnologas de la informacin y comunicacin para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir informacin

Escucha Se expresa de forma escrita Colabora

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competenciaComprender y aplicar las estructuras will y going to de forma verbal y escrita; diferenciando su aplicacin en situaciones tanto a corto como a largo plazo, para expresar sus planes futuros y be able to.

Relacin con otras disciplinasBIOLOGA Y QUMICA. Comprender trminos, funciones y reacciones qumicas y fisiolgicas en los seres humanos. CTSyV II. Promover fines colaborativos y ticos. TICS. Usar las tecnologas de la informacin


Tema integrador

Mi futuroConcepto fundamentalProyecto de Vida

Concepto subsidiarioPropsitos personales y vocacionales

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivel Identificar los tiempos gramaticales del futuro Identificar ideas principales en un texto Identificacin y aprendizaje de vocabulario nuevo. Identificar el be able to

CategorasTiempo y Diversidad

Tiempo programado10 horas

Mapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativaFuturo Simple Futuro Idiomtico Be able to Verbs: Future. Present, Present of Be English Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening

Dimensiones de la competenciaCONCEPTUALES Estructuras Gramaticales PROCEDIMENTALES ACTITUDINALES

Tolerancia, Identificar los tiempos Participacin, gramaticales en lecturas, Respeto, Responsabilidad ejercicios y conversaciones


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura Ejercicio 1WRITE THE CORRECT NUMBER (1-6) IN THE PARENTHESES What are you going to do when you finish your career?

Ejercicio 2WRITE THE SENTENCE IN THE CORRECT PICTURE We will put on our coats, hats, gloves and coats in winter Will your father wash his car in the morning? My sister will be a famous singer Estela will play football next Saturday I wont be able to study all night for the Math exam My mother will buy the vegetables in that store


EjercicioFill in the blanks with the correct verb to be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. We _____ going to play in the park on Sunday ____ Mary going to speak in Italian? I _____ going to write a letter for you Robert and Alan _____ going to come on week end Carlos _____ (negative) going to translate the verbs in Japanese What ____ you going to do next Saturday? We _______ (negative) going to pass all our exams ______ you going to teach English in Mexico City? Why ____ you going to come home so late?

10. I _________ (negative) going to get up early on Sunday.16


Complete the following sentences using the idiomatic future. 1. A: What (you, do) __________________________________ this afternoon? B: I work (work) ___________________________________ on my homework A: Where (Sam, go) _________________________________ next vacations? B: He (go) __________________________________________ to Disneyland


3. A: (Mary, finish) __________________________________ this exercise soon? B: Yes, I (finish) _______________________________ it in less than a minute 4. A: When (you, call) ______________________________________ your sister? B: I (call, not) ______________________________________her. I (send) _______________________________ her an e-mail. 5. A: What (teacher, talk) _____________________________ ask for the exam? B: She (ask) _________________________________ the present tense


Write the following sentences in negative and interrogative 1. Our cousins are going to study French in Canada Neg.________________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 2. I am going to dance with your cousin all night Neg.________________________________________________________ Int._________________________________________________________ 3. My parents are going to work on vacations Neg.________________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 4. You are going to buy a new house next month Neg.________________________________________________________ Int._________________________________________________________ 5. The girls are going to make a chocolate cake for you Neg.________________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________


EjercicioEJERCICIO 4 Write responses:

1. A: Study hard B: _____________ 2. A: Hold on to the ladder! B: _________________ 3. Dont answer the phone! B: __________________ 4. A: Come back soon B: __________________ 5. A: Dont forget to call us! B: ___________________

EJERCICIO 5 Underline the correct sentences 1. We wont make the chocolate cake for this week end We willnt make the chocolate cake for this week end 2. Mariana will be able to go with you to the movies Mariana will to be able to go with you to the movies 3. Esteban wont be able to work next week Esteban won be able to work next week 4. You will do me a favor? Will you do me a favor? 5. My grandmother will arriving next Friday in the afternoon My grandmother will arrive next Friday in the afternoon

6. Raul and Silvia will get married next month Raul and Silvia will got married next month


Actividades de CierreEJERCICIO 1 Translate the following lesson THE YEAR 2080 By Andrew Tomas Life in the year 2080 will be very different from today. People wont sweep or mop because there will be robots to clean the house. They will also cook our meals. We wont worry about pollution anymore because cars wont use gasoline. They will use electricity. And they wont run: they will fly! There wont be any traffic jams in the future. We will live in floating houses so there will be more space for plants and trees. In the year 2080 the best vacations wont be on the Earth, but on the moon. There will be fantastic lunar resorts with all the commodities that we have on the Earth.

Answer the following questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In what year is the story happening? Why the people wont sweep or mop? We wont worry about pollution anymore because . . . The cars will . . . Where will we live? Where will it the best vacations in 2080?

Now draw how you imagine the year 2080




EjercicioMake sentences choosing words from different lists.

My teacher The man Bill and Morgan The students The bird Mark I My father We

am going to am not going to is going to isnt going to are going to arent going to

sing eat swim write play work help run teach read ask

in the park every morning a beautiful song all the week end in Mexico soccer on Sunday morning all the verbs in French History next year

a hamburger with potatoes a best seller each year the verbs in present and past 10 km in that mountain In English in my party With your father in Puebla

EjercicioEJERCICIO 4 Read the riddle and guess what he / she will do. Then underline the correct sentence

Robert will take his clothes off Robert will swim in the club Robert will work every day

Sandra will clean the house Sandra will go to the movies Sandra will study French in the afternoon21

Pedro will play soccer with Luis Pedro will eat his birthdays cake Pedro will buy a new car

Raul will say good night Raul will kiss his mother Raul will sleep at 10 pm

Angie will go to the theater Angie will to visit her grandparents Angie will go shopping on week end



Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias genricasCompetencias 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios, cdigos y herramientas apropiados. 8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. Elementos de competencia Propone Escucha Comprensin lectora Participacin Colaboracin Respeto Dialoga

Competencias disciplinaresCompetencias 1. Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explcitos e implcitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se gener y en el que se recibe. 4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intencin y situacin comunicativa. . 10. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural. 11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lgico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situacin comunicativa 1. Establece la interrelacin entre la ciencia, la tecnologa, la sociedad y el ambiente en contextos histricos y sociales especficos. Relaciona Identifica Interpreta Produce Redacta Elementos de competencia

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competenciaInterpreta y comunica oraciones utilizando verbos modales y pronombres posesivos, aplicadas en la vida diaria y actividades cotidianas

Relacin con otras disciplinasTICS. Usar las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin LEOyE. Los alumnos se auxilian con esta asignatura para escribir y redactar de forma correcta sus conceptos en espaol y as conectarlos en Ingls Ecologa. Con esta asignatura, nos auxiliamos para promover los valores y mejorar nuestra relacin con nuestro medio ambiente y la sociedad.24

Tema integrador

Mi futuroConcepto fundamentalProyecto de vida

Concepto subsidiarioExpresiones que implican rdenes, responsabilidades, obligaciones o consejos Pronombres que expresan posesin

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivel Identificacin de auxiliares modales Identificar ideas principales en un texto Identificacin y aprendizaje de vocabulario nuevo.

CategorasTiempo, diversidad y espacio

Tiempo programado20 Horas/clase

Mapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativaAuxiliares Modales English Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening

Dimensiones de la competenciaCONCEPTUALES Auxiliares Modales PROCEDIMENTALES ACTITUDINALES

Tolerancia, Identificar los auxiliares Participacin, modales en lecturas, Respeto, Responsabilidad ejercicios y conversaciones


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura EjercicioWork in pairs Print the copy and play a memory game:

Must You must go to the doctor at least one time a year.

May May I come in?

have to

I have to brush my teeth

Would Would you do the shopping?

Could Could we read a book?

Should You should do the housework


EjercicioWork in teams. Materials: o Newspapers, magazines o Glue o Bond paper o Scissors In groups of five, choose 5 activities for each modal verbs and make a collage about them: You could You must You should You would ... You have to You may. Then you have to explain a collage in front of your partners.

EjercicioWork in teams In teams of five people, invent a song with the modal verbs (could, must, should, would, have to, may). Then you have to sing in front of your partners.

Ejercicio: Actividades de desarrolloAsk your partner if he or she could do these things, when he was five years old:



Underline the correct answer: When Tom was 16, he was a fast runner. He ____ run 200 meters in 22 seconds. could can couldnt I __________ speak Swedish, but maybe Ill learn someday could can couldnt I was afraid, I ________ climb the mountain. could can couldnt

I was feeling terrible sick yesterday. I ____________ east anything. could can couldnt When I was a child, I ___________ drive a car. could can


In 1800, nobody ___________ travel into space yet. could can couldnt When I was a baby, I __________ sleep all day long. could can couldnt Now that I'm an adult, I ___ sleep all day. I have to work. could can couldnt You look exhausted. Yes, I ______________ sleep last night could can couldnt

She can buying a new car She cant buy a new car She could to buy a new car She couldnt buys a new car. They can go to the movies They can't going to the movies They could go to the movies They couldn't goes to the movies


EjercicioAnswer with must or mustnt and join with a line the picture with the correct sentence:

You __________ protected animals.


You ___________ animals with respect.


A polar bear _________ hibernate in winter.

You ____________ play with snakes.

You ___________ animals for fun.


A dog __________ have a lot of exercise


EjercicioMake sentences with must or mustnt with the correct picture, help you with the sentences below:

1- _________________ ______________________ __________________

2- __________________ ______________________ ____________________

3- __________________ ______________________ ____________________

4- __________________ ______________________ ___________________

5- ____________________ ______________________ ____________________


6_____________________ ______________________ _____________

7- ____________________ ______________________ ____________________

8- _________________ ______________________ ____________________

9- ________________ ______________________ ________________

10- _______________ ______________________ _________________

1. She is ill, so she __________ see the doctor. 2. It is raining. You ________ take your umbrella. 3. You _______ throw litter on the stairs. 4. This is a secret. You ________ tell anybody. 5. You _________ make noise in the library.

6. We __________ hurry or we will miss the bus. 7. You ______________ eat fruit and vegetables. 8. The baby is sleeping. You _____ shout. 9. You _________ be friendly to everybody. 10. You __________ walk on the grass.



Underline the correct answer: We _________________forget our appointment tomorrow. must mustnt You ___________ remember to thnk Mrs. Martinez. must mustnt We ____________ finish the meeting by 4 oclock. must mustnt We __________________ keep people past 4 oclock. must mustnt You ____________ mention this to anyone. Its a secret. must mustnt You __________ keep this under your hat for the moment. must mustnt She looks relieved. It ________________ have gone well. must mustnt She looks relieves. It ____________ have been too bad. must mustnt Im nervous about my presentation, but I really ________________ try to relax. must mustnt Im nervous about my presentation, but I really ________________ show it. must mustnt

EjercicioLook at the pictures. Make sentences giving advice to these people. Choose a sentence of the chart A with the chart B. Use should. A cut runny nose headache stomachache temperature B aspirin some medicine call the doctor wash and put on a band aid. drink tea with honey and take some aspirin.


He has a ___________________ ______________________ .


He has a ___________________ ______________________ .


He has a ___________________ ______________________ .


He has a ___________________ ______________________ .


He has a ___________________ ______________________ .


EjercicioComplete each sentence with "should" or "shouldn't". 1. Listen to that music! Our neighbors ______________________ play music that loud at this hour. 2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you ______________________ go to the dentist's. 3. Cathy ______________________ keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now. 4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you ______________________ try and learn something of the language. You will enjoy things a lot more. 5. You ______________________ always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office. 6. We ______________________ bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed otherwise. 7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She ______________________ eat more, I think! 8. Lizzie ______________________ ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same course last year. 9. Pregnant women ______________________ smoke as it can damage the baby. 10. We ______________________ leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.33

EjercicioMatch the statements to the advice. _______ I've got a headache. _______ I'm cold. _______ He's always tired in the morning. _______ I don't feel well. _______ I want to lose weight. _______ You shouldn't sit so close to the TV. a) b) c) d) e) f) You should put on a jumper. The game starts at three o'clock. He shouldn't stay up so late. You should stay in bed. We should leave at two-thirty. You should do some exercise.

Write should or shouldnt and then match them with the correct translation. They ______________________help us. T deberas ponerte tu abrigo You ______________________ study l debera ser ms educado French. She ______________________ that. Ella no debera beber tanto She ______________________ drink so T deberas haber pedido ayuda much. I ______________________ back before T debes estudiar francs 11 o'clock. You ______________________ French. T deberas estudiar francs You ______________________your coat Nosotros no deberamos ir a esa fiesta on. He ______________________more polite. Ellos deberan ayudarnos We ______________________ go to that Ella no debera haber hecho eso party. You ______________________ for help. Yo debera volver antes de las 11

EjercicioFill in the blanks with have to or has to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We ____________________ wash the hands before each meal Peter __________________ take his brothers to school Those girls ________________________ clean their room before week end My mother ____________________ prepare the cake tonight I __________________ study for my Math exam

EjercicioUnderline the correct sentence 1. I has to use the calculator in Math class I have to use the calculator in Math class 2. Patty has to dictate all the sentences in English and write the verbs in participle Patty have to dictate all the sentences in English and write the verbs in participle 3. Robert has to buy a new sweater and pants for the show Robert have to buy a new sweater and pants for the show 4. I have to come back early to my house I has to come back early to my house34

6. They have to eat fruits and vegetables every day They has to eat fruits and vegetables every day 7. This boy have to clean the windows of the classroom This boy has to clean the windows of the classroom 8. The little children has to sleep early The little children have to sleep early 9. You has to turn off the TV at 10:00 oclock You have to turn off the TV at 10:00 oclock


Write the following sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative form

1. Yo comprara los huevos y la leche para el desayuno Aff. _______________________________________________________ Neg._______________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 2. Nosotros iramos al cine contigo el mircoles Aff. __________________________________________________________ Neg._______________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 3. Yo vendera mi libro en $200.00 Aff. _________________________________________________________ Neg._______________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 4. Mi hermano preguntara cuando es la fiesta Aff. __________________________________________________________ Neg._______________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 5. Teresa y Ramn compraran los refrescos y los vasos Aff. __________________________________________________________ Neg._______________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________ 6. Nosotros hablaramos ingls y francs Aff. __________________________________________________________ Neg._______________________________________________________ Int.________________________________________________________35


Underline the following sentences 1. Puede que nosotros nos comamos todos estos dulces a. We can eat all these candies b. We may eat all these candies c. We will be able to eat all these candies 2. a. b. c. 3. a. b. c. Puede que los nios hagan su tarea temprano The boys should do their homework early The boys does their homework early The boys may do their homework early Puede que Josefina vaya a estudiar a Canad el mes que entra Josefina is studying in Canada next year Josefina may study in Canada next month Josefina is going to study in Canada next month

4. Those boys _____ ______ next Friday to Puebla a. play / may b. will / played c. may / play 5. ____ Mauricio ______ with Laura in Marios party? a. May / dance b. Did / dancing 6. a. b. c. 7. a. b. c. 8. a. b. c.

c. Is / going to

Puede que Mara vea a su novio en el cine, pero puede que no vea al tuyo Maria may see her boyfriend in the movies, but she may not see yours Maria can see her boyfriend in the movies, but she cannot see you Maria see her boyfriend in the movies, but she not see you Puede que yo traduzca estas oraciones en ingls y francs I can translated these sentences in English and French I may translate these sentences in English and French I could be able to translate these sentences in English and French Puede que mi hermana compre una libreta nueva para ti My sister can to buy a new notebook for you My sister buying a new notebook for you My sister may buy a new notebook for you

Ejercicio: Actividades de cierreWrite could or couldnt: 1. When I was young, I____________ play the guitar: it was too difficult for me! 2. Her grandmother was bilingual: she ____________speak both English and Spanish. 3. Yesterday, Peter ____________ do that exercise alone. So, he called me for help. 4. In 1950, people ____________ use mobile phones. 5. When his mother was young, she ____________ skate but she can't do it any longer. 6. We ____________ open the door: it was locked from the inside! 7. In 1900, people ____________ watch TV. 8. Mary's grandfather ____________ play chess and he was the best! 9. In 1945, people ____________ play video games. 10. But they ____________ play chess! 11. Peter ____________ play tennis last Monday: he had broken his arm! 12. When Ann was a teenager, she ____________ watch a horror film: it was too frightening for her! 13. Last Sunday, we ____________ take any photos in the museum: it was forbidden. 14. Mozart ____________ play the piano when he was 5.36

EjercicioCIRCLE WITH BLUE COLOR IN AFFIRMATIVE AND RED COLOR IN NEGATIVE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1. You must /mustnt light fires in the forests. 2. You must/mustnt do your homework. 3. You must/mustnt wash your face every morning. 4. You must/mustnt drink cold water. 5. You must/mustnt watch TV a lot. 6. You must/mustnt eat in class. 7. You must/mustnt be late for class. 8. You must/mustnt listen to your teacher. 9. You must/mustnt give place to old people. 10. You must/mustnt be polite. 11. You must/mustnt fasten your seat belt. 12. You must/mustnt take notes during the lessons. 13. You must/mustnt speak loudly in hospitals.

EjercicioMAKE SENTENCES USING MUST or MUSTN T 1. tidy your room _______________________________________ 2. cheat in the exams ______________________________________ 3. brush your teeth _______________________________________ 4. study hard _________________________________________ 5. go to bed late _________________________________________ 6. drive carefully __________________________________________

EjercicioShould or Shouldnt .Giving advice Read the sentences. Write should or shouldnt 1) If its rainy you ___________________ take an umbrella. 2) Tom ___________________ eat so many lollipops. Its bad for his teeth. 3) a) ___________________ I drink hot tea if I have a sore throat? b) Ye___________________ . 4) They have a test tomorrow. They ___________________ go to the cinema . They ___________________ stay at home and study! 5) Children ___________________ eat lots of vegetables but they ___________________ eat lots of sweets. 6) I have a party tonight. What ___________________ I wear? A dress or a pair of trousers? 7) The doctor said: "You ___________________ eat healthy food. You ___________________ eat fast food. You ___________________ watch so much TV. You ___________________ walk 1 hour a day. You___________________ drink fruit juice and water. You ___________________ drink wine or beer.


Read the dialogue: At the Doctor's Office NANCY Hi doctor. DOCTOR Hi Nancy. Whats the matter? NANCY I have a sore throat and a bad cough. DOCTOR Hmmm. You should drink lots of tea and take cough medicine. NANCY I have to go to work tomorrow. DOCTOR You shouldnt go to work. You should rest. NANCY I have a big project to finish at work. DOCTOR You should rest and you shouldnt talk too much. NANCY Ok.37

Prctica1. Nancy has a stomachache. True False

2. She should drink tea and take cough medicine. True False 3. She has to go to work tomorrow. True 4. She shouldn't go to work tomorrow. True 5. She should rest. TrueWrite in order the next words: matter / What's / the / ? throat / have / a / sore / I work / tomorrow / to / I / have / to / go shouldn't / much / talk/ You / too drink / of / tea / lots / You / should


False False

ACTIVIDAD Health problems: I have a headache: dolor de espalda stomachache: dolor de estomago. backache: dolor de espalda toothache: dolor de muela/diente earache: dolor de odo cold: resfriado fever: fiebre cough: tos


Underline the correct word according with the picture:

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough


headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough

headache: stomachache cold toothache backache earache fever cough


Choose the correct answer: 1. A _________________ B - I have a headache. too much advice Whats the matter? rest hurts too much advice Whats the matter? rest hurts stairs fat so much instead of liquids stairs fat so much instead of liquids

6. Water, milk, and juice are all _______________.

2. I have an earache. My ear ________.

7. I'm on a diet. I need to eat food that is low in _______________.


3. I'm very tired. I need to ____________.

too much advice Whats the matter? rest hurts too much advice Whats the matter? rest hurts too much advice Whats the matter? rest hurts

8. Take the ______________ instead of the elevator. It's good exercise!

stairs fat so much instead of liquids stairs fat so much instead of liquids stairs fat so much instead of liquids

4. I have a stomachache. I ate ___________.

9. Don't eat ______________. You'll get a stomachache.

5. A - The doctor says I need to exercise if I want to lose weight. B - That's good ________________.

10. I'm on a diet. I'm going to eat fruit ______________ a dessert.

EjercicioGive advices these people: Example: I have a headache. (take an aspirin). I have a stomachache. (drink tea) I have a toothache. (go to the dentist) I have a fever. (go to bed) I have a cold. (take cold medicine) I have an earache. (go to the doctor) I have a cough (take cough medicine) I have a backache. (rest)

You shouldnt take an aspirin.

EjercicioFill in the blanks with the right modal: SHOULD or SHOULDN'T

My car has broken down, I think I _____________ call a mechanic.

Her hair is very long, I think she _________________ go to the hairdresser's.


Brice is very sick today. I think he _______________ go to the doctor's.

The road is wet. I think you ________________ drive too fast.

EjercicioWrite a correct sentence below the picture with has to:








Read the following lesson and answer the questions Paul: Would you like to go to Europe, dear? Nancy: I would love to go but . . . Who would stay with the children? Paul: We would ask your mother to stay with them Nancy: Who would take them to school? Paul: We would send them on the school bus Nancy: Who would feed my little birds? Paul: We would ask Johnny to do it. He loves animals Nancy: Who would prepare the meals? Paul: Everybody would go to a restaurant Nancy: That would be very expensive Paul: Well, then we would ask the maid to prepare something at home Nancy: But . . . Paul: Well, would you like to GO or NOT? Answer the following questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where would Paul and Nancy like to go? Who would stay with the children? Who would feed the little birds? Why? Where would everybody go to eat?


Read the following lesson and answer True or False Just in case Larry didnt go to work today, and he may not go to work tomorrow either. He may see his doctor instead. Hes feeling absolutely terrible and he thinks he may have the flu. Larry isnt positive, but he doesnt want to take any chance. He thinks it may be a good idea for him to see his doctor just in case True or False 1. Larry went to work today _____________________ 2. Larry may not go to work tomorrow either____________________ 3. Larry may have the flu_____________________ 4. Larry thinks it may not go to see the doctor__________________


Mrs. Randall didnt go to the office today, and she may not go to the office tomorrow either. She may go to the doctor instead She feels nauseous every morning, and she thinks she may be pregnant. Mrs. Randall isnt positive, but she doesnt want to take any chance. She thinks it may be a good idea for her to go to the doctor just in case. True or False 1. Mrs. Randall may go to the office tomorrow_______________ 2. Mrs. Randall may go to the doctor___________________ 3. Mrs. Randall doesnt have nauseous every morning________________ 4. Mrs. Randall may be pregnant _________________________ Tommy and Julie Harris didnt go to school today, and they may not go to school tomorrow either. They may stay home in bed instead. They have little red spots all over their arms and legs. Mr. and Mrs. Harris think their children may have the measles. They arent positive, but they dont want to take any chance. They think it may be a good idea for Tommy and Julie to stay home in bed just in case. True or False 1. Tommy and Julie may not stay home___________________ 2. Tommy and Julie may stay in the park playing __________________ 3. Tommy and Julie have little red spots in their head and eyes_____________ 4. Tommy and Julie may have the measles__________________

Complete the sentences to express obligation or advice. Use must, mustnt, has/have to, dont/doesnt have, should, shouldnt. we ____________ pollute the planet my mother ___________ cook everyday you ____________ bathe the dog once a month you __________ wear the uniform we ______________ throw litter on the streets you _____________ run in the classroom we _____________ brush our teeth three times a day the children ______________ cook their food you _______________ disobey the school rules The students ____________ pay attention in class You _______________ do your homework You ____________ do more exercise My brother ______________ keep his room tidy We _______________ smoke You ______________ get late to school We ____________ eat junk food. My father ____________ get up early everyday You _____________ avoid a sedentary life


EjercicioWrite must, could, should in negative and positive sentences depend of the context.

Mike is very fat. I think he ______________ eat more salads. He _____________ eat so much junk food.

Emma is very shy. I think she ______________ be more natural. She _______________ be more self-confident.

Brenda is very talented. She _________________ sing and dance at the same time.

John is often bad-tempered. I think he __________________ take a break and leave town to spend a few days in the country.

That dog looks smart and obedient. We ____________ adopt it.

When pupils are in the classroom, they ___________________ chat or be rude but they __________________ ask the teacher questions.

Paul and Jenny are going to get married. We _____________ think about a present.


EjercicioMODALS: SHOULD, MUST, HAVE TO Write some of the obligations a model needs to follow in order to keep in fit. Use must, mustnt, have to, dont have to, (doesnt have to): She/He has to sleep eight hours a day He/she mustnt consume any drugs

EjercicioAccording to the pictures tell them what to do? Use should, shouldnt, must, mustnt, has/have to, does/doesnt have to depending on the situation.


3If you smile, your life will be happy.46

Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias genricasCompetencias 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios, cdigos y herramientas apropiados. 5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de mtodos establecidos. 6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de inters y relevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crtica y reflexiva. 7. Aprende por iniciativa e inters propio a lo largo de la vida. 10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prcticas sociales. Elementos de la competencia Expresa ideas Escucha Interpreta Observa Identifica Analiza Experimenta Soluciona Propone Participa Colabora Respeta

Atributos de la competenciaCompetencia Atributos de competencia Competencia Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingsticas, 4 matemticas o grficas. Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. Competencia Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, 5 comprendiendo como cada uno de sus pasos contribuye al alcance de un objetivo. Ordena informacin de acuerdo a categoras, jerarquas y relaciones. Competencia Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sinttica. 6 Competencia Identifica las actividades que le resultan de menor y mayor inters y 7 dificultad, reconociendo y controlando sus reacciones frente a retos y obstculos. Competencia Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y 10 tradiciones culturales mediante la ubicacin de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto ms amplio.

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competenciaDesarrollo y elaboracin de su proyecto de vida, expresa sus propsitos o anhelos personales para el logro de sus objetivos.

Relacin con otras disciplinasLEOyE. Se hace el uso de esta asignatura para la interpretacin, elaboracin de documentos, comunicacin oral y escrita. CTSyV. Esta disciplina promueve valores, generando un trabajo colaborativo, dentro de un grupo determinado de alumnos, as mismo en su entorno social. TICs. Nos auxiliamos de esta disciplina para obtener informacin actualizada, que sea de utilidad en el desarrollo de las diferentes actividades. BIOLOGA Y ECOLOGA. Nos ayuda a conocer el impacto ambiental de los fenmenos fsicos en la naturaleza.47

Tema integrador Concepto fundamentalProyecto de vida

Concepto subsidiario Propsitos Logros

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivelo o o o o Personales Vocacionales Sociales Cientficos Tecnolgicos

CategorasTiempo, espacio

Tiempo programado12 Horas/clase

Mapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativa

Dimensiones de la competencia


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura

Whose puppy is it?

(I) Its ____________


Its __________

(He) Its ____________

(She) Its ___________

Whose puppy is it?

mmm, the puppy is

(We) Its ____________


Its ____________

(They) Its ____________

(It) the bone is ____________



Answer the following sentences:

1. This is my rabbit. Its _____________

2. This is his dog. Its _____________

3. These are her books. Theyre ___________

4. This is your turtle. Its _____________

5. Those are our toys. Theyre ___________

6. That is her purse. Its _____________

7. These are the girls earrings Theyre ___________


EjercicioStudy the possessive pronouns


EjercicioUnderline the correct answer with the possessive pronoun: Mia left her notebook on the school. This notebook is ______________. a) hers b) your c) his The colorful picture of the flowers is ________________. a) their b) your c) mine The proud parents brought a car for their son. The car is ______________. a) his b) her c) their William has a guitar and Eve has a violin. The guitar is _____________. a) his b) its c) her The computer quickly stores information on its huge memory. This computer is _____________. a) your b) theirs c) its These warm chocolate chip cookies melt in _____________ mouth. . a) its b) your c) yours

Is your pet? No, it isnt _________ a) your b) mine c) its The brown dog is ___________ a) its b) my c) theirs that TV is ________________. Our father gave us to it.52

Complete with the correct possessive pronoun depend of the personal pronoun between in parenthesis: Its __________________ (we) Its ___________________ (you) Theyre _________________ (Antonio) Theyre ___________________ (I) Theyre ____________________ (the girls) Its _______________________. (the boys) Theyre ___________________ (Teresa)

Whose is the computer?

The computer is _______________ (my mother)

Whose is the umbrella? The umbrella is ___________ ( I )

Whose is the notebook?

The notebook is __________ ( Louis )

Whose are the scissors? The scissors are ______________ (you and I)

Whose are the sunglasses? The sunglasses are ___________ (Susy and Betty)

Whose is the watch?

The watch is __________________(Jerry)


EjercicioClassify the pronouns

he my her theirs his its me you him they hers it you their she our I us it









Personal Pronouns

Adjective Possessives

Object Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns


Its common confuse: Is the same: Its that its? Warming: Egypt is famous for its pyramids I would like to visit Egypt. Its a fascinating country EJERCICIO 3 In this exercise, you will change one sentence type into another. You will change the possessive adjective to a possessive pronoun, OR you will change the possessive pronoun to a possessive adjective. For example, you should change "This is his car." into "This car is his."

1. This will be your room. 2. Will this be my desk? 3. This was their house. 4. Is this our bus? 5. These are my pens 6. Is this your suitcase? 7. That was your plane. 8. Are those his shoes?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Find the mistaek (mistake) Example: He are a student This pencil is her. This is she book. The pencil is my. These are yours books. This notebook is our. The dictionary is they. This house is your.

He is a student ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________


EjercicioLook at the picture, and complete the sentences with the words in the word list below. her hers his His my our ours their The Mysterious Volkswagen Last week, we had a party at ___________ house. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was. Eric said it wasn't __________ car. __________ is a Chevrolet pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was ___________, she said no ___________ car is a Ford Explorer. I knew it wasn't __________ car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from ___________ street and left it on __________.

Actividades de aperturaFirst Conditional IF CONDITION Present Simple RESULT Future WILL

If If If If If

I see Mary, Tara is free tomorrow, they do not pass their exam, it rains tomorrow, it rains tomorrow,

I will tell her. he will invite her. their teacher will be sad. will you stay at home? what will you do?

EJERCICIO 1 Answer with the correct form and then join with a line:

If it ___________ tomorrow,



we ___________ (go) to the beach.

If the 8 oclock bus ___________ (arrive) late,

I ___________ time.

(get to) work on


If I ___________ restaurant,

(go) to that

I ___________ (tell) you what its like.

If you ___________ (boil) water,

it ___________ (evaporate).

If you ___________ my homework,

(help) me with

I ___________ the kitchen.

(help) you clean

If I ___________ (arrive) late,

___________ you ___________ my dinner in the oven please?

If England ___________ match tonight,

(win) the

they ___________ (be) in the semifinals!

EjercicioSee if you can fill in the gaps using the correct form of the conditional. 1. If Britney Spears (hit) _________ the paparazzi, she (be) ___________ in a serious trouble. 2. If he (listen) ___________ to the teacher, he (understand) ___________ the lesson. 3. If you (touch) ___________ the owen, you (burn) ___________ your hand. 4. If she (break) ___________ the window, her parents (pay) ___________ for it. 5. If they (go) ___________ to the cinema, they (enjoy) ___________ the movie. 6. If he (be) ___________ intelligent, he (solve) ___________ the problem. 7. If you (go) ___________to the party, I (go) ___________ with you. 8. If he (knock) ___________ the door, I (not talk) ___________ him. 9. If she (need) ___________ a favour, I (do) ___________ it. 10. If your car (be) ___________ broken, the mechanic (repair) ___________ it.57

EjercicioFor each of the five questions choose the one correct answer.

1. Hes such a good student. If he studies hard, he.

A) will to pass his exams B) will passed his exams C) will pass his exams D) to will pass his exams

2. She's your best friend. Of course she'll come to your party if

A) you ask her B) you asked her C) you will ask her D) you would ask her

3. you work, you wont get paid at the end of the month.

A) Unless B) If C) Useless D) If not

4. Im not sure. If he me, I . marry him.

A) asks/wont B) asks/might C) ask/will D) asks/will

5. If you my book, you (buy) buy a new one.

A) B) C) D)

loses / will buy lose/ will buy loses/ will buys lose/ wills buy


EjercicioComplete with the correct form of the conditional. If you (buy) ___________ a new computer, you (give) ___________ me the old one. If the police (catch) ___________ the thieves, they (go) ___________to prison. If the judge (find) ___________ him guilty, he (pay) ___________ the fee. If the weather (be) ___________ fine, they (go) ___________ camping. If I (have) ___________ time, I (practice) ___________ the exercises. If you (eat) ___________ your vegetables, you (eat) ___________ ice-cream. If it (not rain) ___________ we (play) ___________soccer. If you (stay) ___________at home, we (enjoy) ___________ the concert. If we (disturb) ___________ him, he (not finish) ___________ his homework.

Ejemplo RESULT Future WILL IF CONDITION Present Simple

I will tell Mary He will invite Tara Their teacher will be sad Will you stay at home What will you do


I see her. she is free tomorrow. they do not pass their exam. it rains tomorrow? it rains tomorrow?


Complete the next sentences with your own ideas: a) If the weather is good on Saturday , I will ___________________________________ b) If i have enough Money, I will_____________________________________________ c) If you dont express yourself, you will_______________________________________


Answer the following questions: a) What will happen if you don`t study English? ________________________________________________________________________ b) What will you do if you won`t pass English? ________________________________________________________________________ c) What will happen if you study everyday? ________________________________________________________________________ d) What will you buy if you have Money? ________________________________________________________________________ e) What will happen if you make a mistake in your life ________________________________________________________________________


Ejercicio1. If you ___________ (not study), you ___________ (fail) the test. 2. We ___________ (die) if we ___________ (not get) help soon! 3. If you ___________ (look) in the fridge, you ___________ (find) some cold drinks. 4. If there ___________ (be) no oil in the engine, the car ___________ (break) down. 5. I ___________ (lend) you my umbrella if you ___________ (need) it. 6. The sea level ___________ (rise) if the planet ___________ (get) hotter. 7. If you ___________ (eat) your sandwiches now, you ___________ (not have) anything for lunch! 8. You ___________ (be) safe in an accident if you ___________ (wear) your seatbelt. 9. If he ___________ (save) all his money, he ___________ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada. 10. I ___________ (not come) with you if you ___________ (not bring) John!

Ejercicio: Actividades de cierreIf we ___________ (go) to London, we ___________ (visit) the Tower. If the shop ___________ (be) open, I ___________ (buy) a souvenir. If she ___________ (miss) the bus, she ___________ (get) here on time. He ___________ (help) me if he ___________ (know) the answer. Jane ___________ (let)you in if I ___________ (be) here.

EjercicioComplete the Conditional Sentences Type I. If you(eat) ___________ an ice-cream, I(have) ___________ a hot chocolate. If she(need) ___________ a computer, her brother(give) ___________ her his computer. If we(have / not) ___________ time this afternoon, we(meet) ___________tomorrow. He(talk) ___________ to her if you(want / not) ___________ to do it. You(win / not) ___________ the game if you(know / not) ___________ the rules.

EjercicioChoose the correct response for each of the sentences:



1. If you _________ greasy food, you will become fat. eat will eat 2. If your sister goes to Paris, she _________ a good time. has will have


3. If he _________ that, he will be sorry. will do does 4. If I leave now, I ________ in New York by 8:00 PM. will arrive arrive 5. You ________ on your test if you don't study. won't do well don't do well 6. They won't know the truth if you ________ them. won't tell don't tell 7. If I bake a cake, ________ have some? will you do you

8. If he ________ you, will Betty answer the phone? will call calls

9. If you don't go to the party, I ________ very upset. am will be10. If you get a haircut, you ________ much better. will look look


First conditional Bingo Activity: Bingo Aim: To play a game of Bingo using first conditional sentences. Time 20 minutes Procedure: 1. Review the form of the first conditional on the board, e.g. If you listen carefully, Ill tell you what to do. 2. Tell the students that they are going to play a game of Bingo. 3. Explain that each student will be given a card containing six boxes. In each box there is the ending of a first conditional sentence. Explain that you will read out the beginning of a sentence and that if a student has the correct ending on their card they can cross it off. The first student to cross off all six boxes shouts Bingo and is the winner. 4. Give out the Bingo cards and ask the students to read their sentence endings quietly. 5. Do the first sentence as a class to check that the students have understood. 6. Read out the sentence beginnings (in any order) until one student shouts Bingo. Tick or number the sentence beginnings you have read out so that you can check the answers afterwards. 7. Ask that student to read back their sentence endings to check they are correct.

Sentence beginnings If I pass my exams, I will drive to work if I will pass my exams if If I win some money, I will get married if If the weather is nice, I will learn about new cultures if I will swim in the sea if If I go to university, If I go to the cinema, I will feel scared if If I go to London, If I cook dinner tonight, If I stay up late, My teacher will be angry if I will feel sick if

Sentence endings I will go to university it rains tomorrow. I work very hard. I will buy a new mp3 player. I meet the right person. I will go to the beach. I travel the world. I go to the beach. I will work very hard. I will watch a horror film. I watch a horror film. I will visit Buckingham Palace. I will make pizza and chips. I will be tired in class. I am tired in class. I eat too much chocolate.

1. Variations 1: To avoid more than one student having the same card, this activity could be done in groups of seven with one student reading out the sentence beginnings. 2. At Step 4, the students could be asked to predict their sentence beginnings.


Conditional Bingo: Card 1 I will go to university I travel the world I will make pizza and chips

I work very hard

I will work very hard

I am tired in class

Card 2 it rains tomorrow I go to the beach I will be tired in class

I will buy a new mp3 player

I will watch a horror film

I eat too much chocolate

Card 3 I work very hard I will work very hard I am tired in class

I meet the right person

I watch a horror film

I will go to university

Card 4 I will buy a new mp3 player I will watch a horror film I will visit Buckingham Palace I eat too much chocolate

I will go to the beach

it rains tomorrow


Card 5 I meet the right person I watch a horror film I will go to university

I travel the world

I will make pizza and chips

I work very hard

Card 6 I will go to the beach I will visit Buckingham Palace I will be tired in class it rains tomorrow

I go to the beach

I will buy a new mp3 player

EjercicioChange these sentences into future tense and translate each time. 1. I can make a dress. 2. You can go to the United States. 3. He can speak English well. 4. She can live in Mexico 5. We can sell our house. 6. They can give me the money. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Clay can come in the afternoon. 8. Those men can put their things in that room. 9. Alice can understand Spanish 10. We can go to the market.

EjercicioCan / Be Able To Choose the correct form of 'can' or 'to be able to' to complete the sentences below. Tom ______________________ (buy) a new house last month. ______________________ (they/play) tennis well? She __________________________________ (not/understand) the question yesterday. Fred________________________ (speak) Russian when he was six years old. When__________________________ (you/come) tomorrow? Unfortunately, they_________________________(get) the bread this morning. I _________________________ (not / play) golf last Thursday. ____________________ (you / speak) Japanese? ____________________ (he / come) to the party next weekend. They ________________________ (get) tickets to the Rolling Stones concert last week. How _____________________ (you / convince) him to come to the exhibition last week? She __________________________________(enjoy) the concert because of the noise outside.64

Ejercicio: Actividades de cierreEJERCICIO 1 Write can / could / be able to 1. George has travelled a lot. He______________ speak four languages. 2. I used to______________ stand on my head but I can't do it now. 3. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He______________ run 100 metres in 11. 4. Sandra ______________ drive but she hasn't got a car. 5. Ask Catherine about your problem. She might ______________ help you. 6. I was feeling sick yesterday. I ______________ eat anything. 7. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I ______________ contact her at her office. 8. When we went into the house, we ______________ smell burning. 9. Will she ______________ cope with the work? 10. I can't see you on Friday but I ______________ meet you on Saturday evening.

EjercicioWrite can / could / be able to (aff or neg) 1. Do you think we ______________ park over here? 2. He ______________ to do that exercise, it is too difficult. 3. He ______________ help me if I had a ladder. 4. Michael is very proud to ______________ play in a jazz-band. 5. ______________ you taste the garlic in this stew ? 6. Look at that sign! You ______________ walk on the grass. 7. ______________ you understand what he said? 8. If you lent me that spanner I ______________ fix it. 9. I don't think he ______________ to win the next competition. 10. Listen! We ______________ hear a train in the distance.



Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias genricasCompetencias 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios, cdigos y herramientas apropiados. 8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. Elementos de competencia Propone Escucha Comprensin lectora Participacin Colaboracin Respeto Dialoga

Competencias disciplinaresCompetencias Elementos de competencia

1. Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explcitos e implcitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se gener y en el que se recibe. 4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intencin y situacin comunicativa. . 10. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural. 11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lgico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situacin comunicativa 1. Establece la interrelacin entre la ciencia, la tecnologa, la sociedad y el ambiente en contextos histricos y sociales especficos. Relaciona Identifica Interpreta Produce Redacta

Relacin con otras disciplinasTICS. Usar las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin LEOyE. Los alumnos se auxilian con esta asignatura para escribir y redactar de forma correcta sus conceptos en espaol y as conectarlos en Ingls Ecologa. Con esta asignatura, nos auxiliamos para promover los valores y mejorar nuestra relacin con nuestro medio ambiente y la sociedad.


Tema integrador

La Tecnologa

Concepto fundamentalAportes al mundo

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivel Identificar tiempos gramaticales vistos anteriormente Identificar ideas principales en un texto Identificacin y aprendizaje de vocabulario nuevo.

CategorasTiempo, diversidad y espacio

Tiempo programado6 horas

Mapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativaTodas las estructuras vistas en los semestres anteriores English Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening


Estructuras vistas en los Identificar Tolerancia, los tiempos Participacin, gramaticales en lecturas, semestres anteriores Respeto, Responsabilidad ejercicios y conversaciones


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de aperturaHow much verbs do you remember?





Do you want to try? Try to fill every charts: First start with a verb in past participle The next verb starts with the ending letter of the last verb. You have an example:

drunk kept

told d..

You are a winner!


EjercicioFind the past of the following verbs and write them










Go Come Eat Read Run Speak Write Do Forget Swim

Finish Work Play Study Live Walk Wash help visit wait (for)


Ejercicio: Actividades de desarrolloEJERCICIO 1 Read the following lesson and color. Dear Liz: How are you, I am pleased to hear that things are going OK, and that you are finding your French course interesting. Im really happy that you could get an A in your last test. You must be an excellent student! I expect you are looking forward to coming to France next month. Im writing this letter to give you some advice about France and French customs. The area where you will be is very interesting. There are many foreign students there. So Im sure youll soon meet somebody to talk to. One very important piece of advice is to go easy on the wine. You will probably think that France is full of alcoholics, especially when you realize that glass of wine is cheaper than a can of soda. You should pay attention to the amount of wine you consume, especially at lunchtime. You dont want to be drunk when you are at school! My second piece of advice is about kissing. In your country is normal to kiss a person on the cheek. It doesnt matter if you havent met the person before. Well, here in France its different. You have to kiss people on both cheeks. Kissing only on the one cheek means you are interested in that person. It means you want to be his girlfriend. So DONT kiss men on one cheek! Always expect two kisses one on each cheek. And you should pay a lot of attention to which cheek they go for first. You dont want to end up kissing someone on the lips in the confusion! Well my dear friend, I hope these tips help you to have a more relaxed time in France and it can understand a little more why things are the way they are. Remember the saying When in Rome, do as the Romans do By the way, I am going to have vacations next month. Can I come and stay with you for two weeks?

COLOR: Present of be Past Obligation Auxiliaries Present perfect Can Yellow Blue Green Pink Navy blue Present Present Progressive Future Idiomatic Future Could Purple Red Orange Brown Gray


Ejercicio: Actividades de cierreEJERCICIO 1 Read the following lessons and answer the questions Hello Im Sara Hall. Im seventeen. I live in New York. I have two sisters, Karen and Ana. Karen is older than me shes twenty years. And Anna is younger than me - shes fourteen. I dont have any brothers. I have lots of hobbies- I like reading and swimming; and I enjoy playing basketball. I love horseback riding and climbing trees. I hate cooking and cleaning and washing. I go to the Bridge Street School in New York. I like English and history. I have three pets a dog, Spot, and a guinea pig, Dot, and a spider named Wiggly. I love listening to music - pop music is my favorite. And I like playing guitar and piano too.

1. How old is Sarah? 2. Where does she live? 3. How many brothers and sisters does she have? 4. Which are her hobbies? 5. 6. What does she love? What does she hate doing?

7. What is the name of her school? 8. 9. What are her favorite school materials? How many pets does she have?

10. What music does she like to listen?Read the following lessons and answer True or False

EjercicioWhen people have a cold, a fever, or the flu, they usually go to the doctor for help or they get some medicine from the drugstore. But many people also use home remedies for common illnesses. Lots of people drink hot chicken soup when they have a cold. They find it clears the head and the nose. Some people rub oil on the chest for a cold. Other people drink mixture of red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon juice, and milk or vinegar. Here are some simple home remedies. Bee Stings and Insect Bites: Wash the sting or bite. Put some meat tenderizer on a handkerchief and then put it on the bite for half an hour. Burns: Put the burn under cold water or put a cold handkerchief on it. But dont put ice on the burn. Coughs: Drink warm liquids or take some honey Indigestion: Drink some water with a teaspoon of baking soda in it Insomnia: Drink a large glass of warm milk75

EjercicioWRITE TRUE OR FALSE 1. Many people use home remedies for common illnesses _______________________ 2. Hot chicken soup is good for a cold ______________________________ 3. It clears the head and the eyes __________________________________ 4. People drink mixture of green pepper ___________________________ 5. Hot water, sugar, lemon juice are simple home remedies_____________________ 6. Meat tenderizer helps an insect bite ______________________________ 7. Ice is good for a burn ____________________________ 8. Honey helps a cough _____________________________ 9. Drink cold liquids for cough _______________________ 10. Hot liquids are good for indigestion ____________________________ 11. Warm milk helps you go to sleep _____________________________




ANEXOS Lista de verbos irregulares: INFINITIVO Arise Awake Be/ am, are, is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep PASADO SIMPLE Arose Awoke Was / Were Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound Bid Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt /Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Came Cost Cut Chose Clung Crept PARTICIPIO PASADO Arisen Awoken Been Borne / Born Beaten Become Begun Bent Bet Bound Bid Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt / Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Come Cost Cut Chosen Clung Crept TRADUCCIN Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar Quemar Reventar Comprar Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse


Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go (Goes) Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know

Dealt Dug Did Drew Dreamt / Dreamed Drank Drove Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Ground Hung Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt Kept Knew

Dealt Dug Done Drawn Dreamt / Dreamed Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got / Gotten Given Gone Grown Ground Hung Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt Kept Known

Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar Soar Beber Conducir Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir Conservar Saber Conocer


Kneel Knit Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Mistake Overcome Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Set Sew Shake

Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Left Lent Let Lay Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistook Overcame Paid Put Read Rode Rang Rose Ran Said Saw Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed Shook

Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistaken Overcome Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed / Sewn Shaken

Arrodillarse Hacer punto Poner Conducir Apoyarse Brincar Aprender Dejar Prestar Permitir Echarse Encender Perder Hacer Significar Encontrar Equivocar Vencer Pagar Poner Leer Montar Llamar Levantarse Correr Decir Ver Buscar Vender Enviar Poner(se) Coser Sacudir


Shear Shine Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Sleep Slide Smell Sow Speak Speed Spell Spend Spill Spin Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Stride Strike Swear Sweat

Shore Shone Shot Showed Shrank Shut Sang Sank Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed Spoke Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck Stung Stank/Stunk Strode Struck Swore Sweat

Shorn Shone Shot Shown Shrunk Shut Sung Sunk Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed / Sown Spoken Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck Stung Stunk Stridden Struck Sworn Sweat

Esquilar Brillar Disparar Mostrar Encogerse Cerrar Cantar Hundir Sentarse Dormir Resbalar Oler Sembrar Hablar Acelerar Deletrear Gastar Derramar Hilar Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar


Sweep Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Understand Undergo Undertake Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind Withdraw Wring Write

Swept Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Thrust Trod Understood Underwent Undertook Woke Wore Wove Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrew Wrung Wrote

Swept Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Understood Undergone Undertaken Woken Worn Woven Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrawn Wrung Written

Barrer Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse Coger Ensear Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar Entender Sufrir Emprender Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar Retirarse Torcer Escribir




Rubrica para las Participaciones Nivel de dominio Aspectos a evaluar Cmo se expreso? EXCELENTE (10) Participo de manera clara y coherente al momento de contestar o dar sus puntos de vista. MUY BIEN (9-8) Participo de manera clara y con coherente, pero tardo en organizar al contestar o dar sus puntos de vista. BIEN (7-6) Participo con algunos errores gramaticales al contestar o dar sus puntos de vista. NECESITA AYUDA (5) No Participo en alguna actividad para contestar o dar puntos de vista.


Nivel de dominio Aspectos a Evaluar Cmo contesto las preguntas? (conceptual)

Rubrica de Ejercicio de Llenado EXCELENTE MUY BIEN BIEN (10) Contest los ejercicios y todas las preguntas de manera clara y coherente. Comprendi las indicaciones mostradas al principio de la actividad. Mostr mucho inters en la realizacin de la actividad (9-8) Contest las preguntas de manera clara y coherente. (7-6) Contest las preguntas mostrando algunos errores gramaticales Comprendi una o dos palabras

NECESITA AYUDA (5) Contest las preguntas equivocadamente sin comprender.

Cmo realizo la actividad? (procedimental)

Comprendi algunas de las palabras de las indicaciones.

No comprendi nada de las instrucciones.

Actitud mostrada en esta actividad. (actitudinal)

Mostr inters aunque no haya comprendido totalmente las indicaciones.

Mostr poco inters en esta actividad

No mostr ningn inters.


Rbrica de Lectura Nivel de dominio Aspectos a Evaluar Conceptual EXCELENTE (10) Entiende perfectamente el tema. MUY BIEN (9-8) Entiende el tema sin alcanzar la comprensin total. Determina con algunos errores las ideas. BIEN (7-6) Entiende algunas partes del tema. NECESITA AYUDA (5) No entiende el tema.


Determina correcta y fcilmente las ideas. Muestra inters en el desarrollo de los ejercicios.

Determina las ideas con dificultad.

No determina las ideas.


Muestra inters pero pide ayuda para comprender.

Muestra inters pero necesita de ayuda para comprender.

Pide todo el tiempo ayuda para poder entender.








Eugene E. Long, William Buckwald. Idiomtico II (2005). Trillas, Mxico.


www.eduteka.org/proyectos.php www.inglesmundial.com/Ingles_Basic



